2010-47 4 • • SCOPE OF SERVICES City of Clermont • Consumptive Use Permit #2478 • Application Renewal Response to RAI #5 Task Order #1 • • September 21, 2010 • Scope >mend 44 Clermont Cl Ip RN 85 15- 1u13 -10) doc IAECOM • • . Task Order No. 1 Scope of Services City of Clermont - CUP Application Renewal Response to RAI #5 This Scope of Services is Task Order #1 pursuant to the Engineering Consulting Services Agreement dated October 13 2009 between the City of Clermont, hereinafter referred to as "CITY ", and AECOM USA, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER ". A. Background The City of Clermont was issued a Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) #2478 on September 10, 2002, for a 20 -year duration, along with 54 Conditions of Issuance: The water allocations for this CUP are subdivided into the East and West Service Areas and have specific targets and a drastic 51% "Step" reduction in the year 2013 from 7.378 -mgd to 3.776 -mgd. The following is the timeframe of the CUP renewal application. • • In January 2007, ENGINEER on behalf of the CITY submitted the CUP modification application to the St. .Johns River Water Management District (S.IRWMD). • In February 2007, SJRWMD responded with Request for Additional Information #I (RAI #1) totaling • twenty -six (26) comments with particular focus on confirming population projections with the City's population projection consultant (GIS Associates). ENGINEER received the confirmed projections from GIS Associates in December 2007 and then submitted a response to RAI #1 in January 2008. • In February 2008. S.IRWMD responded with RAI #2 totaling twenty -four (24) comments with focus on the City's East and West Service Areas projected water use reductions per capita and projected water supply sources limiting additional groundwater withdrawal beyond 2013. ENGINEER reformatted projections to show per capita reductions and received SJRWMD concurrence in December 2008. ENGINEER submitted a response to the RAI #2 in January 2009. • In February 2009, SJRWMD responded with RAI #3 totaling eight (8) new additional comments with focus on demonstration of need and water conservation. ENGINEER'submitted a response to the RAI #3 in June 2009. • In June 2009, SJRWMD responded with RAI #4 totaling six (6) new additional comments with focus on demonstration of need, water conservation and environmental resource impacts. ENGINEER submitted a response to the RAI #4 in April 2010: • In June 2010, S.IRWMD responded with RAI #5 totaling thirteen (13) new additional comments with focus on demonstration of need, reuse, water conservation and environmental resource impacts. The purpose of this scope of work is to provide services to respond to RAI #5. • • • Scope Amend rid Clermont CI [1' 12AI #5 (15- Jul) -1(1) does _ IAECOM • • • • B. • Scope of Services This Task Order No. I pursuant to the Engineering Consulting Agreement dated October 13, 2009 and is an Amendment to Task Order No. 11 of the Agreement dated August 12 2003. The purpose of this scope is to provide services to respond to RAI #5. The ENGINEER will perform the following tasks to respond RAI #5 with the assistance from the CITY. Task 1 Project Status, Invoicing and Meetings 1.1 Prepare project status and invoicing reports (limited to three (3) status reports). 1. Prepare for and attend progress meetings with CITY to present the initial findings and progress on RAI #5 responses (limited to two (2) meetings). 