O-56-147 . ,. ~ o 'R DIN A N C E NO. 147 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XIX OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL WIRING, APPARATUS OR EQUIPMENT FOR LIGHT, HEAT OR POWER WITHIN THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA; DEFINING THE TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR '!HE APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF MATERIALS, DEVICES OR APPLIANCES; SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR AND HIS DULY AUTHORIZED ASSISTANTS; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO INTERFERE WITH THE INSPECTORS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PER- MITS TO QUALIFIED PERSONS ONLY; ESTABLISHING FEES FOR LICENSES, PERMITS, EXAMINATIONS AND CERTIFICATE RENEWALS; ESTABLISHING SPECIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING ELECTRICAL WIRING IN THE FIRE ZONES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT; 'PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATIONS OF SIGNS, HIGH VOLTAGE liIRES, TRANSFORMERS AND STRIP LIGHTING; ACCEPTING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE 1953 ISSUE OF THE NATIONAL ELEC- TRICAL CODE AND ANY SUBSEQUENT REVISIONS THERETO AS A MINIMUM STAN- DARD; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING WHERE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ORDINANCE EXCEED THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERllRITERS' CODE, THESE REQUIREMENTS ARE ADOPTED AS A MEANS OF FIRE PROTECTION AND PREVENTION OF FIRE HAZARDS AND ALSO TO PROMULGATE RULES FOR THE PROTECTION AND SAFETY AND GENERAL WEL- FARE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE 'COUNTY, FLORIDA. . BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION A. That Chapter XIX of the Revised General Ordinance of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, passed by the City Council in regular session on June 6, 1928 and approved by the mayor on June 19, 1928, be amended in toto to read as follows: ' SECTION 1 The following general rules, 'and any 'others that may be determined from time to time by the City Council of the City of Clermont and/or the Examining Board, shall apply to the conduct of exams given for Certificates of competency for Master Electricians, Journeymen, "Electricians, Master Neon Servicemen and Journeymen Neon sign men: 1. No text books, tables or reference materials of a qy kind shall be brought into the examina,- tions. ' 2. ,No duplicates of all or any portion of ex,aBÍina- tions shall be carried from the examination 10 cations. 3., All calculations and computations shall be made on the exam papers. 4. Examinations will start at 9:00 A. M. and continue to 12 M. (noon) at which time the applicant shall turn in his papers whether com- plete or not. -1- 4 ... '" 5. - Any applicant not passing the examination shall be refunded a maximum of $20í.00 for a Master's (Master Electrician's and Master Neon Service Man) or $2.00 for a Joµrney- man's (Electrician or Neon Service Man) examination fee. 6. Grading and scoring of the examination papers shall be completely wi thin the province of Examining Board and their decisions shall be final in all cases. 7. It shall be the responsibility of the Examining Board to provide a list of answers to all exam questions to be used only by them for grading each examination form so that all exams will be graded uniformly and equitably. 8. In the event of a lack of quorum of members of the Board of Examiners the City Council of the City of Clermont shall fill the vacancy of any memœr during the conducting of examinations but shall not grade any examinations. 9. A quorum shall be at least one Master, one Journeyman and one person from the Inspec- tion Department. SECTION 1.01 ELECTRICAL DEFINITIONS . (a) The term "Electrical Construction" as used in this regulation, shall be held to include and govern all work and materials used in installing, maintaining and/or extending a system of electrical wiring for light, heat or power and all appurtenances, apparatus, or equipment used in connection therewith, inside or attached to any building or structure, lot or premises. (b) The term "Electrician" as used in this regulation, shall be held to mean a person ,who is engaged in the trade or bus- iness of electrical constructio~ and ~o is qualified under the terms and provisions of this ,regù1ation. (c) The term "Master Electrician" as used in this regula- tion shall be 'held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical knowledge to plan, lay out, ."and supervise the installation of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, heat or power, and who is qualified under the provisions of this regulation. (d) The term "Journeyman Electrician" as used in this regulation shall be held to mean a person who possesses the neccess- ary qualifications, training and technical knowledge to install electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, heat or power and who is qualified under the terms and provisions of this regula- tion, and he shall be capable of doing electrical work according to the plans and specifications furnished to him, and in accordance with the rules and regulations governing wiring installations in Clermont, Florida. (e) The term "Maintenance Electrician" as used in this regulation, shall be held to mean a person who is qualified as hereinbefore prescribed as a "Journeyman Electrician" but who must -2- -- be regularly employed to maintain and make minor repairs to the electric wiring, apparatus and equipment, which is installed, contained and used upon the premises or in build- ings owned, occupied or controlled by the person, firm or corporation by whom the maintenance electrician is employed. Under this section a "Maintenance Electrician· is NOT authorized to install aqr NEW electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, heat or power. (f~ The term "Electrician Contractor" as used in this regulation shall be held to mean a person, firm or corpora- tion engaging in the business of electrical contracting. The person in charge of tne electrical installation for said per- son, firm or corporation shall have qualified as a "Master Ele ctricianW according to the provisions of this regulation and possess a Master Electrician's certificate paid to date. U~) The term "Qualified Person" as used in this reg- ulation shall be held to mean any person qualified under the provisions of this regulation, and licensed under this regula- tion by the City of Clermont. (h) The Term "Apprentice Electrician" as used in this regulation shall be held 10 mean a helper or assistant to a Journeyman. The apprentice is not qualified to work on electrical construction alone buf must at all times work under direct super- vision and accompanied by a qualified Journeyman or Master Electrician. A Master Electrician found guilty of allowing or sending an appren- tice or helper to do any t,ype of electrical work alone will be summoned to a meeting of the Board to show cause why his license should not be suspended or revoked. (i) The term "Haster Neon Service Man" as used in this regulation shall be held 10 mean a person who possesses the necess- ary qualifications and technical training to plan, layout and super- vise the installation and maintenance of neon signs and construc- tion., .. (j) The term "Journeyman Neon Service Man" as used in this regulation shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications and technical training to locate defec- tive parts, to service, maintain and repair a Neon sign or any in- stallation of neon strip lighting or outline lighting, and build or rebuild or install neon signs and to install any system of neon strip lighting or outline lighting on exterior walls or roofs of -building, to change defective neon transformers or glass and to make all necessary repairs to existing system of neon lighting or neon signs. (k) The term "Board" as used in this regulation shall be held to me@.Il the Board of Examiners of Electricians created and provided for idSection 1.02 of this regulation. SECTION 1.02 EXAMINING BOARD FOJ!. ELECTRICIANS . , (a) A Board of Examiners of Electricians is hereby created consisting of five (5) members, one of whom 'shall be the City Electrical Inspector, two shall be licensed Master Electricians, and two shall he Florida Power Corporation representatives. It ') , ' .' , -3- -- . / C( shall be the duty of said Board 10 examine and pass upon the qualifications of all persons who desire to engage in the trade or business of Electrical Construction within the City limits. The members of said Board of Examiners other than the City Elec- trical Inspector shall be appointed by the City Council of the Ci~ C ermont to hold office for the term of one year com- ----mêñcing the irst d~;;r January of each year, or until their successors are appointed and confirmed. In no case shall an examination be given unless four of the five members of the Board are present. (b) The said Board of Examiners shall examine all applicants who make application for such examination as Master Electrician or Journe,yman Electrician. Examinations shall be conducted at the office of the Ci ty Electrical Inspector, and for Master Electricians shall be held on the third Saturday in January, April, July. and Octoær of each year; and for Journeyman Electricians shall be held on the third Saturday 'in January, April, July, and October of each year. No examinations shall be held at any other time unless the day designated is a legal,holiday, in which event the examinations shall be held on the succeeding Saturday. The Board of Examiners shall examine applicants as to their practical knowledge of Electrical Construction, as defined in this regulation. Examinations shall be made in whole or in part in writing, and shall be of practical and elementary character but sufficiently strict to test the qualifications of the applicant, and to satisfy the Board as to the applicant's ability as a Master Electrician or Journeyman Electrician as the case may be and his familiarity with the rules and regulations governing Electrical Construction. If satisfied as to the competency of such applicant, the Board shall is sue to him immedia tely a Cer- tificate of Competency authorizing him to engage in or work at, the trade or business of Electrical Construction, as a Master Electrician or Journeyman Electrician. (c) All examinations of Journeyman Electricians shall consist of questions which pertain to the qualifications of Journey- man Electricians, as defined in this regulation and ~ich are con- tained in the National Electrical Code. Examinations of Master Electricians shall be more broad and technical in scope, and shall cover details of construction which are not covered by the National Electrical Code, or the provisions of this regulation, and which relate to the