2012-41 E3 TETRA TECH May 30, 2012 Ms. Tamara Richardson, P.E. Director of Engineering City of Clermont 685 W. Montrose Street Clermont, Florida 34711 Subject: City of Clermont Clermont Community Center Construction Materials Testing Tt #: 200 -B PGen/Clermont Dear Ms. Richardson: Tetra Tech is pleased to furnish this proposal for construction materials testing services for the above - referenced project. The services will be performed by Ardaman & Associates, Inc. (AAI), in accordance with AAI's scope of services and fee schedule, attached hereto. Based on AAI's previous experience with similar projects, an initial contract budget of $7,630.00 has been estimated for the project. However, the total cost for the testing services will be a function of the actual quantities of work performed in accordance with AAI's 2012 Fee Schedule. Tetra Tech looks forward to serving the City of Clermont on this project. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Mr. Brian Foulkes at 407- 839 -3955. Very truly yours, APPROVED: Tetra Tech City of Clermont M '31-----(.:::' on D. Fox, P.E. BO. Vice President Date: ( 9,1,/ 4 7 /a c /C9 Attachments / JDF/ s1mBP- gen/ Clermont /CommCenter/Richardson. j df C: Brian Foulkes, P.E., Tetra Tech Sally Alfieri, Tetra Tech Tetra Tech, Inc. 201 E. Pine Street, Suite 1000, Orlando, FL 32801 Tel 407.839.3955 Fax 407.839.3790 www.tetratech.con P w Ardaman & Associates, Inc. Geotechnlcal, Environmental and May 24, 2012 mmir Materials Consultants Proposal File No. 12 -61-066 Tetra Tech Inc. 201 E. Pine Street, Suite 1000 Orlando, Florida 32801 Attention: Mr. Jon Fox, P.E. Subject Budget Estimate for Construction Materials Testing Proposed Clermont Community Center Clermont, Lake County, Florida Dear Mr. Fox: Ardaman & Associates, Inc. Is pleased to present this budget estimate to provide construction materials testing services on the above referenced project. It is our understanding that the proposed project will include the construction of an approximate 10,000 square foot 1 -story building with associated paved parking/drive areas and utility systems. The scope of our work will include performing laboratory testing of existing soils (Proctors, Limerodc Bearing Ratio and classification testing), in -place density testing of soils during backfill, fill and compaction operations, and compressive strength testing of concrete. We have also induded provisions for inspecting structural weld and bolted connections. We have assumed that we will provide the testing services on a "will call" basis. That is, we will respond to spedfic requests for testing made by your designated representative. Based on our experience with similar projects, we estimate a cost of $7,630.00 for construction materials testing. A summary of our testing estimate is attached. We believe that we have proposed an adequate budget to provide the needed services. However, the total cost for the testing services will be a function of the actual quantities of work performed in accordance with the attached fee schedule. Any testing not identified on the attached scope that is required on the protect will be charged according to the unit rates presented on the attached fee schedule. However, the total estimated cost will not be exceeded without your prior authorization. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this estimate and look forward to working with you on this project. If this estimate meets your approval, please indicate your acceptance by completing the attached Project Acceptance Sheet and /or providing us with written authorization to proceed. Please call if you have any { questions or require additional information. Respectfully, ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. J f . •' +� Engineering Orlando Construction Services Attachment: Budget Estimate 2012 Fee Schedule Proposal /Project Acceptance Sheet P { 8008 S. Orange Avenue 32809, Post Office Box 593003, Orlando, Flonda 32859 -3003 Phone (407) 855 -3880 FAX (407) 859.8121 Louisiana Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport Flodda Bartow, Cocoa, Fort Myers, Miami. Orlando, Port St Lucie, Sarasota, Tallahassee, Tampa, West Palm Beach Budget Estimate Construction Materials Testing Services Proposed Clermont Community Center Ardaman Proposal No. 12.61-066 TASK QUANTITY was UNIT COST TOTAL COST I. