O-28-09 ~:¡¡1W1~{;; 1'1 '\'r~'r T" ' ; Cf / -- ~ AN ORDINANCE 'ro ~NACT THE REVISED G_~Nl'RAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLEHMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORI:JA, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI'lY COUNCIL OF TH.b: CI1Y OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the accompanying general revision I~~ I,' õ", of the Ordinances of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, of a general and permanent nature, as revised and reported by the City Solicitor, under inst~lction from the City Council, be and the same are hereby ordained and adopted as the Revised General Ordinances of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida. Every ordinance of a general and permanent nature heretofore ordained by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, apd every part of such ordinances not included in the said Revised General Ordinances, is hereby repealed; provided, nothing herein contained shall be construed as repealing or affecting in any manner any ordinances providing for the issuance of'bonds; the purchase of public utilities; the paving of streets; the laying of sewers; the assessments of liens against property ~or cost of improvements; or in anywise affecting the levy and collection of taxes. Section 2. The Revised General Ordinances of the City of Clermont, Florida, shall go into effect immediately on the passage of this ordinance and its approval by the Mayor. . Section 3. There shall be published in booklet form, and securely bound One Hundred (100) copies of said ordinances with an appendix giving all Special Acts of the Legislature of the State of Florida, relating to the City of Clermont, Florida, and in making such publication, the City Solicitor shall be at liQerty to make the necessary corrections of clerical errors, and numbering of sections as may be found necessary. A" "'J[:" li:'"':-' Section 4. '~en printed, said ordinances shall be .. placed in the custody of the City Clerk. Each officer of the City shall be supplied with one copy of said ordinances and the remaining copies shall be sold on demand for the price of Two (~2.00) Dollars per copy. Passed in regular session of the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this (þ d day of ?-'~ , A. .0., 1928. Attest~ ~ - '- "'/_¡( City Cle;(.r~ ßjf. ?Mw~ President or City Uouncil Approved this /1 I[ day of , A. D.,I''¡~ 1928. W.\!\,~~,~ . . 'Mayo~- /\ .. :'¡~··~:'~:·~'~':~·:"io· . .-,',,:".;. .~ . 1t.~. RULES OF ORDER FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA. RULE 1 .... Council shall meet at the Council Chamber op the first Tuesday in each and every month at 7:30 o'clock P. M. RULE 2 The President of the Council shall take the chair at the hour appointed for any regular, adjourned or extra meeting; shall immediately call all members to order, and I: ~; on the/appearance of a quorum, shall cause the minutes of the preceeding meeting to be read. RULE 3 . He shall preserve order and decorum and shall appoint all committees unless the Council shall otherwise direct, . . in which case they shall be appointed by ballot. E RULE·4 In the absence of the President, or while he is act- ing as Mayor, at any re,gular, extra or adjourned meeting, the Vice-President shall preside. RULE 5 The following order shall be observed in the trans- action of business: First--Calling the Roll. Second--Reading minutes. Third--Reports of standing Committees. Fourth--Reports of special committees. Fifth--Repouts of Officers. Sixth--Resolutions, Con~unications, etc. Seventh--Unfinished Business. Eighth--New Business. . RULE 6 No account not examined and certified to be correct . by. member of the appointed Committee will be passed.' "'-., \" ". '",,- , ". \. "'" , .;"V" " I:, RULE 7. Every Con~ittee shall repo~t upon the subject or subjects referred at the same or succeeding meeting, or show good cause why the same is not made. RULE 8 Every officer whose duty it is made by ordinance, order or resolution of Council to report at the regular meetings of Council shall punctually perform his duty or be fined in the discretion of the Council, unless he can fur- nish a reasonable excuse. .. RULE 9 No Ordinance shall be introduced except at a regular meeting of the Council. RULE 10 Every Ordinance shall receive two readings in Council previous to its passage. That is, once upon the night of its introduction and once at the succeeding regular meeting, when it shall be acted upon, provided that by un- animous consent the said Ordinance may be ordered to the second reading on the night of its introduction, and may be passed. RULE 11' All motions or resolutions shall be reduced to writing by any member of Council offering the same, when requested by two members. BlULE 12 In all matters coming before Council a Majority shall govern. In all cases of a tie the Chairman of Council shall have a casting vote. .. RULE 13 Whenever the Chairman shall desire to ~peak or address the Council upon any matter, he shall designate some member of the Council to take the chair, and he shall leave the same. ~L'· RULE 14 ~ No member, whole Council is in session, shall offer any motion or make any remarks, or speak on any subject under discussion, without first rising, addressing and being recognized by the chair. ìfhen more than one member shall rise at or near the same time, the Chairman shall decide in favor of that one who shall first attract hÊ attention, and no memb~r shall interrupt another while speaking except uo call him to order. RULE 15 ¡~ ." , The President of the Council shall decide all questions of order, but any member dissatisfied with any of the decisions shall have the right of appeal to Council. RULE 16 A motion to reconsider any of the proceedings of Council ~ill not be en~ertained unless it be made by a r·· member who previously voted in the Majority; nor shall it be entertained at any meeting other than the one at which the proceedings were had or the meeting immediately succeed- !:.. ing. RULE 17 The Clerk shall give notice to the members of Council of the several Committees to which they have been appointed. RULE 18 Any additional rule or rules may from time to time be made by Council but no alteration of a rule, or adoption of a new rule shall take place without the consent of two- thirds of the members present, and upon one month's notice. RULE 19 .. The Clerk shall keep a separate book, in \Vhich shall be entered these and all other rules and ordinances which the Council shall pass. f·,'· .' I. .' 4 'I} '.. .... t····" ," -:'>. ~ .: ,- I::. , .. 4 RULE 20 No person other than a member shall be allowed to address the Council unless by a Majority vqte of Council, . and when such vote is taken the person so permitted to speak shall take his place wi thin the bar of the COlmcil. RULE 21 No communications to Council shall be entertained unless the same be in writing. RULE 22 The President, when the Council is in session, shall enforce Parliamentary rules for its government so far as they are applicable to such a legislative body. RULE 23 No person shall be permitted within the bar of the Council except the members of the Council and officers of-the Town unless they are invited by .the Council. RULE 24 ' The yeas and nays may be called for upon any question and shall be ordered whenever demanded by any member present. Whenever the yeas and nays are ordered the Clerk s~all call the roll of Councilmen and record the vote of each member. RULE 25. Any of the foregoing rules may be suspended by a unanimous vote of Council for the meeting then in session. .'1 . Chapter I. OFFICERS. Section I. The officers of the City of Clermont -e ........... shall consist of a Mayor, a Treasurer, a Tax Assessor, a Tax Collector, a Marshal and Inspector, a City Engineer, a City Solicitor, five Councilmen, a Board of Bond Trustees, and a zoning Cou.m1ssion¡ also such special police officers as may be appointed by the Mayor. Other persons connected with the City shall be deemed employees. Section 2. T:'e offices of Clerk and Tax Collector shall be held by one and the same person, and the offices of Marshal and Inspector shall be held by one and the same .- person. Section 3. The City Clerk Shall be ex-officio registration officer. Section 4. The offices of Mayor, Councilmen, Treasurer and Assessor shall be elective offices. I .... Section 5. The terms of all officers of the Cit~ except the Board of the Bond Trustees and Zoning Commission shall begin on the first Tu~sday of January of each year. The terms of all elective officers, except Councilmen, shall be for one year, and the terms of office of Counci"1men shall be two years. Section 6. No person shall be eligible to any office except that of Marshal, who is not a qualified elector in the City. Provided, that temporary appointments of special police officers may be made regardless of this qualification. Chapter II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. .. Section 1. The Mayor, Treasurer and Tax Assessor shall be elected each year at the Annual election. , . Section 2. Three Councilmen shall be elected on even years, and two Oouncilmen shall be elected on odd years at the Annual election. , / I -- Chapter III. APPOINTi,E£J:TT Olt' OF~'IC lmS. Section 1. The City Engineer, City Solicitor, City Clerk and Tax Collector and Marshal and Inspector, shall -;1e appointed by the City Council ~d shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified. Section 2. Special police officers shall be appoint- ed by the },Iayor when, in his discretion, the sa.me are nec- essary, having reg:".I.rd to the currllnt budget. Chapter IV. ~Li~C~IONS .. Section 1. On the second Tuesday of December of each year an election shall be held for t}'e purpose of elccting a Mayor, Treasurer, Tax A2sesoor and three Council- men on ~~e even years and tITO Councilmen on odd years, and for the election of such other office s as may from !time to time b~ created by the City Council and subject to election. Section 2. Every person of the age of twenty-one years or ovsr residing wi thin tho corporate limits of the City, and ~ho shall have. resided and had his or her place of abode therein for six months, last prior to the date of any election, anQ who shall possess aI- the qualifications of an elector ¡rescribed by the Constitution and La,¡ys of the State of Florid&, an 0, vrho:lshall be duly registered as requir- ed by the provisions of the ordinances of t~e City, shall be doomed and held a qualified elector L..uthorized to vote at..'