standard engineering practice pertaining to the qualifications of a Master Electrician, as defined in this regula- tion. All written, examina tions shall be of iden tical character for applicants of the same classification being examined during the same examination period. Verbal examinations need not be of identical eharacter, but shall be of the same general scope for applicants of the same classification. Past experience in the trade or business of Electrical Construction, as defined in this regula- , Üon, sha11 be deemed a factor to be considered in determining the applicant's ability, but no definite length of time shall be fixed as an essential requirement. (d) The fee for a Certificate of Competency for a Master Electrician shall be Thirty Dollars ($30.00). The fee for such a Certificate for a Journeyman Electrician shall be Five Dollars ($5.00). The above fees are payable when application for examinations are sub- mitted. In the event the applicant fails to pass his examination by making a grade of seventy-five per cent (75%) or more, the actual . . . ri -4- ." -- cost and expense of such examination, but not,exceeding Ten Dollars ($10.00) in the case of a Master Electrician anù Two Dollars ($2.00) in the case of a Journeyman Electrician, may ba retàin~ by the Board, and the balance, if any returned to the applicant. Each c er- tificate shall be valid until the following September 30th, the date on which all certificates shall expire, but the same may be re- newed without further examination if application is made to said Board far renewing of same on or before September 30th of each year before the expiration of said certificate. The fee for renewing the same shall be TWenty Dollars ($20.00) for a Master's license and Two Dollars ($2.00) for a Joµrneyman's license. SECTION 1.03 UNLAWFUL FOR PERSONS 10 WHOM CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY HAVE NOT BEEN ISSUED TO IN- STALL OR REPAIR ELECTRICAL WIRING, APPARA- TUS OR EQUIPMENT (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to whom a Cer- tificate of Competency has not been issued in accordance with the provisions of this regulation, to do any electrical construction, or make repairs, alterations, additions or changes to any existing system of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for lightp heat or power within the City limits except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section and Section 1.09 of this regulation. (b) A person may wire his own home provided he com- plies with all the requirements of this Code. (c) The following work may be performed for their employers by regular employees of Public Utility Companies, who are regularly engaged in the manufacture or distribution of electrical energy for light, heat or powe.r, or regularly engaged in the oper_ ation of a signaling system or in the transmission of intelligence provided that all such work shall be performed under the supervision of the duly authorized officials of such utilities. lst. Outside construction work either overhead or underground. 2nd. The installation and maintenance of under- ground service conductors and all primary ser- vices, service equipment or metering equip- ment on consumer premises. 3rd. The installation and maintenance of electrical wiring apparatus and equipment necessary for the operation of the utility ,in Central stations, sub-stations, plants or exchanges owned or oc- cupied by such Public Utility Companies. SECTION 1.04 . MASTER AND JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIANS TO BE EXAMINED Every Master and Journeyman Electrician before carrying on his trade or business in the City shall appear in person before the Board of Examiners of Electricians, and pass an examination as to his competency as provided in Section 1.02 of this regulation. -5- SECTION 1.05 MASTER ELECTRICIANS TO BE LICENSm . It shall be required of every person obtaining a Master Electrician's Certificate, before engaging in the business of Master Electrician, to pay to the City Clerk the amount provided for said oc- cupation according to the license ordinance then in effect. SECTION 1.06 MASTER ELECTRICIANS TO ~RNISH BOND Before a license as Master Electrician is issued to any Applicant, he shall file with the City Clerk a Surety Bond payable to the City of Clermont in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). Said Bond shall be executed by the Måster Electrician as principal and, by a Surety Compao¥ licensed to do business in the State of Florida as Surety and shall be conditioned as follows: ... . That the principal ~herein shall protect said City and owner or owners of premises upon which said principal does any work, against all loss of damage occasioned by the negligence of said principal in failing to promptly perform and protect all work done by him, or his employees, or under his direction or supervision; and from all loss or damage occasioned by or arising in any manner from any such work done by said principal or his employees, or under his 'direction or super- vision, which is not caused by negligence of said City, its agents or employees; and that said principal therein shall keep and observe all ordinances at any time in force in said City relating in any way to Electrical wiring and installations. The said Bond shall also be for the benefit of all persons injured or aggrieved by any violation of or neglect to observe this regulation or the rules and regulations estab. lished under the authority thereof. Said Bond shall be renewed at the end of each license year, as a condition precedent to obtaining a re- newal of certificate of competency. SECTION 1.07 WHEN LICThlSES AND BONDS EXPIRE All licenses and bonds shall expire on September 30th of each year, and no electrical work shall be done by and no permits shall be issued to any Master Electrician who has not such license and bond, as hereinbefore provided, in full force and effect. No renewal of a Master Electrician's Certificate shall be made where no permit to do work has been issued wi thin the six-month period .previous to the Renewal Date of September 30 of each year. This Certificate requirement can be waived by the Board of Electrical Examiners at their discretion. Provided, also shall not apply to legal resident of the City of Clermont. ~" 1.071 TEMPORARY CERTIFICA TES OF COMPETENCY . When and if, in the discretion of the Board of Electrical Examiners, it becomes advisable, Temporary Journeyman Electriciail's Cer_ tificates may be issued by the said Board to Electrical workers for a -6. -- period not exceeding Sixty (60) consecutivê~4a~s, provided such period does not extend beyond any regular~examination date. The fee for a temporary, Certificate shall be Two ($2.00) Dollars. No temporary Certificate of Competency shall be issued to an ap- plicant for a Master Electrician's Certificate. 1.072 POWER TO REVOKE OR SUSPEND CERTIFICATES The Board of Electrical Examiners shall have the power in addition to all other powers provided f.or in this regulation to suspend for a length of time not to exceed one year (or to revoke), the Certificate of Competency of any Master, Journ~man, or Maintenance Electrician who shall be guilty of any one or more of the following acts or omissions, to-wit:' (a) Fraud or deceit in obtaining license or certificate of competency. (b) Negligence, incompetency or misconduct in the practice of contracting within the meaning of this regulation. (c) Abandonment of any contract without legal excuse. (d) Diversion of property or funds received under express agreement for prosecution of completion of a specific contract un- der this regulation. (e) Obtaining, money with intention to fraud or deceive creditors or owners. (f) Fraudulent departure from or disregard of plans or specifications in any material respect without the consent of the owner or his duly authorized representative. (g) The doing of any ,ci:Llful or fraudulent act as a Master E1ectrician~Journeymanþ Elec- trician, or Maintenance Slectrician in consequence of which another is substantially injured. (h) Willful and deliberate disregard and viola- tion of the Electrical Code of the City of Clermont and/or the State of Florida. 1.073 CHARGES: PROCEDURE (a) Any person directly interested, the Build- ing or Electrical Inspector of the City of Clermont, the Architect or Engineer of any building or construction may prefer charges against a Master, Journeyman or Maintenance Electrician under this regulation. Such charges must be made in writing and sworn to by the complainant and submitted to the Board. It will then be the duty of the Board at the earliest possible date and not later than thirty (30) days thereafter . -7- -- (b) ( c) . (d) (e) :,. '. to investigate the Charg~~~~d render their decision without delay. ,"X copy of the charges together with the time and place of hearing shall be served on the accused at least five (5) days before the date fixed for the hearing. At the hearing the accused shall have the right to appear per- sonally and by counsel and ~ross-examine witnesses against him and to produce witnesses and evidence in his defense. If, after the hearing the Board's decision be that the accused has been guilty of the charges preferred agains t him the Board shall thereupon suspend for a period of time or revoke the accused's Certificate of Competency. Upon the revocation of the accused's Certificate of Competency any and all licenses issued by the City of Clermont for the doing of electrical work shall be revoked and withdrawn and no re- funds to be made on s aid license. If the decision of the Board be to suspend the Certificate of Competency for a length of time, the license issued by the City,of Clermont to the accused will be suspended for the same period and no refund shall be made on said license. It shall be unlawful for al\Y electrician to en- gage or work at the business or trade of elec- tricians in the City of Clermont when said Certi. ficate of Competency has been revoked and it shall be unlawful for any electrician, either Journeyman, Maintenance, or Master Electrician to work in the trade or business of electrician during such time when his Certificate of Com_ petency has been suspended. SECTION 1.08 MASTER ELECTRICIAN NOT TO ALLOW THE USE OF HIS NAME No licensed Master Electrician shall allow his name to be used by any person or party,. directly or indirectly, either for the pur- pose of obtaining a permit, or to do any work under his license. SECTION 1.09 ELECTRICIANS HOLDING CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY, RE- QUIRED ON ELECTRICAL WORK A Master Electrician shall not employ a person on any job . in the capacity of an Electrician, without such person being in possession of a Certificate of Competency as provided for in Section 1.02' of this regulation, provided that nothing in this regulation shall be