O-61-200 .. .~ t ORDINANCE NO. ~ t!) 0 AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FEES; PROVIDING FOR FEES, PENALTIES, EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND, OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION I - I. TERM; TRANSFER. No license shall be issued for more than one (1) year, and all licenses shall expire on September 30th of each year. The license of a business may be transferred with the approval of the Council when there is a bona fide sale and transfer of the property used in the business, provided all current personal property taxes have been fully paid as provided in Section I -3 hereinafter. A certificate of the Council's approval of the transfer shall be certified by the City Clerk and affixed to the license. If such transfer must also be approved by any agency or department of the State or Federal Governments and same is not so approved the Clerk's Certi- ficate of Transfer shall then be removed from the license and held for 30 days and thereafter destroyed. Any transferred license shall not be valid for a period of time exceeding the time for which it was originally issued. SECTION 1-2. TIME TAX PAYABLE; FRACTIONAL PERIOD; LATE PENALTY. All licenses shall be payable qn or before the first day of Oct- ober of each year unless otherwise provided by this Ordinance. Any person who was not liable for a license during the first half of the license year, ,may be issued a license during the second half of the license year upon the payment of one-half of the amount fixed as the price of such license for one year. In addition to the penalities imp,osed herein under Section II-1 then shall also be imposed the additionaI penalties of: (a) Ten percent (10%) 0tçþ.e amount of the license if not paid by 5 o'clock P. M. on October 30th (if on. a Saturday Or Sunáay one additional bus- iness day shall be allowed as a grace period); (b) Beginning N9Y~JTIber 1st a.!l additional penalty of oneper cent (1%) per month for each month delin- quent Page 1. ... >-.,¥ provided, however, any new license due only for the second half of the license year the penalties provided hereinabove shall be assessed for only the period of April 30th to September 30th. SECTION 1-3. APPLICATION; FORM; REQUIREMENTS; PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES. Written applications for licenses may be required of any per- son applying for a license herein, which license application shall be in the form prescribedjby the Clerk and approved by the Council. When so required same must show in detail the information required thereon by the City. Also the assessor may require any person to make sworn affidavit before him on the full amount and true value of the personal property of such applicant (form for both may be combined). Any person refusing to make affidavit as requir- ed by the assessor shall not be permitted to reduce the valuation of such personal property as made by the assessor for that year. No license shall be issued to any person to engage in or manage any business, profession or occupation unless and until all current or delinquent personal property taxes levied and assessed by the City against personal property pertaining to or used in con- nection with same have been fully paid. The transferee of any lic- ense shall be as fully liable for said taxes as if he had been the owner of said personal property as of the date of assessment and levy there- on. The City shall have a lien thereon for said taxes until same are paid which shall be enforceable at law or in equity. SECTION 1-4. EXEMPTIONS. 1 (a) All confirmed cripples, deaf and dumb persons or invalids physically incapable of manual labor , persons of sixty-five years of age and over with no more than one employee or helper and who use their own capital not in excess of five hundred doUars shall be allowed exemption from payment of the license tax herein provided, however, that the exemptions provided for by this section shall be allowed only upon the presentation of a certificate that the applicant claiming ex- emptions is a confirmed cripple or invalid when such fact is not ob- viously apparent, which certificate shall state the nature and extent of disability being specified therein; and in case the exemption is be- ing claimed by a person of sixty -five years of age or Over, proof of the right of such exemption shall be made, and any person entitled to exemption under this section shall upon written application therefor furnish the necessary proof as aforesaid for the issuance of a license and it shall have plainly stamped or written across the face thereof that it is issued under this section, and the reason for the exemption Page 2. =0 shall be written thereon. Like licenses not exempt under the laws of the State of Florida shall not be exempt hereunder. (b) All farm and grove products and products manufactured therefrom except intoxicating liquors, wine or beer shall be exempt from license tax when they are being offered for sale or sold by the farmer or grower producing such product. The producer of the aforesaid farm products shall be ex- empt from any wholesale or retail peddler's license tax in the City, when the same is being offered for sale or sold by