O-59-186 ORDINANCE NO. 186 -- AN ORDINANCE FOREVER ABANDONING. ABOLISHING. CLOSING AND VACATING FRACTIONAL DIVISION STREET AS REPRESENTED ON THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT. LAKE COUNTY. FLORIDA; PROVIDING THAT ALL LANDS LYING WITHIN SAID FRACTION- AL DIVISION STREET SHALL REVERT IN FEE SIMPLE TO AND BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE OWNERS OF THE ADJACENT LANDS; PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. WHEREAS, the S 1/2 of Division Street wholly lies within the territorial boundaries of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, and the N 1/2 thereof wholly lies within the Town of Minneola, Lake County, Florida; and, the center line of Division Street is a common boundary between the said City of Clermont aef1 Town of Minneola; and, that said Street has never been graded, paveçlßmproved by either municipality and has never been used by the traveling public but on the contrary has always been used by adjacent property owners until such time as same would be open to the general traveling public; and, WHEREAS, since the construction of State Road 25, U. S. 27, (formerly State Road 8-A, Federal Route 19) the opening and improvement of said Street on to said State Road 25 would create a traffic hazard and William L. C. Gross and wife, Elaine M. Gross, are the owners of the lands lying East of Galena Street and West of said State Road 25 and lying North and South of the right-of-way of said Division Street, both in the City of Clermont and the Town of Minneola, have agreed to convey, without cost, a strip of land for street purposes 60 feet in width North of the present location of Division Street, the same being the North 60 feet of Lots 3 and 6, Block _ 55, and the North 60 feet of Lot 3, Block 52, as represented on the Official Map of the Town of Minneola, in exchange for the closing of the North half of Division Street East of Galena Street and the West half of State Road 25, LESS and EXCEPT right-of-way of Bloxam A venue; and, the Town of Minneola has agreed to close the North half of Division Street East of Galena Street and West of said State Road 25, LESS and EXCEPT right-of-way of Bloxam Avenue; and, the Council of the City of Clermont have also found that the opening of said Division as now located would create a traffic hazard and that said Street is not needed within the street system of the City of Clermont and with the excessive travel and use of said State Road 25 it would be to the general wel- fare and the best interests of all parties concerned that said Division Street not be opened in its present location; and, . WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont find it to be for the general welfare of its residents, property owners and the general public that the S 1/2 of Division Street lying East of Galena Street and West of State Road 25, LESS and EXCEPT right-of-way of Bloxam Avenue, be forever . abandoned, abolished, closed and vacated and the lands within said Division Street revert in fee simple to the adjacent property owners; and, that this Ordinance, when passed, become effective at once; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT. LAKE COUNTY. FLORIDA: .. SECTION I. That the South half (S 1/2) of Division Street lying West of Bloxam Avenue and East of Galena Street, and the South half (S 1/2) of Division Street lying East of Bloxam Avenue, as represented on the Official Map of the City of Clermont, duly filed and recorded in the Public Records of Lake County, Florida, LESS and EXCEPT therefrom right-of-way for said State Road 25, U. S. 27, (formerly State Road 8-A, Federal Route 19) and fractional S 1/2 of Division Street lying East of said State Road 25 be, and the same is, hereby forever abandoned, abolished, closed and vacated and all lands lying within said area of the S 1/2 of Division Street shall revert in fee simple to the owners of the real property lying adjacent and abutting thereto. SECTION II. That copies of the Resolution, adopted by this Council on November 17, 1959, Proof of PubUcation of Notice, and this Ordinance, duly certified by the City Clerk, shall be recorded in the Public Records of Lake County, Florida, and when so recorded will, in all intents and purposes, operate as a conveyance in fee simple of the lands within said area of the S 1/2 of Division Street as more particularly above described. SECTION III. That in the event the Town of Minneola should, with- in 60 days from date hereof, fail or refuse to permanently abandon, abolish, close and vacate the N 1/2 of Division Street