Internal Improvement Fund COl:JliTY OF LAKE .. DEED NO, .q:J,,::,qM~ter 21684 STATE OF FLORIIlA THROUGH THE T'U'STEES OF THE INTERJliAL nll'HOVE:\mST FUNIl OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, GRANTOR TO.. ,................. J'.tl~...C;;.9V.~~.x,..Q.f....~f,;...................... ......... ....... ....,.......,.......................................,.......,..-........,.........-... of ~............................... ........,.............,.,.. ~..............,.....,..........................., State of.......FLORI~........, GRM.'TEE WIT:\ESSETH: .' \\lmi:EAS. in pUI'<;uRnce of pro\'isillns of Section 9 of Chapter 18296, Laws of F1orida, Acts of 19B7. title lo the l"l.'lds hereinafter ,!..scribed Yeste.! in tile ~t.atc of Florida and the said State by said Section of said Chapter is autllOl;z,'<i and empowerl.J to sell said Innds through the Trustees of the Internal Impro\'ement Fuud of the Stall: of Florida; and further to disp<'.e of land under Ch apter 21684, Acts of 1948; Therefore. K:\OW ALL ME;"; BY THESE I'I:ESEl'.'TS: That the State of F1orida, through the Trustees of the Intem&l Implo\'ement Fund of the State of l-lorida, Ulll!er authority of Section 9 of Chapter 111296. Laws of Florida, Acta "f 1:137. and under authorit)' of Chapter :!\(i~l. Arts of 1943, for and in consideration of the amount of Sel?:~.~.lit.t.T!S~.!'!~..!'!~.!1.~:t.Y.::::t.hJ::f!.f!..~.).M.QQ.nOJ,LAnS ($...7.9J",.l!}..). \.0 them In hand paid, the recelpt of which is hereby acknowle<lged, have Il""'ted, hargained Wld 80ld, and bf these presents do lf1'IU1t, barcain. HlIl1Dd COD- \'e)' dJ of the right, title Wld mterest of the State of Florida arising out of said Section 9 of Chapter 18290, lIDd Cbap;er 21684. Acts of 1943. unto the said G1:Al'.'TEE............l'r.S.................................8ucc:esaon UI(j uslpa, In lIDd tu the following deserilll.>d land. situate, Iyinlt' nnd being in the County of............b'U!;!L.......................... Stale of Floria&, a.> referred to. identifi,.,j .uld .Icscrihlod II)' Stute Rlld Count)' t.ax sale certificates to-wit. ~c, Date JlESCIW"nO:\ See. Tp. R,. Ac. 48,} 1932 6945 1933 BaI. 50:: 1932 SoU.6981 1933 60~ 1928 6986 1933 695 1927 698"" 1933 690 1927 698(' 1933 69:; 19:27 f.97E 1933 412 1918 697f 1933 6)} 1931 6975 1933 699 1927 P1,. 2171 1931 !-'t 1084C l:f}j " ~J;;f;' "',5 .J ,f . - A_nl Ree'd I N1t of SEt Ei,of NE~I E~ of NW; of NEi, NEt of N~. of SEi. N~ of NEt of SEt 2S 80 . IS 22 25 1)0 27 22 SEi of NE; of SEi' 25 10 27 22 SEt of SEi of 25 10 SEt 27 22 swi of N~. of SEt 25 10 27 22 ii1'.'t of Ni{i 01 SEi 22 25 10 2? S\ii- vi 27 25 40 ~,,:,,:,,. l'-'6 22 \-h; of :n'i; of NEi 22 25 20 27 Trpct 2 Grovelrnd Farms 2/, 22 25 10 "'-,c 1921 O:7~ - 3a.. 2171 1931 3& 1084C 1933 Tract 15 G~0vel~nd Farms 27 22 25 10 - I E&l 8J" 1929 Tracts 3, 4, I}. 1i.., 19, 20, I 311110849 1933 29. 30 Gro'lel;;n~~ Fl'roc 27 22 25 80 , - ! 1932 - I UJ7 QEi S'tI; &: si; SEt 22 22 25 120 6968 1933 of of L}.95 1932 E1/ of W~ sift 22 22 25 40 !!!!!!!!!! 