held to prohibit the working of helpers or apprentices on any job of electrical construction, when the work of such helpers or apprentices is performed under the personal supervision and accompanied by an Electrician holding a Certificate of Com- petency. . -8- 1.091 ,CLASSIFICATION OF ELECTRICAL'WORKERS -- Electrical workers are herewith classified and their duties and scope of operations established: (a) MASTER ELECTRICIAN. A Master Electrician shall be deemed to be a person who has shown through successfully passing an examination before the Board of Electrical Examiners, that he has sufficient knowledge, experience and education to supervise electrical construction in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. (b) The Master Electrician may be the owner, proprietor, employee or corporation officer, but shall, in all cases, be the person who is 'directly responsible for the physical and ' mechanical manner in which electrical material, ' equipment and devices are placed or installed. (c) A Master Electrician or authorized supervisory employee shall countersign all applications for electrical permits and supervise electrical work authorized by such permit. (d) The name of the Master Electrician authorized as such for the person, firm or corporation for whom permit applications are to be countersigned,. shall.be set forth in the business licenseþ and no person shall be entitled to a license to carry on the business of electrical contracting in the City who is not himself, or does not have at all times, a Master Electrician in his employ. (e) It shall be unlawful for any Master Electrician to countersign permit applications for morè than one person, firm or corpora Hon. (f) It shall be unlawful for any Master Electrician to permit his name to be used, or to knowingly permit himself to be held out, as an officer or employee of any person holding an electrical contractor's license unless he is, in fact, such officer or employee and does, in fact, supervise the doing or installation of electrical work performed by S1ch electrical license. (g) The Master Electrician may be relieved from the responsibility under any permit counter- signed by him if notice in writing to that effect be filed with the City Electrical In- spector prior to the actual construction covered by the permit or upon the discharge or termina- tion of the services of said Master Electrician. , . (h) .. No person shall receive a Certificate of Com- petency as a Master Electrician who has not at- tained the age of twenty-one (21) years. (i) No person, firm or corporation shall engage in or carry on the business of electrical contract- ing or install, alter or repair any electrical wiring, for which a permit is required, without first registering in the City Electrical Inspector's -9.. Office, the name of the Master Electrician who is directly responsible for the manner in which the electricia1 installation is made. If (j) Whenever a Master Electrician shall leave, or be discharged from the employ of any person hold- ing an electrical contractor's license, notice in writing thereof shall be given within five (5) days by the employer and employee to the City Electrical Inspector and all electrical construction work be- ing carried on by such employer shall, without further order o~ action, stand suspended until such employer has re-employed the same or another Master Electrician, and notice in writing has been given by the employers to the City Electrical In- spector, countersigned by such re-employed or other Master Electrician, or until the employer has qual- ifie~ as a,Master Electrician. -- (k) JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN. The tenn"Journeyman Elec- trician" as used in this Ordinance shall mean a person who has in his possession an un-expired Journeyman's Certificate issued to him by the Board of Electrical Examiners of the City of Cler- mont, Florida,' and is qualified to perform the work under the supervision of a Master Electrician. (1) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. The term "Electrical Con- tractor" as used in 1his ordinance shall mean any person, firm or corporation engaged in the bus- iness of installing Electrical equipment or appara- tus withi~ the City of Clermont, Florida, provided that he or they have been licensed by said City to make such electrical installations, and pro- vided that he or they maintain a permanent bus- iness address, and further, provided that said electrical contractor shall have at all times, as a supervisor of such electrical installations, a person who has in his possession an unexpired Master Electrician's certificate that has been issued to him by the Board of Electrical Examiners of Clermont, Florida. Such Master Electrician shall not be a supervisor for more than one electrical contractor at any one time. (m) MAINTENANCE ELECaRICIAN. The term "Maintenance Electrician" as used in this regulation, shall be held to mean a person who has qualified as hereinbefore prescribed for a "Journeyman Elec- trician," but ~o must be on a full time basis ,employed to maintain and make only minor re- pairs to the electrical wiring, apparatus and equipment which is installed, contained and used upon the premises or in buildings owned, oc- cupied, or controlled by the person, firm, or corporation by whom the Maintenance Electrician is employed. ì . Under this section a "j :aintenance Electrician" is NOT authorized to install any new electrícal wiring, apparatus, or equipment for light, heat or power. '" -10- SECTION 1.10 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT -- Before any electrical wiring or electrical apparatus or equipment for light, heat or power shall be installed, within or attached to any building or structure, either public or private, with- in the limits of the City a written application for a permit to do SO must be made to the City Electrical Inspector by a Master Electrician intending to install the work, and the permit when issued shall be to such applicant. The application shall be accompanied by a complete set of plans, specifications, and schedule, as may be necessary to de- termine whether the installation as described will be in conformity with the requirements of this regulation. On rewiring the Electrical Inspector may waive regulations for plans and specifications. If it shall be found by the City Electrical Inspector that the installation as described will in general conform with the requirements of this regulation, and if the applicant has complied with all the provisions of this regulation. a permit for such inst~l1a~ion shall be issued by said City Electrical Inspector. The permit when issued shall be for such installation as is described in the applications, and no devia- tion shall be made from the installation so described without the approval of the City Electrical Inspector. SECTION 1.11 PERMITS (a) A permit will be required to do any electrical con- struction of any character, install any electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment, or make any extensions or changes to existing systems of wiring for light, heat or power, within the limits of the City ex- cepting work done by employees of Public Utility Companies, as per- mitted by Section 1.03 of this regulation and further excepting the repairing of damaged apparatus or equipment and the ordinary work necessary for the proper maintenance of same. (b) INSPECTION FEES. Before any permit is issued for the installation or alteration of electric wiring, device or equipment, the Master Elect~ician making application for such permit shall pay to the City Clerk a fee in such amount as specified below. The following permit fees are hereby established: For Minimum Electrical Permit............. $1.50' For Outlets at which current is con- trolled or consumed For each outlet up to 500................. .10 For each outlet over 500.................. .05 For Each Lighting Fix~ure, not includ- ing wall receptacles or Porcelain Fixtures not having sOldered joints....... .10 . For Each Outlet controlling window type air conditioning........................... .50 For Each Service Installation 100 amp. (or less)........................ 200 amp. ................................. 400 amp. ................................. Over 400 amp. ............................ 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 -11- For Each Extra Meter....................... .25 .. Motors or Generators Not over 1 hp........................ Over 1 but not over 3 hp ............ Over 3 but not over 5 hp ............ Over 5 but not over 10 hp ........... Over 10.............................. Each Heating Appliance Up to 1 KW........................... Over I KW but not over 10 KW ........ Over 10 Kif........................... Electrical Water Heaters................... X-Ray.. . . . ... .. . .... ....... . .. .. . . . . . ... ... Electric Ranges............................ Dental Units............................... Oil Burner Units Commercial........................... Domestic ............................ Exhaust Fans Under 1 hp.................... Attic Fans (Any Size)................ Electric E1evators.......~................. Electric Welder Transformer Type up to 50 amps ...... Transformer Type over 50 amps........ Generator Type (same as for motors) Electric Signs up to 30 sockets (Incandescent)....................... For each additional 30 sockets....... Sign Flasher.......................:....... Time Switch........................~....... Neon Transformer or Tubing 1st Transformer ..................... Each additional transformer................ Display Cases 10 lights or fraction thereof.................................... Over 10, each light.................. Flood or Spot Light, Commercial..........;. Temporary Permits for Building Construction Use on1y.......~........ For the Inspection of any electrical equipment for which no fee is set.......... .50 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 .50 1.00 3.00 .50 5.00 .50 2.00 5.00 1.00 .50 1.00 7.50 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 I.OO .