the farmer or grow- er producing such products, after the farmer, or grower of such pro- ducts have procured a certification or affidavit made before a county judge, justice of the peace, or other judicial officer of the county and state in which such products were raised, grown or produced, stating that the products were raised, grown or produced in the county where such judicial officer resides by the person offering the products for sale. (c) Nothing herein shall be construed to require a license for practicing religious tenets of any kind. (d) Businesses conducted solely for the benefit of public schools, private schools, non -profit corporations and charitable institutions shall be exempt from license taxes herein provided. SECTION 1-5. POSTING. It shall be the duty of all persons carrying on any business, pro- fession or occupation mentioned in this Ordinance to keep their license conspicuously posted in their place of business, or on machines, vehicles or movable units. SECTION 1-6. REVOCATION. Any license or permit issued under the provisions of this Ord- inance may be revoked after two days Notice and Hearing by the Mayor or City Council when a business other than that designated in the license or permit is conducted or where such business is conducted in violation of any City Ordihance;of the City or criminal law of the State of Florida or of the United States. SECTION 1-7. PERMIT IN ADDITION; FORM; DISPLAY1NG. All businesses licensed hereunder which operate from machines, vehicles or movable units shall, in addition to obtaining a license there- for,have issued at the same time a permit for each separate machine, vehicle or movable unit, which permit must be displayed on the machine, vehicle or unit for which it is issued and shall be in substantially the Page 3. ... following form: PERMIT "City of Clermont Lake County, Florida City License No. No. has been issued for this permit. Fee paid: Date of Issue This Permit Expires Business for which this Permit was issued. Person, firm or corporation to whom issued. Collector of Taxes. This card must be displayed on the machine, vehicle or unit for which it is issued. " and shall pay an additional fee of 50¢ for each Permit. SECTION 1-8. COIN-OPERATED MACHINES; EXCEPTIONS. Every person who operates for profit any machine, contrivance, or device which is set in motion or made or permitted to function by the insertion of a coin or slug or as described in Section 205.63, Flo- rida Statutes, shall pay a license tax as prescribed in Section 1-20 of this Ordinance. SECTION 1-9. ROAD AND TENT SHOWS - EXCEPTIONS. 1 All circuses, carnivals, tent shows, acrobatic troupes, ballets, musical comedy and vaudeville troupes, all forms of raod shows and other similar types of entertainment and all other forms of profession- al histrionic forms of entertainment performing for the public for money, or other things of value, or where such entertainment be offered with- out charge, but in connection with and as an attraction to the sale of any goods, wares or other commodity commonly known or referred to as "patent medicines" shall be required to pay to the City a license fee as prescribed in Section 1-20 of this Ordinance for each day they op- erate, exhibit or perform in the City. Such license shall be required of the above, whether the exhibition or performance be sponsored by or given under the auspices of any charitable, religious, or other similar nonprofit organization, provided, however, that the provisions Page 4. , of this Ordinance shall not apply to the performance of any strictly amateur and nonprofessional actors, performers or musicians, pro- vided further such license may be waived at the discretion of the Council. SECTION 1-10. SAME-APPLICATION; WHEN FEE PAYABLE. The license as herein provided shall be obtained from the City Clerk of the City upon application for the same, for the period of time or number of days desired, which application must be accompanied by the tender of coin or currency of the United States of America in an amount equivalent to the prescribed fee per day for every day to be embraced within such permit or license. SECTION 1-11. SAME- REVOCABLE; CHANGES; FILING OATH. When the Clerk of the City shall have issued licenses as here- inabove prescribed, the same shall be irrevocable except that upon the sworn statement of seven or more citizens of the City charging that such production so licensed is indecent, unwholesome, offensive to public decency, morality, or that the~same offends against the Gov- ernment of the United States of America, or that the same amounts to any act or acts of disloyalty to the United States of America, then and upon the filing with the City Clerk such sworn statement or state- ments, the Council shall be authorized to cancel any such permits so issued, upon the tender or return to the holder of such license of all unearned monies so paid to procure the issuance thereof. SECTION 1-12. SAME - ADVERTISING BY BILLS, POSTERS, ETC.; LICENSE FEE. =0 It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute or cause to be distributed, to post or cause to be posted, any advertising material, billing, advertising, or soliciting patronage for any carnival, tent