· any City elÐction for the election of officers. Provided, tha.t the payment of a ~tate Poll Tax shall be prerequisite for voting at any election as it is a prerequisite for vot- ing at any state election, and under like conditions. :. .;, i~ "i·:·:fI:-r.;" "'-.' '..' " .... Section 3. In all elections held in the City, whether general or special, the voting shall be by secret ballot, printed and distributed as provided by ordinance, and no ballot' shall be received or counted at any election unless the same be prepared and distributed as is provided I,f II ~ ,i ~ by ordinance. Section 4. The Council shall cause to be prepared official ballots for use at all elections provided for in the ordinances of the City and shall meet on the day pre- ceeding any election and place the ballots in the ballot box together with the cards of instructions to voters and the revised list of qualified registered electors and deliver the same to the Marhhal who shall deliver the same at the r;. polling place to the election officers before the hour for opening the polls on the day of election. Section 5. The Council shall cause to be printed on the ballots to be used in any general or special election for the election of officers the names of all candidates who ~:: have been put in nomination by a petition signed by not less than twenty-five electors; and each candidate shall sign a statement to be attached to the petitions that he will serve in such capacity if elected. In addition to the names to be printed on such ballots, there shall be left blank lines equal in number to the number of persons who may be elected to fill any office under the space alloted to such office. Section 6. The name of no person shall be p¡aced on the ballot who shall, not less than twenty days before the election, notify the Council in writing that he will not, accept the nomination specified. .. Section 7. All petitions for candidacy shall be pre- served in the office of the Clerk for the period of six months after the date of the election. ;~ ~:r~lr-~~·"!·r¡,, -." 4 Section 8. The names of all candidates nominated as herein provided shall be printed on the official ballot. The names of all candidates for the same office shall be printed together and in the same style type, irrespective of the party or faction making the nomination, and shall be arranged alphabetically according to the first letter of the sirname. The order in which the various offices shall ~.." ¡(r,. !~!: appear shall be left to the discretion of the officers charged with the printing of the ballots. section 9. All ballots provided by the Council for an election shall be alike, of the same size, printed on plain white paper in" plain type and in straight lines with a slender line separating the names and extending i': i;~' . ," sufficiently to the left of each name to easily permit marking before each name a cross mark (X) and in appropriat'e place the words "Vote for One II , "Vote for Two" or "Vote for Three" as the case may be to indicate the number which may t\· be elected to each office. Such ballots shall be printed on paper of sufficient thickness that the printing can not be read through, and shall be in substantially the form prescribed herein. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the names of candidates or matters to be voted upon being placed in more than one column on the sœne ballot. Section 10. The official ballot shall be in substan- tially the following form: --";.-",, ~ I , OFFICIAL BALLOT .. City of Clermont, Floridao Election A. Do 19 (Mark a cross mark (X) before the name of the candidate of your choice.) FOR MAYOR Vote for one JOHN AURON WILLIAM JONES T. J 0 WRIGHT --------------------------------------------------------- FOR TREASURER Vote for one A. Co AMES P. C. BANKS --------------------------------------------------------- FOR TAX AS~:ŒSSOR Vo te for one. S. A. SIMS A. Do ZAOHARIAS ---------------------------------------------------------- FOR COUNCILME1! Vote for Two 0 (Three) A. C. ATMORE P. '.1. FINNIGEN G. V{ 0 GATSON .. J ,. t! . ,;,,", ';_'''''1":' f , . Section II. All ballots for use in any election shall be fastened together in convenient book or pad form, in such manner that each ballot may be easily detached and removed separately. Each ballot shall have attached to it a stub with perforated lines separating such stub from the ballot proper. Said stub shall be of sufficient size to permit one of the inspectors to write or stamp his name or initials tbereon, and shall be so attached to the ballot proper that when the ballot is marked and folded by the elector, said stub may be easily removed without exposing the contents of the ballot. Section 12. The stubs shall be detached by one of the inspectors who shall write or stamp his name or initials thereon and file and preservè the same. Each stub so de- tached shall be numbered consecutively beginning with number one for the first ballot voted. . Section 13. There shall be provided for each election not less than one hundred ballots for each fifty registered, qualified electors of the City. Section 14. The Mayor shall cause booths to be arranged at the polling place into which the electors shall go to mark their ballots. Each booth shall be so arranged that when an elector enters to mark his ballot, his ballot cannot be seen from the outside. Section 15. Thirty days prior to the date of any and all elections the Mayor of the City shall issue his pro- clamation calling said election, which cål shall specify what questions are to be submitted to the voters and which officers are to be elected, the length of time such officer is to serve, the date and place where such election shall be held. Such proclamatioh shall be published once in a hewspaper published in the week prior to the date of the election called thereby. , ..' .', ,-> . rj ~", ' , T" . ,j ¡ ': Section 16. The City Council shall appoint three inspectors 'and one clerk for each election and cause the City Clerk to notify such officials in writing at least ten days prior to the date 'of such election; if, at the time the pollils are to be opened, any of such officials should not be present, or should refuse to serve, those present may choose from the voters present sufficient to complete the number of election officials, and if none of the inspectors r4t i.' . . t, ~ ~". , f;: " r" ' ~.,: are present, then the voters present sÌlal1 choose three from among their numbGr to act as inspectors, at such election. Provided, that no elector who can not read and write. shall be permitted to act as inspector or clerk at any election. The inspectors and clerk shall receive the sum of $2.00' " ~ I: I" I: each for their services. ~ .' Section 17. The po4ls shall be open from eight o'clock A. M., to ~unset, Eastern ~tandard Time. Section 18. vVhen the poals have been closed, the , '.. inspectors shall immediately proceed to canvass the ballots and make out their re~urns in rolplicate form. Each copy of ~!, . ,"j.,. such returns shall De signed by each of the three inspectors. One copy of such returns shall immediately be delivered to the President of the City Council and the other copy of said returns, together with the ballots and stubs shall be placed ,in the ballot box, locked and se&led, and delivered to the City Clerk. The ballot box and key thereto shall be delivered by noon of the day next following the election. . ., Section 19. For all elections to be held by the City of Clermont, the City Council shall be and are hereby constituted a Board of Canvassers whose duty it shall be within six days after the date of the election to meet and 4 canvas the returns thereof and declare the result. Section 20. In all matters pertaining to elections of the City vmere the same are not provided for by ordinance, the laws of the State of Florida governing General Elections shall govern. :, ::¡ 1":F~!i~f':rJ'i~:"''',~,:-·· ! ,,1., .' .