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .10 1.00 1.50 5.00 per hr. (c) RE-INSPECTION FEES. When extra inspection trips are necessary due to any one of the following reasons, a charge of Three Dollars ($3.00) shall be made for each trip. . (1) , (2) ( 3) (4) Wrong Address Second call on condemned work Additional work done after insp~ction has been made Work not ready for'inspection ~en called -12- SECTION 1.12 CLASSIFICATION OF METER SERVICE . For the purpose of this regulation to regulate the issuing of permits, each recording watt-hour meter and all feeder wires, sub-feeder wires and branch circuit wires connectíng to same shall be construed as one meter service, and a separate permit must be obtained for work requiring a permit performed on each such meter service. SECTION !I..13 RULES AND REGULATIONS - GENERAL All electrical construction and all material~ and appliances used in connection with the installation, maintenance and operation of electrical wiring, apparatus, òr equipment for light, heat or power, within the limits of the City of Clermont, shall conform to the rules and regulations embodied" in this regulation and such as may be adopted as hereinbefore provided, and shall conform with such construction and approved methods of construction as is reason- ably necessary for safety to life or property. The latest current regulations as laid down in the National Electrical Code, 'as approved by the ,American Standards Associations, and the National Safety Code~ as approved by the American Standards Association, and other in- stallation and safety regulations approved by American Standards Association shall be prima facie evidence of such approved methods as of the time such regulations are laid down. SECTION 1.14 APPROVED MATERIALS, DEVICES, OR APPLIANCES . (a) No electrical materials, devices or appliances, de- signed for attachment to or installation on any electrical circuit or system, for light, heat or power shall be installed, used, sold or offered for sale, for use in the City unless they are in con- formity with approved methods of construction for safety to life and property. Conformity of electrical materials, devices, or appliances with the standards of Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., as indicated by the lists of Inspected Electrical Appliances pub- lished and distribted from time to time by the said Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., or with other standards approved by the Amer- ican Standards Association, shall be prima facie evidence that such electrical materials, devices or appliances comply with ~he requirements of this regulation. The maker's name, trade mark or other identification symbol shall be placed on all electrical materials, devices, or appliances, sold, installed, or used under the provisions of this regulation, together with such other mark- ings giving voltage, current, wattage, or other appropriate rat- ings as are prescribed in the National Electrical Code, or as may be necessary to determine the character of the material, devices or equipment, and the ûse for which it is intended. to (b) It shall not be permissible to connect/the lines of Power Companies neon, fluorescent, or any other type of lighting equipment having similar low power factor characteristics unless the units are equipped individually with corrective apparatus to increase the power factor of neon equipment to at least 85% lag- ging and all other such equipment to at least 90% lagging. All gaseous lighting fixtures must be labeled showing at least the man- ufacturer's name, wattage, and Power Factor. No metal screw threads shall carry the weight of any fixtures other than machine bolts, hickey studs, or lag screws. There shall be adequate spac- -13- "\ " ing provided for wires to pass through the metal in all fix- tures without injury to insulation. -- SECTION 1.15- BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR NEON SERVICE MEN (a) A Board of Examiners for Master Neon Service Men and Journeyman Neon Service Men consisting of three members is hereby created, One shall be the City Electrical Inspector, a second member shall be a Master Electrician, and a third member shall be a Master Neon Service Man possessing the qualifications required under paragraph (e) of Section 1.01, and it shall be the duty of said Board to examine and pass upon the qualifi cations of all persons who desire to engage in the planning, laying out, super- vision and in the installation, servicing, and repair of neon signs or any neon strip lighting or outline lighting or other elec- trical equipment incident to the same. The second and third mem- bers of said Board shall be appointed by the City Council of the City of Clermont for the term of one year commencing with the first day of January of each year or until their successors are appointed and confirmed, provided that no members of said Board other than the City Elec¡trical Inspector shall hold office for more than two (2) successive terms. In no case shall an examination be given unless all three members of the Board are present. In the event the application for a Master Neon Service Man fails to pass the examination, a period of six months must expire before any further examinations are given. ' (b) Examinations of Master Neon Service Men shall be con- ducted at the same place as provided in Section 1.02 of this' reg- ulation, and upon the fourth Saturday in January, April, July and October; Examinations of Journeyman Neon Service Men shall be con- ducted at the same place as provideq in Section 1.02 of this' reg- ulation and upon the fourth SaturdayLin January, April, July and October of each year. No examinations shall be held at any other time unless the day designated is a legal holiday, in which event the examinations shall be held on the succeeding Saturday, If from such examination The Board is satisfied as to the qualifications of the applicant as a Master Neon Service Man or a Journeyman Neon Service Man as herein required and as to his knowledge of the general construction and functions of a neon installation and as to his qualification to make such repairs and replacements and to build and rebuild such installations in accordance with the provisions of this regulation and all standard rules and regulations governing the same, then said Board shall immediately issue him a Certifi- cate of Competency authorizing him to engage in the work of a Master Neon Service Man or a Journeyman Neon Service Man in the City as the case may be. . (c) The fee for a Certificate of Competency for a Master Neon Service Man shall be Thirty Dollars($30.00). The fee for such a certificate for a Journeyman Neon Service Man shall be Five Dollars ($5.00). The above fees are payable when applications for examinations are submitted. In the event the applicant fails to pass his examination by making a,grade of seventy-five percent (75%) or more, the actual cost and expenses of such examinat'ion, but not exceeding Ten Dollars ($10.00) in the case of a Master Neon Service Man and Two Dollar. ($2.00) in the case of a Journeyman Neon Service Man, may be retained by the Board, and the balancè, if any, returned to the applicant. Each Certificate shall be valid until the following September 30th, the date on which all Certifi- cates shall expire; but the same may be renewed without further examination if application is made to said Board for renewing of -14- "\ IIIíIíA ~ , ~-. ~ same on or before September 30th of each year before the expira- tion of said Certificate. The fee for renewing the same shall be Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for a Master Neon Service Man and Two Dollars ($2.00) for a Journeyman Neon Service Man. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to whom a Certificate of Competency has not been issued to engage in install- ing, servicing, or repairing of neon signs or neon strip or out- line lighting either as Master Neon Service Man or Journeyman Neon Service Man. (e) No Master Neon Service Man or Journeyman Neon Ser_ vice Man shall wire for or connect any neon sign or neon installa- tions to the interior wiring systems of any building or premises or disconnect same from the interior wiring system of any build- ing or premises in the City, or make any new installations. (f) A }faster Neon Service Man or Journeyman Neon Ser- vice Man shall be allowed to do neon installation or service work after the wires are provided to sign outlet. (g) All neon signs shall be inspected by the Electrical Inspector of the City before permit is issued by the Inspection Department for erection. (h) A minimum fee of One Dollar ($1.00) shall be àIarged for one (1) transformer, Fifty Cents ($.50) for each additional transformer for neon signs and strip lighting. No permit shall be issued for a sum less than $1.50. SECTION 1.16 METAL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS All metal conduit and fittings, unless of corrosion re_ sisting metal, shall be galvanized, sheradized or shall have an equivalent coating of corrosion resisting metal. SECTION 1.17 SERVICE WIRES All service wires supplying current for light, heat or power to any building within the City whether for underground or overhead connections shall be installed in rigid metal conduit, or shall be multiple conductor cable approved for overhead. SECTION 1.18 SAFETY :;~1'l'(;HJ>:' lili¡,¡UIRED Knife switches operating at a potential of 600 volts or less, except on switchboard or panel-boards accessible to qualified persons only, shall be of the externally operable, enclosed type with proper marking to show when the switch is on the "on" or "off" position. I ·...1 . SECTION 1.19 WIRING OF MOTORS (a) Since the characteristics ('voltage and phase)' of the service available in different localities vary, it is necessary -15- '\ . to consult the Power Companies before any motor installations are made, except as provided hereafter, in order to determine the character of service available for a particular installa- tion. The Power Company will also furnish advice and assistance to customers in the selection of proper motors for the load to be served but such advice shall not impose any liability on the Power Company. (b) In general, only alternating current motors up to and including ~ HP may b e connected to a 115 volt. single phase branch circuit. (c) Motors above ~ HP and up to and including four (4) HP shall be connected to a 230 volt, single phase service or 3 phase service. (d) Motors ,above four (4) Horsepower must be three- phase. Single phase motors in excess of (4) Horsepower maybe installed only upon written approval of the Power Companies. When the aggregate of small motors is above five (5) Horsepower, this motor load must be balanced on the three phases of a three-phase, 230 volt service. '( ì (e) All motors over four (4) Horsepower shall have their starting current limited to 300 per cent of rated full-load running current unless specific exception is granted by the Power Companies. Such exceptions will be based upon the character of service available, such as separate light and power supplies and the size of the existing distribution transformers. SECTION 1.20 WIRING OF GARAGES, FILLING STATIONS . All wiring conducting current for light, heat or power, where installed underground or under floors in any garage or fill_ ing station or other building or structure in the City where pumps or piping systems containing gasoline or other inflammable volatile liquids are installed or used, shall have a lead or T. W. covering over outer braid of such ¡cireSi and where outlet boxes or