2011-14 0 March 9, 2011 ]117 East Robinson West OOando, Florida 32801 Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E , 4W Director of Engineering Pam 407.643.1036 City of Clermont unottaephengineeracom 685 W. Montrose Street Clermont, Florida 34711 RE: City of Clermont Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CPH Job Number: Z6582 Dear Ms. Richardson: As requested, we are pleased to present this proposal to provide services for a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). The ESA will be conducted on a piece of property the City is considering for a proposed water treatment facility, which will serve the City's West Side Potable Water System. The City provided CPH the proposed property's "record card" and a map from the Lake County GIS maps section that shows the property under consideration. We understand that only the area indicated by the City via the maps provided, i.e., the northern portion of the property, will be included in this proposal. Therefore, CPH intends to obtain the services of Evirosouth Technologies, Inc to perform the Phase I ESA, as reflected in the attached subconsultant proposal. The scope of services of the ESA preparation and final report submittal is discussed more thoroughly therein. CPH's work effort includes coordination and project administration (3.0 hours of Administrative Assistant time and 1.0 hour of Project Manager time). Hence, the lump sum fee of this proposal is as follows. Phase Description Billing Method Fee CPH Coordination Lump Sum $330.00 Phase I ESA Lump Sum $1,250.00 TOTAL COMPENSATION Lump Sum $9.580.00 If you are in agreement with the proposed scope of work and fees, please sign and return one copy of this proposal to this office, for our files, and as our 'Notice to Proceed The proposal submitted herein is intended to meet the above work effort and criteria, and is being submitted in accordance with the Executed Agreement dated the 13 day of October 2009, between the City of Clermont (CITY) and the firm of CPH Engineers, Inc., (ENGINEER). If you hay , questions regarding the proposed services, please do not hesitate to call. Si F-rel C n' - • D -vid Mahler, . . Senior Vice P sident/Branch Manager Engineers • Surveyors • Architects (AA26000926) • Planners • Landscape Architects • Environmental Scientists • Construction Management • Design/Ruild 0 ih PAYMENT: Compensation paid to the ENGINEER for the services described herein shall be made in accordance with the Continuing services agreement between the City of Clermont and CPH Engineers. The total project lump sum fee for all of the tasks descnbed above is $1,580.00. SIGNATORIES: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Proposal the day and year first above written OWNER: r,^ . City of Clermont � �`�` „ ATT / ST I AU .. ,0 By _ < <— % / � �Z _ -, / T Date: LJJ l • ENGINEER: '� CPH Engineer- c. • ATTEST r • By: IAN:A Date: J 1Z65821Proposals\Clennont\Phase I Environmental Assessment - Proposal doc ATTAC HM ENT .011111Ficr ,s." t 4erefigalbet 01. (BO; jFd2..)6 -1 A L�itir osoii$fl' Tec.1'IIuiogies', Iii . F, -Mao- °,w t ` -rp o •. RTJl,RY /M .. • TAN. iYra. 1�I .,. tilareh 8, 2011 Mr. David E. Mahler (1 11 Fnginek's 11171 F. Robinson St. Orlando. 1 2 1. '2801 Re Proposal/Cost Estimate Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 580 E. Iivvf. 50 Clearmont, FL 34711 Mar Mr. fabler: Levu ircnuuth i cchno1oi ice,;, lnc. (tinsmith) is pleased to present for ?our review and 4•?nsideraiic n. this praposahcost estimate to complete. a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment ( tor ilic subject property. The Phase t ESA will be performed in accordance with AS11‘1 I ! l� 1527-65 Standard Practice for Envimn:ncntal Site Assessments under the supervision of a Certified Florida Environmental Assessor. 1 ;nle;ss specifically requested, this ESA excludes thy toliowing: sinkhole activity; radon gas: asbestos- containing materials; air quality in any existing structure:, v< ctlar:d sun and endangered specie survey SCOPE OF V4 ORK f ht• following work tasks will be performl to complete the Phase I ESA: • His ri a! Land Use Investiratiwt: A s arch of historical aerial photos, historical and city directories and fire insurance maps if reasonably ascertainable. /ULso. will cundur:t inter itws with pt:rs+ms knowlexlyeable corteerning the present and/or past rues of the property ar+.d er adjoining properties if such persons are identified by client and are willing to by intervic wJ: • Re'ulatory and Government Records Search: k review of all government records that are reasonably available concerning the environmental condition of the subject property and surrounding properties; • Sue Insne and Area Review A comprehensive isual examination of the property will be performed in order to detect any t vidence of pnor or ongoing contamination (e.g. odors, staining, stressed vegetation), or any *ituations which are in violation of federal, state:, and local laws and regulations such as improper storage of chemiials, lack of secondary containmt nt, inadequate disposal practices., etc. A ._ m • — - March r. 2011 P.-4m 2 visual examination of adjacent properties in order to detect any evidence of prior or ongoing contamination; • Reporting: A summuy report of findings, conclusions, and recommendations including photo documentation will hr prepared r^nd submitted. LOS1' ESTIMATE he estirrat•Lcl cost to ptrlonn the work as described is 51.250.00. this includes an extended f1, sear;.•h of up to 3 site:: which, through the agency file review. appear to ha%t the potential of causing an en- iromnntal condition to the subject property. If more than 3 sites are identified. you w it h. notified prior istcurring additional cots. INVOICING AND PAYMENT 1_nsoutii will invoice at the. completion of the proiect as defined by submittal of the sununary (wort to client. Payment is clue within thirty ( 10) days of invoice date. .AUTHORIZATION TO PROC_EEif If you are in agreement p ith the plan of work proposed. have an authorized company ropre enta!it'e sign in the space indicated n:low authoti7ing FFnmouth to proceed. Return signed p'.ope.c'it to our attention end retain a copy for ye+ui iccord=. he. terms of this proposal are considered valid for a period of 30 days from the date of sahniittal. Fns uth appreciates the opJ riunit; to he (If sei vice to you on this projcca. Please contact our i^ your c ariie A eomenirnce if you hay c any questions or comments. `incpriy. Envirosouth 1 echnologies, Inc. 4 J �f r L • /• .fir *C. - Da!, id M. Poe., PA I., Ptojc ci Manager , l% 4� . 01y t' 11