~ . . ~ . : t' ~~, : tl!' Section 21. Special elections shall be called by the Mayor upon direction of the City vouncil in the same manner and conducted in the same way as Gcneral Elections, ~ ~ unless special provision~ for the same shall be made by ordinance, but all special elections shall be advertised not less than three weeks. Chapter V. ELEC TO RS IK If !!t), r~ ~ 'j'; . Section I. Every person of the age of twenty-one years or over residing within the corporate limits of the City of Clor.mont and who shall have so resided and had his i:' i'¡ ,~ or her habitation, domicile, home and permanent place of abode therein for six months last prior to date of any election, and who shall possess all the qualifications of an elector r:, ' prescribed by the constitution of the State of Florida, and shall be duly registered as hereinafter specified shall be deemed and held a qualifie~ electo~ rolthorized to vote at , ,. ~ï: any City election, where such qualific~tions are not spec i- j.' fie ally altered by the provisions of the Charter of said City; provided, that the payment of a State poll tax shall be a prerequisite for voting at any city election as it is a p~erequisite for voting at any State 'or County Election, and under like conditions, and the same shall be for thè years prescribed for payment thereof to qualify an elector to vote at a Stat~ or County election. Section 2. The City Clerk shall be ex-officio Reg- istration Officer of the City and shall, twenty days before any general or special election, open the registration books at some convenient place in the City and shall keep said books ,. open every day for ten days from ten o'clock A.M. to twelve 0' clock JIIJ:. and from three o'clock P. IvI. to five o'clock P. M. , and shall give notice thereof by publication in a newspaper published in the City for the period of two weeks prior tothe d,±oe of the opening of said books. Such registration Officer shall register all persons applying to him who shall not have ,', ,': ,~r-·' :' 'I·":~' . ' , . !:' .,. ~; ~'~ ~, ~ been previously registered in the City and who are otherwise qualified, provided, that each person applying to him for registration shall take and subscribe to the following oath to be administered by the Registration officer: "I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a bona fide resident of the City of Clermont, in the County of Lak':, State of Florida; that I will support, protect and defend the constitu- tion and government of the United States and of the State of Florida; that I am over the age of twenty-o~e years and have been an actual resident of the State of Florida for the period of one year and of the City of Clermont in the County of Lake ~ , ' ;:'1; for the period of six months, So help me God." Section 3. 'The name of each person so registered shall be entered in alphabetical order in a book prepared '£.- ~; ¡,..¡ ~ ~, and kept for that purpose, giving also his or her age, color and occupation under appropriate headings. Immediately upon the closing of the registration books the City Council shall convene and prepare from such book a list in alphabetical order of all registered and ~lalified electors of the City prior to the date of the election at which the same shall "Ii ,~, be used. The names of all persons who, for any reason, are not qualified t'o vote in a City election shall be omitted from such list. . The registration so revised shall be cer- tified to by the City Clerk and by him presented to the man- agers of the election at which the same is to be used, and shall constitute the list of qualified electors entitled to vote at such election. Section 4. No person shall be entitled to vote at any election unless he shall have been duly registered and qualified as is required by the Revised General ordinances of .. the City. Section 5. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to obtain from the Tax Collector of Lake County, Florida, a complete list of all persons residing within the City, who shall have paid their poll tax for the current year on or before the second .' ~ "¡~~¡;~"T . I;i:' Saturday of the month preceding that in Which an election is to be held, for the use of the City Council in revising the registration list. ... Chapter VI. OFFICERS' BONDS. " !~~ ,. .r Section I. The person'holding the office of Clerk and Tax Collector shall give bond in the sum of $5,OOO~00. Section 2. The person holding the office of Treasurer shall give bond in the sum of $5,000.00. Section 3. The person holding the office of Marshal shall give bond in the sum of $2,000.00. Section 4. AII.bonds shall be payable to the Ci~ of Clermont and shall be conditioned upon the faithful and f (; f:: honest performance of the duties of the offices for which they are given and upon the true and correct accounting for all moneys received and handled by such officers in their official capacity. Section 5. All bonds' shall be filed with the ~ ~. '. ~. . ~~ City Clerk and by him noted upon the minutes of the Council and carefully kept and preserved; no bond shall be in effect until approved by the City Council. Chapter VII. SALARIES OF OFFIC~RS Section 1. The Clerk and Tax Collector shall re- i~ ceive such sal,ary as the Council may provide by motion or resolutions, for the services of the two offices combined; and shall receive a fee of $1.00 for each case docketed in 'L ~. '" t~e Mayor's Court. Section 2. The Tax Asses80r shall receive such 4 compensation as the Council may determine, payable upon adoption of assessment roll. Section 3. The Marshal and Inspector shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Council by resolution or motion; and shall be entitled to the sum of one dollar for each arrest where the charge is sustained. ;~. ¡ " 1:: . 4 . . ...;; Section 4. The Mayor shall receive no salary, but shall receive the sum of one dollar for each prisoner arraigned in his Court whether or not conviction is had. Section 5. The Councilmen shall receive no salary. Section 6. Special Policemen shall receive a salary to be determined by resolution of the City Council. Section 7. The City ~olicitor shall receive such salary and compens9.tion as the Council may determine by resolution or motion. Chapter VIII. f DUTIES OF OFFICERS. ~: :. ~:' Mayor. r ~: I' Section I. The Mayor shall make monthly reports in writing to the City Council of the conduct of his official duties, which report 'shall give the number of cases disposed of in his Court and the fine assessed in each case, or other disposition thereo~. Section 2. The Mayor shall, from time to time, r.: ,.n " make such communications and recommendations to the City Council as, in his opinion, are required for the good of the City. 1" Section 3. The Mayor shall, upon written request, signed by three-fifths of the Council, call special meetings of the City Council for the purpose of considering and acting upon such matters as may be set forth in such written re- quest. ~ ~ Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Mayor to see that all ordinances are faithfully executed. Section 5. The Mayor shall issue his mandate dirßcted to the Marshal or other police officer of the C~y to have brought before him at such time and place within the corporate limits of the City-as he may designate any person or persons charged with the breach of any ordinance of the City,and he is authorized to compel the attendance of witnesses, to administer oaths, to inquire into the truth or falsity of the charges, to determine from the evidence before him the guilt or innocence of ·w. :;., ~~,;:, the accused, and to fix the penalties within the limits of the Laws of the ~tate of Florida and of the ordinances of the C,i ty, and to enforce the same. Section 6. The Mayor, when in his discretion the same shall be necessary, may appoint such number of police- men as may be deemed necessary for the preservation of the peace and the protection of the City, whose compensation shall be fixed by the Council, keeping within the current ~ rw budget. ; f:' ~~ i ~. ; CITY COUNCIL Section 7. The meetings of the City (;01IDCil, both regular and special, shall be held in the City Hall, unless for good cause it shall be deemed expedient to meet in some other place. Section 8. Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held on the first Tuesday in each month at such hour as may be fixed by resolution. Section 9; The City C01IDCi1 shall be the sole judges of the,qualifications and election of its own members; choose its Ofnl presiding officer; make such by-laws and rules of precedure as it deems expedient, and, with the concurrence J:" ! ',~' i" Ii; ~ ... il: J ~,' , of four-fifths of its members, expel or remove a member of the Councilor any officer of the City, except the Mayor, for disorderly conduct in office, malfeasance or non-feasance in office; the Mayor may be impeached as provided in the Ci t:T Charter. Section 10. The Council shall, at its first regular meeting in any year, select one of its members for President and another for Vice-President. ~ rw Section 11. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Council, either regular or special, and in the case of absence, sickness or disability of the Mayor, shall assume the office of Mayor; during the continuance of such disability or absence of the Mayor, and while so acting as Mayor he shall be disqualified from presiding over the City ; ~:~t . \i··, ;A ~ k ~~ ;. .:. -";i ~~: ~.:: ::"1; ;¡; ,,' !~.. ~ ¡".! : r r .' f.' ;-¡.' ~ .' ~~ ." '" r: t· r-t [::' re' :; I;!