R-2011-15 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR THE 2011 -2012 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, the City of Clermont, Florida held a public hearing as required by Florida Statute 200.065; and WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida that the sums of money included in Exhibit A, attached hereto, totaling $84,577,950 or as much thereof as may be authorized by law are required for the operation of the government of said City for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached said tentative budget for the City of Clermont for the 2011 -2012 Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT THIS 8th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2011. aro d S. Turville, Mayor Attest: Tracy Ackroyd, City Clerk EXHIBIT A (AS AMENDED) BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA FISCAL YEAR 2011- 2012 Millage per $1000 General Special Debt Service Capital Enterprise Fiduciary TOTAL CLASSIFICATION 3.1420 Fund Revenue Funds Projects Funds Funds Funds BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 5,279,566 - - - - 192,660 5,472,526 Other Taxes 3,979,130 1,526,600 - - - - 5,505,730 Licenses & Permits 2,234,500 866,800 - - 659,500 - 3,790,500 Intergovernmental Revenues 2,376,222 - - 132,804 16,900 - 2,525,926 Charges for Services 982,023 9,750 - - 12,870,000 - 13,861,773 Fines &Forfeitures 104,400 - - - - - 104,400 Miscellaneous Revenue 362,450 23,325 1,500 10,200 417,100 56,710 871,285 Interfund Transfers 440,030 - 643,100 1,740,142 692,032 - 3,515,304 ESTIMATED REVENUES 15,758,621 2,726,475 644,600 1,883,146 14,685,532 249,370 35,947,744 NON - REVENUES Beginning Reserves 10,490,283 3,407,531 499,506 2,856,854 28,879,800 2,496,232 48,630,206 NON - REVENUES 10,490,283 3,407,531 499,506 2,856,854 28,879,800 2,496,232 48,630,206 TOTAL REVENUES & RESERVES $ 26,248,904 $ 6,134,006 $ 1,144,106 $ 4,740,000 $ 43,565,332 $ 2,745,602 $ 84,577,950 EXPENDITURES & RESERVES City Council 27,238 - - - - - 27,238 City Clerk 200,726 - - - - - 200,726 City Manager 361,777 - - - - - 361,777 Administrative Services 1,106,392 27,000 - - - - 1,133,392 City Attorney 113,000 - - - - - 113,000 Planning & Zoning 446,799 428,736 - - - - 875,535 Engineering 90,397 - - - - - 90,397 Other General Government 236,967 - - 2,200,000 - - 2,436,967 Police 5,986,167 118,000 - 2,250,000 - - 8,354,167 Fire 4,792,522 70,000 - - - - 4,862,522 Public Services 2,418,218 356,200 - 290,000 4,103,722 - 7,168,140 Economic Development 63,885 - - - - 1,575,149 1,639,034 Recreation 749,498 23,571 - - - - 773,069 Utilities - - - - 18,133,867 - 18,133,867 Debt Service - - 643,550 - - - 643,550 Interfund Transfers 77,172 2,306,070 - - - 4,400 2,387,642 EXPENDITURES 16,670,758 3,329,577 643,550 4,740,000 22,237,589 1,579,549 49,201,023 Ending Reserves 9,578,146 2,804,429 500,556 - 21,327,743 1,166,053 35,376,927 RESERVES 9,578,146 2,804,429 500,556 - 21,327,743 1,166,053 35,376,927 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & RESERVES $ 26,248,904 $ 6,134,006 $ 1,144,106 $ 4,740,000 $ 43,565,332 $ 2,745,602 $ 84,577,950 "THE TENTATIVE, ADOPTED, AND /OR FINAL BUDGETS ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THEABOVE MENTIONEDTAXING AUTHORITY ASA PUBLIC RECORD.