show, acrobatic troupes, ballets, musical and vaudeville troupes, and all forms of road shows as well as all other forms of professional histrionic entertainment and amusement performing for money or other thing of value, or where such entertainment be offered without charge, but in connection with and as an attaction to the sale of any goods, wares or other commodity commonly known or referred to as "patent medicines", where such production or performance shall be held, staged or pro duced in a temporary enclosure and outside of the corporate limits of the City, unless such person shall first have made application to the City Clerk of the City for a permit to so dis- tribute or post said advertising material within the corporate limits of the City, such application to be accompanied by the payment of the fee as prescribed in Section 1-20 of this Ordinance. Page 5. ... SECTION 1-13. TRANSIENT ROLLER SKATING RINK - DEFINITION. The term "transient roller skating rinks" as herein used is defined as any platform, arena, tent, enclosure or other structure no permanently attached and fixed to realty on which the same be located, and wherein and where on the entertainment and amuse- ment of roller skating is offered to the public for money or other thing of value. Sanitary flush toilets must be furnished with separate facil- ities for male and female of the Negro and the White races. The Council must approve the location of the skating rink and it cannot be located in a residential area as defined under the City's zoning law. SECTION 1-14. SAME - LICENSE REQUIRED. All transient roller skating establishments doing business in the City shall be required to pay to the City the license fee pro- vidéd in Section 1-20 of this Ordinance. SECTION I-IS. SAME - APPLICATION FOR LICENSE; TENDER. The license as herein provided shall be obtained from the City Clerk of the City upon application for the same for the period of time and number of days desired, which application must be accompanied by the tender of coin or currency of the United States of America in an amount equivalent to the license fee prescribed in Section 1-20 of this Ordinance. SECTION 1-16. SAME - REFUSAL TO ISSUE LICENSE; REVOCATION. In all cases the City Council may refuse to issue licenses or permits for transient roller skating rinks, or may revoke any license or permit so issued when, in the judgment of the Council the transient roller skating rink is a nuisance. It shall be deemed a violation of this Ordinance for any transient roller· skating rink to operate within the city limits of the City without having first obtained a license as herein provided, or to operate such transient roller skating rink without such license, or after such license has been revoked in the manner as herein provided. SECTION 1-17. RECREATIONAL DEVICES AND GAMES NOT OTHER- WISE: LICENSED; LICENSE FEE. , 1 Every person who operates for profit any game, amusement, Page 6. ... or recreational device, contrivance, or facility within the corporate limits of the City when such game, amusement, or recreational de- vice, contrivance, or facility is not otherwise licensed by Ordinance of the City shall pay a license tax of five dollars on each such game, amusement, or recreational device, contrivance, or facility. SECTION 1-18. AUTO TRANSPORATION COMPANIES; LICENSE RE- QUIRED; LICENSE FEE. Every auto transporation company, as defined in Chapter 323, Florida Statutes, maintaining an office or receiving and/or discharg- ing passengers and/or freight within the City shall not be required to pay to the City a license tax, however, any auto transporation com- pany not otherwise exempt under said Chapter 323, Florida Statutes, shall pay to the City a license tax as required under Section 1-20 here- of and shall be paid and procured in the manner provided in Section 1- 2 hereof. SECTION 1-19. BANKRUPTCY GOODS, ETC.; LICENSE REQUIRED. Every person engaging in or carrying on any mercantile bus- iness in the City, the principal purpose of which is to sell or deal in that class of goods, wares and merchandise brought into the City from other places and known as or being or represented to be bought or otherwise acquired at any bankruptcy sale, receiver's sale or trustee's sale, or such as have been or are represented to have been damaged by fire, storm or other similar cause, before engaging in or carrying on such business shall procure from the City Clerk an occupational license therefor, for which he shall pay a license tax as prescribed in Section 1-20 of this Ordinance, and no such license shall be issued for less than a ten day or more than a thirty day period. SECTION 1-20. SCHEDULE OF FEES. No person shall engage in or manage, or operate any business, profession or occupation hereinafter set forth within the corporate limits of the City unless an occupational license therefor shall have been procured from the City Clerk of the City, which license shall be issued to each person upon receipt of the amount as provided in the schedule hereinafter set forth opposite the respective trade or profession, which license shall be signed by the Clerk of the City and it shall have the official seal of the City affixed thereto. 