~"~'!;(r:~: 'I"'" '" .. . Councilor participating in their proceedings, and the Vice- President of the Council shall assume the duties of the President; t~e President may call such special meetings of the Council as he may deem necessary. Section 12. The President of the City Council shall certify all ordinances passed by the Council to the Mayor for his approval or disapproval. Section 13. All committees of the Council, wheth~r standing or special, shall make full réport of their action on all matters referred to them for consideration to the City Council at its next regular meeting after such refer- ence and at each meeting of the Council until the matter shall have been disposed of or taken from the hands of the committee. Section 14. The President of the Council shall appoint from its members before the second regular meeting in each year the following: Finance Cpmmittee, Street Committee, Fire and Building Committee, Street Lighting and Sanitary Committee, Laws and Auditing Committee, Water Cormni ttee, Park Committe'e, Each Committee shall consist of three members. Section 15. The President shall notify each member of the committee or committees to which he is appointed and shall report all his appointments to the next regular meeting of the Council and the same shall be written into the minutes of such meeting. Section 16. A majority of the members of the Council shall constitute a_quorum for the transaction of business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day. . ':¡j~:-'¡,I;!'I"""'1;:"'!:I::' Section 17. No Councilman shall be eligible to any other office of the City while serving as Councilman. Section IS. The Council shall inquire into all re,¡: , !... ~., , ' ~. bills and accounts before ordering the same paid, and no bill shall·be paid until approved by the Council; provided, that salaries due may be paid before approval when known hL' Þ.~ i~¡:,. to be correct; and the Clerk shall be provided with a petty cash drawer to take care of s~all items. Section 19. The ~treet Committee shall have complete supervision of the Construction and repair of streets, side- walks and other public property, except the Municipal Plants. Section 20. The Street Committee shall make .!t! L ¡'.' :,: frequent inspections of the streets and sidewalks and promptly report to the Council all needed repairs. Section 21. Whenever any sidewalk in front of any , property on any street or avenue within the City, shall be- come broken or in bad repair the street committee shall cause the Marshal to serve notice on the owner of such pro- perty, or his resident agent, if such owner or resident live in Clermont, Florida, or, if such o~mer or agent re- '~; ir ." side beyond the limits of the City of Clermont, Florida, he shall CIDlse notice to be duly mailed to such owner or agent, at his or her last known Post Office address, re- .. " ' quiring that such sidewalk be repaired within such time as may be deemed expedient, not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days from the date of such notice and if such repairs be not made within the time allowed, then the City Council shall cause such repairs to be made and shall issue a'certificate of indebtedness against such property for the cost of such repairs; and the City shall have a Lien against such property in the amount expended, until paid, with 8~ interest. ~ection22. The street Committee may authorize and make repair of streets where the same are re~lired. They shall also have the supervision of the sì"ade trees along the "jK'~"!""C';';::t ' :¡ . :!:.' )1 i ~' ¡. "; . I' ;!: !. I.' several streets of the City and on public property, and shall direct and supervise the trimming of the same, and the removal thereof when necessary. . Section 23. The Str~et COlmnittee, in addition to the duties enumerated by ordinance, shall perform such other and further duties as may be referred to them by the ~ " " '. ~. " r ,,' ~ r:-. !'; ; , :,. Council. ¡ ~ ~ 1"'- FIRE AND BUILDING COMUITTEE ¡~ !h ~r ~p Section 24. The Fire and Building Committee shall have supervision over the fire department, public buildings, structures and materials. They shall decide all questions relative to, and pass upon all. applications for building permits applied for under the ordinances of the City. r, l; STREET LIGHTING AND SANITARY COMUITTEE Section 25. The Street Lighting and Sanitary Committee shall have complete jurisdiction over street light- ing and the scavenger departments an0 shall employ such person or ,persons as they deem proper and necessary for the performance of the work. They shall have power to fix and regulate the ~harges for scavenger services, when not fixed by ordinance. I'·:: 'i', .,. .:. FINANCE C01fi~ITTEE Section 26. The Finance Committee shall have direct supervision over the finances of the City. LAWS AND AUDITING COmUTTEE Section 27. The Laws and Auditing Committee shall ,ii t. examine the books and records of the City Officers and make ~ ~ audit of all accounts at least once every three months; and shall see that all warrants paid by the Treasurer are duly cancelled and filed,' and shall see that all books and accounts are kept in proper order. They shall see that all ordinances passed by the Council are properly advertised as required by ordinance and that the s aIDe are properly recorded by the Clerk, and shall perform such other duties as shall, from time to time be prescribed by the Council. ,':00. ". .,., - :i,¡~t~¡~r~!; ': ::: :.. - .: . . ;; .,. " ' TAX COLIJECTOR ~ . ,. Section 28. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector to collect all taxes levied by the City and to do and perform all the duties of a ~ax Collector of the City, in accord- ".. ance with the laws of the State of Florida and the ordinances of the City of Glermont, and he shall collect all moneys due the City for licenses. Section 29. The Tax Collector shall make'monthly reports to the City ~ouncil showing the amounts of money collected by him during the preceding calendar month in his capacity as Tax Collec..tor. Such report shall be in detail and shall show each item collected; and such report .".- :- ~ '.j: shall show the licenses collected separate from other ..taRes. Section 30. The Tax Collector shall pay over' to the City Treasurer all moneys by him collected for the City in his official capacity and take the receipt of the Treasurer :;P. ., " for the same. Section 31. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector immediately upon the closing of Tax Books for the collection of Taxes to issue Distress Warrants for any taxes' o~ personal property remaining unpaid and to deliver the same to the City Marshal for execution; and in the ca~e of delinquent taxes against real estate, to proceed to advertisement and sale as provided by law. CITY CLERK. Section 32. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to ,. keep a correct minute of the proceedings of the COlln~:1l and cnter the same into a minute book to be kept for that purpose, and he shall cause a copy thereof to bc furnished to a news- paper in the City, unless otherwise instructed by the Council. Section 33. The Clerk shall duly and correctly record all ordinances passed by the City Council and ap~roved by the Mayor or which are passed by the Council over t~e vote of the Mayor in the minute book of- the Council and see that the same , ; "'~~'.' ., ; ,.,[::.,. 1. :¡i!:~r'l~;~:-:¡·~:·' ..- -. are properly and promptly advertised, either by publishing in a weckly newspaper circulated in the City, or by postine in three public places for three consecutive wceks; he shall obtain from the editor or rr.anager of the newspaper a prop~r re sworn proof of publication which shall be filed in the Clerk's office and a minute of the same cntered on the margin of '-, the record of such ordinances; or if advertising is done by (ji posting, ~e shall certify on the original ordinance the dates and places of posting. Section 34. The Clerk shall be clerk pf the Mayor's Crnlrt, and shall keep the docket of such Court; and shall enter therein the names of all persons arrested, and upon what charge, and shall note the disposition of the case. Section 35. The Treasurer shall keep a true arid correct account of all ~oneys received and paid out by h~m ~!i ~: ~;, . ,in his official capacity and truthfully and fully account " for all moneys received by him in his official capacity. Section 36. