2010-70 SCOPE OF SERVICES City of Clermont Reclaimed Water Model Update - CONSERV II Impacts Task Order #2 December 14, 2010 I U #2 -10A1 CONSERV!' Impact (6 -Dec -I O) docx 1 f AECOM Task Order No. 2 Scope of Services City of Clermont - Reclaimed Water Model Update - CONSERV 11 Impacts This Scope of Services is Task Order #2 pursuant to the Engineering Consulting Services Agreement dated October 13 2009 between the City of Clermont, hereinafter referred to as "CITY ", and AECOM USA, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER ". A. Background The City of Clermont is currently developing a reclaimed water supply agreement with CONSERV II. The water supply agreement is being structured to supply reclaimed water under pressure (70 to 75 psi) into the reclaimed system in Southeast Clermont with the ability to meet a system peaking factor of 2. B. Scope of Services The purpose of this scope is to update the 2007 reclaimed hydraulic model to include the CITY receiving reclaimed water supply under pressure from CONSERV II The ENGINEER will perform the following tasks with the assistance from the CITY. 1.1 Provide Status Reports - Prepare project status and invoicing reports (limited to two (2) status reports) 1.2 Conduct Kick -Off Meeting — review scope items, schedule, project deliverables and data needs. 1.3 Define Model Criteria and Model Scenarios — Input from CONSERV II to be assume to be 70 psi with a 2 times peaking factor for availability Up to five modeling scenarios to be considered 1.4 Update Reclaimed System Model — Update model to include additional developments not currently in the model. Also confirm pipe sizes that have been installed or are planned. 1.5 Perform Model Runs — Limited to five (5) model runs based on criteria and scenarios confirmed by City. 1.6 Prepare Letter Report Recommendations - Prepare a letter report showing the pressures in the system that can be energized by the CONSERV II supply and develop recommendations. 1.7 QA/QC Review — Review Model Criteria and Model Scenarios Tech Memo and CONSERV II Impact Letter Report T01/2-RW CONSCRVI1 Impact (6- Mc-10) docx 2 IAECOM C. City's Responsibilities The ENGINEER will be entitled to rely upon direction, information, and documents provided by the CITY without independent review or verification. The CITY will provide the information and services as follows: 1 Confirm modeling criteria and scenarios to be modeled 2. Provide reclaimed water system updates to include pipe sizes and additional reclaimed water service areas. 3. Provide reclaimed water supply schedule and constraints from CONSERV II. D. Services Not Included The following services are not included in TO #2 1. Water supply balance to evaluate water supply needs to provide reliable reclaimed water source or storage from CONSERV II 2. Confirmation of CONSERV 11 pumping facilities to provide reclaimed water supply to CITY. E. Deliverables The ENGINEER will submit the following to the City: 1. Tech Memo: Modeling Criteria and Model Scenarios for City confirmation 2. Letter Report: Reclaimed Water Model Update and Recommendations of CONSERV II Impacts F. Schedule Services pursuant to this Scope of Services will commence upon ENGINEER's receipt of Notice to Proceed from CITY. It is anticipated that a letter report will be prepared and submitted within 60 days from Notice To Proceed (NTP), assuming timely delivery of City's data. ENGINEER will observe the time limitations, however, should there be delays in receiving information from others and in obtaining subsequent authorization, approvals, and review coininents from the CITY, and other governmental agencies, the schedule will be updated and adjusted as mutually agreed upon by ENGINEER and CITY. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for delays that occur as the result of action or inaction of CITY or others. G. Compensation Compensation for services described herein will be on a lump sum basis in the amount of $23,947. The budget was determined based on the assumptions presented herein and in the attached Project Budget (Exhibit 1). Progress payments shall be due and payable on a monthly basis. TO #2 -RW CONSERVII Impact (6- Dcc -1(1) doc. 3 1AECOM H. Authorization This Task Order #2 selves as an Exhibit to the Consultant Agreement dated October 13, 2009, between the City of Clennont and AECOM USA, Inc., and is hereby incorporated into this Amendment by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, AECOM USA, INc. and CITY have executed this Task Order this day of lege,e'Yt_kP 4 , 2010. " AECOM" "CITY" AECO SAF . CITY OF CLERMONT Br( B Lee Grant, P Harold S. Turville, Jr. District Vice resident Mayor Attachments: Exhibit 1 P>ioject Budget TO #2 -RW CONSERVIJ Impact (6- Dec -10) docx 4 JAECOM — EXHIBIT 1 Project Budget Clermont Reclaimed Water Model Update - CONSERV II Impacts City of Clermont Tamara Richardson Personnel Hours Budget = . c Task Description = = ` R 2 2 n < i. :t z." — L r. c k. C e a r. x o — — < 1- -. Z c. Task Group 1: Reclaimed Water Model Update 1 1 Corndmate Project M.:nal:rnert {taut to t+s a (2) project st atus repot:) _ 2 t 5 530 S 53 S 593 1 2 Prepare for and Conduct 1Gck -06 Mrl -•ta 4 4 4 12 S 1 400 S 140 5 1 :40 1 3 Define and Confirm Model Cnterta and Model Scenarios 6 12 24 42 5 4,380 S 435 I S 4,519 1 4 rpdate Red ned Svsrrn \lodd 2 9 16 26 5 2,640 5 264 ► 5 2 904 1 5 Perform Model Rims (Lanced to five (51 model runs) 4, 10 40 54 5 5,210 S 521 5 5, 1 6 Prepare letre' report 4 40 10 54 S 6 410 5 641 5 7 ,051 1" OAQC Reties 6 6 5 1 200 5 120 1 S 1,320 . .. Subtotal 8 20 7 4 94 2 198 S 21,770 S 21L.7 S 23,947 Toter... — _ — 8T 20 Td 94 2 198 S `1' 70 2,177 S 23,947 1 -RW CONSERVIJ Impact (6- Dec -I0) dock 5 IAECOM