O-59-177 ORDINANCE NO. 177 .' AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE PART III -PLUMBING- AS THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT RELATING TO EVERY PLUMBING INSTALLATION, INCLUDING ALTER- ATIONS, REPAIRS, EQUIPMENT, APPLIANCES, FIXTURES, FITTINGS, AND/OR APPURTENANCES THERETO:: PROVIDING FOR A BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF PLUMBERS AND JOURNEY-MAN PLUMBERS:' PROVIDING FOR EXAMINATION OF PLUMBERS AND JOURNEYMAN PLUMBERS AND ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES; PROVIDING FOR ~~NDMENTS OR CHANGES FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING THEREIDO, DECLARING THE PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. . WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Clermont find that the present Ordinance or Law of the City regulating the installation of plumbing, alterations, repairs, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and/or appurtenances to plumb- ing, are out of date and inadequate; and, WHEREAS, the Council also find that there are no regulations as to qualifications of plumbers, journeyman plumb- ers or persons or corporations employing plumbers or journeyman plumbers, in existence and, in order to protect the general health and welfare of those living within the City of Cler- mont, the immediate passage, by adoption by reference of the Southern Standard Building Code -Part 111- plumbing, is necessary and also to provide for a Board of Examiners for plumbers and journeyman plumbers, provide for examination and issuing certificates of authority to serve as plumbers and/or journeyman plumbers and to generally engage in the business of employing plumbers and journeyman plumbers; and, to authorize said Board to set up rules and regulations pertaining thereto and also to provide for amendments and changes to said Southern Standard Building Code, by the adoption and affixing to the copies of said Code on file in the office of the clerk of the City of Clermont, appendices, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION I. That the Southern Standard Building Code, . 1957-1958, Revised Edition, Part III - Plumbing -, as pub- lished by the Southern Standard Building Code Congress, Birmingham, Alabama, three copies of which have been on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of CLermont for more than ten days, last past before the passage of this Ordinance, and as hereafter modified and amended, together with all notes and appendices therein, is hereby adopted by the City of Cler- mont as if set forth herein verbatim, as the Law, Ordinance or Code applying to every plumbing installation, including alter- ations, repairs, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and/or appurtenances thereto, hereafter made within the City of Clermont. SECTION II. There shall be a board of examiners of plumbers consisting of three members, one of whom shall be the plumbing or building inspector of the city" a second member who shall be a master plumber, and a third member who shall be a journeyman plumber. The second and third members of the board of examiners shall be appointed by the Council for the term of one year from the first day of January in the year of appointment and thereafter annually, before the first day of January, except the first board of examiners who shall be appointed within ten days after the passage of this Ordinance and who shall serve until the following January 1st or until their successors are duly appointed. SECTION III. The board of examiners shall, as soon as possibk- after their appointment, meet and shall then designate the times and places for examination of all applicants desiring to engage in or work at the busness of plumbing in the city, which times and places shall be set and altered in the dis- . cretion of such board. SECTION IV. The board of examiners shall have the right to establish and promulgate rules and regulations for the investigation, application and examination of all plumbers doing -2- business in the city. As a prerequisite to examination and certification, all applicants for a journeyman's certificate shall submit proof of two year's service as an apprentice un- der the supervision and control of a duly certified and licens- ed journeyman; as a prerequisite to examination and certifica- tion, all applicants for a master plumber's certificate shall submit proof of two years' service as a journeyman plumber un- der the supervision and control of a duly certified and licensed master plumber;: or the equivalent experience as may be determined by the board of examiners from time to time, which experience may be evidenced by a master plumber's certificate showing two years experience as a master plumber in a city having equivalent requirements. SECTION V. The board shall examine the applicants as to their practical knowledge of plumbing, house drainage and plumbing ventilation, and if satisfied as to the competency of such applicants, shall issue a certificate to such applicant authorizing him to engage in or work at the business of plumb- ing, either as a master plumber or employing plumber or as a journeyman plumber. The fee for examination for a master plumber or employing plumber shall be Thirty ($30.00) Dollars; for a journeyman plumber it shall be Five ($5.00) Dollars. The cer- tificate shall be valid for the term of one year, but the same can be renewed without further examination if application is made to the board not less than thirty days before the expira- tion of the certificate. SECTION VI. The annual fee for renewing of a certifi- cate for a master plumber or an employing plumber shall be Ten ($10.00) Dollars and the annual fee for renewing the certifi- cate of a journeyman plumber shall be Two ($2.00) Dollars, it being expressly understood this renewal fee does not supplant or replace the annual license fees collected by the city. The certificate shall be revocable at any time, by the board, for cause. All monies received by the city clerk hereunder shall .. -3- .. be paid into the general fund of the city. Any person de- siring to engage in or work at the business of plumbing, either as a master plumber or an employing plumber or as a journeyman plumber, shall make application to the board of examiners hereinbefore provided for at such ti~es and places as the board may designate. The examination shall be made in whole or in part in writing, and shall be of a practical and elementary character, but sufficiently strict to test the qualifications of the applicant. It shall be the duty of the board of plumbing examiners to issue to competent plumbers proper certificates and it shall be unlawful fDr any person not the holder of a certificate, thus issued, to engage in the business or trade of plumbing within the limits of the city. SECTION VII. Every master, employing or journeyman plumber carrying on his business or trade in the city shall appear, in person, before the board of examiners and pass an examination as to his competency as required by law, or as required by rules promulgated by the board of plumbing exam- iners. . SECTION VIII. Every licensed plumber or employing plumber or journeyman plumber, now duly licensed as such in this city, shall not be required to take an examination as required hereunder but to each master plumber and each em- ploying plumber, a certificate for journeyman plumber. These certificates shall remain in full force and effect until Dec- ember 3l, 1959 and thereafter said certificates must be re- newed in accordance with the provisions hereinabove set forth. SECTION IX. Whenever alterations or amendments are found necessary in order to protect the health and general welfare of the public, same shall be accomplished by appendices. A copy of the appendices shall be affixed to the inside of the back cover of each of the copies in the clerk's office and -4- ... likewise to every copy available in said office for the public, also and without cost, a copy to every person, firm or cor- poration, having obtained a copy of this Code from the clerk. That part of the Code so altered or amended shall be permanently marked in such a manner as to refer to the appendices. It is hereby declared to be the duty of everyone having in their possession, a copy of this Code to keep the appendices to-date and to otherwise ascertain all alterations or amendments so made. SECTION X:, This Ordinance is passed as an emergency measure and the Council, does by the vote by which this Ordin- ance is passed, hereby declare that an emergency does exist which makes it imperative that this Ordinance become effective immediately upon its passage; and, therefore this Ordinance does and shall become effective immediately upon its passage. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clermont at its adjourned regular meeting held on March l7, 1959, in the City of Clermont, ----.-- .' - - - RECEIVED AND APPROVED" this March l7, 1959. V/1;;C ~¿L7' --'"-1 Mayor - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. J C E R T I F I CAT E '. I CERTIFY THAT the foregoing Ordinance No. 177 was posted in accordance with the Charter and Ordinances of the J City of Clermont, Florida. DATED, April 18, 1959 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 04/j~t - - -.- 61- - ~:: - - - - Clerk - - - -5- "~~i'. 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