R-47-023 .. ~ ~ ¡ l, ? RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Map of the Townsite of Clermont, made by A. F. Wrotnowski, C. R." July, 1884, and reoorded in Plàt Book 3 at page 5 of the public reoords of Lake County, Florida, the right-of-way of Minneola Avenue was delineated oyer and aoross Blooks 95 and 114 around the South shore of West Lake; and, WHEREAS, on a re-survey and laying out of the City of Clermont by A. P. Gibson, C. E., and delineated on the Offioial Map of the City of Clermont, recorded in Plat Book 8 at pages 17 to 23, inol., of the public records of Lake County, Florida, Minneola Avenue along the Northern boundary of said Blooks 95 and 114 runs across ~est Lake in a straight line and that said street has been so oonstruoted and built aoross said West Lake; and, WHEREAS, It does not appear of reoord that any aotion was ever taken by the City Council of the City of Clermont to abandon that portion of Minneola Avenue from the Northern boundary of said Blocks 95 and 114 around the Southern boundary of West Lake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF CLERMONT: That the right-of-way laid out and designated on the Map of the Townsite of Clermont, above re~erred to, around the South shore of West Lake outting off the Northern portion of the afore- said Blooks 95 and 114 be and the same is hereby abandoned and the City of Cler.ont does hereby disclaim any right, title or interest in or to, or any easement or right of way over and aoross any of said Blocks 95 and 114 lying South of the Southern boundary of Minneola Avenue, as the same is delineated and set forth on the Offioial Map of the City of Clermont, above referred to, and does hereby release and disoharge to the owners of the several lots along the Northern boundary of said West Lake any right, title, interest, olaim, easement or right-of-way whioh the City of Clermont might have or olaim in and to any portion of said Blocks lying South of the Southern boundary of Minneola Avenue, as represented on the said Officlal Map. .. .. .. DONE AND RESOLVED by the Clty Counoil of the City of Clermont at a regular meeting thereofnheld at the City Hall this 19th day of August, A. D. 1947. tiha1 I hereby approve the foregoing Resolution. /}:! !í 7n~ ~-~ IartþJRti~ ty of" Clermont.