O-26-100 AN- ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLERluONT #100 AN ORDINANCE TO FIX AND REGULATE DATER SERVICE TO BE SUPPLIED BY Trm CI~~ OF CLEIDiiONT, TO COKSUMERS, THE RATES TO BE PAID TJfEREFOR, TO ESTABLISH r.D1'NS FOR SUCH CJ-TARGES, AND TO PROVIDE PEJ:LU.TIJ:S FOR VIOLATIŒŒ OF THIS ORDINANCE. ==() BE IT EUACTED BY 'l'RE cn.7 C01HTCIL OF TIfE CITY OF CLERrONT IN COUNCIL --"_SSE'EBLED: SECTION"I. 1~t bn, and after the 1st day of November, A. D. 1926, all owners of real estate situated within the corporate limits of the City of Clermont shall be hele. responsible for payment of the City of Cle~lont for payment to the City of Clermont for all waner supplied by said City and used on any real estate situated in the said City, whether such water be supplied to and used by such property ovmere or their tenants; and the City of Clermont shall have a lie4 ü)on any such property for ill1- ~aid TI~ter bills remaining uil}aid for a period of ninety (90) days, superior in dignity to all other liens except for taxes~nd assessments, which may be foreclosed' in the manner provided by the Charter of said City for the foreclosure of liens for taxes. SECTION 2. All þills for water service must be paid by the loth day of the month following the supplying of the water, and the City shall have the right to discontinue water service for failure to pay the bills thørefor within said period. SECTION 3. All consumers of City water whose consumption is not now measured by meter shall procure from the City meters on or beßore the 1st day of ~anuary, A D 1927. SECTION 4. On and after the 1st day of Novermer, A D 1926, the following water; rates shall apply to all consumers: Minimun charge '\:"11 thout meter ·.~2 .00 " charge for 4,500 gallons, or less, per mon tli "1.50 For all water consumed in excess of 4,500 gallons per mO:::1.th, twenty-five cents ( 25¢ ) for each additional 1,000 gallons. For connecting new meters to mains after service has been dis- connected for non-payment of bills, Five Dollars ($5.00). For supplying nev meters, c~~t each. For cbnnecting new meters to wa.ter mal.ns, ~:?5.00 eacn. ßECTI.Ç>N 5. ~ \(j) The said City will make connections from any present or future water,main to any lot, upon application, provided- the distance from sucb, 10t. '.does not exceed 100 fee~. If the applicant for such service owns property situated more than 100 from any water main,: to obtain such service the applicant must pay for such connection in excess of said disùance. In such event, the City will refund to such applicant the' cost of the necessary p"ipe in excess in excess of said ðistlÌnce by supplying water free of charge until the ~mount of ~ater consumed, if charged' for on the basis herein-before fixed, ,would equal such cost~ SECTION 6 All ovmers of real estate within the corporate limits of said City are hereby required to notify the City Clerk at least 3 days in advance of ,the time when they may desire to discontinue the use of ITater in any building. Passed and adopted by said City Council at its regular meeting on October 5, A D 1926.