O-30-08 ~ c:::;P o ,I~ ¡. ii., ·t···· ,. o '-o,UI ;::r ¡p. ¡ .~; ....¡¡:J. :~~1 -.!~ .;.,00: :. J..i ~~;¡,. ~R-': ~~z ~~q ~ ~ i' ORDTIIA1-J'æ 1m 8 AI'l ORDINANCE LEVYnTG A TAX UPON PROPERTY n~ Tf:E CITY OF CLERI..:OHT, PURSUAET TO ~'IDATE OF THE cra- curT GOPRT OF LAIG!: COUlflY, FLORIDA. BE IT ORDAINED BY T:E'R CITY OOffi\jOIL OF THE CITY OF CURi:"::OIifT : SECTION 10 Pursuant to the mandate of the Circuit Court ) ot Lake County, Florida, rendered on October 31, 1930, in a certain cause pending in said Court wherei.n A. 1,:. Klemm is I ::?eti tioner, and t.he. ilayor aa.d IDÐJJ.bers of the City Cou..."1.cil of the City of Cls¡r!:1on"t are Respondents, there is hereby Ie vie d a . tax: of three mills on eac:h dollar of assessed value of prope rty in t1:.e City o·f Cler..r..ont ; said tax he.reby levied being in additi.on to all other taxes heret.orfore levied9 and ià levied in conn.ect.ion uith, .and is payable with, other taxes ..... ::.: ....... ,"n. . ;;~~" ¡ !~~t!~¡ , .' .... ..~ -- . .,!1 ~j~;~ . :~= ~:.. '.i ~~ . 1· :,¡. ·'1, ~"=... .J1 1! ". , ?~. : 1;j""t 1:::;:i ~~it . 1.1· =ftF .1 ";-:"!.'.;. h~retofore levied for the year 19300 SECTION 20 The City Tax Collector. shall deposit alL of the collections froLl this tax in a special fund, and keep the ¡ same separate from. oth.er funds of the 01 ty, and is hereby directed to dispose of the funds so collect·ed under this tax in ac cordance wi. th the Dk"'llldate of the Court above referred to 0 SEC~ION 3. This ordinance Shall be effective from its passage and ap:proval by the r,:ayoro -----~-------------------------- ~~è; . .. ~. :J:,:Li:'!" . .t.r,:~.. ~~~#: ~.~- ~ 1?assed by' the Council a:t; a regular meeting of the Council høld at the City Hall. on Tuesday, Attest ': M~LLI. Ci ty C:bk .1 1 ----------------------------- Received and approved by me, this 4th day of November, ~930 0 ~, f), 1/1 Ìf::vJ Þ Mayor