junction boxes are installed in floors or sidewalks at such locations and containing joints in the conductors terminating in or passing through such boxes, then all such outlet or junction boxes shall be of explosion resisting construction which will prevent inflamm- able volatile liquids from coming in contact with joints in wires contained in such boxes in the event of leakage or overflow of such liquids from pumps or piping systems. A sealoff fitting sháJ.I be installed at the end of every conduit entering a pump or pump is- land. No conduit smaller than 3/4 inch will be permitted for underground wiring of filling stations or Filling Station Yards. Light standards wi thin 20 feet of a pump or pump island shall be considered Class I Division 1 locations. The requirements of this section are to be considered as supplementary to the requirements of the National Electrical Code for Class 1 Division 1 hazardous locations. SECTION 1.21 WIRING OF THEATRES, OPERA HOUSES, MOTION PICTURE HOUSES Every portion of theatres, opera houses, and motion picture house devoted to the a ccomoda tion of the public, and all -16_ .. courts and passageways pertaining thereto and leading to a high- way or street, shall be well and properly lighted during all per- formances, and until the entire audience shall have left the premises. Nothing in the preceding statement is intended to pro- hibit the temporary shutting off of the lights in the auditorium during the production of any act or scene. Gas mains may be in- stalled for use of gas on the stage, but no gas lighting shall be permitted throughout the building. Provision must be made for shutting off the gas outside the building, There shall be a separate system of lighting for the auditorium, stairs, halls, corridors, passageways, exits, lobbies and vestibules independent from the general lighting system for the auditorium, and such separate sys- tem shall be controlled only from the foyer or box office, or both and such separate system shall a different sòurce of supply of electricity from the said general lighting system, All electric mains and wiring shall be installed under the rules of and subject to the inspection of the City Electrical Inspector. Everye xit shall have, over or at one side of the same, on the inside of the building, the word "EXIT" in.~onspicuous letters, not less than 6 indies high and with a distinguishing numeral, and over each such exit sign there shall be placed a 25-watt green light which shall remain lighted until the audience shall have left the premises, and no other green light shall be allowed in the aud~ itorium except the stage lights. All wiring shall be enclosed in rigid metal conduit to be approved as to conformity with the pro- vision of this regulation by the City Electrical Inspector prior to installation. SECTION 1.22 MINIMUM WATTAGE REQUIRED FOR BRANCH CIRCUITS In the wiring of new buildings or the installation of new wiring in old buildings or additions thereto, or in the re- modeling or alteration of old wiring, where more than 50% of the ex- isting installation is remodeled or changed, the minimum wattage re- quired in all buildings shall meet the present requirements of Article 210 of the National ~lectrical Code. SECTION 1.23 TEHPORARY WIRING - 'WHEN PERMITTED The City Electrical Inspector may issue permits for the installation and use of a pproved systems of temporary wiring for light, heat or power, or for decorative lighting ~en proper application is made for the same and there exists a reasonable necessity for such use, provided that no such temporary wiring shall be allowed to remai¡i in service for a period longer than thirty (30) days after the date of the permit, and that such temporary wiring shall not be dangerous to the safety of life or property. The City Electrical Inspector may renew this permit at his discretion. . SECTION 1.24 ~ (a) That it shall be unlawful for any person to bridge a fuse circuit breaker or switch, or fuse any conductor above its rated carrying capacity. All fuses and circuit breakers must be . . .... . '.f' -17- plainly marked with the number of amperes it is d esigna ted to carry. -- (b) The initial installation of services, fuses must be provided by the owner or his agent. (c) In case of emergency, a Master Electrician or a 7 Journeyman Electrician as defined in this regulation, and no other person, may break the seal to replace the fuse" but in such case the Power Companies must be notified immediately., I (d) No job of wiring for light, heat or power will be accepted on a final inspection unless the proper fuses have been installed. A complete set of fuses shall be installed by the Master or Journeyman Electrician hanging fixtures. SECTION 1.25 PRIVATE PLANTS (a) All wiring or apparatus for light, heat, or power in premises of whatever nature, in locations within the City limits~ which is to be supplied with current from a private plant where the current is furnished by means of motor generator sets, or otherwise" may be arranged and connected so as to operate on any approved system of wiring, whether A.C. or D. C. two or three wire, subject to all other provisions of this regulation and subject to the prävision that such wiring, arrangement, and connection s hall be such as to be reasonably safe to life and property. . (b) No person, firm, corporation or association shall furnish or supply any other per son, firm, corpora tion wi th any electric current in the City unless such person, firm, corporation or association shall have received a franchise so to do from the City. SECTION 1.26 WIRING OF COLD STORAGE PLANTS AND THE LIKE In the W1r1ng of refrigerators, ice boxes, cold storage plants and rooms,.cr buildings of ¡a similar character all wires for light, heat or power shall be installed in rigid, galvanized metal conduit and galvanized metal outlet boxes~ outlet and distribution cabinets and fittings. Conduits must be installed in such a manner that they will drain to outlets and cabinets. Conductors must have the presently approved "National Electrical Code Standard" insu1la- tion, and in addition thereto must have a lead sheath or covering , over outer braid. At outlets of junction boxes, and cabinets \there it is necessary to remove the lead sheath from conductors for the purpose of making joints, taps or terminal connections, the condûc- tors and exposed ends of the lead sheath must be covered with a close fitting wrapping of best grade rubber tape, securely held in place by an outer wrapping of friction tape, and thoroughly painted with a P. & B. compounds or other approved waterproof insulating paint or varnish. . . All sockets or receptacles shall be of the keyless weather- proof type, and all fixtures or fitting shall be of weatherproof con_ struction. -18_ . ' SECTION 1.27 BELL TRANSFORMERS -- . An Bell Ringing Transformers must be located at the cen- ter of distribution or readily accessible places, not in attic, or under floor spaces, and the secondary wiring shall not enter the same box with the primary wiring. SECTION 1.28 SERVICE WIRES TO BE INSTALLED BY ELECTRICIANS DOING INSIDE WORK Âll service wires inside of a building for supplying electrical current for light, heat or power shall be installed by the Master or Journeyman Electrician doing the inside wiring, ex- cept where service wires are to be primary, or connected to an under- ground wiring system in which case the electrical department of the Power Companies may install the service wires and meter equipment to the main' service switch inside of the building, provided that when service wires are installed by the Electrical Department of the Power Companies, they shall be installed in accordance , with the rules and regulations of this regulation. SECTION 1.29 .'".. MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECTS (a) Main service fused disconnect or circuit breaker of a minimum of 100 AMP capacity must be installed for 'the owner or his agent by a Master or Journeymen Electrician and located in an outside utility room, garage or on the outside of the building if residential, and the inside of the building J if commercial and in conduit as near the point of entrance of any service wires as may be possible considering the character of the building and accessi- bility in case of fire or other reasons for opening the service switch, and disconnecting the premises from the feeder mains. The height of the main switch or bre¥:er on a residence shall not be '.. above seven feet from the ground and shall be wi thin seven feet after the meter. Residences not exceeding' 600 square feet of liv- ing area and indicated load not exceeding 2000 watts the maximum service disconnect may be, 60 AMP. (b) The size and location of the main service disconnect breaker and fuse or circuit breaker panel in each case shall be ap- proved by the City Electrical Inspector; such size and location in each case shall be determined by him according to the size and number of lamps, motors or other apparatus or equipment, connected to and controlled by said service switch, and fuse or breaker ratings shall be no greater than the current carrying capacity of the main service feeders. . (c) All service switches operating at a potential of over 600 volts must be approved type circuit breakers with air break disconnect switches between approved type circuit-breakers and supply lines. . -19_ -- . i SECTION 1.30 METER CONNECTION (a) On all wiring for light, heat or power, or new work or where the service is to be changed or altered, and where the connected service load does not exceed 150 amperes, approved outdoor meter boxes shall be used. which shall be connected on the supply side of the main service switch and. fuses or main circuit breaker. (Outdoor meter box will be furnished by the Power Company as part of the meter equipment.) (b) Where the connected service is larger than 150 amperes and where 'not feasible to install outdoor meter boxes, the meter Shall be located in a convenient and readily accessible place inside the building. Meters located in enclosed or semi-enclosed rear poròhes, where they are not exposed to the weather, sh~ll be considered as being inside the building. The location of the meter loop shall in each case be determined by the Power Company, and in the arrangement of wires forming the meter loop shall be deter- mined by the Power CompaDW. I ( c) Meter loops shall be provided by the owner or his agent ,for each meter to be installed. (d) No electrical meter will be permitted in bath rooms, clothes closets, or in any inaccessible place. Meter boxes or safety swi tches or circuit breakers and cabinets must be placed fi ve feet from the floor, but not over seven (7) feet, without special per- mission from the City Electrical Inspector. (e) Meter boards used to mount service switches and meters must in each case be of a thickness not less than three- quarter (3/4) of an inch thick, and project eighteen (18) inches above, two (2) inches on each side and two (2) inches on the bottom, and shall be painted with a good grade of paint. (f) Meter Boxes: No wooden boxes may be used to enclose the meters. service switches and cabinets; metal meter boxes of a min- imum of 16 guage thickness must have a clearance of eighteen (18) inches above, four (4) inches on each side and four (4) inches on the bottom and must be not less than eight (8) inches deep. (g) Meter wires on bottom-connected meters must measure not less than fifteen (15) inches or more from top of the switch box to the ends. Where side connected meters are used. they must measure eighteen (18) inches or over. (h) Where meters, service switche~, or cabinets are to be installed outside of buildings, and where meters are not to be en- closed in outdoor metér boxes, the box or enclosure must be of non- corrosive and moisture resisting material which shall meet the ap- proval of both the Power Companies and the City Electrical Inspector. SECTION 1.31 SERVICE ENTRANCE TO BUIIJ)ING The point of service entrance to buildings shall in each case be determined by the Power Companies. . , ' .