O-251-Mr REC_._1.3.:._.~, ~ ~~ ` TF..._..~ao - ~ BOGa ~.~~~ PbG: ~~~1 93 64598 ~c nr~.~ C ~ ~,m~c,~~s ~~~ ~ CITY OF CLERMONT `~ ~- Cc~~{ -C. MISCELLANEOUS ORDINANCE 251-M AN ORDINANCE OF TfiE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMON'I', LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CLOSING AND PERMANENTLY ABANDONING A PORTION OF LAKE DRIVE, CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES 17 '1'O 23 INCLUSIVE, PUBLIC RECORDS, LAKE COUN`1'Y, FLORIDA, RESERVING TO THE CITY OF CLERMONT AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS TO MAINTAIN UTILITIES, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM WATER; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County,. Floxid~= hereby ordains that: - "" ¢~ SECTION 1. c_ That a portion of Lake Drive (commonly known as Lake Shore Drive}~; located within the city of Clermont, Lake County, Florida asr. hereinafter described in Exhibit "A:, is hereby closed and=~° permanently abandoned, reserving to the City of Clermont and easement for ingress and egress to maintain utilities, sanitary sewer and storm water systems. SECTION 2. This closing is done pursuant to the authority of the Charter of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, and the general laws of the State of Florida. ~$C TI N^~ All ordinances or parts of this ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. ~ • BGGK i~fii PAGE QrjO`,~ CITY OF CLERD20NT MISCP,LLANEOUS ORDINANCI~, 251-M SECTION 4. Should any section or part of this section be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdication, such adjudications shall not apply or affect any other provision ~>I+ l.lii~; urdluttiace, ex<~el~l, L~~ tl~e ext.eni. l.li,~l, l.he entire section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the section to which such holding shall apply. SliCTION 5. Tliis ordinance shall be published as provided by law and it shall become law and take effect immediately upon its second reading and final passage. First Reading this 25th day of MaY 1993 Second Reading this 8th day of June 1993. 1~ASSLll ANll U1tllA1NLll 13Y 'I'lll~~ CITY COUNCIL OT' '1'111 C1'I'Y Oi~ CLI~.1tMUN'1', LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THIS g~ DAY OF 17une 1993. +~L11 ~t1 fr i++~ :,/r. { , f 7` 1 `- ~' ~ ; . _; ,./ Attest: SI4s ~~1 E . Van CITY OF CLERMONT ROBERT A. POO Mayor city cater 2. - • V gooK 1~,6~. PacE 0503 EXHIBIT "A" TO ORDINANCE N0. 251-M That portion of the Lake Drive according to the Plat of Clermont Heights and Orange Park, recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 1 and Plat Book 3, Page 20, respectively, Public Records of Lake County, Florida ( commonly known as Lakeshore Drive ) which is bounded on the East by a line beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 7 of the aforesaid Clermont Heights and extending South to the Waters of Lake Minnehaha and bounded on the West by a line beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 376 of the aforesaid Orange Park and extending South to the waters of Lake Minnehaha and bounded on the North by a line that is parallel with Lake Drive and 7 feet South of the existing South pavement of Lake Drive and bounded on the South by the waters of Lake Minnehaha. This vacation and closing is subject to the condition that the City of Clermont reserves and retains an easement on over, and across the above-described property for purposes of ingress and egress to maintain utilities, including storm water retention and sanitary sewer and to maintain Lake Drive. A portion of the above-described property has already been vacated by Ordinance No. 250-M.