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys belonging to the City and issue his receipt therefor to the ~:; ~t person or persons payIng the same over to him. Section 37. The Treasurer shall make full and detail- ed report of all ~oneys received and paid out by him in his official capacity once each month, or oftener, if required by the Council, and shall submit the same to the Council together with the books and if found correct the same shall be filed with the Clerk. Section 38. The Treasurer shall payout no moneys from the City Treasury except upon warrants duly signed 'by the President of the City Council and counter-signed by the Cl erk. Section 39. The Tax Assessor shall assess all property, re real and personal in the City of Clermont, and shall be governed r·: by the provisions of the La.ws of the State of Florida and City of Clermont. :irr~~r~:':~·::·:-:'~·· '.' : !, r MARSr~L AND INSPECTOR. Section 40. The Marshal and Inspector shall obey the commands of the Mayor. ,. Section 41. The Marshal shall preserve peace, prevent crime; detect and arrest offenders against city ordinances; .protect the rights of persons and property; guard the publìc health; preserve order at elect~ons; report and abate nuisances; assist, protect and advise strangers in the City; an<j see that ªll ordinances of the City relative to police regulations are enforced. ;"'. Section 42. The Marshal and Inspector shall perform such other and further'duties as may be required by the Mayor or Council. Section 43. The Marshal shall collect all money due the city for scavengcr service'in accordance with the pro- visions of the ordinances. Section 44. The Marshal shall be executive officer of the Mayor's Court, preserve order therein, and collect all fines and execute all judgments rendered by said Court. He shall pay all moneys collected by him for fines to the ' Clerk and take the receipt of the Clerk for the same. Section 45. The Marshal shall make monthly reports to the Cpuncil showing the amount of money collected by him in his official capacity which report shall be itemized and show for what purposes the ~oneys were collected. SuCh report shall further show the number of arrests made by the police department and the disposition o£ each prisoner arrested. Section 46. The Marshal shall be ex-officio Chief of Police, and as such, shall transmit all orders from the 4 Mayor to the several police officers of the City. Section 47. The Marshal and Inspector shall, in either capacity, make such investigations and reports as the Mayor or Council may direct. ¡1~1': ~'¡.{ ",' ~:> ' I' Section 48. In preserving peace and making arrests the Marshal is empowered to call upon any bystander to assist him. ~ ~ Section 49. The Marshal shall have charge of all pri- soners and convicts of the City and see that they are properly fed and cared for. Section 50. The Marshal shall be custodian of all pro- perty belonging to the City, except as otherwise provided. Section 51. The Marshal shall be· ex-officio Pound Master, and shall impound all animals required to be impounded by the City~ Section 52. The'Marshal shall not engage in any other occupation or business than that of attending to his official duties, unless permission , shall have been obtained from the City Council and approved by the Mayor. Section 5g. The Inspector shall thoroughly examine all premises within the City at least once each month or at other times when directed by the Mayor or Council and shall make report to the Mayor iramediately after inspecting all places found in un-sanitary condition. CITY SOLICITOR See tion 54., The City Solicitor shall, ,when requested by any officer of the City, advise them as to their official duties. Section 55. The City ~olicitor shall frame or pass upon all ordinances before the same are passed by the Council. Section 56. The City Solicitor shall represe~t the City in all matters of litigation pertaining to the City and shall receive reasonable compensation therefor. BOND TRUSTEES 4 Section 57~ The Board of Bond Trustees shall be elected by the City Council in the manner provided by the Cl' arter of the City and shall perform such duties as are outlined in said City Charter. '1::1!'!9"~ ~~¡;'I~~.' ,..,':' . ~: ZONING COliwISSION 're:"~ .' (~. Section 58. The zoning Commission shall be elected by the City Council in the manner provided in the Charter of the City and shall perform such duties as are outlined in the said City Charter. Chapter IX. FILLING VACANCIES. Section I. Wnenever a vacancy shall occur in the office of Mayor or any other elcctive office of the City more than six months next preceding the general election, I by reason of death, rej,gnation or otherwise, it sh~ll be the duty of the Council to order an elcction to f ill the vacancy, and until such election is held, if the vacancy be that of, Mayor, the President of the Council shall fill the vacancy until such election, and if the vacancy be in any other office, the'Council shall appoint some fit and .suitable person to fill such office until the election can be held. Chapter X. TAXES Section I. All property, real and personal, owned or held within the City Limits on the first day of January of each year, and which is subject to taxation by the State, shall be assessed and listed for taxation for city purposes. Section 2. Between the first day of January and the 15th day of May of each year, the City Assessor shall ascertain by diligent inquiry the names of all ovmers of taxable personal property and also the taxable real estate in the City, and shall make out an asses ::.;ment roll of all' such taxable property. Section 3. The assessment of real estate shall be .- made separate from the assessment of personal property, but personal property sþall be responsible for taxes on real property, and real estate shall be responsible for taxes on personal property. ·..:; Section 4. When a person is assessed as a trustee, guardian, executor, administrator or agent, a designation of his representative capacity shall be added to his name, and such assessment shall be entered on a separate line from his ~ ~ individual assessment. Section 5. It shall be the duty of the o\vners of pro- perty within the City to make a return to the assessor not later than the 1st day of March in each year on a form Or blank to be furnished for that purpose, and for the purpose of receiving such returns the assessor shall be at his æ fice at least tnlO days of each week between the 15th day of 3anuary and the 15th day of March in each year. Section 6. The assessor may require any person to make affidavit befor~ him of the full amourit and true value of the personal property o~vned by. such person. Any person refusing to make such affidavit shall not be permitted after- I 1 I '! I I :1 . wards to reduce the valuation of his personal property as made by the assessor for that year. Section 7. Any person refus ing or failing to make re- turn of his real estate and personal property shall not be allowed to reduce the value placed thereon by the assessor and ~qualize~ by the Council. Section 8. All taxable lan~s within the City Limits shall be listed for taxation each year, beginning with the lowest numbered lots or blocks, and thß lots or blocks in their numer- ical order throughout the City and its various additions and t sub-divisions, and each separated division or e~ty shall be so entered and its valuè extended separately. All lands not øub-divided into blocks or lots shall be listed according to g' overnment sub-divisions as far as pract:i.cal. When returns of any real estate shall have been made by the owner or their ...,' ,', , , agents, the owners names shall be entered opposite the lots of land owned or returned by them; but, when returns shall not have been made, the word, "unkno'íJlln II shall be entered in the columns of the names. If any return made shall be known by I:··W 'F~~''''; . t.... ,: n~~:· t· "~i· the assessor to be erronious, it shall be his duty to correct the swne. ,. Section 9. As seon as may be after the first Monday in May in each year, and not later than the first Monday in September, the Assessor shall enter upon the assessment roll of real estate the ~alue thereof as given in by the ,owner or his agent, and if no value be given by such owner or agent the assessor shall enter a fair and equitable valuation thereon. Section 10. The City Council shall meet on the first f. .... Tuesday in June of each year, or as soon thereafter as may practically be for the purpose of examining and equalizing the assessment ro~l as made up by the assessor. They may adjourn from time to time' until the work is completed and shall correct all errors of assessment which they may find, assess all property which has been omitted by the assessor and either raise or lower any valuation of any property in the assessment as made by the assessor. The Council shall cause a notice to be published for two weeks that. they will meet as an equalization board to finally equalize the taxes. Section 11. Vfuen the Council shall have equalized the assessment roll, they shall notify the ovmers of the property upon which the valuation shall have been,raised from that affixed by the Assessor and in such notice shall state a cer- tain time when the Council will meet to hear complaints from any person relative to raise in valuation of property and if such complaint seem well founded, the Council shall make such reduction· in the v.aluation as they may deem proper and just. Section 12. As sson as the Council shall have completed the equalization of the tax roll and shall have .determined all . complaints relative to increase in value of any property, the Assessor shall make out two complete lists of the property as assessed, extendæQšthe amount of ta~ assessed against each separate piece,or parcel of land or personal property for each fund for which a millage is ,assessed and the same shall be pro- ·.'1~ri·"'-· ,. perly totaled; the pages shall be footed and are-capitulation table appended, which shall show the total of each class of property, and totals of tax for each levy, and the grand total to be collected. To one copy the Assessor shall attach a warrant to the collector to collect the several amounts named therein, and shall deliver the same to him taking his receipt therefor, which amount shall be~charged to the collector and accounted for by him. Section 13. The City Council shall at its regular meeting in September of each year determine the amount of" money to be raised by taxation for each particular fund and the amount of millage necessary to be assessed for the purpose of raising such amounts which shall be used by the Assessor in making hi~ complete rolls. ~¿ Ir~¿~ 'I Section 14. The terms "real property/} as used in these ordinances shall have the same meaning as the said terms have when used in the revenue laws of the Stt;, te of Florida. Section 15. In all matters pertaining to the assess- ment and collection of taxes where the srone are not provided for in these ordinances and in the Charter of the City, the provisions of the general laws of the State of Florida rela- tive to like matters shall govern. Taxes shall be due and payable on November 1st of each year; a two per cent discount shall be allowed on taxes paid in November, and a one per cent discount on taxes paid in December--such discounts applying only to the current year. Taxes shall be net rrom January 1st to March 31st and from April 1st, interest at the rate of I per cent per month shall be added to the tax, until d~te of sale. . , ~;~I~Fr::'·;:· r" Chapter XI. LICENSE TAX ~ rw Section 1. Th8license year of the City of Clermont shall begin on the first day of October, and end on the thirtieth day of September each year, on \vhich latter date all licenses shall, expire. No license shall be issued for more than one year ~or less than one year prior to April first of any year, after which date a license for six months may issue for one-half of the amount of the annual license. Section 2. