R-41-001 -- ~ I E,::,cYJI,nr_I eN --~-- VmEREAS, the Sun Chevrolet Company, Inc., a corpora- tion engaged in the sale of new and used cars in the City of Clermont is desirous of using a portion of 1linneola Avenue between the North curb line ~~d the South property line of Lots 12, 14 and 16 of Block 93, said City of Clermont, .for a Used Car Lot; and vTIŒREAS, the said Sun Chevrolet Company has presented to the City Council a plan for the construction of a Used Car shed on the above described property and have agreed to main- tain said shed in good repair and to make such other improve- ments in the fOrlll of beautification as are commensurate with the type o.f construction of said Used Car shed; and WHEREBY it is found that the said Sun Chevrolet Com- pany is already using the above described premises as a part of their Used Car Lot and it .further being found that the temporary use of said premises will not in any way obstruct traf.fic on said avenue and it .further being found that by reason of the building of said Used Car shed and the continu- ance o.f said premises as a Used Car Lot will not deteriorate or impair the valuation of adjoining property; and VillEREAS, the City of Cle~ilont is willing to grant permission to the Sun Chevrolet Company to occupy the above said premises anú to further grant them permission to build in accordance with their plans submitted to the City Council said Used Car shed, THEREFORE, :4 , ;: , ¡~ .fi ~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Sun Chevrolet Company o.f the City of Clermont is hereby granted .for a period of five years from date hereof for the consideration of $l.OO per year, payable in advance, the use of that unpaved portion of Minne- ola Avenue lying North of the present curb line and South of 19 the South boundary of said Lots 12, 14, and 16 of Block ~, provided that the said Company shall within 90 days of the passage of this resolution erect in accordance with the plans submitted to the City Council the Used Car shed and will in such construction not allow any portion of said building to extend beyond a distance of three feet back of the present curb line and provided further that in the operation and use of said premises as a Used Car Lot, such use and occupancy of said premises will in no way obstruct or hinder the public use of the present paved portion of Minneola Avenue and will at all times keep the said building in good repair and will keep said premises free and clear of unnecessary trash, lit- tar, weeds or anything else that will deteriorate from the looks and appearances of said premises; and BE IT l~RTrmR RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Clermont reserve unto themselves the right at any t1..111e by giving 90 days written notice to the said Sun Chevro- let Company to revoke the rights of tlle said Company to the use of said premises and if without not ice, the City of Cler- mont, the State Road Depar~aent of Florida or any agency of .. the State of Florida shall require the use o.f said premises , for a State Highway, the said Sun Chevrolet Company shall . .:' . agree to inlli1ediately remove the used car shed constructed on said premises and to .further cease the use of said prem- ises in any manner whatsoever. - - - - - - - - Passed and adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting held on August 5th, A. D., 1941. C~ City Clerk 'I