O-26-101 ,.--...-.--- -- I Ol{IJINX,:CE no. 101 A:-T Oi-{DNNANCE TO LEVY AHD FIX 7HE Rl\.Tï!: OF TAXATIOH ON ALJj PROPER'I~, REAL, PEHSC1iAL A:i{D rIXED, WITHIN T}C COrlPORNrE LF':ITS OF THE CITY OF CLEill10NT FOR THE YEAR 1926. D 1."lEEREAS, THE Ta.x Assessor of the City of Clermont has suly prepared the assessment roll for the year 1926. . sho~ing the assessed valuation of all taxable property sit- uated within the City of Clermont, and sa.id assessment roll ha.s been duly e~ua.lized and confirmed by the City Council of the City of Clermont after notice duly given to all parties interestee to make obfections thereto, cs provided b~f the charter fo the said City: a.nd TIHERR~S, the total valuation of all taxable pro- perty. within the corporate limits of said City has thereby been fixed at the sim of, Four Hillion Dollars (~~4,000.OOO.00) ~nd \nfERE1\.S, a budget has been amde u}. by the Counc il sho'.1ing the income necessary for all municipal p8.rposes to be eS,tima ted at. the sim of Fifty-Siz 'l1:.ousand Dollars, ((;56, 000 . 00 ) : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT E~J.ACTED BY T1-f:!.:': COm.rCIL OF THE c.r.ry OF CT..ERHONT: SECTION 1. Tha.t a tota.l levy of fourteen mills be, and the same ·is hereby authorized to bo ~mde for the year 1926, distributed as follows, to wit; Interest and Sinkinß fund General Purposed, Water and Fire Protection 4 1/2 :!\Iills 4 1/4 Mills / 3/4 Mills ,/" 2 lUlls ./ 2 Mills / . 1/2 1,Iills / 14 lUlls Publicity, =0 >~!' streets, Parks, TOTAL 112 .. ~~ ~'='<' . " . ~.:; .~.,.~:~.~,.~~~ fu~f¡~'9 'o~/- ,., ·.~<~~.V # ß :",: ",.~.~:..~.~.~,;.;~. .~~ ~~/ C<>'~ . ..'\,~" .;;< ; _1-er~{ '.~~' ~ ~ r;. ~ ~~~. .~.~ ::.'I ~ ~ =':.'" :.~ <.ç ('/~. d::::!.,=,/~.:: ot)...c.~ .¡ '~~,,:#,~}H'ì:P-ed and approvGd this the 5th_ day of October~ 1926 '.'- f .ó_ 0' , 0' .f!1 H", ¡:::::r~r~/Í2_AJ../l.j- Acting Ip/i>osidont of C~ty Council w.~,~~~ Mayor r\ .. .. I, .',/'.~ SECTION 11. T:~a. t the tax A§sessor of the vi ty of Clermont be, and he is hereby Quthorized and directed to mnke the 9roper extentions upon the said assessment roll in accordance with the levy as herein fixed, and that the City Clerk, by virtue of hfus duties as ex officio Tax Collector, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed yi extend notice b;T publication, in the manner proveded "07,7" It1.'.v, tb.a t saicl. tCLxes r.rill b~:'come due c..nd payable on cnd. ~·.fter the firs t day of November, A D 1926. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Cle~mont at a special meeting hold at the Uity Hall Ht 7.30 P r.r on the 19th day of October, A D 1926. Ac.¿z ~s~e~~i1, City of Clermont. t "'t> ~o . ~~ ~~,,~<::p,£) erk, Ci ~~ 00. ~,; ~ f 0" ~ ~ 1; - ~ ~ ".' 0 . ~ bI "".. ""oI:. -' .~jI;. ""'. ? a~- _~ è ~ .þ ~ ~/~$/< :;: ., ð ~,'''' = ., ~ : ¡; Hecei ved and -'/!!S ~... ~~ 0 Octo ,ø,"3., ~"" ~~A:i~~~"' ' ~~/ r;~~o "~ ~ ~ ð a & ;~" '" - appreved by me this <. '~""=,,,,@'i ~~ ð~bô'O:etoaoor:!:) -ø' ~ o.,ø C)~a 0#" ~~ '~ ~,," \~ c:ลก'" ~l ~~~ð ,; .19~:Q,,,,,, ~ay of &\\i dio 'c~~do~~J~~~~~e, l::; ~oð ,ro'f/')~~ ;~~"6. ",IP Ì1 " 0 -ð , .~~I!>óe"f>b~", ~ ¡S:;:~¡ð-~ iÞ " i1!;'¡, .. A D 1926. I, ~Qyor, City of Clermont. __.i/' ~ :- ,:~~" I