2009-41Revised 11/2003 OFifth Third Bank WIRE TRANSFER PIN AUTHORIZATION REQUEST Date 8/13/2009 Customer Name CITY OF CLERMONT Street Address 685 W. MONTROSE STREET City, State ZIP CLERMONT, FL 34711 Telephone Number (including area code) (352) 394 -4081 Authorized Wire Transfer Account Numbers ® ADD F CHANGE ❑DELETE Representative is authorized for one or more of the following activities (you must check at least one) Representative Name Telephone Authorized Limit Per Transfer ($) Repetitive Non- Re etitive Callback Verify WAYNE SAUNDERS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Customer Signature (Signatory Customer Representative) e Printed Name JO EPH VN ZILE Title ADMIN ERVICES DIRECTOR Date 8/12/2009 FIFTH T HIRD DAN U O NLY Account Officer Name Phone p - - 00-/ Branch Name kv Phone - - OS Officer Signature Date Entered By Date Verified By Date