1 The following annual, unless otherwise provided, license taxes shall be paid to the City as herein provided by the person man- aging or transacting the several businesses, trades occupations or professions, namely: Page 7. ... A Item Description Amounts ( 1) ABSTRACT company or agents, or abstractor of title $ 25.00 ( 2) ACCOUNTANTS, CPA's, and auditors, each 25.00 ( 3) ADVERTISING: (a) Trade inducement agency 25.00 (b) Outdoor signs, each (see also Building Code or Bill Board Ordinance). Prohibited (c) Signs or vehicles for profit 15.00· (d) Sound trucks: (1) For profit, per day 5.00 (2) Not for profit -0- (3) Political candidates -0- (4) Local Schools, colleges, Churches -0- (5) Not classified (with permission of Council with or without license) per day: 5.00 (e) Carnivals, tent shows, acrobatic troupes, musical or vaudeville troupes, patent medicine shows, road shows, and all other forms of professional histrionic enter- tainment and amusement when perform- ing out side of City (See Section I -9 of this Ordinance for permits to advertise. See Section I -4( c) of this Ordinance for exemptions), each: 100. 00 ( 4) AGENCY: (a) Commercial (b) For the collection of rents or accounts, not including real estate brokers or ag- ents, paying neither lawyers nor other license tax to City (c) Any agency or other business not specif- ically provided for herein 25.00 25.00 25.00 1 ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) AMBULANCE service (when not connected with mortician) 25. 00 AMUSEMENTS (see also coin-operated machines). (a) Parks (by permission of City Council). (b) Carnivals, tent shows, not including circuses, acrobatic troupes, ballets, musical or vaudeville troupes, patent AlRCONDITIONING (commercial refrigeration) See Contractors Page 8. ... medicine shows, all other road shows, and all other professional and histronic forms of entertainment and amusement, each, per day (in addition to advertising license) $100.88 ( 8 ) ANIMAL Exhibitions 25.00 ( 9 ) APARTMENT Houses See Hotels ( 10) APPLIANCE Company, sale and repair except when sold with general merchandise. (Also see Merchants). 20.00 ( 11) ARCHITECTS, each 25.00 ( 12) ARTIFICIAL stone, manufacturers or sales. (Also See Stone) ( 13) ASTROLOGlSTS, fortune tellers, palmists, clairvoyants, card readers, phrenologists, spiritual readers and advisors, whether making charges or accepting donations. Prohibited ( 14) AUCTIONEERS: (a) Resident, each, per year 25.00 (b) Transient, each, per day 25.00 ( 15) AUDITOR or auditing companies. Public accounting or bookkeepers, each 25.00 ( 16) AUTOMOBILES: (a) Dealers in new or used cars with accessories and repairing and fill- ing station 40.00 (b) Dealers in new or used cars, no re- pair 25.00 (c) Filling Stations. (See Filling Stations) (d) Body shop and/or paint shop 20.00 (e) Garage, repair, storage 20.00 (f) Accessories, parts and supplies, retail (See Merchants) (g) Accessories, parts and supplies, wholesale 25.00 1 ( 17) AUTO loan or finance Company (See Loan companies). 50.00 ( 18) AUTO transportation companies. (See also Section I -18 of this Ordinance), per year 25.00 Page 9. .. ( 19 ) AWNING sales and service (See Contractors) B ( 20) BAKERY and confectionery: (b) Within City 20.00 (b) With place of business outside City. (See Retail Sales). 20.00 ( 21) BANKRUPTS or damaged goods. (See Section 1-19) per day 25.00 ( 22) BANKS, bankers or trust companies (See also Loan Companies.) 50.00 ( 23) BARBER SHOPS: (a) One Chair 10.00 (b) Each additional chair 2.50 (Also see bootblacks.) ( 24) BEER and wine (See Ordinance No. --Y ( 25) BEAUTY PARLORS: (a) One operator or chair 10.00 (b) Each additional operator or chair 2.50 ( 26) BICYCLES: (a) Keeping bicycles for hire or shop re- pair of same or both 10.00 (b) Bicycles, sales only. (See also Merchandise. ) 10.00 ( 27) BILL POSTERS (See Advertising) ( 28) BILUARDS or pool tables: (For public use for profit): (a) One table 25.00 (b) Each additional table 7.50 ( 29) BOARDING Houses See Hotels ( 30) BOATS & Motors, Sales & Service 20.00 n (b) Boats for hire, $1. 00 per boat, minimum 25.00 ( 31 ) BONDING companies 25.00 ( 32) BOOK agents or canvassers for books. (Other than religious.) Prohibited .. ( 33) BOOK stores, not including outside mag- azine and book agents. (Also see Magazines. ) 20.00 Page 10. ( 34) BOOKKEEPERS (Bookkeeping agencies) each 25."00 .. ( 35 ) BOOTBLACKS: (a) One to two seats 2.50 (b) Three to five seats 5.00 ( 36) BOTTLING COMPANIES, manufacturing or selling soft or carbonated drinks 20.00 ( 37) BOWLING alley, each alley 10.00 (Merchant's license for other merchandise also required.) ( 38) BROKERS: (a) Dealing in stocks and bonds, includes agents for brokers 25.00 (b) Real Estate 25.00 (c) Dealing in merchandise, wholesale 25.00 (d) Others 25.00 ( 39 ) BUILDING & Loan Associations 50.00 ( 40) BUILDERS (or designers) 25.00 ( 41 ) BUILDING materials: (a) Sand, brick, lime, cement, lumber and other building materials, excluding grav- el and sand, including cabinet and shop work 30.00 ( 42) BUILDING trades, each 15.00 ( 43) BUTCHER shops, meat and fish (including dair_y:! products) (independent or sub- leased) 20.00 C ( 44) CABINET makers or carpenter shop 20.00 ( 45 ) CAFES and restaurants: (Lunch counters, also