Resolutions Index RESOLUTION /I . Un -numbe red Un-numbered Un-numbered Un-numbered Un-numbered 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _,:.~".,."'~"""""-1 ---........,."...~~, . - 12 13 14 15 . 16 17 18 19 20 DATE 1937 1953 1954 1962 1962 1941 1941 1942 1942 1942 1942 1943 1944 1944 1944 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1946 1946 1946 1946 RESOLUTION INDEX GENERAL DESCRIPTION Vacating DeSoto and Hunt Streets at their intersection with Highway /I 27 Description of properties exè1uded from territorial boundaries of city Authorization for deed to Libaary Assoc. in order to secure loan from Mrs.Arnett for Library expansion Request for financial relief from Legislature Beautification of Center Lake Park to be maintained by city Sun Chevrolet Co. Used Car Shed 1941 Tax Roll Assessment Vacating (temporarily) Palm Street between Second and Third Streets Employees on leave in Armed Services 1942 Tax Roll Assessment Blumenberg Boat house & pier construction in city park (end of 12th street at Lake) 1943 Tax Roll Assessment Conveyance of Bowling Alley from city to Clermont Bow1ers,Inc. Permission to Dorothy Hilton to clean city owned lots near Sparkling Water Lake 1944 Tax Roll Assessment Agreement with U.S.Army - Water Mains Vacating Magnolia Street (12th to Virginia) Adjustment of city taxes wtth County Damage Claims - U.S.Army Removal uf municipalities financing control from Securities Exchange Commission (Boren Bill Dedication of Center Lake Park Vacating portion of Palm Street and East Avenue (temporarily) Vacating Ros..ood Drive (temporarily) Vacating portion of Crystal Lake Drive (temporarily) from Juniata to DeSoto Changing State Roads /I 22 and /I 55 · 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1946 1947 1947 1949 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 Agreement with T & G Railroad - Water Main Cigarette TAx Law Minneo1a Avenue around West Lake-abandoned 1949 Tax Roll Assessment Extension of Resolution /I 1 Lake Drive (west of 12th street) abandoned Worthless Account cancellation Right-o-way for State Road 50 Refunding City of Clermont Bonds Refunding City of C1er.ont Bonds 1950 Tax Roll Assessment 36 37 38 39 40 41 1951 1951 1952 1952 1952 1953 Membership in State League of Municipa1itie Refunding City of Clermont Bonds Refunding City of Clermont Bonds OK of Bess C. Roe Estate to Ctermont Welfare League Exemption of Household Personal Property 1951 Tax Roll Assessment e 49 50 51 1954 1955 1955 Agreement with Florida Power Corporation State Road Department - Temporary Hwy. 50 Confirmation of F1a.Power Agreement Amendment of City Charter (Tax Assessor to be appointed instead of being elected) Authorization to sell Lot 226 of Clermont Heights Opening-construction and maintenance of Alley in Block 81 Bond Burning Grade Crossing Agreement ACl Railroad and City of Clermont Delinquent Tax Note Destruction Bond Burning Appreciation to SRD for maintenance of streets used for Detour during construction of Highway /I 50 Appreciation to Francis P. Whitehair Release of property used by Girl Scouts Authority to issue Revenue Certificates 42 1953 43 No Date 44 45 1954 1954 46 47 48 1954 1954 1954 52 53 54 1955 1955 1955 Request for ~ Mill Tax Levy for Hospital B10xam Avenue Paving Assessments Oakview Subdivision (Pine Lane) Paving Assessments . 63 64 1958 1958 Loan-Citizens Bank (2nd Water Tower) Purchase of property from American Nat'1. Foods,Inc. for City Barn Planning & Zoning Board Legislation County Taxes - Delinquent Sale Request for commercial aviattjorservice to Leesburg Disston Avenue Paving Assessments Palm Lane Paving Assessments Authorization to retain 10% of Ad Valorem tax for purpose of refunding bonds Vacating lake Shore Drive (west of 12th) 55 56 1955 1956 57 58 59 1957 1957 1957 60 61 62 1957 1957 1957 Request to SRD for "turning lanes" at Citrus Tower 65 66 67 68 69 70 1958 1958 1959 1959 1959 1959 Reservation of Marsh Lands for Parks Honoring Earle G. Winston Bond Release (Boykin & Elliott and City) Engaging Hunnicutt & Associates for 1959 Schedule and duties 6f city employees Paving Assessments for Drew Street - Minneo1a Avenue - DeSoto Street - Prince Edward Street - Disston Avenue 73 1959 Honoring Ross C. Cantwell Appointment of Charles B. Roe as Lake Apopka Natural Gas Disteict representative Vacating Fractional Highland Avenue lying west of West Avenue and east of 10th Street and north of Block 100 and south of Block 99 71 72 1959 1959 . 76 1959 Loan from Equipment Replacement Fund Construct acceleration and deceleration lanes at Citrus Tower (Hwy. 27) Vacating S ~ of Division Street lying west of Bloxam and east of Galena Avenue and east of Bloxam Avenue and West of Hwy. 27; also; undesignated 60· area at east end of lake in Tract 52 south of Division Street 74 75 1959 1959 77 1960 Appreciation to William Boyd and V. A. Oswalt Appreciation to W.L.(Shorty) Hullinger Vacating fractional part of Broome Street lying west of linton Court and east of r-o-w of Hwy. 50 Paving Assessments for Settle and DeSoto Streets . 78 79 1960 1960 80 1960 81 82 1960 1960 Gratis Burial Spaces for city employees Request to County Commissioners for paving of Federal Aid Project /I 185B (Farm to Market Road) 83 1960 Request to County Commissioners for paving of State Road 561 Engaging of Hunnicutt & Associates (1960) Paving Assessment reduction on Settle Street for William W. Boyd Agreement with T & G Railroad Company regarding drainage culvert construction Amendment of Resolution /I 69 (Bids) Agreement with ACL Railroad Company regarding drainage culvert construction Merger of ACL and Seaboard Airline Rai1roa~ Opposition to taxing Municipal Bonds Vacating Palm Court and E 275 feet of Juniata lying west of Bloxam and east of Scott Street 84 85 1960 1960 86 1960 87 88 1960 1960 89 90 91 1960 1960 1960 92 93 94 95 96 1961 1961 1961 1961 1961 . 98 99 100 1961 1961 1961 Paving Assessments on B10xam Avenue Paving Assessment on Scott Street Cemetery Rules and Regulations Traffic Light Specifications Request Re-opening of Lake Shore Drive (west of 12th Street) Establishment of Lake Winona Park (Fractional Lot 6 of Herring Hooks Estate in Section 25-22-25 between Lake Drive and Lake Winona and south of Lime Street extended to Lake Winona LESS the SW 150· conveyed to O.H.Keene 12/2/59) Establishing Civil Defense Council A.endment of Zoning Map Vacating Almond Street (west of Bloxam and east of Hwy. 50) and Scott and Goble Streets (south of Highland Avenue and north of Hwy. 50) 97 1961 . . 101 1962 Request to County Commissioners for road improvement priorities Paving Assessments - Lake Shore Drive (west of 12th Street) 102 1962