1.3 Prepare for and attend progress meetings with SJRWMD to present the initial findings and progress on RAI #5 responses (limited to two (2) meetings). Task 2 Response to RAI #5 Comments SJRWMD issued thirteen (13) RAI comments associated with four (4) areas of concern. Table 1 presents the RAI comment and responsible party for addressing each area of concern for RAI #5. The following tasks are relative to each area of concern: • Demonstration of Need 2.1. Update and adjust water demands to`account for Jahuna PUD and add three (3) new developments to City projections (scope item part of Amendment #3). 2.2. Identify Alternative Water Supply (AWS) sources and update supply and demand projections. Reuse" 2.3. Update reuse implementation schedule and adjust water supply projections Water Conservation Issues 2.4. Coordinate rate study results. 2.5. Coordinate update of Water Conservation Ordinance. Environmental and Resource Impacts — The hydrogeological impact evaluation will he revised to indentify well rotations for limiting impacts on minimum flows and levels (MFLs) and to determine • effect of recharge on impacted MFI. s resulting from expanding the reclaimed system. 2.6. Format modeling report using SJRWMD guidelines. 2.7. Discuss SJRWMD East Central Florida (ECF) model adequacy for simulating proposed withdrawals. Describe hydrogeological setting of City's wellfields and identify needed aquifer performance tests. • 2.8. Analyze change in flux at western boundary of ECF model. 2.9. Provide water levels and rainfall trends of the City monitoring well sites. • 2.10. Assess current monitoring plan to determine whether additional wetland and surface water monitoring sites will he required. Task 2.10 will he initiated once the SJRWMD accepts /approves the City's population / water demand projections. ticope Amend #4 Clermont Cl II' RAI 43 I 1S-July- I (I) duo, IAECOI'1 • -2.1 1 . Provide a mitigation plan to address impacts to wetlands and surface waters. 2.12. Identify impacted MFL wetlands and surface waters. 2.13. Identify impacts to springs. Task 3 Prepare Response Letter to RAI #5 Comments 3.1 Prepare draft letter response for RAI #5 for City review. 3. Submit final letter response for RAI #5 to SJRWMD. - 3.3 Prepare for and attend a strategy meeting with City to review and strategize response for RAI #6 (if needed). C. City's Responsibilities The CITY will provide the information and services described in Table I. The ENGINEER will be entitled to rely upon the above direction. information, and documents provided by the CITY without independent review or verification. D. Services Not Included • • ' fhe following sections will be. excluded from the RAI #5 response until the SJRWMD concurs with the projected demands. At that time, the CITY shall direct the ENGINEER that the excluded sections are to be added to the scope of work and additional compensation for the excluded sections will be determined. • 1. Wetland or other field investigations. • 2. Review of alternative sources of potable water. Should the District request the City to pursue alternative water (such as a supplemental surface ivater supply for potable water use), the work will he completed by a separate scope of services as an Additional Service. 