O-27-104 r~.;.i~:: --b .;~::~~'þ'" -'ti.. ~"~ ORDI1TAlJ CE 1'1O.-llliL AN ORDINANCE PROVIDTI~G FOR NUÑIBERING OF HOUSES IN T:ijE CITY OF CLEillfIONT; REqUIRING THE OVJNERS OF HODSES IN THE SAID CITY TO PLACE NmiBERS ON SUCH HOUSES; PrlOHIBITING THE PLACING OF A}IT NUMBER WHICH IS NOT DESIGNATED BY THE CITY ENGINEER; AND PHOVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOB VIOLATION OF TIns ORD;J:HANCE 0 , ;I: 1¡ :\; e ~ DE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI~Y OF CLERMONT~ SEeTION 10 .. All i10uses wi thin the" corpora telimi tsof thEf City of Clermont are hereby required to be numbered~ and to have legible numerals~ not less than two inches high~ so placed on pI' over the ,front doors of such houses as to be reaiÇl.ily seeno SECTION 20 The City Engineer is he;reby authorized and di- rected to assign to each house a desic:;nated number~ and it shÅ’ll be u~:lla'Wfull for any property owner or 0ccupant to place or cause to· be placed on any house any number other than thRt designated by the City Engineero SBCTIOH 3 0 ~1he City Engineer sha.ll beg;in with streets run- ning East and West at the Western boundary of the City, or as near thereto as is practicaly and shall assign the even numbers to the North side of such streets~ and the odd numpers to the South ',sidey and each block shall have assign- ed:thereto fifty numbers on each ihide~ so, that houses on the South side of the first street numbered shal~ have numbers from 1 to 99 (odd numbe~s only) and the orth side. numbers 2 to 100 (even numbers only); and in the next block the~ numbers. shall run from 101 to 200y and so· on indefinitely, j·umping to the next hundred for each block; and 11,)01" com- n18t5.on of the numbering· of the streets running East:\1 @d, West· ;.~ the City Engineer shall begin at the Northern .bound- aryl of the Oi ty and in like manner number the streets run- ning North and Souths> using the Same method; and shall ~here- after number any other streets than those running as here- in mentionedo TÞ.e City engineer shall first make out and submit a plan of numbering to the Street Cormnittee of the City Council, and receive the approval of such committee before assign- ing an~ numbers 0 i· . , SECTION 40 The City ~gineer shall notify the property o\~er or occupant of any house to which a number is assign- ed of the number assigned to the particular house, and it shall be the duty of such oWner or occupant to provide q metk.llic numerals ~ not less than two inches high, and place such numbers in a conspicous place on or over the door of. such house which is nearest to the street upon which the number is assigned; Qnd such property owner or occupant shaq.l provide and place such numbers wi thin thirty days from the notice given by the City Engineer; provided, however~ that the City of Clermont will furnish such numbers as may be necessary at a price of twenty-five cents for . each housey to be paid by the property owner or occupant; property owners are not required to use the numbers fur- nished by the City, but may furnish their own numbers pro- vided t:-ey are of size provided by this ordinance 0 SECiJ:'ION 50 :1-my persqn who shall fail .to provide and place the numbGrs as designated 1J'j! the City Engineer v~Tithin thirty days after receipt of such notice~ shall upon con- viction in the liayorVs Court be punished by a fine of not less than Five Dollars nor more than Twenty-five Dollarso \ .. ;0' I 1\-¡ t.' ,,' .;¡ J ~ SBCr:i.'IOH 6. £m.y pel"son who shall place or erect or cause to placed or erected on any house in the City of Clermont any number or numbers other than those assigned thereto by the City Engineer, shall upon conviction in the Mayor's Court Je punished by a fine of not more than Fifty Doll~rs. SECTION 7.. All oridnances ~d parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed &0 far as such conflict exists. eo.. ------------------------------------------------- --------- Coun~l~t the Deet~ng of of xr _ , Ú.. D. 1927 ~~ ~res~dent City Oouncil. --------------------------------~------------------------ Approved by me this ~ day of. ~ , 1927. tu''''1~~~, Mayor. . \ j ----------- \ .