R-45-012 RKSOLUTIO. J/ .. WHiRlAS, *ano118 Street betweea 12tb. street aad \ V1J'p81a Drl ft 111 the 01 ty ot OlermoRt t aooor41nc to the ot- no1al ilia, thereot, ne reoorded In Plat Book It pap. 1'1 to a3, lDoluslve, publio record. ot Lake County. F1or14a, ls ei..t__d .a a Street but haa ......r been ope..4 to trlift10 by b1 tbe 01t1 ot Clermont or~abuttlDg property ow.era; aa4, WHEREAS, sa14 .treet between 12th Stre.t and Vlra181e Drl... ls DOW aDd has been for 15 year. or more set out to citrua tree.; aad tbe property 1yia8 North and Soutà ot the above 4e8crlb.' port1oD ot Magnolia Street 1. owned by one Cbarle. lI. Pool and haa bee. u.ed b~' 111m 1n the oontl11ue4 oare, oult1vatlon aad tert1lizat1on ot 8ald o1trus grove; and that a port1on ot sa1d premises 1. now oooupled b, a metal covered trame storage bulldlna used _, the sa14 Charles M. Pool ln oonneot1on w1th hl. wlne bua1ne.8 operated la the Clt1 o~ Clermont; and, WHBRlAS. there 1. no aeoe..lty at thia tlme or withtn the near tuture of opening aa14 Magnolia stre.' bet.e.. 12th Stre.t and Vlrglnla Drive .a all property abutt1ng sa14 atreet and 1n the immedlate Y101&1ty thereof 1s owne' by 4 -- the s81d Charles M.Pool; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by tbe City 00aol1 ot the C1ty 01', Clermont tbat Magaoll. St~eei betw,ea 12th dtreet and V1rginla Dr1Ye, acoording to the above d.scribed Official Map 01' the 01ty 01' Cle~ont, be, aftA the 8ame 18 hereby, 010.e4 to the publlc untiløuGh time 111. the tuture tbat lt wl1l be 1180.S- aary to open sa1d atreet tor the trayellAS pUJllC aD4 that when suoh ttme do.. arrl.e, tbe City COUPol1, bl a further Resolutlon, shall reopen 8ald stre.tupon giving, prior t.o the reopen1ng of sald atre.t, 8 60 day. notice ln wrlt1nl thereof to the sa14 Charle. M. Pool; an4, BE IT 7URTHEB RESOLVED that the sa14 eàarl.a M. Pool .hall, from th1. 4ate oa, and until eueà time .s this Resolution 1e res.ia'ed b, the C1t, Co..011 of the C1\, of Clermont, haye the r1pt to u.., 000UP7, aDd build on 8a14 premises e. 1t the seme ..re hi. a.a pr1~at. propert,. Pose.ad by the City,Couaeil &, a Speoial ..tlne held in the Cit¥ ot Clermoat, .. tae 22n4 da, ot MaroÄ, Â. D., 1946. ,Jfl((/j!~~ 01 '1' blerk ..