see dinning rooms) (a) Seats for one to ten persons 10.00 (b) Seats for eleven to twenty persons 15.00 (c) Seats for twenty-one to thirty persons 20.00 (d) More than thirty 25.00 (e) Lunch counter (without seats or tables) 5.00 .. ( 46) CANDY: (a) Wholesale, unless included i'IwrÌ1erch- andise license 20.00 Page 11. .. ( 47) CANE racks, knife racks, lifting maÇhines, striking machines, weighing machines, each per year 5.00 (See shuffle boards and weight machines). ( 48) CANNING factories 30.00 ( 49 ) CANVASSERS or solicitors 20.00 ( 50) CARNIVALS (See Amusements) ( 51 ) CARPET '& Rug Cleaners, not connected with dry cleaners or laundries 20.00 ( 52) CASH REGISTERS, agents for sale of or dealers in ( 53) CEMENT: (a) Supply company (Also See contractors) (b) Manufacturers of precase cement products ( 54) CERTIFIED public accountants or auditors ( 55) CIRCUSES, each day. (See Amusements also) ( 56) CIGARETTES (See tobacco dealers, also coin- operated machines). ( 57) CITRUS: (a) Fresh fruit packers (b) Fresh fruit processing (c) Fresh fruit gift box shippers (d) Pulp or feed plants ( 58) CIVIL Engineers and Surveyors, each ( 59) CLAIRVOYANTS (See Astrologists) ( 60) CLEANERS (See Dry Cleaners) .. ( 61) COIN-OPERATED machines. (Owners or operators of same for profit.) (a) Music boxes, jook organs, each (b) Merchandise vending machines, gum, peanuts, ice, nuts, mints, candy, soft drinks, and any other merchandise, ex- cept cigaretts and Florida Citrus Juices (c) Penny-in -the-slot (First Machine) Penny-in-the-slot (Each additional) (d) Pinball machines, each Page 12. 20.00 20.00 20.00 See Auditors 100. 00 30.00 30.00 20.00 30.00 25.00 Prohibited 5.00 5.00 1. 00 .50 100.00 .. (e) U. S. Postage Machines or Drinking Cups -0- (f) Weighing machines (See Subsection (c) above.) No exception if located in licensed business. Exempt if owned by non -profit group, association, or corporation:where- ever located. ( 62) COLD STORAGE plant: (a) Connected with ice plant, in addition to wholesale ice manufacturers license. (See Ice Manufacturer) 20.00 (b) Not connected with ice plant 20.00 ( 63) COMMON Carriers. (See Section 1-18 of this Ordinance. ) ( 64) CONCRETE (Manufacturers of concrete block) 20.00 ( 65) CONTRACTORS: (a) General building: Each person who enters into contracts for the construction of build- ings or structures and who performs the work himself or sub-lets to subcontractors any or all of the units of the work in con- nection with the construction or repair of any building, shall be termed a general contractor and shall be required to pay an annual license tax of 25.00 (b) Subcontractors and special contractors: Each person who employs laborers to work under his supervision or who works in any manner whatsoever under a contract or cost- plus basis agreement or understanding, or for compensation in the form of a bonus or commission additional to regular day wages at !:he prevailing scale for ordinary workers, or any trade engaged in or represented by him and performing labor, which when com- pleted results in the completion of any part or portion of a building or structure, shall be classed as a subcontractor and shall be required to pay an annual license, as follows: (1) Air conditioning equipment, installers or contractors 15.00 (2) Artificial stone and marble workers and seters 15.00 .. (3) Brick and stone masons or workers 15.00 (4) Carpenters and builders 15.00 (5) Cement and concrete workers 15.00 Page 13. -.'! " " .. (6) Composition floor contractors (7) Decorators, interior (8) Electricians and electrical con- tractors, master or employing. (See Electrical Code also.) (9) Floor sanders and cleaners (10) Glazers and glass setters (11) Painters, paper hangers and sign painters (12) Pipe fitters (13) Plasterers and stucco contractors, including lathing (14) Plumbers and plumbing contractors (See Plumbing Code also) (15) Refrigerator system, installers & contractors (16) Roofing and sheet metal workers or contractors (17) Sprinkler system contractors (18) Store fixtures and front installers or contractors (19) Tent and awning contractors or bu- ilders (20) Tile and terrazzo workers and setters (21) Steel workers, contractors and welders (22) Other building trade occupations not specifically mentioned. ( 66) ( 67) CONVALESCENT homes 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 See Hotels COTTAGES, rental, including Duplexes:,where two or more are operated as a unit or where grouped together, per living unit See Hotels ( 68) CRATES, vegetable or fruit, manufacturers of ( 69) CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS, firms or corporations D . ~ ( 70) DAIRY: (a) Each person selling milk or cream in the City, having two tio~five cows (b) More than five and not exceeding ten (c) More than ten ( 71) DAMAGED, bankrupts' or trustees' goods, (See Section 1-19), per day ( 72) DANCE HALL (Operating for profit.) Page 14. 25.00 20.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 100. 