O-56-149 ORDINANCE NO. /~f , . AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A TAX LEVY ON ALL PROPERTY IN TIlE CITY OF CLEIlMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR TIlE YEAR OF 1956; PROVIDING A BUDGET OF EXPENSES FOR TIlE FISCAL YEAR OF 1956-1957 AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS THEREFOR. BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA: SECTION I: It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, 1hat the following sums of money are required for the operation of the government of the City of Clermont for the fiscal. year of 1 November 1956 to 31 October 1957, inclusive: EXPENSES BOND DEBT SERVICE $ 35,373.32 GENERAL OPERATIÆ EXPENSES: Street Department Water Department Sanitation Department Parks Department Fire Department Police Department Administration General Expenses 36,750.00 26,300~00 9,150.00 6,650.00 5,120.00 15,975.00 9,990.00 84,159.95 REVENUE Cigarette Tax Water Revenue Garbage Revenue Water Installations Building Permits Occupational Licenses Fines & Forgeitures Cemetery Lot Sal.es Road & Bridge Tax Fla. Power Corp. Tax Parking Meters Rental. of City Property Miscellaneous 10.5 Mill Tax Levy (operation) 5.5 Mill Tax Levy Debt $ 17,300.00 49,700.00 17,000.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 6,700.00 5,300.00 500.00 3,000.00 3,300.00 5,800.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 42,121.63 35,373.32 $ 194,094.95 $194þ094.95 . as determined and based on a Budget for the Fiscal Year of 1956_1957 duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Clermont. SECTION II: It is hereby found am determined by the City Council . . , of the City of Clermont that the total of the Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont for 1956, as prepared by the Tax Assessor of the said City, and as equalized' and confirmed by the City Council is $7,317,170.00; and, that the following deductions must be made from the Assessment Roll in order to arrive at the value of all property subject to Bond Debt Ser. vice of the City of Clermont: DEDUCTIONS FROM TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL: Exempt Property - Government owned, Church, Fraternal, Widows & Disability $ 547,100.00 thereby leaving an Assessment Roll having a total of $6,770.070.00 subject to Bond Debt Service, and each mill levied thereon should produce, based on 95% collection $6,770.07, if so collected; and The following further deductions from the Assessment Roll of $6,770,070.00 must be made in order to arrive at the true value of property subject to taxation for General Operating Expenses: $2,490.470.00 56,130.00 750.00 $2,547,350.00 thereby leaving a total assessment Roll of $4,222,720.00 upon which a Homestead E~ptions Excluded Property Personal Property Exempt millage may be levied for General Operating Expenses of the City of Clermont; and, that each mill levied thereon should produce, based on 95% collection, $4,011.58, if so collected. SECTION III: It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont that to raise the sum of $35,373.32 required for Bond Debt Service, and the additional sum of $42,121063 in addition to the estimated revenues as outlined in Section I hereinabove, and further antici. pating uncollected taxes, a tax levy of SIXTEEN (16) MILlS is required to be made as follows: For Interest & Sinking Fund & Reserve for Bonded Indebtedness (Bond Debt Service) 5.5 Mills For General Operating Expenses 10.5 Mills SECTION IV: There is hereby levied and shall be collected on each dollar of taxable proper ty in the City of Clermont and in the areas -2. . excluded from the City of Clermont by Chapter 21152, Acts of the Legislature, 1941, for 'Interest and Sinking Fund, and Reserve for Bonded Indebtedness, a tax of 5.5 Mills for the year of 1956, and a tax of 10.5 Mills for General Operating Expenses on all property in the City of Clermont, save am except tha t property included in the areas as excluded from the City of Clermont by Chapter 21152, Acts of the Legis- lature, 1941, to-wit: For General Fund (General Operating Expenses) 10.5 Mills For Interest & Sinking Fund & Reserve for Bonded Indebtedness 5.5 Mills SECTION V: The Tax Assessor of the City of Clermont is hereby directed to extend the Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont, here- tofore approved by the City Council, in accordance with the millage pro- vided in Section IV of this Ordinance, and to deliver same to the Tax Collector and City Clerk, and the Tax Collector a~d City Clerk