3. -No budget included for future RAIs. 4. Permitting fees E. Deliverables • The ENGINEER will submit four (4) signed and sealed response letters to RAI #5 and supplemental information to the S.1R WMD on behalf of the City. • • • • Scope Amend #4 Clermont CUP RAI #51 15- Jul -1111 does 4 IAECOM • TABLE 1: RAI #5 Comments Response Strategy for CUP #2478 Comment -- Description Responsibility . Demonstration of Need „ . , Research and , Review and Provide Support • 1 ❑ City can include water demand projections for areas outside their AECOM City city limits, but within the Chapter 180, F S service area boundary ❑ Please confirm the population figures in Table 1, Historic Water . Use reflect customers actually served ❑ Provide schedule for Jahna PUD development, and update population figures to include this development ❑ Update Table 2, Projected Water Use 2 ❑ Central Florida Coordination Area (CFCA) requires at least one AECOM City supplemental water supply project ❑ Lakes Apshawa North, Apshawa South, and possibly other lakes, below minimum levels . ❑ SJRWMD recovery plan for lakes ❑ Update Table 5, Projected Water Supply Sources ❑ Identify supplemental water supply project(s) Reuse .. . . 3 ❑ Update reuse implementation schedule in the Eastern Service AECOM City q, Area for residential irrigation to customers on the dual -line system o Update Table 2, Projected Water Use c Update Table 5, Projected Water Supply Sources Water Conservation Issues • 4 ❑ Provide rate study of potable water, irrigation- meter, reclaimed City AECOM water use, and sewer • effective in promoting water conservation o describe and implement the needed changes • submit to District review and comment 5 ❑ Removed reference to Ch 373 228 F S in Draft Ordinance 336 -C City AECOM o Provide a copy of the revised draft to District staff Confirm Resolution No 1373 represents the fines for violating watering restrictions and excess of the Running Annual Water Budget Environmental and Resource Impacts 6 ❑ Provide modeling report in accordance with guidelines for CCI AECOM reporting groundwater model results 7 ❑ Discuss why the ECF groundwater model is an adequate simulator CCI AECOM of the proposed withdrawals from the City's well fields • ' o Describe the hydro - geologic setting of Clermont's well fields _ . o Identify needed aquifer . performance tests (APT) 8 ❑ Analysis of the change in flux at the western boundary of the ECF CCI AECOM _ _ _ _ __ _ model to define where water is derived g ❑ Impacts to surface waters and wetlands as a result of the current CCI & City permitted withdrawals AECOM Li provide graphs of water levels and rainfall through time and stage duration curves for all currentrnonitoring sites . 10a ❑ Impacts to surface waters and wetlands as a result of the - CCI AECOM proposed withdrawals • ❑ Figure of drawdown in surficial aquifer based on the applicant's proposed withdrawals alone 10b ❑ Figure of cumulative drawdown in the surficial aquifer based on CCI AECOM the applicant's proposed withdrawals plus all permitted and pending withdrawals Scope Amend 114 Clermont Cl IP RAI 1151 15-luh- Ill) doc\ 5 IAECOM • • • Comment Description Responsibility , 'Demonstration of Need Research and Review and Provide " Support 10c ❑ Figures of wetlands /surface waters zone of influence for both the CCI AECOM applicant alone and the cumulative drawdowns scenarios 10d ❑ Assessment of potential Impact to wetlands / surface waters due AECOM CCI to the applicant's only scenario 10e ❑ Assessment of potential impact to wetlands / surface waters due AECOM CCI to the cumulative scenario 10f ❑ Assess current monitoring plan, and will determine whether City & CCI additional wetlands / surface waters monitoring sites will be AECOM required 1la ❑ Eliminated or reduce impacts to wetlands / surface waters CCI City & AECOM 11 b ❑ Please provide a detailed mitigation plan for any unavoidable City & CCI impacts to wetlands / surface waters AECOM 12a ❑ Figure of each individual MFL system, showing the model grid as CCI AECOM an overlay and depicting the applicant only scenario drawdown in the Upper Floridan for each cell wholly or partially within the MFL boundary 12b ❑ Figure of each individual MFL system, showing the model grid as CCI AECOM an overlay and depicting the cumulative scenario drawdown in the Upper Floridan for each cell wholly or partially within the MFL boundary. 