O-59-176 ORDINANCE NO. 176 .. AN ORDINANCE FOREVER ABANDONING, CLOSING AND VACATING A THIRTY (30) FOOT "UNNAMED" STREET LYING NORTH OF ,ULOCK ONE HUNDRED JUNE (109) AND SOUTH OF BLOCK ONE HU14DRED TEN 0.10), SUNSET l".AIlK, AS REPRESENTED ON THE OFFICIAL HAP' OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FILED FEBRUARY (, l.926 AND RECORDED IN !'LAT BOOK EIGHT (8) l'AGE.'S SEVENTEEN TO TWENTY-THREE, INCJ:.USIVE (l.7 to 23, INCL.), PUBLIC RECORDS, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, i>ROVIDING THAT THE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE LANDS WITHIN SAID STREET SftALL REVERT IN EQUAL 1'ROPORTIONS TO THE OWNERS OF THE LOTS IN THE RESPECTIVE BLOCKS ADJOINING, ABUTTING AND LYING ADJACENT TO SAID "UNNAMED STJŒET" J>RO- VIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE AND. OTHER HATTERS RELA.TING THERETO. WHEREAS, that certain thirty (30) foot "Unnamed Street" l.ying North of Bl.ock 109 and South of Bl.ock l.10, Sunset Park . as represented OD the Official Hap of the City of Clermont. filed 2/(/26 and recorded in Pl.at Book 8, pages 17 to 23, incl., pUblic records of Lake County, Florida, has never beeD opened, i.proved by anyone, including the City of Clermont, and is not needed by the public, and should be forever abandoned, closed and vacated; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY TliE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: SECTION 1: That the thirty (80) foot "unnamed· street l.ying North of Block 109 and South of 110, Sunset Park, as represented on the Official. Hap of the City of Cler.ont, filed 2/4/26, Plat Book 8, pages 17 to 23, incl., public records of Lake County, Florida, be and the same is hereby forever abandoned, closed and· vacatedf and the fee simple title to the l.ands within the boundaries of said street here- by reverts to and becomes the property of the owners, in equal. proportions, of tile lots in the respective Bl.ocks, adjoining, abutting and lying adjacent to said ·Unnamed" street. SECTION 2:. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upen its passage and a certified copy thereof shall be recorded in the public records of Lake County, Florida. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PASSED by the City Council. at its Adjourned Regular Heeting bel.d on February l.7, l.959, in the City of C1ermont, Florida. . iiE' ..:/ /L( ,0 ¿{;/f;JØ, ¿J. ~ Pres dent,..!.( City Council ,..' ATTESh~~. ~/j/~(. j City Cler [/ : - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - . {. - - - - - . - ..:.. - __e '4 J 1 J I , , j j 1 , - ". , . , Received and approved me this February 17, 1959. ... .';(/k;f~. yor of c1ty~rmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CERTIFICATE ----------- I ~~ßYCERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance No. 176 was posted in accordance with the Charter and Ordinances of the Cit~ of Clermont. DATED, February - - - - - - - - - - - - - . -2- '~ r - - - - - - - - - - - .!..', ., '. .\ . . ., '. ;; l " \