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION A. Footing & Slab Subareas In -Place DensM Te sts Gear, Grub and Proofrall Inspection 4 hours $5500 $220.00 Footing and Slab Subgrade 25 each x.00 $825.00 Laboratory Proctor Tests 2 each $100.00 $200.00 B. Cast In -Place Concrete Concrete Test Cylinders (4 cylinders/set with slump & temp.) 5 sets $95.00 $475.00 CMU Biotic Prisims (Cell Aft) 10 sets $95.00 $950.00 C. Stnrcturat Steel Inspection Visual Inspection of Welds, Bolt Torque Testing & Bolted B hours $55.00 $440.00 Connections. Visual Inspection of Metal Roof Deck Welds and/or Fasteners. D. Floor Flatness/Levelness (5,000 ft 1 each $950.00 $950.00 II. PARKING & ROADWAY /ACCESS DRIVE A. Subnra & Pavement Testing In -Place Density Tests 25 each $25.00 $825.00 Umerock Bearing Ratio Test 2 each $325.00 5650.00 B. Asohaltic Concret Pavemmut f ' Mobilization of Truck Mounted Equipment 1 Trip $175.00 $175.00 Asphalt F. xtraction/Gradation /Stabillty/Flow 1 each $295.00 $295.00 Obtain Asphalt Core Samples 4 hours $45.00 $160.00 Asphalt Density and Thickness 4 each $30.00 $120.00 I I lei. UTILITIES Laboratory Proctor Tests 2 each $100.00 $200.00 In -Place Denslty Tests for Storm and Sanitary 25 each 625.00 $625.00 IV. PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Protect Manager 4 hours $90.00 6360.00 Engineering Technclan (Sample p/u and StandbyTime) 12 hours $45.00 $540.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $7,630.00 NOTES: 1 Cancellation of work without notice w19 be Invoiced at the technician's hourly rate. 2 The final cost may be higher or lower than the estimated cost due to the actual quantity of units requested. ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING & INSPECTION 2012 FEE SCHEDULE 1 CONCRETE SAMPLING & TESTING Compressive Strength Cylinders (up to 5 cylinders) • $85.00 Set Additional Cylinders (above 5 per set) $15.00 Cylinder Additional Slump Tests (ASTM C -143) $15.00 Test Curing & Strength Testing of Cylinders Delivered to Our Lab (ASTM C-39) (made by others) $15.00 Cylinder Air Entrainment (ASTM C- 173) $25.00 Test Unit Weight Determination $55.00 Test Yield Tests $30.00 Test � Grout Prisms (blocia supplied by others) $95.00 Set of 3 Mortar Cubes (2°x2') $95.00 Set of 3 Concrete Block Strength Tests (determined by gross area) $75.00 Block Concrete Blocks Absorption & Strength Tests (net area) $225.00 Set of 3 Block Prism Assembly $300.00 Set of 3 Flexural Strength of Beams (up to 3 beams) $275.00 Set Additional Beams (above 3 per set) $50.00 Each Flexural Strength of Beams (made by others and delivered to our lab) $40.00 Each Concrete Slab Moisture Vapor Tests (not Including Technician time) Cost + 12 % Stand -by Time and / or Continuous Monitoring of Concrete Placement Hourly Technician Rate Sample Pick -up (no other work at site) Hourly Technician Rate Concrete Plant Monitoring by Senior Technician Hourly Technician Rate • includes molding, curing, strength testing (ASTM C-31 & C-39), one slump (ASTM C -143) & one temperature determination. Cylinders shall be left in a place provided by the Contractor, Dowered with plastc caps & attempts made to provide shade thereon. If air temperature Is critical during the first 24 hrs of field curing, equipment to maintain such controls shall be provided by others. SAMPLING & TESTING OF IN -PLACE CONCRETE Floor Flatness Testing ( including Technician tune & Final Report up to 5,000 sq. fL) $750.00 Each Coring & Testing of Cored Samples; Mobilization of Truck mounted Coring Equipment with Power $175.00 Trip Mobilization of Truck mounted Coring Equipment without Power $125.00 Trip Trimming, g, H.0 Technician Capping & Strength Test (ASTM C-42) $25Cor Rate Shotcrete Cores for Absorption (ASTM C-642) $48.50 Each Shotcrete Panels Made by Others (panel cores & strength tests) $30.00 Each Shotcrete Panel Pick -up Haply Technician Rate Relnforcino Steel Location Using Profometer Mobilization of Equipment $50.00 Trip Equipment Use $100.00 Trip Technician Time Hourly Technician Rate I Swiss Hammer or Windsor Probe Testing• Mobilization of Equipment $50.00 Tdp Equipment Use $100.00 Trip Technician Time Hourly Technician Rate Windsor Probe Loads Cost+ 12% I � { G ' 1 of 3 1 ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING & INSPECTION 2012 FEE SCHEDULE SITE PREPARATION PROCEEDURES, INSPECTION, SAMPLING & TESTING SERVICES Monitoring the removal of deleterious soils or materials, inspection of placement & compaction of NI material, sampling of natural ground or NI material, sampling from borrow areas & penetrometer testing Monitoring by Engineering Technician Hourly Technician Rate Monitoring by Senior Engineering Technician Hourly Technician Rate De nslty Testiri : In -situ densky test, nuclear or drive sleeve