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in or manage any bu.siness, profession or occupation mentioned in this' act within the City until after a 1 i.cense shall be issued to each person, firm or corporation on receipt ," of the amount hereinafter provided, paid to the City Tax Collector, who shall issue all licenses. Section 3. Every license by' the City shall contain the following provision written or printed upon the face thereof: "The City of Clermont expressly reserves the right to revoke or cancel this license in case the licensee or any . person doing business hereunder so conducts such business that it becomes a nuisance or annoys and disturbs the peace of the citizens of the community." Section 4. The May.or is hereby empowered to revoke any license upon proper complaint and sufficient evidence to ~ rw sustain complaint. Any person affected by the revocation of any license may make appeal to the City Council from the order of the Mayor at its next regular meeting and such appeal shall operate as a sepersedia, unless sooner heard and determined by the City Council. Upon such hearinß the Council may either vacate or confirm the order of the Mayor. Any person, firm or corporation conducting such business after the revocation of such license shall be subject to fine or impriso~ment as for doing business without license. 'õ 'f. .."!:: " ~ ~ Section 5. The City Tax Collector before issuing a license based on a property value or a capital stock shall require the person applying for the license to make a written s ta tement under oath of the value of t}¡e property or the amount of the capital stock, 'Nhich statement he shall attach to his next report. Section 6. All license.s shall be transferable, rJÍ th the approval of the Mayor, \'lÍ th the bus iness for r¡hich they ~ere taken out, when there is a bona fide sale 'or transfer of the property used and employed in the business as stock in trade; but such transf~rred license shall not oe ßoed for any longer time nör in any other place than that for which it was originallY issued. The original license must be surrendered to and filed with the City Tax Collcctor at the time of tl¡e application for the tran:::fêr and such transfer after being approved, shall be of the same force and ef.r:'ect . "~j}¡.. ., ~ as the original license. Section 7. In all cases where the applicant for a license pays taxes on real Or personal property to the City of Clermont, the amount of the license shall be One Dollar plus the fee of Twenty-five cents for the City Clerk; and in all casesvhere the applicant does not pay any taxes on real or personal property to the City of Clermont, the fees shall be as follows: I. Allctioneers -~--------------------------------$25.00 2. Auctioneers selling real cstate, per day -----100.00 3. Abstractors of title ----~-------------------- 20.00 4. Agents: Brokers or,dealers in futures, stocks bonds and securities of foreign companies ----IOO.OO 5. Agents ': Immigrant-Any person, agent, solicitor or recruitor engaged in the business of,hiring, soliciting or engaging laborers or immigrants in the City of Clermont to be transported ar.d employed beyond the limits of the St~.:.te of Florida ----~-------------------------------- 500.00 , 6. Agents ': Motorcycles ----- ..----- ---- --------- 5.00 7. Agents: Automobiles and other horseless vehicles ------------------------------------ 25.00 ,f· .!: Ii i IJ;li~~¡~~:;~J:': ' f ;:' !: ' I;,., ¡ Ir 8. Agents: For clothiers and tailors not taxed as merchants ------------------------------------- 10.00 ~~å,:::!j~L : t~'JiI h.j ~J ,";' ' !f.; 9. Agents: Automobile accessories not in connec- tion with garage or hardware business ------------ 15.00 10. Agents: FlIonuments and tombs tones, traveling------ 20.00 II. Agents: Rentals --------------------------------- 5.00 12. Safe or vaults, sale or exchange ----------------- 10.00 ." ~f ~':: H 13. Agents: 14. Agents: carrying 15. Agents: Salesman 16. Agents: Typewriters ----------------------------- 5.00 Sewing machines, excepting merchßDts regalar stock ------..--------------------- 10.00 Real Estate ----------------------------- 15.00 ----------------------------------------- 7.50 J::; , ~~.J. . fI" , ~ ,I Emploýment ------------------------------ 10.00 17. Architects ----~~--------------------------------- 10.00 :~: . ,' ~. 18. Advertising: Agekts, firms, associations, corp- orations or other1persons distributing circulars, phamplets or other mattèr (this does not apply to merchants selling their own goods or to the news- paper concerns) -~~------------------------------- 25.00 19. Automobile: Trucks for hire --------------------- 5.00 l 20. Automobile: Hauling passengers fo~ hire --------- 7.50 21. Any vehicle attached to motor vehicle as trailers for hire -------------------------------_ 5.00 j;' ( I, 22. Automobiles: Automobile s: Delivery truck, small -------------- 5.00 Delivery truck, large -------------- 10.OO 23. .owners of each car or truck must carry "For Hire" sign on such a place that ic can be seen from the outside (failure to display such sign shall forfeit license and shall be punished by fine of not more than $IOO.OO or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than 90 days). ________ 24,. Automobile: Repair shop~ not including sale of accessories, oil or gasoline --~------------------ 10.00 i.: 25. Amusement Parks: With merry-go-round, roller coaster, but without shows of any kind, per week - 25.00 26. Artificial Stone Works --------------------------- 5.00 27.; Astrogplist ------:..-----:.----.;.--------------------300.00 28.: Balloons (See rubber balloons). , , '.' " ' '. "'" ..~ .' 29. Banks, bankers or person doing banking business -- 25.00 30. Bakers '----""'------------------------------ -------- 7.50 31. Barbers, each chair .------------~-:---------------- 2.50 32. Bicycles, agents for, excepting merchants carry- ing regular general stock ------------------------ 3.00 ¡' ·1" !. : I"j., I:' .:¡ ':i' "!" .~"'" ;;: 33. Bicycles: Repair shop ----------------------------- 3.00 34. Bill Posters --------------------------------------- 5.00 ~ 35. Birds, Songs or Plmnage, dealors in ---------------- 25.00 36. Billiard or pool tables, each table (persons under the age of 18 years must not be allowed in pool room under forfeiture of license) ------------- 5.00 37. Bowling Alley, each alley -------------------------- 5.00 38. Boiler works --------------------------------------- 10.00 39. Bottling works ------------------------------------- 5.00 40. Brokers: Stocks and bonds -------------------------- 25.00 41. Building and Loan Associations, local -------------- 5.00 42. Building and Loan Associations, foreigh ---'---------200.00 43. Building materials --------- -------'----------------- 10.00 44. Boarding houses, rooming houses or hotels:- (A) 3-5 rooms -------------------------------------- (B) 6-10 II ---___________________________________ (C) ll-lS II -_____________________________________ (D) 16-30" -------------------------------------- (E) 30-50" ----~--------------------------------- (F' 50 or more rooms ------------------------------- 3.00 5.00 7.50 12.50 20.00 30.00 . 45. Claim or collection· agent -------------------------- 10.00 46.' Canning and marmalade factories -------------------- 10.00 47. Candy Stands, chewing gum, etc. -------------------- 5.00 48. Card writing --------------------------------------- 3.00 49. Carriage and wagon factory ------------------------- 7.50 50. Carnivals, each tent, booth, stand, per day -------- 5.00 51. Carnivals: or all street fairs, during the first 60 days and last 60 days of any calendar year, for each tent, booth, contrivance, apparatus or other place, per day. ---------~--------------------~------------ 25.00 52. Cane racks: Or any other place, contrivance or appar- atus operating independent of the carniv~l, each place per day ---------------------------~--------~- 25.00 53. Christian ·t:lcienc.e Practitioner --------------------- 10.00 54. Chiropodist ---------------------~------------------ 10.00 55. Civil ~ngineers or surveyors ----------------------- 10.00 56. Cider dealers (Non-intoxicating) 7------------------ 50.00 57. Coffee, roasting and spices --------------.