O-27-107 r-t " OR])INli.lWE NUAIB1Œ 107 ;. j · ' · · . All ORDINANCE providing for an ~lection of Officials in the City of Clermont; Providing for the Registra~ tion of Votors, and designating ~lection inspectors. · . i .. ~ : " r . BE IT ORD.4.INED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIfß CITY OF ~L.t!:H.MONT: Section 1. There shall be held an election in · t: . !.. . .j the City of Clermont, on the 13th day , of December, A. D. 1927 for th~ purpose of electing t, f' ï i ! ,. I ! f' ," . .. ,.' ! the followin~ officials: a Mayor, a City Trensurer¡ a T~x Aase~sor, and five Councilmen. ! Section 2. Such election'shall be held at the , l ~ .: t . , · ~':. . I , ; "¡ · ! City Hall of the City of Clermont, ~nd the pools shall be open between the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) A. M and sundown, Eastern Stendard Tim~. ~ · , - I ¡ I . r ,'. I l .;. t Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to " prepare, or CEI,'ltSe to ho prepared, an r ¡ I . . \ . . , 1 official ~allot upon which shall be placed the names of ~ll candi~ates in alphabetical order, who shall have pre- sente~, tb ..the ~City Council at or bafore the regular meet- ing of the City Council to be held on the first Tuesday i~ Nov3~bar 1927, a pe~ition signed by not less than twenty- five resistered voters in the City of Clermont, requesting that such name or names shall bo placed upon the ballot; pTovidéd that the Clerk shall not place upon the ballot the name of any person who shall direct the Clerk in writ- i;ng not to do so, or vrho shall sta1;e~in \1I'iting to be filed .1 I with the Clerk that he will not serve if elected. ~ ~ :' ;.: r. r" '~ I ~ Þ t . ." . . I . ... : ~ , ~ .., i .j ~ ,. .; " .' .. . . i . ·1· :." :. {; ...~;' t. .J. ~ ,. . : ~:. Section 4. All qualified electors of the City t'~ . i': . .~t~· I " · · rl~~ Clermont who are registered in the . .;:: Municipal Registration Book, and who have paid poll tax fpr the :fe",rs 1925 IU'ld 1926, if liable therefor, shall be ~titled to vote àt this election. ~.~~-- . . , ;... . : . . I' ", :. . I' :t,1 r-. r, .: "~',I ,.'~~ I .. . . II .f + Section 5. The Cit7 Clerk is hereby directed to 07en the Municipal Registration Book 1. on October 10th 1927, and. to keep the'same open.during reason- a01e business hours of the business days in each weck, to ~. .... - . ":.~-,.~ ~~~ a~d including NOVem1)3r 30th, 1927, f'or the purpose of reg- istering voters who have not previously reblsteredo Section 60 The following ape here'by desi'~;na ted as Inspecto~s ann Clerk of the election~ . Co L. Kindred. Ro C. Hooks ~ A. Eo Isaac~ Inspectors. So So Fesler Clerko Secti:on 7. The Ci.ty Cler~k is hereby directed to cause to be published once each week for four weeks preceding the election~ a brief notice of this electlon~ together with a notice of the opening of the" regis tra tion book~ and the Clrerk is further direc ted to cause to be prepared all neces~ary arrangements for this election. Section 8. This Ordinance shall take effect upon ." its passage and approv~l by the Th~yor~ or by its going into effect without such approval as yro- vided by the Charter of the Oi ty of Clermont 0 Passes and adopted at the Meeting of the City Cotmcil held on the 4th day of October 19270 ~ President Œity~Council. ~ - - ~ T - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - Received and approved by "me~ this 4th day of October ú. D. 1927. , . \10. ~,~~~-'" Mayor' 0 ~ C> "\ , . 0=