00 .. ( 73) DANCING CLUBS, or groups holding dances for profit, per night 5.00 ( 74) DANCING SCHOOLS or classes 10.00 ( 75) DEALERS, Second hand goods 20.00 ( 76) DECORATORS, interior See Contractors ( 77) DELIVERY service when operated as a separate business 10.00 ( 78) DENTAL LABORATORY 20.00 ( 79 ) DENTISTS, each 25.00 ( 80) DIAPER SERVICE, local or out of town 20.00 ( 81) DINING ROOM in connection with Hotel or Rooming House See Restaurants ( 82) DISCOUNT HOUSES 20.00 ( 83) DIVINE HEALERS (See Astrologists) Prohibited ( 84) DOCTORS: (1) Chiropodists 25.00 (2) Chiropractors 25.00 (3) Naturopath 25.00 (4) Oculists" 25.00 (5) Opticians 25.00 ( 6) Optometrists 25.00 (7) Osteopath 25.00 (8) Physicians 25.00 (9) Other Doctors or Physicians 25.00 ( 85) DRAFTMEN and Designers (independent bus- iness), each 20.00 ( 86) DRESSMAKING SHOP - Dressmakers 5.00 ( 87) DRUGS or Sundry Store 20.00 ( 88) DRUGGIST, each 25.00 ( 89 ) DRY CLEANER and laundry plant: (a) Located in the City 20.00 (b) Located outside the CiW and doing .. business inside the City 30.00 ( 90) DRY CLEANER and Tailor only: (a) Local 20.00 (b) Outside City 30.00 Page 15. - .. ( 91 ) DRIVE-INNS (Refreshment or feed) 20.00 ( 92) DUPLEXES See Hotels E ( 93 ) ELECTRICAL machines or supplies - dealers 20.00 ( 94) EMBALMERS See Undertakers ( 95 ) EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 20.00 ( 96) ENGINEERS, each 25.00 ( 97) ENGRAVERS and lithographers 20.00 ( 98) ELECTRICIAN, master or employing. See Contractors (Also See Electrical Code.) " ( 99 ) ELECTRIC light and power companies 100. 00 (100) EXHIBITIONS: (a) Freak or other curiosity, for profit, per week, when not included in amuse- ments. (Upon approval of Council only) 100. 00 (b) Wrestling or boxing and other similar exhibitions or matches, for each ex- hibition or match (Upon approval of the Council. ) 25.00 ( 101) EXPRESS companies or agents 25.00 (102) EXTERMINATORS of insects, rodents or pests 25.00 F (103) FACTORIES (See specific headings) (104) FEEDS, hay and grain: (a) Dealers or agents, retail 20.00 (b) Dealers or agents, wholesale 20..00 (105) FERTILIZERS, dealers in or agents taking orders for 20.00 (106) FILLING STATIONS 20.00 ( 107) FINANCE companies (See Loan companies) ( 108) FISH and oysters, when as separate business 20.00 .. (109) FORTUNE TELLERS (See Astrologists) Prohibited Page 16. .. ( 110) FREIGHT hauling See Trucks for Hire (11 I) FRUIT--dealer or agent. (For exemption see Section I -4(b) of this Ordinance); (a) Wholesale, per person or vehicle 25.00 (b) Retail, per year 20.00 (112) FRUIT stand, cart, truck or wagon, not in- cluding push carts. (See peddlers; for exemptions see Section I -4(b) of this Ordinance) . (113) FRUIT, push cart, each 5.00 (114) FUNERAL director See Undertakers (115) FURNITURE See Merchants (116) FLORIST: (a) Located in City 20.00 (b) Without permanent place of business in City 35.00 G (117) GAMES, automatic, recreational devices, contrivances or machines when not other- wise licensed. (Also see Coil Operated Machines) 1O.00r (118) GARAGES See Automobiles (119) GARBAGE collectors, per year 20.00 (Upon approval of Council) (120) GAS companies, requiring ten per cent utility tax 20.00 (121) GASOLINE and oil, wholesale dealers or distributors 30.00 (122) GRAVEL and sand, dealers in 10.00 (Also see Building Materials) (123) GREEN growers and dealers, vegetables, fresh fruit and nuts, wholesale (See Section I -4(b) of this Ordinance for exemption). .. (124) GUNS, dealers in guns, pistols, bowie knives or other deadly weapons, when no other stock is carried 20.00 Page 17. H .. (125) HAT cleaning and blocking. (Not in connection with dry cleaners 10.00 (126) HAWKERS and street vendors of drugs, medicines or preparations, per day 25.00 (Not including medicine shows.) (127) HAY, grain and feed, retail and wholesale See Merchants (128) HIDES, dealer in, other than junk dealers 20.00 (129) HOTELS, Apartments, Duplexes, Boarding Houses, Nursing and Convalescent Homes, furnished rooms (does not permit dinning room without restaurant license.) (a) 2 rooms or more, per room 1.50 (b) 2 apartments or more, per apartment 3.00 (130) HOUSE movers and bond required 20.00 I (131) ICE CREAM and soda fountain: (a) Parlor 20.00 (b) Carts or wagons, selling at retail 10.00 (c) When wrapped sandwiches, cakes, etc. sold _ 15.00 (d) Parlors or store (not including soda fountain) 5.00 (e) Manufacturers (wholesale) 15.00 (132) ICE manufacturers, and deliveries not in- cluding cold storage 20.00 (133) INCOME tax consultants, each § 25.00 (134) INSURANCE agents for all type of insurance sold and for all insurance companies represented 25.00 J (135) JEWELERS and watch repairers: (a) Watch repairs and jewelry 20.00 (b) Not including watch repairing 20.00 (c) Watch repairing only 10.00 .. (136) JOB PRINTERS: (a) When not operating with newspaper 20.00 (b) Together with newspaper publishing 40.00 Page 18. .. (137) JUNK dealers. (See Dealers - second-hand goods. ) K (138) KEY shops and lock and trunk repair 10.00 (139) KINDERGARDEN. (See Nursery - Children's) L (140) LANDSCAPING. (See Nursery Stock). (141) LAUNDRY: (a) Mechanical or hand, located inside of City 20. 00 (b) Out of City. (See Dry Cleaners.) 30.00 (142) LAUNDERETTE See Washing (143) LAWYERS, each 25.00 (144) LETTER service, multigraphing or mimeo- graphing 5.00 (145) LINEN supply: (a) Resident of City 20.00 (b) Nonresident 30.00 (146) LIQUOR dealers. See State Laws (147) LOAN companies, auto 50.00 (148) LOAN companies (See Building & Loan Ass'n.) 50.00 (149) LOCKSMITH See Key Shops (150) LUMBER, only, dealer, retail. (Also See Building Materials.) 