---------- 3.00 58. Coal dealers --------------------------------------- 5.00 59. Cold storage plant not connected with ice factory -- 10.00 60. Contractors or builders ---------------------------- 10.00 61. Circuses,' per day ---------------------------------- 50.00 62. Circuses, or shows of every ,nature for each parade given through the streets where the show is given inside of the town --------------------------------- 20.00 " , , 63. Circuses, or shows of every nature for each parade given through the streets where the show is shown outside of the town ------------- 50.00 64. Dance, 65. Drays: ~ 66. Drays: 67. Dealers license Instruction or halls ------------------- 10.00 One horse ----------------------------- 5.00 two horses ------.--------------------- 10.00 in cigars or tobacco, who pay no other --------------------------------------- 5.00 68. Dealers in curios, alligators, etc. ----------- 10.00 69. Dealers in dynamite or like explosives -------- 25.00 70. Dealers in fresh meats, packers or refrigeràtors wholesale, not connected with ice factory ----- 25.00 . 71. Dealers in lubricating anq illumin~ting oils and gasoline, wholesale. ---------------------- 25.00 72.. Retail (When not run in connection with garage) 10.00 73. Dealers in automobiles and other horseless vehicles where garage license is not paid ----- 25.00 74. Dealers in pistols, sling shots, brass knuckles, dirk knives, (provided not sold to minors) --,--100.00 75. Dealers in second hand clothing --------------- 10.OO 76. Dentist --------------------------------------- 10.00 77. Doctors or ,Physicians with local of'fice, each - 10.00 78. Dog and pony show, (To be classed as a dog and pony show no performance or exhibit other than trained animals must be given, per day,-------- 20.00 Electric Light Plant or operators and distri- butors or electric current -------------~------ 25.00 ,79. 80. 81. 82, 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. . 88. '89. 90. 91. Electric contractors -------------------------- 10.00 Electric machinery ---------------------------- 5.00 Exp~ess Companies ----------------------------- 10.00 Employment agencies --------------------------- 10.00 Emmigration agencies --------------------------500.00 Fertilizer manufacturers ---------------------- 15.00 Fertilizer, dealers in ------------------------ 10.00 Fruits, wholesale dealers including orange packing house --------------------------------- 10.00, Fruits, selling from railroad car, per car ---- 5.00 Fruits, retail not paying merchants license --- 5.00 Florist --------------------------------------- 3.00 Fortune Tellers -----------------------,--------IOO.OO ;-: ·~l·· ~..::., ¡I·~"-·:· 92. 93. 94. ' 95. .. 96. 97. 98. 99. I 00'. 101. Furniture dealers, second hand installment ---- 10.00 Gas Plant ------------------------------------- 25.00 Harnes~ shops --------------------------------- 3.00 Hat cloaning and blocking -------~------------- 5.00 Garages, storing, selling, repairing~ inc~uding sale of oil, gasoline and accessories for IDlto- mobiles --------------------------------------- 25.00 Hawkers and vendors of medicine and drugs, sell- ing or advertising, per day -_-----------------IOO.OO Hacks, for haul~ng passengers ----------------- 3.00 Horse and mule dealers -- selling at auction per day --------~------------------------------ 25.00 Horse and mule dealers not covered by liverý license --------------------------------------- 25~00 Hypnotist, per day ----------------------------100.00 102. Ice Plant ------------------------------------- 15.00 103. Ice cream or cold drinks; not covered by druggist or merchants license ----------------- 10.00 104. Ice cream wagon (see peddler) ----------------- 10.00 105. Ice cream manufacturers; capacity of over 10 gallons per day ------------------------------- 25.00 106. Ice cream factory including cold storage plant 25.00 107. Insecticide manufactories --------------------- 10.00 , 108. Insurance agents, local agents, each company -- , 2.50 109. Insurance agents or solicitors, non-resident, each Company ---------------------~------------ 10.00 110. Jewelry, notions or postcards on stand -------- 5.00 Ill. Junk dealers ---------------------------------- 25.00 112. Job printing connected with newspapers -------- 10.00 113. Job printing alone ---------------------------- 5.00 114. Land development companies, each member ------- 15.00 115. Land development companies, agents for, not having an office in the city. ----------------- 50.00 116. Lawyers --------------------------------------- 10.00 117. Laundries, steam ------------------------------ 10.00 lIS. Laundries, hand ------------------------------- 3.00 119. Laundry wagons or trucks, place of business o~tside of City, each wagon ------------------- 5.00 120. Livery (feed and sale stables, less than 5 horses) -------------------------------~------- 10.OO 4 121. Livery (feed and sale stables, more than 5 horses) ----------------------------~---------- 15.00 ;', 'I" ,~..,-.~",.: 122. Lumber yards; dealers and brakers ------------- 15.00 123. Lunch stands, seating less than 10 persons 124. Lunch stands, seating more than 10 persons 5.00 10.00 125. Lung testers ---------------------------------- 10.00 4 126. Merchants, storekeepers, or druggest, wholesale or rental, having permanent place of business, not handlinß oriental goods, license shall be ~1.50 each ~1000.00 of stock rnlt no license shall issue for less than ------------ -------------- 2.50 127. Merchant Tailor --~---------------------------- 7.50 128. Mid-wife -------------------------------------- 5.00 129. Machine shops ~~ foundry --------------------- 10.00 130. Minstrels, tent or otherwise ------------------ 20.00 131. Ment~l healors, or all persons claiming to heal by absent~eatment ----------------------------100.00 132. Manufacturers of medic,ine --------------------- 25.00 133. Manufacturers of cigars and tobacco ----------- 10.00 134. Marble yards ---------------------------~------ 5.00 135. Markets, dealers in fresh IT.eats, vegetables etc. 5.00 136. Mattress factories ---------------------------- 10.00 137. Milk depot ------------------------------------ 3.00 138. Money lenders other than bankers -------------- 25.00 139. Mass factories -------------------------------- 10.00 140. Moving picture shows any building having seat- ing capacity unde~ 300 ------------------------ 20.00 141. Moving picture shows having seating capacity over 1000 ------------------------------------------ 60.00 142~ Moving picture shows having seating less than one thousand ånd over three hundred ----------- 40.00 143. Musicians playing on streets, (other than shows having license) ------------------------- 3.00 144. Musicians, organ grinders --------------------- 5.00 145~ News agent or stand, not having merchant's license ----------------------~---------------- 3.00 146~ Nursery stock or forest trees, agent for or dealer in ------------------------------------- 5.00 . 147. Opera house (see Theatre) 148. Opticians, permanent -------------------------- 10.00 149. Opticians, traveling -------------------------- 20.00 150. Occulist, traveling --------------------------- 25.00 .. :.'¡;pr:-~)~:zI'·(,-·I··'õ 15l. Occulist, permc..nently located ---------------- 10.00 152. Osteopath ------------------------------------ 10.00~' / " ,/ 153. Oriental merchants --------------------------- 25.00 ~ ~ 154. Plating, gold or silver, etc. ---------------- 5.00 155. Painters ------------------------------------- 10.00 156. Pawn brokers, each place --------------------- 50.00 157. Phrenologist, per day ------------------------IOO.OO 158. Plumbers, each (to be issued only on approval by Sanitary Committee and City, Engineer) ----- 10.00 159. Peddlers, ice cream, each cart --------------- 5.00 160. Peddlers, peanuts and popcorn, each ---------- 3.00 161. Peddlers, Stoves ranges clocks, each vehicle, per day -------------------------------------- 25.00 162. peddl ers , not enumerated, per day ------------ 10.00 163. Piano tuners, permanently located ------------ 5.00 164,. Piano tuners, not permanently located -------- 10.00 165. Planing mills, .novel ty mills, saVl mills, etc., including lumber yards ----------------------- 25.00 166. Picture agents, enlargi~g -------------------- 50.00 167~ Photographers, permanent --------------------- 5.00 168. Pressing clubs, not classed as mGrchant tailors 5.00 169~ Railroads, whose tracks Gnter the corporate limits of the City --------------------------_ 20.00 170. Repair shops not automobilcs ----------------_ 5.00 17l~ Rest~lrants, seating less than 10 persons ---- 5.00 172. Restaurants, seating more than 10 and less than 20 persons ----------------,-----------------__ 7.50 173. Restaurants, seating more than 20 and less than 30 ,persons ------------------------~-----____ 10.00 174. Rest~lrants, seating more than 30 and less than 40 persons ------------------~---------------- 15.00 175; Rest~lrants, seating more than ~O persons ---- 25.00 176. Rubber balloons, dealers, each --------------- 5.00 177. Sheet meàl¡ works -------------------------___ 10.00 . . '. ~ 178. street Doctor or any itinérant vendor, etc., per day --------------------------------------IOO.OO 179. Skating rinks ------------------------------__ 10.00 Si~n writing, or lettering with pa~ or metal letter other than local painters, Paying license per day -----------------------------------___ 10.00 180. ~ - b' ISI. Shoe repairint machinery ------------------- 5.00 182. Shoe shine, one chair (outside barber shop or hotel ) ------------------------------------- 5.00 Each additional chair ----------------------- $.50 183. Shooting gallery ----------------------------IO.OO . -...