6966 19:33 of 3IL B3G 19Z9 TrActs 1 to L Incl, 1:3 to 20 innl, 19).)8 iiiiiiii &a1 .1.0845 193) 29 to 34 inc~, 47, 45 Grovell'n~ Farms 2) 22 25 ~789 1932 E. :310 ft. of N. 200 ft. ot 10a68 1933 Trhct 20, Grovt'lnnd Farms :30 22 25 1.5 . . . ~ ... e ~ :\:-: Tfl ..\1.1. 1,:\:<(1:'. t!h'rt' 1:-' n''':''r\',.,11l1111l111'' :-~L':l' of FI..r:d:1 1~1,'litl1' III ;,11 tIltdhid..,lnlh' ha, II :dl.t..-tr""lt:u01 . ~d Ik-;r '!t'Unl prll41ta't,:-;. owl! titl.' to :.11 ul1di...i(~I'" Ihr.'t' flllll"lh:-: Ill' :lIlolh.'" lI1in....al:ol; \\hid, lIlay Ih' a't<Ulhi uU ".. U'-.':l'r the ~lid la:hl. 111J.:"t.tih'r with tht' pri,'ih'J.!t' :Illl:o:id., an.' 11ll1l11t'il,.dil~'. thi;.: datI. to "'1,1111'" i'l" :11,11 II' millt' mllf th_ \ ":01' :'\.;lnk. :-:ai.t pridh'):t. tll ,'xIII"I"", mll1l' a:1t1 li." 1'!lIp i... 10 lit' "lIl.dIU'".d 1111 and 1111.11'1" blltl~ inshlt' any muuici. It;lE:y. thi::: dah', flni). '\"ith th,' l'('I1=",-'nl IIf 11h' :-,uri;ll'" 11",'111'1". All li:,~i"II:,"h' maIt'r1:1I i:, 1.'....'.r\.,.,1. A'::; TO ALl... LA:'\II:, "1I1:o'idt' of an)" 11lul1it'ip:dit).', a:-: IIf thi... d:1I1', Ih. fo' i~ 1'1':'1'1"\('.) tlnto th,. ':-:\ah' u( 1-~I"ri,I:& un ca....;:enkUl (,.r -=,at!. rll;'o! rlvht "f way two 'HlIltlfl'd t:.llIlll (,'d \\idl'. ).\'ing t'qu:t1ly tin ,'ad. ::id,' uf till' l'\'nh'r line of nny st:.t~ n.J:1tl t.'xi~tinJ: on till' dalto of thi:: tI",'d th!"'lu).:h ~., 11,:11.'11 ..I' allY pan',.1 Ih'f,'ill dt....\.ril".tl a~ i... within one h:JJ~rlrt"'Ci f 100, ft."t. t oj :-:aid l"t'll1t'r iiiH'. in HA\"E AXlj TO 1I0I.1t th,. ailu\, =rr:t1ltl'd :\1111 .:. l"l'il" II III' mj..l':' lint.. lh,' :-oaid l;I::\~TEE. and ITS sueu.:...:..':!".':' ~rtft a..'t."{brns (or"\I'r. all in 11ur",U::llt" III t'hq.!,.r.. l....:..':lli ;11.d :.!It;~1 :tfor"~aid. I~ TE.."':TI)f(,='y \~"!fr:HEOF th,. :--:&id Tru:-:l..",,;: pi ~h' I"t,: .I;d Im)lI'''\''l11t'lIt Fuud of th,. Stat.. 'If Flurida hU\'l' hereunto suLr~rii,eti :hrir naml'~ Hnl! :dlixt'd th,. "llil"lal :-..;d ..( :.;dd Tru:,t....:--. a,lIl ha\.,' ("I.}~..,I tht' ~t':ll of tlw Departr!:ent uf AJ.!riculilJr~' IIf th,' :-:tat.. flf i'Jorid. t" I... 1.. r"lllIt.. ai)jx.',1. at 1111' .'apiloJ. III tht' ('it\. IIf '!a1~. l.n thL; the 14th elf'Y of A:'riJ A. ~. 19;'2. ' .SEAJ..' "TA II.. ,.... 1'1,011111,\ II\': TU"STF:f:S Ixn;m,AL IlJP\!(J\'Dlf:~" f I'XI. ~~ , '/;:. //2.:::/c~Z' : " . ,( '7 -'--.. ,;on:lil\'OR (SEAL) "Ci~II'TH',ILU:R (SEALl .' ). , , 'I'HF:A!'l:HF:11 ,Sf:AL) ,Sf'.AL, DEPAJlT~IF.ST OP AGRlC!:Ln:nr. 1\"TIIH~t-:Y (;E=,ER;\1. (SEALl /c..:L.___~.-L-L-:, -' / '\11 11".1 '...lI1p.......;I.~: tlw / TI:":<TI-:i'::< of TilE lj>;n:Ur>AI. DII'HO\'D,f:NT F!'XII of '1'111: ,~T.\Tt-: OF t'LUHIIJA, C."o~DlISSlnXf:H (510:"1.) (IF Al;I:JC:lf."liRE -- % fUI) '" litE OffiCE Of lHE CLEEK OF CIR~UIT COU,~T ~":;:.6R.:...M ......~.]...'t..i9 .t..? RECORDED IllA.I.I.',400K~,....*,AGE LAr.L ,.','J.'. 'I. fLORID\ R\:CORD VERIFIED ........,.... 1./....." j/ !:"y..<.A/ CLlkl\ ~IRCUII COUHT