2008-56 MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MEMBER AGENCIES OF THE Ci -IiLD ABDUCTION RESPONSE TEAM AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT WHEREAS, the below subscribed law cniocement agencies have Joiried together in a nmulti- juiisdictional effort to rescue abducted Child and under circumstances allocate their resources to missing /endangeicd Child cases, and WHEREAS, the undersigned agencies ale all participants in a multi - agency eftott known collectively as the Child Abduction Response Team WHEREAS, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws to prosecute criminal, civil, and Col feature actions against identified violators, as appropriate and WHEREAS, the undersigned agencies have the authority under Part I, Chapter 23, Florida Statutes, "the Florida Mutual Aid Act," to enter into a voluntary agreement for cooperation and assistance of a routine law enforcement nature that crosses dui isdictional lines, and WHEREAS, the subscribing law enforcement agencies are so located in relation to each othei that it is to the advantage of each to receive and extend mutual aid in the town of law enforcement services and resources to adequately icspond to continuing, nuilti- jurisdictional ciinunal activity, so as to protect the public peace and safety, and preserve the lives and pioperty of the citizens, and WHEREAS, this agreement does not supeicede or take the place of any othei agreement entered into by the various members of the Child Abduction Response Team Those agreements shall remain in full effect NOW' THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows Pursuant to signing this Agreement, each of the undersigned law enforcement agencies approve, authorize and enter into this Agreement at the icquest of the menlbci agencies of the Child Abduction Response Team and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (IDLL) to implement within the jurisdictional and othci limits as noted herein for the purposes and goals indicated Additional parties play, at the request and with the approval of FDLE and the other Child Abduction Response Team members, evict in this Agreement at a late! date as evidenced by their signing of the Agreement Any party may cancel its participation in the Agreement upon delivery of written notice of cancellation to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement CHILD ABDUCTION RESPONSE TEAM GOALS AND COOPERATION TO BE RENDERED: 121 The piimly go.il of the Child Abduenon Response Ted Is to provide a pool of specralvef invesugatoi which are .I\arlable to focus dedicated and intensne investigative pi■entatne and general law enfoicement effort, primarily with regard to cases invoI\ mg abducted Child fo pi ox ide for voluntary cooperation, each of the Child Abduction Response Team agencies hereby appio‘e and enter into this agreement whereby each of the agencies may request and render law enforcement assistance to Child Abduction Response Team member agencies or whet, in dealing with any violations of law including, but 00 limited to, the investigation, .urest and p1osecutton of those involved in et 'mina' child kidnapping, abduction false tniptisonment and snnilai of related violations (utilinng state and federal law and pioseeutions as appropriate), the rescue of the abducted child or Child and the seizwe and forfeiture of assets of those engaged n child abduction or otherwise supporting such actrsity (utilizing state and ledeial foiteituie options as appropt late) Nothing heron shall otherwise limit the ability of participating C held Abduction Response Team numbers to provide, as provided by or allowed by law, such assistance in any enfoicement action as may he lawfully requested by a law enforcement officer ha%mg jurisdiction over an incident, crime of matter nuclei consideration The parties to this Agreement are eontrrbutitng personnel and resources in support of the Child Abduction Response Team efforts, with the operations of the Child Abduction Response Team being coordinated with FDLE and other agency members JURISDICTION, PROCEDURES FOR REQUESTING ASSISTANCE, COl'1A1AND AND SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITY: Jut sdicnron The principal sites of Child Abduction Response Teani activity shall be in Orlando, Orange County, Honda Daytona Beach, Volusna County, Honda, Melbourne Brevard County Florida, and Ft Pierce, St Lucie County, Florida When engaged in Child Abduction Response Team operations that have been approved by the Honda Department of Law