lying East of Galena Street and West of Bloxam Avenue, and the N 1/2 of Division Street lying East of Bloxam Avenue, as represented on the offical Map of the Town of Minneola, duly filed and recorded in the Public Records of Lake County, Florida, LESS and EXCEPT existing right-of.:way of State Road 25 and LESS fractional part of the N 1/2 of Division Street lying East of said State Road 25, then this Ordinance shall, on said date, become null and void and cease to operate as a conveyance of said lands within the above .. -2- described area of the S 1/2 of Division Street; and, further should the said William L. C. Gross and wife, Elaine M. Gross, fail refuse or for any other reason fail to deliver a deed of conveyance to the Town of =0 Minneola for street purposes, the same being the North 60 feet of Lots 3 and 6, Block 55, and the North 60 feet of Lot 3, Block 52, as represented on the Official Map of the Town of Minneola, then and in such event, this Ordinance shall be void and wholly in -operative in every respect. SECTION IV. That the City Council of the City of Clermont finds it necessary to declare the passage of this Ordinance to be an emergency measure, and, therefore, same shall become effective immediately upon its passage. ----------------------------------------------------------------- PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, at its Regular Meeting held on ~' ~ \:f : " ;-f , < December 1, 1959, in Clermont, Florida, upon three readings thereof. ~t~èiÆ:.," f'Nd~· "1 ~ > .' .~~ ......' ..-.- ." ." ~~~ . / " I ATTEST: (/~ / tflu--; . City <jierk / ---------------~----------------------------------------------- RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me this December 1, 1959. . J Q'~IÍ ~ __lØehO¡ na7."j . Matpr, @1ermoñt, FlePCcla F If 8. l~ ~ 'Y.'-' , ------------------------------------------------------------------ I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of this Ordinance was duly posted for thirty days. =0 DATED, January 4, 1960. I/~J/)+~ Citkierk, ,élermont Florida --------------------------------------61-------- ------------~:-- - ~' . -3- ~ ~ / ~. ~ '" " :í ¡; .¡ ': ,I H '/ " 'I II -q ¡ I I -d· - -~. ./ : . 'j ¡~ I I I! I: ,I I! I i'Q." '01>' , ,. , 7;:T:ë,¿s;;;,:,;,i.-Þ,¡¡;/~~~;" 'wi/eM'" ': W A H RAN '; \' : 1 F~ ': ¡) ------.. ..._--. WII.I.IAM L. C. GKOSS and w¡h~. Ei./\:~~!~:v1. C;·:':~SS. :) ' CkrmHl1i. Lake ~:OUnty. Florida, the Grantors. in '. (YJ"õt:t"¡"auoJl \'( ;hc :;;\11:1 uf Om, anc! No/JOO ($1.00) Dollar received from the TOW1\i OF i\"iNi\I¡·:OI.A, a MUl1kipa! Corporation, of Lake County, Florida. ¡hI:': Gran!ce', hcrdJ)' on Ihis I at day uf December, 1959. ,:ol1vey to the GranIc,,". fur 1:;rõTt'! pU:-P( IH~R (~lly, rhe real property in the Town of Minneola, Lake County. Florida. d~'st:ribcu fiR: North 60 feet of Lots 3 and 6, Block 5~, and the North 60 feet of Lot 3, Block 52, as repr'c8cntcc1 on the OFFICIAl. MAP of the TOWN OF MINNEULA, duly flied and recordtld in the Public Records of Lake Coumy, Florida. \ and covenant that the property Is free of all E'n..:umbranœs, that lawful seisin of and good right to convey that property arc vested in ¡he Grantors, and that the Grantors hereby fully warrant the tit.le It,) said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of a11 persons whomsoever. It is hereby understood and agreed and stipulated between the grantors anù grantee that if the lands hereby conveyed are abandoned, or no longer used for street purposes by the Town of MinneoJa, Ihe said lands hereby conveyed shall revert back to '(h~ then owners in fee simple of said LOIs 3 and 6, Block 55, and Lot 3, Block 52, respectively. Signed in rhe Presence of: -7 Cì ~-,,~..ÆJ1,.....~ 1", ! "«:-~7 =1-. ~ ) I , ~~-l.~.. _!.......~_._._-----_.__.- ~~~-~._.-<). STA rr.: OF FLOR IDA, ) COLIN I'Y UF LÀKE. ) ¡HEREBY CEKTIFY that on rhl" ùay. Ix,f(,'r~ me, a "Uial) I'uhlk tluly authorized in the Srate and Count y named al>l.,vt· : () take a,!(!lOw!t-dgrncIHH, personally appeared WILLIAM L. C. GROSS a'~<Í wifl>, ELAlNI·, M. GIH'SS, to me known 1.0 ~ the pt!rsons des.:ribeà as Gra:lIors Í!! and who cxe~lItcu Iht' fore- gOlllg Warranty Deed, and acknowledged befort' me that ::;aiJ penHlIls t'xecuted :h¡¡,~. W;trntn!v Deed. I'.. J r\Wlr~i',S my hand and officiai sea) in ¡lle County and Stau' named above ,.: ;"¡"; ! \:-¡.;I:.' 1lI1Ì(: r t.! 19"59', " .-~' ...... ~ - _"70....' I . ,i _ - -ý~ ."eX?-:-..Af'.. - _..- .., r. I' ,w .~~~rY1\ro!~I..· N"!::'~" 1"'1.- I. : .." 1 ~. '¡. ~'.;. ~·1 Cc,',u:..I.. '... " ~ þ) Al1181.w.h :...IJ.-.I ..:J.. _. ."..~ " ,. \. r: l! ~ :