are hereby directed to collect the said taxes at the time and in the manner provided by law and the general Ordinances of the City of Clermont, Florida. SE Cl'ION VI: The monies raised by this tax levy are hereby appropriated for the purposes for which levied; and no monies collected for the Interest and Sinking Fund an:! Reserve for Bonded Indebtedness shall be used for any other purpose than paying, first, the interest on the bonded indebtedness of the City of Clermont falling due during the calendar year of 1981; and, second, for the retirement of the principal indebtedness in such manner as the City Council may hereafter determine, or as the City of Clermont is obligated to pay in accordance to the terms and conditions set forth in its bonds. SECTION VII" This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. . ---- ------ ---- -- -- -- -- -------- ----- PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clermont at its Adjourned -3- Regular Meeting held on the 16th day of October, A. D., 1956 .. ~ / - ~ ity Council - - - - - - - '. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - APPROVED by me October 16, 1956 Mayor - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C E R T I F I CAT E I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance of the City of Clermont was posted in accordance with the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Clermont. Dated October 30, 1956 . -4- ...-.'......\ , ' .' \. ~ ..",~~ ..~. . \. BUDGET CITY OF CLERMONl' 1956_57 -- REVENUE: Tax Levy, &b- Mill, (95%) Tax Levy,l~ Mill, (95%) Cigarette Tax Water Revenue Garbage Revenue Water Installations Building Permits Occupational Licenses Fines & Forfeitures Sale of Cemetery Lots Road & Bridge Tax Florida Power Corp. Tax Parking Meters Rental. of City Property Miscellaneous STREET DEPARTMENT: Labor (cleaning) Labor (repairs) Supplies Lighting Signs & Marking Sidewalk Repairs Drains street Name Signs Re-surfacing Materials New Streets Miscellaneous WATER DEPARTMENT: Labor Power for Pumping Pipe & Fittings Mains Meters Meter Repairs Supplies Hydrants Pump Repair s General Maintenance Mis ce11aneous . SANITATION DEPARTMENT: Labor Work on Dump Miscellaneous EXPENSES $ 35,373.32 42,121.63 17,300.00 49,700.00 17,000.00 3,000~00 2,500.00 6,700.00 5,300.00 500.00 3,000.00 3,300.00 5,800.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 $194,094.95 $ 9,700.00 5,300.00 750.00 6,300.00 600:00 250.00 500.00 100.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 250.00 $ 36,750.00 $ 4,900.00 3,700.00 2,000.00 9,000.00 3,500.00 300.00 600.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 $ 26,300.00 $ 8,600.00 350.00 200.00 $ 9,150.00 BUDGET (Page #2) PARKS DEPARTMENT: . i Labor $ 3,400.00 Lighting 50.00 Building Repairs 100.00 Recreation Program (White) 500.00 Recreation Prggram (Colored) 125.00 Shuffle Board Courts 750.00 Library Building Repairs 100.00 Library Operations 900.00 Library _ Payment on Note 500.00 Miscellaneous 225.00 $ 6,650.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Salaries $ 4,520.00 Truck Expense 300.00 Equipment 200.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 $ 5,120.00 \ POLICE DEPARI'MENT: Salaries $ 11,500.00 Prisoner 'Expenses 600.00 Car Expenses 2,500.00 Traffic Lighting 125.00 Radio M~intenance 400.00 Equipment '300.00 Supplies ' 350.00 Traffic Light Maintenance 50.00 Mis ce11aneous 150.00 $ 15,975.00 ADMINISTRATION: Clerk & Help $ 5,350.00 Superintendent 4,040.00 Office Expenses 500.00 Telephone 100.00 $ 9,990.00 GENERAL EXPENSES: Payment to Citizens Bank $: 6,000.00 Payment to Cooley 2,350.00 Payment to Bauerle 1,320.00 Payments on Parking Meters 2,800.00 Attorney 900.00 Tax Assessor 1,620.00 Assessor's Supplies 150.00 Fuel & Lights (City Hall) 400.00 Repairs & Maintenance (City Hall) 500.00 . Truck Repairs & Operations 4,000.00 Equipment Repairs & Operation 1,800.00 Insurance 4,000~00 Employee Insurance 650.00 Social Security Tax 1,200.00 Treasurer's Salary '50.00 Audit 750.00 Election Expense 100.00 BUDGEr (Page #3) ~ -- , GENERAL EXPENSES (Continued) League of Municipalities Chamber of Commerce South Lake Memorial Hospital County Taxes Mosquito Control Surveying Maintenance of City Rental Property New Equipment Tax Discounts & Adjustments Interest & Redemption of Bonds Depreciation (Equipment) Miscellaneous -- $ 100.00 4, 50(}. 00 1,5OO~00 250,00 1,200..00 600.00 200.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 35,373.32 8,000.00 1,546.63 $ 84:,159.95 $194,094.95 $194,094.95 " · , . - · · "