-J' . , '. -20_ SECTION 1.32 SEPARATE SERVICE REQUIRED -- (a) Each building into which electrical current is in- troduced for light, heat or power shall have an independent service. (b) Provided that a private garage on the same lot as a main building and used in connection with same, may be supplied from the same service, provided that no garage on the same lot as the place of residence is used as a manufacturing or other business establishment or used for rental purposes. SECTION 1.33 SPECIAL UTILITY RULE (a) On all wiring installations where an increase or decrease of load is to be made, the Power Companies must be notified before appliances or equipment are connected, so that proper ar- rangements may be made by them. (b) In no case shall an electrical meter owned by the Power Company be allowed to be removed or changed by anyone other than a representative of the Power Compa~. SECTION 1.34 PARKING LOTS, GOLF COURSES, TENNIS COURTS, AND nœ: LIKE Where wires are to be run overhead and lights suspended from poles, all poles mu~t be twenty (20) feet or more in length~ set five (5) feet or more ·in the earth, and guyed with guy wire not amaller than one quarter (i) inch in diameter 'and such poles shall have a "heart" top of not lessthan,four (4) inches in diameter. All wires must be not less than twelve (12) feet from the ground~ and of a size not less than No. 10 Hard-drawn Weather-Proof. Where lights are suspended between poles, they must be hung on ap~roved hangers to a messenger cable not smaller than' one quarter (4) inch in diameter. All wires on poles must be supported by approved brackets, and insulators. All meter loops, service sWitches; and cabinets must be installed in weather and moisture proof enclosures, subject to the approval of the City Electrical Inspector and the Power Company.' SECTION 1.35 1IIRING METHODS . (a) Approved rigid conduits, steel tube EMT, surface metal raceways, underfloor raceways, cas t-in-place raceways'q wire- ways, and busways shall be required for all wires used to conduct current for light, heat or power, in the wiring of all new buiJ,d- ings, and additions thereto WITHIN the Fire Limits of the ëitý"öt- Clermont, as they are now or may hereafter be established, and'also in apartment houses having over three (3) apartments, and in ' churches, schools, theatres. public buildings, apartments, in con- nection with commercial buildings, and manufacturing or business ',-' , , " ....:::}. ,-'j """> f, ··'.'I:"'¡'~;' w·~i;.~·~, -21- -- '. ,: ,'(. ';. . establishments located outside the Fire Limits except that flex- ible conduits only by special permission of the City Electrical Inspector may be used in re~ring of old buildings when it is im- practicable to use rigid conduits. (b) Steel Tube EMT shall not be used in concrete slabs, underground, damp locations or Class I, II and III hazardous loca- tions as defined in the National Electrical Code. (c) Armored cable shall not be allowed except where ac- cessible and hidden from view, and installed in an approved man- ner it may be used for wiring for lights in show windows and show cases in the Fire Districts or elsewhere if not over 7' run. (d) For the wiring of all other buildings not mentioned, any approved type of wir ing shall be permitted, including apartments, provided the garage is wired with rigid conduit run to first outlet in apartment, garage having over 2 car space shall be wired in rigid conduit. (e) The use of flexible metal conduit or non-metallic sheathed cable, for open work shall not be permitted except on runs not e~eeding seven (7) feet~ (f) Two locknuts, óne inside and one outside of boxes and cabinets shall be required on all conduit jobs. Grounding lock- nuts shall be used on all pipes leaving the distribution panel and main switches. Approved fiber bushing shall be used on any con- duits entering or leaving a panel or cabinet if the conduits contain #8 wires or larger. (g) Service Entrance cable will' not be approved for a service entrance in èbmmercial build- ings in the City of Clermont. I. 2. Service conductors for ALL commercial build- ings shall'not'be smaller than three #2 wires installed in l~' conduit. 3. '," Size of Service wires and conduits for resi- dences: " (a) Minimum service to any residence of ten 2-wire 120 volt circuits'or less shall be with three #2 conductors. (A 60 amp fuse holder or a 50 'amp ,breaker will not be approved.) , .. ~ t, ....tIt. .:1 , " . ,".~ ..t.... ¡ (b) II to 20 two-wire 120 volt circuits wi tti three #2 conductors. (c) 20 to 24 two-wire 120 volt circuits 2n conduit with three #1/0 conductors. 4. Service entrance. wires and conduits for Duplex or two family residences where an electric range, is installed in each apartment shall not be ' smaller than three #1 wires in l¡\-n conduit. From the meter sockets to each apartment the service rule for a single family residence will apply. ENTRANCE SWITCHES AND FUSE OR BREAKER PANELS shall not be installed below five feet or above seven feet from the floor. 5. Underground service conduit shall be one size larger than required above ground. All under- -22N ") J ,.,. .. ground feeder or branch circuit conduits shall also be one size larger than required above ground. The minimum size conduit used in a ground slab or underground shall be 3/4". 6. Overhead service conductors shall be enclosed in rigid conduit or S. E. U. A separate con- duit or cable must be installed from each meter enclosure to its disconnecting means. 7. The Service Grounding Conductor shall be a minimum of #4 bare copper and shall conform to Articles 2594 and 2595 of the 1953 issue of the National Electrical Code. 8. The Service GROUNDING Conductor shall be run from tlie first meter or switch enclosure to a cold water pipe located on the outside of the bu~lding using an approved ground fitting mak- an electrical connection with the GI/OUNDING " conductor. 9. Service cables and conduits and grouÌ1ding con- ductors shall be securely fastened to ,the build- ing using approved straps. Wood plugs used in brick or CXJncrete will not be approved. 10. The Service Hood or Entrance Cap shall extend above the Service Drop Wires to the building to avoid capillary attraction causing moisture to enter the service wires. MINIMUM HEIGHT OF SERVICE CAP OR WEATHERHEAD - 11.0 FEET. ll. Service drops shall have a clearance above ground not less than ten feet. 12. Approved type lightning ~restors shall be installed at the meter location on all ser- vices and TV towers (residential and commer- cial) by customer. 13. Service Metering Equipment instalxed ahead of the Service Disconnecting means or over current device shall be considered as part of the ser- vice which must terminate in a MAIN switch or MAIN Circuit Breaker. 14. Service conductors entering a w1r1ng trough (inside of the building) whi ch is to be us ed as junction or connection box for 'multiple metering shall have a main disconnect in- stalled on the line side of the wiring trough. This refers to wiring trough ænstalled in- side of the building only. . 15. Weatherproof FUSED Combination Main and Branch Circuit Panels shall not be installed on the outside of the building. An exception will be allowed provided a ~IRCUIT BREAKER type weather- proof panel is used and all branch circuit wir- ing extend to the attic in 2" conduit. -23- ~ -- . 16. When wiring for any added load is installed in a building the services shall also be re- vised an:! sizes increased to carry the new total load. 17. Electric Range Circuits shall be not ]e ss than three number 6 wires. 18. LIQUID TIGHT or RAIN TIGHT Greenfield with approved fittings shall be used in wet loc- cations and ALL OUTDOOR Installations, includ- ing sign connections. 19. All wiring in Conduit shall be open for in- spection before switches, panel fronts, re- ceptacles or covers are installed. , 20. Allwiring in Beauty Parlors shall be in- stalled in Conduit and all equipment used therein shall be connected to the system with 3 wire cords, plugs and receptacles, grouriding the frames of all such equipJœnt. Three wire receptacles that will serve a two contact plug shall not be approyed. . 21.. Show Window lighting shall conform to the National Code Rule that 200 watts be allowed for each lineal foot of the window, re- gardless of the type of fixtures to be used. All show windows must also have installed in the base a receptacle for every five feet measured along the base of the window. A receptacle shall be installed on the wall di- rectly over the center of each show window and connected to the sign circuit. 4, .J 22. A separate sign circuit shall be installed in all store or public buildings (new or remodeled). This sign circuit must be installed in a sep- arate 3/4" Conduit from a switch enclosure and from the circuit protecting device in the panel. A disconnect, safety switch or circuit breaker shall be located in the line to an outdoor sign at the sign location and be weatherproof if exposed to the weather. 23. In store buildings the minimum requireJœnt for receptacle circuits on the center of each side wall shall be a separate conduit extending from the Panel in 3/4" conduit to the approximate center of each side wall, connected to a s epa- rate circuit and terminating in at least one re- ceptacle. 24. Under no conditions will running threads be per- mitted. Approved conduit unions must be used. 25. Sign transformers shall not be placed in un- finished attic spaces. Drain holes shall be provided in metal transformer boxes, and when exposed to the weather the boxes shall be reamed or otherwise trimmed to remove burrs or rims that would hold water in the en- closure. If mounted on the roof, the transformer enclosure shall be elevated at , -24- -- . . ·"'41."1' . " . least two inches above the roof. Wood shall not be used to mount or elevate the trans- forJær enclosure. The transfonner shall be rigidly fastened to the metal enclosure. 