12c ❑ Please prepare a table that includes the following CCI AECOM • o List all MFL water bodies in Lake. Orange and Seminole Counties o Project Only Drawdown o Cumulative Drawdown o Drawdown Limit o Percent Contribution of Project Only drawdown to Cumulative drawdown 13 ❑ Impact to spring flow CCI AECOM o List all springs included in the ECF model o Estimated actual annual 1995 flow o Simulated 1995 flow as reported by the SJRWMD a Simulated flow for all modeled scenarios (Project Only, Cumulative, any others) • Difference and percent difference in simulated flow as compared to simulated 1995 flow o Minimum flow or screening flow • Scope Amend 114 Clermont Clll' RAI #5 115 -.1615-101 dom. h IAECOM • • F. Schedule Services pursuant to this Scope of Services will commence upon ENGINEER's receipt of Purchase Order from CITY. It is anticipated that a response letter to RAI #5 will be prepared and submitted within 120 days from Notice To Proceed (NTP), assuming timely delivery of City's data. CITY to provide listed data within 10 days of NTP. ENGINEER will observe the time limitations: however, should there he delays in receiving information from others and in obtaining subsequent authorization, approvals, and review comments from the CITY, and other governmental agencies. the schedule will be updated and adjusted as mutually agreed upon by ENGINEER and CITY. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for delays that occur as the result of action or inaction of CITY or others. G. Compensation This Scope of Services establishes a lump sum cost not to exceed $56,677 for services described herein. This lee was determined based on the assumptions presented herein and in the attached Project Budget. 1 he fee breakdown is apportioned in Project Budget (Exhibit 1). Progress payments shall he due and payable on a monthly basis. H. Subconsultant • Environmental and resource impact hydrogeological modeling impact services are to he provided b} Connect Consulting, Inc (CO ). Service to be provided by CCI have been incorporated to the scope of services budget are presented in Exhibit 2 for reference. I. Authorization • This Task Order #1 serves as an Exhibit to the Consultant Agreement dated October 13, 2009, between the City of Clermont and AECOM USA. Inc.. and is hereby incorporated into this Amendment by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, AECOM USA, INC. and CM' have executed this Task Order this e2 day of ile mt /3tt. 2010. "AECOM" "City" AECO i l Inc CITY OF CLE Lee Grant, ' Harold S. Turville, Jr. District Vi e President Mayor • Attachments: Exhibit 1 Project Budget Exhibit 2 Subconsultant Fee proposal. Scope Amend P4 Clermont CUP RAI k5 ( I5- Jul\ -IUI does 7 PAECOM • EXHIBIT 1 Project Budget Response to C'C'Y W&1 #5 City of Clermont ' Personnel Hours I Budget . 2 '1 El Task Description E 3 _ ❑ c _ G _ 4 T. -r •_I C 7_ _ C 7. t_ t ,. ! i G Task Group 1: Project Status, Invoicing and Meetings _ _ — !1 P:e1rt -lava vrd m'ecm::ep.rc_ _ 4 r[ 1.:10 5 .