O-29-03 W'~~ ,~ " ~ ~~~' :'~ ~~, ~¡ . . .,¡.,. . '.. ~ ¡;, f_' ~ . ....._~ , t··: i. " .- , , ~ ' '.', '",Ilr.l¡""' , '!" ~-~:~:~7: b 0 i ¡ I . i ~. ~..' . . . t ~. . .. ~~> Regular minutes ðotober 1, Sheet 3 '~-",- '. .! ) .;. :; .~ . .,' ORDlliANCE NO.~ ORDINANCE PROV¡DING A TAX LEVY ON PROPERTY TI'{ THE CI'1"Y OIi1 ClliRMONT, FLOrlIDA FOri TI1E YEAR 1929; Þ..ND APPROPHIATING MON'sYS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOVbRNIJIENT OF THE CITY OF CLERMON T FOR THE YEAR L~30~ Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Clermont: <:> Section 1: For the operation of and government of the City of Clermont for the calendar year 1930J it is hereby found and determined that the following sums are necessary: For sinking fund $ 6,418.00 For Interest fund(~15,859.00 For General Fund ~15.675.00 Section 2: For the purpose of raJsing money with /' which to con6uct and operate the government of the City of Clermont for tho calendar year 1930, a tax of ~ mills on each dollar of assessed value of property within the City of C18rmont, be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1929; and said millage is to be distributed as follows: For Sinlcing Fund 2 Mills For Interest Fund 5* Mills For General Fund 51.. Mills p. Section 3: There is hereby appropriated from the General Fund, the following sums for the conQucting and operation of the several departments of the City Government for the year 1930: Police Department $ 1890.00 Fire Department :$ 1,540.ÖO $ 1,165.00 Park Department Publicity De...artment ~OO.OO street Department $ 8,270.00 t--.-~,-- -."'. \,;:. ._~. ....,...,:, >~~i 1:" :,t.. Û..1--, ~" . .. . " .. '\ General Department ~ 2,~OO.OO or so much of said sums as may be reasonably requ1,red for the proper conduct apd operation thereof. I Section 4: At the end of the year 1930, all un- spent balances of the foregoing appropriations, shall re- vert to the General FLl.nd for re-distribution. Section 5: This ordinance shall become effective irr~ediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. ----'-------------------------------------------------------- Passed by the Council at a regular meeting held in the City Hall, Clermont, Florida, on Tuesday, October 1st, 1929, and certified to th~Ã'1{(~ President City Council ATT'EST~ /~/".J! Ci'G~ ---------------------------------------------------------- Received and approved by me this 1st day of october, A. D., 1929. ßt 71/ Jb-~~-U/4 ~ - (].Jà.yor " 'r/". ~. Advertised as follows: d' ~ Q ,~. f ~ '::> ,,¡¡y ca:S~ c: .~" ," ::.~ -,:>c- ~e _. ~(,If/ .,~ ,:",,::¡ Co 00 (jolr, ¥' , "".- o " ' 0li',¡> , <Y ~ () =,'''' ~.. ~ Q ~o (J t:å_1 rØo ~'/r <::& 9'~" :~~}.. .' ~' p' .. ìti¡~i:·~~c'~¡:1<'¡~. ~ : .~";, '. ~, ,~ ¢' ç' o ' .. o ~ :~ ~ o l~. :~ ~ ,"" ~ ~ 0'" " coa"O ~\ (,I ö'-, ~ ~