Enforcement, as contemplated by this Agreement, Child Abduction Response Team members that do not otherwise have jurisdictional authority shall enjoy full jurtsdicnonal authority anywhere in the State of Florida, although principally focused within the region, with full power to enforce Florida laws and as ad themselves of the provisions of this Agreement Officers assigned to Child Abduction Response Term operations pursuant to this agreement ,hall be empowered to tender enfoicement assistance and take enforcement action in accordance with the law and the terms of this Agreement Execution of this agreement and continued participation by FDLE and one or mole Child Abduction Response Team member agencies shalt constitute a general reciprocal, continuing iegiiest for and granting of assistance between the members (lithe Team that shall be considered authot'zed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement No additional or specific formal tequcst for assistance is required Child Abduction Response Team members operating outside the jurisdiction of then tespectne Agencies shall not enjoy extra-jurisdictional authonty as law enforcement officcts unless engaged in approved Child Abduction Response Team activities as stated herein Pursuant to Section 23 127(1) Florida Statues employees and agents of die undersigned Agencies participating in the Child Abduction Response Team shall, when engaging 111 authonzcd mutual cooperation and assistance pursuant to this Agreement, haee the same powers, dunes, rights privileges and immunities as if the cmplo)ecs were perfiiinnng duties inside the political subdivision in which the employee is normal]) employed 122 P1occduic tot Requestine, and Authorrime Assistance Activities shall be consrdcicd authorized only ''hen approved and dnccted as provided herein by an I - DLE supeiisot or command designee The CART will normally function as a for cc multiplier for the requesting agency and the requesting agency will remain as the lead agency m occrall control of the investigation, unless the r equesting agency has lor nma11y asked that the CART under FDLE supervision or other FDLE approved supervision, assume cunttol of the investigation The parties stipulate that in the ev ent that d significant inccsugauvc 01 Jul isdictional dispute should arise, the issue will immediately be f rmaided to the tclevanl agency chief executives for resolution If at anytime an I or FDL1: special agent designee(s) determines that an C\tla-IeT 11101 id Child Abduction Response Team opei anon pursuant to this agreement should be terminated said operation IS to be promptly terminated 111 d mantle! assuring the safety of all involved la 11 ell Cot cement of liters No C held Abduction Response Team employee 01 agent shall engage in actn'ities outside the jurisdictional tertnory of the Child Abduction Response Team pulsutml to the authority of this Agreement that are not approved, are uniepoitcd or otherwise unknown to the FDLE supervisor and which arc not documented as provided herein The FDLE supci'isor(s) shall maintain documentation that will demonstrate the daily involvement of specific employees or agents Prot, rded by the patties to this Agreement, including each operation's supervrsoi or designated leadct Such documentation wi11 assist in memo' alizmg which tnd1viduaIs had mutual did authority pursuant to this Agreement for particular time pet ods Aries consultation with other paitrupaung Child Abduction Response learn agencies, TDI_C may request that a particular employee or deem of the Child Abduction Response Team no longer be allowed to participate 111 furtherance of this provision of the Agreement Upon receiving the request, the employing agency shall promptly Id Inmate said person's participation in the actic dies contemplated by this provision of the Agreement Upon the request Of a participating Agency that a sworn of support member of the FDLE no longer participate in the Child Abduction Response Team, FDLE shall if otherwise m FDLE s best interest to do so teinunate said member s participation in the Child Abduction Response Team With the approval of FDLE, a Party to this Agtccnmcnt may otherwise add, substitute, reinstate, or cplace any of its swufn or support employees participating in the Child Abduction Response Team \4rhenevei an operation occurs outside the ten riot ral limits of the I DUE Ot lando Regional Operations Centel, the Chief of In%esugations for the FDLE olfrce in the region affected shall be notified about the presence of Child