O-27-106 ~, ORDINANCß NOo 106 , AN OJ.IDn~AHCE R::.5DUCING THE TAX ŒJ OCCUPATIONSjI PRIVELEGES l,;.ND PROFESSIONS IN THE CITY OF CrÆRMONTjI ~\lHERE THE APPLICANT PAYS TAXES ON REAL ESr:eATE IN 'Ff:Ü]; SAID crey 0 BE"IT ORDAINED BY THE CI'lY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT~ " Section Section 10 The license or occupation tax on privelegesjI òccupations or professionsjI levied by the City òf Clermontjl where the applicant for such license 'pays ts..xes on ree.l estate in" the City of Cl'rmontjl is hereby reduced 'to the sum of One Dollarjl and in adðiti'on thereto the sum of T~enty-five cents as a fee for the City Clerko 20 It shall be unlawful for any person~ firm or corporation to engage in any businessjI occupation or profession wh~re a license is required DY this or, any other ordinance of the City of Clermont without first having obtained a license therefQr; and any person convicted for viola- tion of :this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten DOllars nor more than One tllUldred DollarsJl or by imprisonment in the common jail of the City for not longer than ten daysjl or by;)oth such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Mayoro I :1, =() ~.~~, ':'" ~ . Section 30 TThis Ordinance shall become effective UDon its passage and approval by the Mayorjl or by going into effect without such approval as pro- vided by the Charter of the City of Clermont; and any tax payer who shall have paid a greater ammunt for a license for the year 1927 than is herein prmvidedJl shall upon application 'to the City Clerk be refunded the amount of the excess; this ordinance shall apply only to licenses for the years 1927 and 19280 Section,40 All ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed so far as such conflict existso , ' --~-------,------------------------------------------------ PaSse& by the Council this 7th day of September 19270 ~ Clrk. ~~ President Cou~cilo ---------------------------------------------------------- Approved by me this 7th day of Septe~berjl 19270 . . .'- w·"'.~~{~ Mayor 0 v \ D , <j~' -------- ?