20.00 (151) LUNCH and sandwich stand: (a) No seats 5.00 (b) Up to ten seats. (See Cafes and Restaurants.) M .. (152) MACHINERY, dealers in or agents for itinerant dealers 20.00 20.00 (153) MACHINE shops and foundries Page 19. .. (154) MANICURISTS 5.00 ( 155) MANUFACTURERS and Processors (Not Citrus) 20.00 (156) MARKET, vegetable, independentlyop- erated 20.00 (157) MA TTRESS company and repair: 20.00 (158) MEAT markets. (Also see Fish Markets and Butcher Shops.) 20.00 (159) MEDICAL technician: (a) When employed by Hospital, or in Doctor's Clinic - full time Exempt (b) Independent business, local or out of City 25.00 (160) MEDICINE shops, per day See Amusements (161) MERCHANTS, all merchandise unless specifically mentioned 20.00 (162) MERCHANDISE vending machines J. (See Coin -operated Machines.) (163) MERCHANDISE peddlers and canvassers 25.00 ( 164) METAL SHOPS 20.00 (165) MILK vendors, each truck unless paying dairy license. (Also see Dairy.) 10.00 (166) MONUMENTS, tombstones, or marble works 20.00 (b) Agents 20.00 (167) MOVING picture shows: (a) Less than fifty seats 10.00 (b) Fifty to three hundred 25.00 (c) Over three hundred 30.00 (d) Drive-Ins 30.00 (168) MOVERS (See Auto Transporation companies) (169) MUSIC boxes. (See coin-operated machines.) Marble games, pinball, etc. automatic, for .. games of amusement, entertainment, pleas- ure or information (telephone coin boxes ex- cepted. ) Page 20. .. (170) MUSIIGIANS,street Prohiþited (171) MUSIC installations; wires, service 20.00 (172) NEON signs. See Advertising (173) NEWSTANDS, when not included in merchant's license 5.00 (174) NEWSPAPER publisher. . See Job Printers (175) NURSERY - Children's Day, for profit 15,00 (176) NURSERY stock or forest trees, agents for, dealers in, including landscaping and floral gardens:: (a) Resident 20.00 (b) With permanent place of business in City 30.00 (177) NURSES: (a) Registered - Private duty Exempt (b) Practical Exempt (178) NURSING HOME. (See Hotels.) 0 ( 179) OFFICE supplies, furniture, and business machines, agents, sales or repairs 20.00 (180) OIL companies or agencies, wholesale 30.00 (181) OPTICIANS See Doctors (182) ORGAN grinder or street musician Prohibited (183) OSTEOPATHS See Doctors (184) OUTDOOR advertising signs See Advertising p (185) PAINTING and/or paper hanging. (Also, see Sign Painter, Contractors.) 15.00 (186) PALMISTS. (Also see Astrologists) Prohibited 4 (187) PARKING lot. (When operated as a sep- arate business.) 10.00 Page 21. .. (188) (189) (190) (191) (192) (193) ( 194) (195) (196) (197) (198) (199) (200) (201) PATENT medicine peddlers. (See hawkers and vendors, amusements.) PATHOLOGISTS: (a) Office in City (b) When employed by Hospital or in Doctor's Clinic full time PA WNBROKERS, year or fraction thereof PEDDLERS PHONOGRAPHS, radios and musicial instruments PHOTOGRAPHERS: (Also See Portraits.) (a) With permanent place of business in City (b) With temporary place of business in City, per day ($250.00 performance bond required.) PHRENOLOGISTS. (See Astrologists) PHYSICIANS PINBALL machines. (See Coin-operated machines. ) PLANING mills PLUMBERS, contractors, master and employing PLUMBING supplies, when not included in merchant's license PORTRAITS POULTRY markets, not in connection with any other business (202) PRINTERS, publishers of newspapers, magazines, etc. (Religious books ex- empt.) (See Job Printing) (203) PROFESSIONS, not otherwise specified . (See specific headings.) (204) PROPRIETARY medicines or medical oint- ment, manufacturer of, not to include drug stores paying tax as licensed merchants .. Page 22. 25.00 Exempt 50.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 Prohibited See Doctors J, ... 40.00 See Contractors 20.00 See Photographers 20.00 25.00 .. (205) PUBLIC stenographer (206) PUBLISHERS of news, periodical, includ- ing job printing. (Also see Job Printers.) (207) PUSH CARTS for cold drinks, etc. (Also, see ice cream, fruit stands, etc. R (208) RADIO, television, dealers and repair, when not connected with other merchandise. (Also see Merchants. ) (209) RADlOLIGlST (210) RAILROAD companies (211) REAL ESTATE dealers, brokers, each (212) REAL ESTATE, salesmen (213) REFRIGERATORS: (a) Sales and service (b) Repair only 5.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 ~.oo Exempt 20.00 10.00 (214) RENTAL agents. (See Real Estate dealers, brokers.) (215) REPAIR shops not enumerated herein (216) REPTILE exhibitions (217) RESTAURANTS. (See Cafes and Restaurants.) (218) ROLLER skating rinks: (a) Transient (See Section 1-13) per day (b) Permanent (when structure a part of realty) . S (219) SALESMEN or agents, retail, not specifically mentioned (or not employed by licensed business) . (220) SASH, door and blinds, manufactures of (Also see Building Materials.) .. (221) SERVICE stations. (See Filling Station, Automobiles. ) Page 23. 10,.00 20.00 5.00 50.00 10.00 20.00 .. ( 222) SEWING machine repair and sales 10.00 (223) SHEETMETAL shop See Metal Shop (224) SHOES: (a) Repair only 10.00 (b) Sales only 20.00 (c) Sales and repair 20.00 (d) Manufacture§ 20.00 (225) SHOOTING gallery: (Not to be operated after 10 p.m.) (a) Portable, after Council's approval of location 50.00 (b) Permanent (at least 12 months lease of location and approval of location by Council.) 