method (minimum of 5 per trip) $27.00 Test In -situ density test, sand cone test method (minimum of 3 per trip), (local area only) 342.00 Test Sampling of Natural or Fill Material for Laboratory Testing Hourly Technician Rate House Pad (Lump Suml Includes 1 Proctor test, 6 Densities & Administrative Fees $350.00 Lum Sum Additional Density Tests 327.00 Each Additional Proctor Tests 3100.00 Each Retest (Retum Trip), (Includes retesting and administrative fees) $150.00 Lum Sum In -Place PermeabitiN & Infiltration Testing Field Permeability Test $272.00 Each Double Ring Infiltration $525 00 Each Solt Cement Design In Accordance with PCA °shortcut proceedures for sandy soils' $475.00 Each For Wet / Dry Testing add to above item for each cement content $250.00 Each Laboratory Testing of Compressive Strength test specimens for construction control (3 per set) 395.00 Set Depth Verification of Base Course and / or Stabilized Subgrade 334.00 Each Field Inspection by Senior Technician Hourly Technician Rate SOIL & ROCK LABORATORY TESTING (SAMPLING CHARGE NOT INCLUDED! Standard (ASTM D -698) or Modified (ASTM D -1557) Proctor 3100.00 Each Solt Cement Proctor (ASTM D-558) $100.00 Each Moisture Content (ASTM D -2216) 313.00 Each Organic Content (ASTM D -2974) $29 50 Each Sieve Analysis - Soll(ASTM D-421, D-422) $45.50 Each Steve Analysis - Aggregate (up to 1 -Inch) $60.00 Each Sieve Analysis - Aggregate (Greater than 1 -Inch) Call For Price Percent Fines $30.50 Each Atterberg Limits (ASTM D-423, D -424) $101.50 Each Limerock Bearing Ratio (L.B.R.) $35.00 Each Florida Bearing Value (F.B.V.) $50.00 Each 1 Soli Cement Field Pills (3 per set or Sr. Engineering Technician rate) 395.00 Each California Bearing Ratio (C.B.R.) , $350.00 Each 1 Carbonate Content Determination $130.00 Test Corrosion Series (Solt pH, sulfate, chloride & resistivity) $150.00 Each Los Angeles Abrasion $335.00 Each Soundness - Sodium (does not Include material supply charges) $85.00 Sieve Size Soundness - Magnesium (does not Include material supply charges) $95.00 Sieve Size Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate 390.00 Each Laboratory Permeability (Kk10'5 cm/sec) 3137.00 Test Incremental Consolidation Tests (ASTM D -2435) 3570.00 Each Sample Preparation by Engineering Technician Hourly Technician Rate 1 2of3 i ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING & INSPECTION 2012 FEE SCHEDULE ASPHALT: FIELD INSPECTION. SAMPLING & LABORATORY TESTING Field sampling of Hot Mix Asphalt Hourly Technician Rate Codna of Asphalt: Mobilization of Truck mounted Coring Equipment with Power $175.00 Trip Mobilization of Truck mounted Coring Equipment without Power $125.00 Trip Obtain Core Samples (2-man crew) Hourly Technician Rate Asphalt Cores (not including mobilization or coring crew) $80.00 Each Laboratory Testing; Asphalt Mix Deslsgns (Marshall Method) $750.00 Design Extraction & Gradation Testing (FM 5 -583 & FM 1 -T 030) $165.00 Test Marshall Stability & Flow (FM 5 -511) $130.00 Test Superpave Volumetrics (Extraction/Gradation and Rice) $325.00 Test Density Tests (Field or Gmb) $30.00 Test Certified Sr. Engineering Insp./Tech. (for inspection of base course, Paving or Plant Inspection) Hourly Technician Rate STRUCTURAL STEEL & WELD INSPECTION Visual Inspection of Welds and/or Bolt Torque Inspection (safe access provided by contractor) Hourly Technician Rate Fireoroofina Depth Measurement & Sampling Hourly Technician Rate Adhesion Testing (PuU Test) Hourly Technician Rate Laboratory Unit Weight Determination $51.50 Sample STATIC PILE LOAD TEST Price Quotes According to Project Upon Request VIBRATION MONITORING Mobilization of Equipment $100.00 Trip Senior Engineering inspector / Technician Hourly Technician Rate Senior Protect Engineer Hourly Technician Rate TRAVEL CHARGES Charges Determined by Protect (usually billed portal to portal) $0.45 Mile ENGINEERING CONSULTATION SERVICES Senior Engineer - $141.00 Hour Senior Project Engineer $127.00 Hour Project Engineer $111.00 Hour Assistant Project Engineer $97 00 Hour Protect Manager $83.00 Hour Senior Engineering Inspector $70.00 Hour Engineering Inspector $65.00 Hour Senior Engineering Technician $58.00 Hour Engineering Technician $48.0o Hour Assistant Engineering Technician 544.00 Hour Technical Draftsman $57.00 Hour Technical Secretary $46.00 Hour Subcontracting Services Cost + 15 % OVERTIME & HOLIDAY Charges will be increased 25% for work performed dunng weekends, official holidays and during weekdays or hours exceeding 8.0 hours per day or 40 hours per week. w 1 3of3 ' I