2011-68 111N TETRA TECH September 9, 2011 Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E. Director of Engineering City of Clermont 685 W. Montrose Street Clermont, FL 34711 Re: City of Clermont Professional Engineering Services Proposed for the Control System Assessment and WRF Communication Tower Replacement Tt #: 200 - 08310 -11001 Dear Ms. Richardson: Thank you for the opportunity to submit our professional services proposal to assess your current control system and replace the existing WRF Communications Tower. I. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1.0: Control System Assessment 1.1 TASK OVERVIEW The purpose of the proposal is that the City of Clermont would like Tetra Tech to assess the existing control system. The existing control system consists of three (3) major systems that report to three (3) individual PC Workstations within the Control Room at the Eastside Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). The three (3) major systems include the WRF Network, the Water Plant Network (Greater Hills WTP and Sunburst WTP), and the Lift Station Radio Network. The three (3) systems are fed from a single free - standing server rack located at the WRF Control Room. The free - standing server rack is comprised of a redundant rack - mounted server, a managed 12 -port switch, a Hirschmann Ethernet hub, and media converters. Water Reclamation Facility Network (WRFN) The WRFN consists of four (4) Main Control Panels (MCPs): 1. 100 -MCP -1 2. 120 -MCP -1 3. 120 -MCP -2 4. 130 -MCP -1 201 East Pine Street, Suite 1000, Orlando, FL 32801 Tel 407 839 3955 Fax 407 839 3790 wwwtetratech com J RECEIVED TETRA TECH Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E. September 9, 2011 Page 2 of 4 These MCPs run on Modicon Quantum PLCs with Operator Interface Panels programmed with Wonderware. The four (4) MCPs are tied together via a redundant fiber optic loop which feeds back to the WRF Control Room. Water Plant Network (WPN) The WPN consists of the Greater Hills WTP that communicates with the East Tank via fiber optic; the WRF Control Room communicates with the Sunburst Lane WTP via fiber optic; and the Sunburst Lane WTP communicates with the East Tank via radio. The radio system is a 900 MHz system. Lift Station Radio Network (LSRN) The LSRN consists of a 900 MHz radio system that communicates between multiple remote telemetry units (RTUs) to the SCADA Closet at the WRF. The omni antennas are located at three (3) different locations, the Bloxam Tank, the East Elevated Tank, and the WRF Tower. These three (3) locations communicate via yagi antennas from the Bloxam Tank to the East Elevated Tank and from the East Elevated Tank to the WRF Tower. From the East WRF Tower the information is transmitted to the SCADA Closet via Ethernet. Each RTU is equipped with an Allen- Bradley Micrologix 1100, entraNET Remote, and a yagi antenna. The yagi antennas are communicating with one of the omni antennas located at the Bloxam Tank, the East, Elevated Tank, or the East WRF Tower. It is our understanding that the City would like Tetra Tech to assess the current control system and document a plan for future control system upgrades (expansion) including a concentration on local /wide area network and Human Machine Interface (HMI) software. We propose to produce an assessment document that includes the following: • HMI software (path forward assessment) • Co mmunication local /wide area network recommendations. • Hardware /software standard recommendations. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK A. Design 1. Perform one (1) site visit by our controls system expert and electrical engineer to discuss topics and tour facilities. 2. Prepare Control System Assessment Document, including the following: a. Current Wonderware system assessment and recommendation on future HMI direction. 1. This will include a brief comparison of several other HMI packages including estimated conversion costs. ES TETRA TECH Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E. September 9, 2011 Page 3 of 4 b. Evaluation of existing local & wide area network with recommendation on future direction. 1. This will include a brief discussion on ways to successfully interconnect the Wastewater, Water and lift- station entities. c. Evaluate and recommend a plan to implement hardware & software standards for future projects to allow for simplified and homogenous control system components and operation. 1. This will include basic written guidelines on HMI software, PLC logic, and PLC hardware standards. Task 2.0: WRF Communications Tower Replacement 2.1 TASK OVERVIEW In May of 2010, The Nello Corporation evaluated the existing radio tower at the WRF. The tower was determined to be overstressed and incapable of being extended. The assessment included a recommendation to replace the existing 70 ft. tall self - supporting tower with a new tower that is 90 ft. tall. The new tower will serve as the communications tower for the existing SCADA system for the WTPs and WRF. 2.2 SCOPE OF WORK A. Design 1. Provide technical specifications including tower height, transmission line types, grounding requirements, lightning protection, and electrical. 2. Provide site plan and construction details. B. Bidding and Construction Assistance 1. Provide interpretation or clarification of the design documents when requested. 2. Review shop drawings and other required Contractor submittals up to two (2) times per submittal for general conformance with the Contract Documents. II. SCHEDULE Upon receipt of notice to proceed, we will schedule the site visit. The work will be completed within 3 weeks of the site visit. , Fin; ■ TETRA TECH Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E. September 9, 2011 Page 4 of 4 III. COMPENSATION SUMMARY The proposed compensation for the Scope of Services, described in Section 1, is summarized below: Task 1.0: Control System Assessment $ 10,750.00 Task 2.0: WRF Communications Tower Replacement $ 3,780.00 Total Lump Sum: $ 14,530.00 A Price Proposal is attached to provide more details for each task. IV. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED A. Permits — The Contract Documents will require the Contractor to obtain permits. B. All geotechnical services, including materials testing and other services required for construction are not included in the proposal. C. Structural engineering services of the communications tower. If you concur with our proposal, please sign in the space provided below and return one original signed copy of this proposal to indicate your authorization to proceed. The work will be performed in accordance with our Continuing Services Contract with the City of Clermont, dated October 13, 2009. We look forward to working with you on this important project. If you need additional information, please call•me at 407 - 480 -3942. Sincerely, i , - •uren Springer, `.E. Project Manager \\IERORLFS2\Pr \IER \ 08310 \ 200- 08310 11 001\ProjMgmt \Contracts \COs \SCADA \Clermo SCADA Plan and Tower replacement Proposal Sept 2011 doc C James Kinzler, City of Clermont Jon Fox, Tetra Tech Mick Jones, Tetra Tech - : - ' . ;:e1Q________ PROPOSAL ACCEPTED BY TITLE , r1 Qt f pf DATE bl tnVrr ?_S a D(1 I O O O 00 In° 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 ° m m = f0 j S N m co c a m o L!1 t!1 •v i+ o 00 0 0 00 • In Q ' 0 N -I N .'-I 1..1 a W . N Ca c C io = ai u F N v .... o N c 0 = f5 U N pp 'X 0- LL 0 Y _ C w G . . m -0 0 L w ,Z' 0 ,^ U y ry 0 CC 1-23 g V1 CC 41 />�. A ' .if it 11 C • 0. 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