Abduction Response Team personnel in his or her region Local la \% enforcement in the area of operation will be notified, as appt opt late Nothing herein shall othenvtse limn the jurisdiction and powers normally possessed by tin employee as a member of the employee's Agency FORFEITURE ACTIONS ARISING FROi \1 'I IIIS AGRECI\JEN 1 : Furfelttue actions based upon set,mcs made by the Child Abduction Response Team may be pursued in either state or federal actions Actions shall be based upon current statutory and case law Distribution of the pi ocecds shall be shared equally anmone the participating agencies, 01 as other wise determined by wi ittcn agreement 123 PROPER FY AND EVIDENCE All p1opcity and evidence, 1nciuding uri eney, seized in c.onneclton kcuh state violations pursuant to this Agieentent, outside the regular jut isclictional boundaries of the Child Abduction Response Team but within Florida, shall be taken into custody and processed by an 11)I_1 Special Agent 01 accordance kith FI)LE policy !elating to the handling of property evidence and currency When such items are seized %viii! the ietzular jutisdictional boundaries for the Child Abduction Response "Team 10 connection with state v101al1onti the items may be pi ocessed and maintained by the lead agency and agency with lurischctwn or as otherwise agreed upon If and when the investigation becomes .1 federal case or rnquiiy, any such property and evidence will be taken into custody and piocessed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation or be handled pursuant to their ducctions LIABILI IN AND COST - RELATED ISSUES: Each party engaging in any mutual cooperation and assistance pursuant to tills Agreement agrees to assume is own liability and responsibility for the acts omission or conduel of such patty's own employees while such employees are engaged in rendering such aid, cooperation and assistance pursuant to this Agreement, subject to the provisions of Section 768 28, Florida Statutes where applicable, and subject to other relevant state and fedeial law Each party to this Agreement agrees to furnish necessary personnel property, police equipment vehicles resources and facilities to render services to each other parry to this Agreement in order to affect the pu poses of the Child Abduction Response Team and agrees to bear the cost of loss or damage to such equipment, vehicles, of property Parties understand and agree that they will be responsible for their own liability - and bear then own costs with regard to then property and resources This provision shall not preclude necessary property or resources being purchased, funded, or provided by a participating pally via the party's legally vested forfeiture funds if otherwise authorized by law Each Agency furnishing aid puisuaia to this Agreement shall compensate its own employees during the time such aid'is rendered and shall defray the actual expenses of its employees while they are rendering such aid, including any amounts, 1f legally applicable, that may be determined to be due for compensattdn due to personal injury o1 death while suet) employees arc engaged in rendering such aid The, Privileges and immunities Iron liability exemption from laws ordinances, and rules, and all pension insurance, relief, disability workers' compensation salary (including overtime compensation or compensatory time), death and othei benefits that apply to the activity of an employee of an Agency when pet Coming, the employees chines within the ten' tonal limits of the employee's Agency shall apply to the employee to the same degree manner, and extent %chile such employee alts uncle! this Agreement This provision shall not preclude payment of compensation including overtime compensation, for its personnel uuli its legally vested forfeiture funds or other funding sources to be the extent allowed by law Each party agrees 10 maintain its oan comprehensive genial hahihty insurance, professional hahihty insurance as required, and automotive hahihty msuranee 01 marntarn d self- rnstnrng 1 24 fund tot the term 01 this Agreement in the amounts detei coned by each party to .adequately insure such patty's Itabiluy assumed herein Hut for Honda law enforcement officers, in no event shall such coverage be less than the state statutory carver of soxeietgn immunity limits 11 requested each patty agrees to pi 0.ide the othci panics with proof of the insurance 01 self - insurance 1equned het eunder Federal panic pants will be goxerned by applicable federal Taws conedning the above