26. Maximum number of outlets per circuit: On Commercial store building - 6 light out- lets or 4 receptacle outlets or 5 combina- tion. Apartment building ~ 8 light out- lets or 6 receptacle outlets or 7 combina- tion. Residential buildings - 10 light outlets or 6 receptacle outlets or 8 combination. Churches, Lodge or Club Rooms, Auditoriums, etc. - 6 lights or 6 receptacle outlets or 5 combinations. 27. For residential occupancies, base receptacles or convenience outlets shall be placed along the perimeter of the following rooms so that no poipt on the base will be more than 8 feet from an outlet: Living room, bedroom, dining room, breezeway, den, nursery, sewing room, . ' Florida room, enclosed porch. 28. Every kitchen shall have a minimum of tm ap- pliance outlets each on a separate circuit. The utility room or garage or laundry must also have an appliance outlet on a separate 20 AMP circuit. Kitchen, bathroom and garage lights and any lights within 6 feet of a water con- nection or plumbing fixtures shall be con- trolled by a wall switch. (See also ::>ection 1.41). 29. Non-metallic sheathed cable (Romex) shall bot be run on top of ceiling joists unless within 18" of the junction of the joists with the roof rafters. On new buildings, non-metallic sheath- ed cable shall not be installed under the floor of the building unless there is at least 18 inches clearance between the bottom of the joists and the grœnd. 30. Outlets in clothes closets shalJ be installed on the ceiling or over the door'. (Outlets on side walls are not permitted in 'clothes closets.) 31. Junction boxes shall not be installed on new installations or in the attic or under noor spaces. The loop system shall be used. (Where necessary to install junction boxes the same shall be accessible from the interior of the room). 32. Branch circuits in residential installations shall not be smaller than No. 12 B & ::> guage wire. 33'. Switch or receptacle outlets shall not be in- stalled wi thin reach of a bathtub or shower. ALL RECEPTACLES FOR HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT ::>HALL BE OF THE TYPE VlHICH SHALL RAVJI!: A GROUNDING POLE. THE MATCHING ATTACHMENT CAP FOR THE RECEPTACLE SHALL BE LEFT PLUGGED ,iNTo THE RECEPTACLE. THE RECEPTACLE BOX SHALL BE GROUNDED IN THE MANNER PROVIDED IN PARAGRAPH 4h . ~25- Pigtail grounding wire shall not be ap- proved. .. 34. Troughs or auxiliary gutters shall be so installed that feeders and branch circuit wiring will not Enter the same trough. Where branch circuit wiring shall pass through the feeder trough, the branch circuit CONDUIT shall pass through the trough preventing any contact between the branch circuit and the feeders. (It is r ecornmended to install a line or feeder trough and a trough for the b~anch circuit wiring). 35. Portable cords attached to music boxes, pin- ball machines, soft drink dispensers and other similar equipment, shåll not exceed six feet in length when measured from the equipment to the outlet supplying the cur rent. Cords shall not be nailed down, tack- ed, stapled or held with strings or other supports but shall be left free and clear., 36. All recess lighting outlets where slow burn- ing wire !3hal1 be used shall be complete with flexible conduit leads installed, wires proper- ly connected and taped and approved covers placed on the outlet box before roughing-in inspection is made. 37. Branch circuit wires for ALL commercial or apartment installations shall not be smaller than number 12. 38. Plaster rings shall be placed on all 4" or larger boxes in concealed installations. 39. Requirements in multiple dwellings. On new buildings AND REWrREIJ BÚILDINGS, no branch cir- cuit shall be connected to serve more than one apartment. Distribution panels shaH be lo- cated in the apartment they serve or in a public space. IN RESIDENCES, PANELS SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN CLOTHES CLOSETS OR IN ANY LOCATION IN WHICH MAINTENANCE WOULD BE PERFORMED FROH A DAMP OR WET AREA. , , .. . 40. Attic fans shall be on a separate circuit run direct from panel to the fan switch. Attic fans shall all have fusible links on louver controls to close louvers in event of fire. Attic fan switches shall have thermal overload coils, properly rated, built into the swi thh. An attic fan and a floor furnace or closet type furnace may be connected to the same special branch circuit, provided a double throw switch \tLth an off position is used ahead of the controlling means. 41. Control equipment for oil burners shall be 10e ated on the wall nearest the door opening" to the room using an externally operated FUSED SAE'ETY SWITCH OR CIRæ IT BREAKER. All furnace wiring shall be on separate circuit and so marked in the fuse or Breaker Panel. -26- ,-" ..... ... 42.' Each window type air-conditioning unit shall be connected to separate circiri t using wires not smaller than number 12 wire AND SHALL BE GROUNDED. NO AIR CONDITIONER LARGER THAN ~ HP 1iILL BE PERMITTED ON 115 V. 43. Article 3709 of the 1953 issue of the National Electrical Code will be enforced. 44. ALL OUTLETS IN RESIIDENCES 1iITH CONCRETE OR TERRAZZO FLOORS AND ALL OUTLETS, FIXTURES AND BOXES 1iITHIN REACH OF WATER PIPES OR IN CONTACT WITH A CONDUCTION TYPE OF INSULATION SHALL ]BE GROUNDED. NON-METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE OF THE TYPE 1iITH A GROUND WIRE INTEGRAL IN THE CABLE SHALL BE USED FOR THIS PUR- POSE: 45. Stairway lighting shall be controlled by 3 or 4 way switches located at top and bottom of the stairway; except in multiple dwell- ings or apartments or other public build- ings where the stair lighting is controlled on special hall, corridor or house circuits. 46. ALL CONCEALED plumbing and other piping or duct work shall be in place before the wir- ing is INSTALLED. 47. THROUGH POURED COURSES ON EXTERIOR MASONRY WALLS NON-METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE SHALL BE ENCASED IN EMT OR CONDUIT AND SHALL NOT BE STRIPPED WHEN SO ENCLOSED. Walls facing an open porch shall beconsid- ered as exterior walls. 48. All Fuse or Breaker Panels in NE1i RESIDENTIAL wiring shall have two spare c ircui ts with III empty conduit or steel tube raceway extending into the attic and/or basement for future requirements. Empty raceways are not re- quired where surface mounted panels are in- stalled. 49. Circuit identification. The contractor shall identify all branch circuits at the panel showing the outlets SO served BEFORE calling for final inspection. 50. Every Electrical Contractor shall stencil or provide a decal with the contractor's name and address and phone number on the main switch or panel. . 51. MINIMUM FEEDER WIRES TO LIGHTING SUB PANELS ON SINGLE PHASE 110-220 VOLT SYST.)ill: .27- '. .. 1 to 6 circuits #8 8 to 10 circuits #6 12 to 16 circuits #4 18 to 24 circuits #l 26 to 34 circu its #0 36 to 42 circuits #2/0 SECTION 1.36 ELECTRIC RANGE AND WATER HEATER WIRING (a) All electric water heaters up to and including 1650 watts may be connected xlO volts, single phase. Over 1650 watts to be 220 volts. (b) All electric ranges shall be connected 110-220 volts, 3 wire, with pigtail and receptacle. SECTION 1.37 DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE CITY ElECTRICAL INSPECTOR (a) It shall be the duty of the City Electrical In- spector to issue permits for, and inspect all electrical wiring ap- paratus or equipment: for light, heat or power, inside of or at_ tached to buildings within the limits of the City of Clermont, and to look after the enforceIœnt of laws, rules and regulations, re_ latingto same, and to exer cise a general supervision over all electrical construction, and over all electricians licensed to carry on their business or trade under the provisions of this regulation. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use any electrical current in or through any wir- ing apparatus or fixtures for light, heat or power in or on any building or structure within the said city until the same shall have been inspected and approved by the City Electrical Inspector, and the Certificate hereinaf~er provided for shall have been issued therefor. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation furnishing electric current for light, heat or power to connect his, their, or its distributing system with any in- stallation of wiring apparatus or fixtures in or on any building within the limits of the City without having first received written permission from the City Electrical inspector to do so. Such permission shall be given by the City Electrical Inspector at any time after the certificate hereinafter provided for shall have been ·issued. . (d) When any electrical wiring, apparatus or fix_ tures covered by a permit shall be found on inspection by the City Electrical Inspector to conform to the rules and regulations pro- vided by this regulation, the City Electrical Inspector shall issue a final Certificate of Inspection certifying that the wiring appara- tus, or fixtures have been inspected and fourxl to comply with the terms of this regulation, but no such Certificate s!iiµl be issued until such equipment is made to conform to such rules and regula- tions. (e) The City Electrical Inspector may also be fore such Certificate is issued give temporary permission to con- nect and furnish electric current to any wiring, apparatus or fixtures -2800 ~ -- !