25.00 (c) Connected with other licensed business and approved by Council 25.00 (226) SHOWS. (See Amusements, theaters.) (227) SLOT machines, for sale of candy, gum or other merchandise, distributing coqfect- ions, playing music, weighing or similar devices, not run in violation of the crim- inallaw or City Ordinancés. (See Coin- operated machines, amusements.) (228) SHUFFLE board and all devices used by persons for source of profit to them- selves, such as throwing at wooden figures, or any other objects, with rings or any other devices of like nature, and striking an object to test lungs, lung testers, etc., not other- wise provided for in this section, ea.eh per day 5.00 (229) SIGN See Advertising ( 230) SIGN painters 15.00 (231) SKA TING rinks. (On permission of Council. Also see SubSection 212 above). (232) SODA fountain See Ice Cream 4 (233) STEAM cleaners and dye works See Dry Cleaners (234) STONE manufacturers and dealers: Page 24. .. (a) Artificial stone, tiling, terracotta, marble, granite (b) Agents for. (Also See Building Materials) 20.00 (235) STORAGE. See Warehouses (236) STOREKEEPERS. See Merchants T (237) TAILORS. (Also See Dry Cleaners.) 20.00 (238) TAX consultants. See Income Tax Consultants (239) TAXI See Taxie Ordinance (240) TELEGRAPH company 20.00 (241) TELEPHONE company 100. 00 (242) TENT shows See Shows, Amuse- ments, circuses (243) TERMITE exterminators (Resident or None -resident) 25.00 (244) THEATERS (See Moving Pictures, Amusements, Shows) (245) TIN shops See Metal Shops (246) TOBACCO dealers. (Also See Merchants, Cigarettes, Coin -operated Machines.) (247) TOMBSTONE salesmen or agents. (Also see Monument Works.) 20.00 (248) TOURIST camps 20.00 (249) TRADE SCHOOL 15.00 (250) TRANSIENT merchants having no business house in City doing retail sales, when not otherwise mentioned herein. (Also see specific headings.) 20.00 (251) TYPEWRITERS, dealers or agents. See Merchants 4 Page 25. .. U (252) UNCLASSIFIED:· All persons, firms or corporations doing bus- iness in the City or having agents or represent- atives established here, and not specifically en- umerated in this list, shall pay a license tax as for merchandise. See Merchants (253) UNDERTAKERS, embalmers and funeral directors, each location 25.00 20.00 (254) UPHOLSTERS (Also see Mattress Repair) v (255) VEGETABLES and fruit stands, separate bus- iness. (See Fruit Stand, Push Cart; fee ex- emptions see Section I -4(b) of this Ordinance). (256) VENDORS of confetti, balls, balloons and other specialties on stree, a day (Also, see 5.00 Push Carts.) (257) VENDING machines. See Coin -operated Machines (258) VETERIARIAN with office in City 25.00 W (259) ( 260) WAREHOUSES and storage rooms 20.00 WASHING machines: (a) Retail sales and/or repairs not connected with other business (b) Retail sales and/or repairs con- nected with other business (c) Rental (not connected with other business) (d) Rental connected with other bus- iness (e) Launderette, each machine 20.00 See Merchants 20.00 See Merchants 5.00 (261) WATCHMAKERS and jewelers (including repairing. ) See Jewelers and Watch Repairer .. Page 26. .. (262) WATCH repairing only See Jewelers (263) WATER, dealer in mineral or spring water 20.00 25.00 (264) WELDING shops (265) WEIGHING machines. See Coin -operated Machines (266) WOOD dealers 5.00 Y (267) YARD service: (a) Mowing, spraying, fertilizing (b) Supervision only (c) Nursery 5.00 5.00 See Nursery and Landscaping SECTION Il-1. PENALTIES. Any person, firm or corporation found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punish- ed by a fine not less than the amount of $100.00 and nor more than $300.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Judge of the Municipal Court. Each day such violation is committed:or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable as such hereunder. SECTION III -l.S EP)\ RABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or any portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconsti- tutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. -------------------------------- PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clermont on its first reading on #P¡/G'M 13;:: I? r¡ ,1961. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clermont on its second reading on ~JIJ ¡/ E: Iv[ ì3 j3' tV ? ' 1961. .. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clermont on its third reading on A) f} I) pr M Ið ¡: f\ r¡ ,1961. (' ()PM-UWA.. ß ~.Atf1!J fr:~sident of the City é()uncil Page 27. :() RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me, this 1961. Florida -------------- ----------------- CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY the foregoing Ordinance No;{t>O was posted as requited by the Charter and/or Ordinances of the City of Clermont in effect at the time of the passage and approval thereof. DATED / j- J?--~/ ,1961. .' i~mon{:l:r~~ . . /' ~.../ ....,... ". . ~ ~.. -: '"." /_~ ". ;/~ . - ~ . -. : r_: :;-..:; .' - ._~ _.-....t:.., .s -... ~ " - - , ..... . '... ......' ;..,_<_1'.,,,, . :Q Page 28.