liability issues CMIPLAVN IS AGAINST CHILD A I3DUC PION RESPONSE "1'EA11 MEMBERS Whenoei a complaint has been lodged as a result of Child Abduction Response Team cfloris outside then Jurisdictional boundaries pursuant to this Agreement, a designee of the IDLE shall ascertain at a minimum The iden11ty(les) of the complainant( s) and an address ' +herc the complainant(s) may be contacted, the nature of the complaint, any supporting evidence 01 facts as may be available including the navies and addresses of vv rtnesses to that a Inch has been complained about, the identity(ies) of the Child Abduction Response Team participant(s) accused and the employing Agenc)(res) of the paiticrpanl(s) accused IDLE %till promptly provide to each affected employing Agency the above rnfolmation foi admmnistrame review and appropriate handling of disposition Each affected employing Agency shall upon completion of said re%Iew, notify FDLE of us findings and any actions taken Federal agency participants will handle any complaints against their personnel while such federal personnel arc involved In CART operations COP1' TO EACH PAR'hiCl l'A EING CHILD ABDUCTION RESPONSE TE4r l N1E1113ER When this Agreement is fully executed, a copy shall be provided to each Child Abduction Response Team member so that each member may be fully aware of the powers, limitations and expectations applicable to Child Abduction Response Team members and operations TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall he effective as to the executing Parties upon execution by the member agencies of the Child Abduction Response Team and the IDLE As each additional Patty executes this Agreement, it shall be f'ffecti e as 10 the newly executing Party This Agreement may be duplicated foi dissemination to all Panics, and such duplicates shall be of the same force and effect as the original Execution of this Agreement may be signified by properly signing a sepal ate sIgnatuie page the original of VI 111C11 shal be returned to and maintained by, the Florida Department of Law l'nfoicement Mutual Aid C oot dinator P 0 130\ 1489 '1 allahassee, Hot Ida 32302 -1489 with a copy provided to Steve 13iadv Regional Legal Ad%isor, Honda Department of l ac. Lnfoicement 500 W Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 This Agreement shall remain in full force .1s 10 all patticipating Prunes until July 31 2010 unless terminated In wilting by the FI)l_E as to all 01 separate Parties This agicentent may be 125 iene%I.ed, amended or C\lendcd only in ■kitting Any patty may withdraw horn this Agi cement upon providing written notice to IDLE and all othci participating patties Any mitten cancellation or c\tension shall be forwarded to FDI_h Orlando at the address noted above In the event that a patty agency has a change of Chief IT, \ccutive Officer during the term of this Agiecmenl, the party agency may continue participation 10 the CART for the term of this Agiecment by having the new Chief E scut ve sign and submit a new signature page indicating the party agency s continued desire to pal ticipate in the CART 126 I'.0 1■ 's \teept. of the \'oluntai c C'oope►ation \lulual \id agreement among the menthe, Agenctcs of the Child Abduction Response ream. Pur,uant l0 1' S 23 1225(3), this agreement may he evict into by a Chief F+cccutivc 01 tied of the agency who is authorized to contiactualiy bind the agency By signing below an indication of such au1111) it1on is being niacie Any signatory may attach to this signatute page and any further evidence of author izauon you wrah to remain on tilt at FDLE along' rill signature page N # * #a. * **m *** * * * * * **v ** *****4 *** k * * ** .## *4 ***4. #4 4 * Vf**t*** ** k *** *.k # # # #a. * ** k* 1 101 ida Depa tmei t of Law Enforcement (FDLE). Gerald R4 1 1 Date z fi l 1 .2- 0 � 127 I'ai t ''s Acceptance oI the s oluntai Coopcla(1on' Aid kg,eernent among the \lenibcr Agencies of the Child Abduction duction Response leant t'ut suant 10 F S 23 1225(3), this agiccmcnt may be enteicd into by a Chief C\ecutive Officei of the agency that i author 'zed to contractually bind the agency fay signing below, an indication of such authorization is bentg made An) signato1y may attach Io this signature page and any rurthei evidence of audio!izanon you cc'sh 10 IC1nanl 011 Ilk at rnLI: along vs1111 this ,, rgnalute page ** a.********:*****# 1***********.**#* x** r*** 4#*** * * *k * * * * *r.* * * * *1 # * * * * *, * * * * ** rot the (Amnon Police I)epa1 uncul- ye", C`Inef Stephen Grn� -- /? — Date — — — 128