— _361 1_ Ptepac Int anti ammo nieetr.cs- ;rl' nf'o r:.ni_lm.cnn3i 3 _ 14 1 1 S L"GO 1 -_ 1_ Preppie for and Attend n:ee4nes ith Cirn.p to te i_I (11.ctmas: 4 S 14 5 1 S 1.`18 3,295 L - S 5 - __.. 3223 3221 __ Subtotal 76 - - S 38 5 1 0 s 3.1 :1I J '.SJJ Task Group 2: Response to RAI #5 Comments ' 12 "_ I • Demonstration of Seel - 5 - 1 - - I _ 1 Update and Adlust o met demand_ to a- cod in fom 01. de. du: umnts S __ Idenuf All'5sa.r.e and rtdate petlemans • 44 ! l -^ S 3.340 5 - t 5..0 Reuse - S - S - , - _ - Update reuse nnp lemnraen and ndrrt htolecno:e e 44 , -L S _Slip 5 - 5 -...n {carer C on-enanoo - , - 1 - S - 4Costdurtemmstud :edits 1 1 5 :40 5 - I5 1-. ' 2 Coot dente updated n ater cnnscn 26011 0: devise _ 1 1 5 :ul 5 - 110 Fnaroumental and Resumce Impacts - 8 - 5 - a - 2 1od -Wee tepurt mum- 5 "R" \lD crdelme, 1 1 5 . -) 5 19in 5 1 440 _ - Di_css 51131171D SCE m. 1 i 1 5 190 5 1_ 5 :11,0 _3dmadet strum•= Cr. of ECF model „ cton nem dam 1 : 19) 5 20 5 _ -_u 9 Comple anal netdmotet ievets mod rimiltrends 1 24 _. 5 - 2.0 1 2 Snr 5 -run _.0 Deanne need 1.- nddeottal vedardand sarty V. :ter tuomtomtr am= 5. 21 5 5 H. 5 c Vou .i Y [bl _.1 Pro-adontitame:.clan to adwes v eland and m'-acen nupoe's ,t 5 3 240 5 1 OR 5 . 210 _ ._ Ider.u` mmacls to aetia.d cud turiace n ton `dFU; . o 146 5 _ 5 . 3 19' c Id e n p a : r n LO Vote; 1 5 1 . r , 3 ui5 , 2 : 110 Subtotal 6 _ 48 16 - 26 16_ * wt. JO S 19.800 S 38.700 _ 'Task Group 3: Prepare Response Letter to RAI #5 i I P,eyuzfisrlrae nearon1e 16 -o - ._ 2 ,_ 5 5,544 5 5 c -24 32 Submit lenerrespons - ta 53P1'::.414 =I 4 5 , _ n 2921 5 _._ 5 -5 Prepare im .rt and n. :new,.. '-.,J, 0m. fm In RAS response I= 2 _ =i1 - 5 50 , -, ■ ■ 5 S la Subtotal 6 11 ]8 '1 6 1 82 S 9,6344 5 963 I5 10.593I Total 8 52 116 _ 22 12 262 5 31'911 5 2385' IS 50.6—' I • Scope Amend Na Clermont CLIP R.\I 6 i l lFluh- 1111,1oe5 8 IAECOM • tt • • • EXHIBIT 2: sco C CI 9F NW 1841■1 Te r it ‘ EL 721)4 ' Proposal :-1,22: tater, 1 F 5:• • - AE :Er< :::Ettr :3 ICI II C EL • • Ester el :- Ethan: te Zit :117:1 aht; Mayhr. 1:o Az:t110,' ::c EIIIZZLIe=7: htt:: tTeCt t o etc "ht Ie.:Jae:11'10E ft: re tf 2.20: LA 1 7:t1.1.1 E :F; Elez.cht. CI:VL PA Plots if le' Te.: AFT t PAC 2:e 7.- Itlreal te •tlah:. f FL? wehr_ totztary: 1.0 .0 aetotr:rhe hie _at-het:ata lo. at- Ar ;:.• re. ntht 7:: "Z. ' Irf :? ''er "rLi fl-!L:1: recozone hot:: ta wahel :tettel toe thhaft.: fret h_ erhear zh .11e, 711_1 tE CZ=7: - :!ee.ty AE • PA: l'e Pic:: le 77 1".1.4".:L?r, of:ant loh to a:I neet.:::te 7. it 5. vat ft:e sant e•tatet- F.111 tr.: re;:the ...e-.7.0haat. tzhe.e:::trhg tet..e 1 tr. E.1::rt:',ICry ,Ips C . ; e: rot: Althth ea :A=7 LI 7:.1. 7 Cc] LE: :ne :3 , Ne. for e et: it : :01: tzta. 20:: • 7:r. ":: rephn htoarlAh: "joie ' : eh] te Yare: calt hfre: tate E =i:: tear ::::;rchet the p?..:Lca Tr■:•z Th.. 'art 2:11171. .Irt: :e---- - = :ate :• Co' AE:C0.1 tat. 21. t "the le :::.e a ft: at L5-f PA:.: :He .1- 02.1:1: t FE, v ,-; •- 1. le: :0 1.:0: .0 ran 1 ot,ru :IL: C1,24 n Art :L■M ict art.ht:e e. rime t etsfh:e .:- relhe Aettle re he:et t entra:: eac:. :0 0f=rip fly; J.: lee el - AFEL. r•hreat : 'Phu:Mat:. :IA :h. le, . horn: at. e Son r DI :42: rt' Total °ace - 410 • Scope Amend #4 Clermont CUP RAI 45 ( 15- luly- I (1) doe lAECOIV1 • • 6 195011 NW 12 4th Ten e 1 Nrr ins. FL 2,1;645 Proposal • F.z00:,173:3:Z7.1i2,P E F:. IIC " C:s1 3 70 _0 7 ••::. 3 2 =Cm:: m of 1 0. 0 2.r.Z.01:1 • A-earage 73 71) .7.. t:o3 17?.3 1:- .4.17:f., ;7_14. • " " Total Page .1 • Scope Aniend #4 Cleimont CLIP R Al 45 115-July-110 doe 10 IAECON1