- . for a period of not exceeding thirty (30) days, if such w1r1ng, apparatus or fixtures are in such condition that current may safely be connected therewith for such period of time and there exists a necessity for such use, when written application is filed with him requesting such permission. (f) The said City Electrical Inspector or any of his assistants is herebyanpowered to inspect or reinspect all in- terior wires and apparatus, conducting or using electric current for light, heat or power, and when said conductars or apparatus are found to be unsafe to life or property, he shall notify the person, firm or corporation owning , using or operating them, or either of them to place same in a safe and secure condi tiOl1 within twenty_ four (24) hours, or within such further time as the City Electrical Inspector shall reasonably determine is necessary. .:, " (g) Whenever any wiring, apparatus or fixtures con- ducting or using current for light, heat or power is found upon in- spection by the City Electrical Inspector or one of his duly author_ ized assistants, to be especially or immediately hazardous to life or property, the said City Electrical Inspector or one of his duly authorized assistants shall immediately open the switch or circuit breaker controlling the supply of current to such wiring, appara- tus or fixtures, and shall post in a conspicuous place near such switches or circuit breaker, a notice, printed in red letters as follows: nNOTICE - WIRING CONDEMNED. The use of electric current is prohibited through this wiring or equipment until proper repairs have been made and approved by the City Elec:!;rical Inspector. Repairs must be made by a licensed electrician and the City Electr~_ cal Inspector must be notified when completed.n After such notice is posted as provided in the foregoing, no person shall close the switch or circuit breaker which has been opened by the City Elec- ,trical Inspector or one of his duly authorized assistants, nor use or '. attempt to use any current through such wiring, apparatus or fix- ture which has been oondemned, until necessary.repairs have been made and approved by the City Electrical Inspector. The City EJßctrical Inspector may also notify the person, firm or corporation furnish- ing current to such wiring, apparatus or fixtures to disconnect the supply dres and cut off the current fr9m the premises where such wiring, apparatus or fixtures àre located. SECTION 1.38 ,INæERFERING WITH CITY ELECTRICAL INSPE,CTOR . It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to hinder or interfere with the City Electrical Ins¡¡ector or a,ny " Assistant City Electrical Inspector in the dischargeiÓf his ~tties ~ under this regulation. . .~ . "j,." ,'I, SECTION 1.39 INSPECTION OF WORK All plumbing and other piping or tube work must be in place on work to be ooncealed before the electrical wiring is in_ spected, and no such wiring shall be considered as complete until all such plumbing or piping is in place. Upon making an inspection of any electrical wiring or equipment when same is found to have been installed in a satisfactory manner and in accordance wi ill the provisions -29. . -...... .. of this regulation, the City Electrical Inspector shall place a notice at service switch or other suitable place stating that the electrical work has œen inspected and found to be in accordance with the rules as prescribed and the pró'~sion of this regulation. It shall be unlawful to lath, seal or in any manner conceal any elec- trical wiring or equipment until same has been inspected and the notice posted as herewith required, It shall be unlawful to co ver or fill any swit ch or outlet box with plaster, Ce¡ Aent or other mater_ ials. When the electrical work in any building for which a permit has been Obtained is ready for inspection, notice shall be given stating the location of the work, name of the owner, name of the Master Electrician having the permit, and the name of the electri- cian doing the work, shall be given to the City Electrical Inspec- tor at his office. As soon as possible thereafter the City Electrical Inspector shall notify the electrician in charge of the work when he will ins¡;ect same and the City Electrical Inspector shall test the work in the presence of the ele ctrician or in any manner necessary to demonstrate that the work has been installed in a proper manner and in accordance with the provision of this reg_ ulation and with the plans and specifications previously submitted and approved. Notice to inspect work must be given at the office of the City Electrical Inspector for morning inspection before five o'clock p, M. the preceding day, for afternoon inspection before twelve o'clock noon the same day. A period of forty-eight hours, exclusive of Sundays and holidays,Cwill be required in which to make inspec- tion and report. After the entire completion of the work a notice, the same as the foregoing, shall be given at the office of the City Electrical Inspector for a final inspection, and if the work has been properly done, he shall issue a final Certificate of Inspection upon the request of the Master Electrician holding the permit as provided for in Section 1.37 (d) of this regulation. This Certifi- cate shall not relieve the electrician of responsibility for any de_ fective work, which may have escaped the notice of the City Electrical Inspector, All electrical work shall be done in a work- manlike manner. INSPECTIONS. All wires at switch outlets on jobs must be shorted tefore a test will be made. All wires at every outlet must extend out six (6) inches or more. On all jobs where wires are installed in conduit or any wiring method used which is to be in- stalled before wires are pulled in, the following inspection must be made. ~¡st. When installed as a complete system without the wires, where the same are to be concealed, the system must be in- spected before covered. . .' 2nd. After wall plastering or ceiling has been com- pleted an:! wires pulled in, and the wiring joints ha ve been made and soldered, leaving outlet for fixtures, an insulation resistance test will then be made. . 3rd. Upon completion of jobs with all conduits, wires, fixtures, fuses and receptacles in place, a final inspection will be made, giving an insulation test on wiring in fixtures. In each case the contractor doing the wiring shall be þeld responsible for resistance test on wiring, and the contractor ,installing the fix- tures shall be held responsible for insulatiorltest on wires in fixtures. SECTION 1.40 ELECTRICAL WORK NOT TO BE DELAYED " .'.' It shall be the duty of a Mäster Electrician to construct and complete all electrical work entrusted to his care without -30- J -- " . unreasonable delay, and with all possible diligence. SECTION 1.41 SPEC[AL RULES AND REGULATIO~S (a) All lights installed or used within seven (7) feet of basins, sinks, toilets, or bath tubs, or in any room which has a floor which is permanently damp, or which are in- stalled or used in any location, ~ere a person operating the same might come in contact with any ground objects, such as gas or water pipes or other grounded metal work, shall be controlled by a flush type wall switch. A convenience outlet shall be in- stalled at a height not over 48" from,floor in all bathrooms. (b) At least one telephone outlet and raceway may be installed in each residence in the City of Clermont. The Raceway shall be a miIJimum of 3/4" inside diameter and shall ex- tend from the outlet box to an accessible space such as an access- ible attic or under floor space or to a point outside the build- ing where it can be suitably reached by the Telephone Company. SECTION 1.42 OUTSIDE ELECTRIC WIRING Plans and specifi cations to be submitted. All out- side electrical construction must be done in accordance with plans and specifications previously approved by the City Electrical Inspector. Drawings and complete description of proposed work shall be¡furnìshed and filed by party doing work. Plans must be approved or rejected wi thin -'twó . days from the time of filing and the work shall not be commenced or proceeded with until said plans have been'filed and approved by the City Electrical Inspector and a permit to do said work issued by the City Electrical Inspector. This paragraph shall not, however, be applicable to work proposed to be done by the Power Companies. SECTION 1.43 CLEARANCE OF WIRES In no case shall wires be allowed to hang over any street, avenue, lane or alley lower than the National Electrical Code Requirements. ,I SECTION 1.44 Wherever it is required in this regulation that any work, installation or type of electrical equipment shall be of an approved type, standard or kind,. such type, standard or kind as is approved by the presently existing rules and rp.gulations of the National Electrical Code is intended to be meant by the provisions of this regulation. SECTION 1.45 PENALTY FOR VIOLATION, ~.' Any person violating or permitting to be violated any of the provisions of this regulation shall upon conviction be- fore the City Court, be ppnished by a fine of not more than Five -31_ Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding sixty (60) days, or both such fine and imprison- ment. .. SECTION 1.46 VALIDITY If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase is for any reason held to te unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this regulation. SECTION B. This Ordinance shall become effective im- mediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. --------. -- --- ------ ----.----- ----- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont at a R~gular Adjourned Meeting held on Tuesday, June'19, 1956 in the City of Clermont, Florida " ., .., , - k' .... -: i"-.0r.- ".. . .~ I'" -" I' r"o;. .., #,;,.~ ... . . --------- ------ - ---- --- - --- - - -....- ~ - ~ - RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me, this ,Tune 19, 1956. . Mayor, City of Clermont, Florida -- .---- - ---- -- ----- --_.-- -- -- --- I HEREBY CERTIFY' the foregoing Ordinance No. 147 was, posted as required by the Charter and/or Ordinances of the ,city of Clermont in effect at the time of the passage and approval thereof. ,; Dated June 19, 1956 - ý ,...., -'/..- J Þ': ...,. - . . .... of Clermont, Flor.ida ------ ----- -------- .--------- ---0 CITY OF CLERMONT LAKE COUNTY CLERMONT, FLORIDA July 17, 1956 Hon. City Council Clermont, Flori da Gentlemen : I herewith return to you Ordinance #147 (Electrical Licenseing Ordinance) In studying this ordinance 0 find that some changes should oe made before this ordinance meets my approval. Section 1.02 Part A Should read, any utility company supplying po~er(electric) within the City of Clermont The ter~~f expiration of board members should be changed so that newly elected Council Members may vote on appointments. Provision should be made for replcaeing board members if so desired,for any cause Section 1.03 Part B Should be extended to cover premises Section 1.07 Section is discriminatory and could cause unnecessary litigation, should be deleted or amended Section 1.09 Part E Too limiting and should be deleted Part ¡¡; Discriminatory, should be amended Part M "Full time" clause should bed eleted Section 1.14 (a) Too restrictive-eliminated made to order machines * Section 1 19 (d) Part 5 should be d elètèd or amanded to 3 wir3 Section 1.24 Part C Not clear o· · Section 1.32' Part B TOo restrictive ~> ~ <i ~1 "" Ii PI ¡o¡ ~j ~J fi Section 1.35 Part C Too restrictive Part D Too restrictive Part E In conflict::duplicate, of C Part G 3(81) Not Clear 10 Not clear whether above ground, roof or - "' - ~ - - building 2'1-22 Conflict 31 Will increase, cost of rewiring on old buildings 42 Too restrictive 43 Articihe referred to should be included Section 1.37 Part G Does not protect inspe~tœr~ and City from damage suits. r think the desired changesi can be made without too much difficulty. However if the Council amendmentá it will be ordinance. does not wish to make the necessary for me to Veto the Very trul~ /II!f~~. - {;. >. fi\ S¡ '" .i;, ;1 ~¡ 'ii (¡¡¡ o¡¡¡ ~: Ii " ~ j î'.i¡ P¡ E!