- 184. Soft drinks, not connected with other busi- ness ---------------------------------------- 5.00 ~ ~ -:0; 185. Storage warehouse ---------------------------10.00 186. Shows (see circuses or dQg and pony show) 187. Tailors, -merchants -------------------------- 7.50 188. Telegraph companies -------------------------10.00 189. Telephone companies -------------------------IO.OO 190. Theatres (Not including fitted building for moving pictur~s only) -------------------25.00 19l. Undertakers and Embalmers -------------------10.00 192. Watch repairing ----------------------------- 3.00 193. ~llcanizing, including repairs and tires ---- 194. Water companies; any persons or person selling water for a profit shall be construed a water company (not including cold drink stands or drug stores selling mineral water ) ---------50.00 195. wood yards ---------------------------------- 5.00~ . ~ Section 8. Any person, firm or corporation who .' shall engage in any business, trade, profession or occupa- tion which has been listed in these ordinances, \dthout having first obtained a proper license from the City Tax Co~lector, shall, upon conviction, be fined an amount not less than the amount of the license, nor more than double the amount of the license, or shall be imprisoned not more than thirty days or , both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Mayor. '1 Provided, each days, operation of arosiness, trade, occupation or profession shall be a separate offense. Chapter XII. FIRE LIMITS. 4t"" ¡ .. I ¡ ... .. Section I. From and after the passage of this ordinance and its approval by the Mayor of the City, the fire limits of the City of Clermont, in the Co-mty of Lake, ::>tate of Florida, shall censist of all of that territory included in II; .. 4 Blocks 79,8Q,81,82,90,91,92 and ~3 as shown on the official map of the City of Clermont. Section 2. Before any person, firm œ corporation shall erect, repair, alter or change any building or structure within the fire limits he, she or they shall make written application to the Fire and Building Committ~e of the City Cöuncil for a permit therefor, and shall file with the committee a written statement on the blanks to be provid- ed, giving the location, dimensions and manner of construction of the proposed building or structure, and, if in their judg- ment necessary, the Comnittee may require structural detail drawings. If it shall app~ar to the Committee that the " laws and ordinances of the City are complied with, they shall give the permit as applied for upon á written form to be used for that purpose, and the corrmittee shall keep a record of all such permits; provided, that the committee shall not be re- quired to grant a permit in any instance until the plans and specifications shall be such as to insure the buildings to be of requisite st~ength and of proper material and not un- necessarily dangerous as a fire risk. Section 3. Blank forms for the statements herein required shall be kept at the office of the City Clerk and shall, by the Clerk be supplied to any person applying for same who shall intend to apply for a permit t~ build, alter, repair or change any building or structure within the fire limits, and said statement shall be signed by the owner or oVlners" or their duly authorized agent; such ovmer or agent shall also sign an agreement to be printed on the forms herein provided for that he, she or they will, in all respects, construct the work proposed in said application of statement in accordance . , , with such detailed statement, plans and specifications, and in compliance with the laws and ordinances of the City of Clermont, and -it shall not be lawful to construct, alter or repair any building, buildings, structure or structures within the fire limits without such permit, or in any respect different from the ,'f'~C" ' -.a rw statement, plans and specifications which shall have been filed wi th the Committee; provided, that any change not inconsistent wi th .the laws and ordinances of the City may be made after the permit has been granted, if a statement descriptive of the pro- posed change shall have first been filed with and approved by the Committee. Section 4. No structure of any kind other than the charactør in this section provided shall be constructed, alter- ed, repaired or changed within the territory included within the following boundary lines, to-wit: All of that territory included in Blocks 79-SG-Sl-S2-90-91-92-93 as shown on the official map of the City of Clermont. Within said limits the exterior walls of all buildings shall be of brick, stone, mortar or other incombustible ~~terial; for buildings two stDries in height the wall for the first story shall be not less than twelve inches thick of incombustible material and for the ~; ~. ~; second story not less than eight inches thick of incombustible material; for buildings three stories in heighth the walls for the first story shall be not less tnan sixteen inches thick of incombustible material, for the second story the walls shall not be less than twelve inches thick of incombustible naterial and for the third story not less than eight inches t!~ink of incombustible material. For all buildings over three stDries in height, the structure shall be of the standard dimensions as recognized by reputable architects and builders and of incombustible .material. All party walls for the purpose of carrying two structUres shall be not less than rour inches thicker than those mentioned above. .' Section 5. All buildings within the limits described in Section I of these ordinances shall be covered with metal, tile or concrete roof, or some good asbestos or fireproof roof- ing to be approved by the Fire and Building Committee. , 'i i~!~·· .: t· Section 6. Any person, persons, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section, either as principal or agent shall be fined not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail at hard labor not more than sixty days or both, and the building or structure in connection with which the 'violation shall have been committed shall be torn down and removed by the City Marshal at the expense of the mmer. And, any~ contractor, superintendent or architect working in connection with such building or structure in violation of this ordinance, shall be deemed and taken as an agent of the owner and subject to the same fine and imprisonment as the principal. Chapter XIII. BUILDING OUTSIDE FIRE LIMITS. .. . Section I. Any person,persons, firm, association, or corporation who shall desire to erect, construct, remove, dem~ olish, repair, alter or change any building, shed, fence or other structure within the cor,porate limits of the City of Clermont, outside tJ:.1e Fire Limits, shall f,irst make applica- tion to, and receive from the fire and building committee of the City Council of the City a permit therefor. Section 2. Each applicant for a permit for any of the purposes enumerated in Section 1, shall be to the Fire and Building Committee of the City ,Council and shall state fully and accurately the purpose for Which the per.mit is sought, the nature of the materials to be used, the nature of the build- ing, shed or other structure to be affected, the exact location of such building, shed or structure, the use to which such build- ing, shed, fence orbther structure is to be put, and the approximate cost of and the time required for the completion of the purpose for which permit is sought. Section 3. The Fire and Building Committee are here- by delegated fUll "power and discretion in granting or refusing to grant any permit applied for, and may grant or refuse to grant any permit as, in the exercise of their dis~retion, may seem proper. A vote 'of two-thirds of said committee shall be necessary to grant or refuse to grant any permit. ..~ ~II .,., ., . ~d:~· ' ~' ., Section 4. Each application for a permit and a copy of each permit granted thereon, or the reasons for refusing to grant such permit, where permit is refu~ed, shall be filed in the office of the Clerk. Section 5. Each permit. granted shall contain a complete statement of the purpose for which the permit is granted, the location of the buildings, the time in which the work to be performed under such permit shall be completed, and the mater- ials to be used therein and shall in every instance be in writing and signed by not loss than two-thirds of the Fire and Building Uommittee. Section 6. No permit shall be used for any other purpose than that set out in the permit, nor by any other person than the one to whom the permit is granted, his agents, employees or legal representatives, nor during another/period than that named in such permit. Section 7. No person other than the ovmer or the lessee or the lawful agent of the owner or lessee shall be granted any 4,,,'· '.,1 .' .' , .' ~¡ 11 ·!i. permit under the terms of this ordinance. Section 8. Any person, persons, firm association, or corporation who shall, for themselves or as agents for another, In ¡: ~:. violate any of the provisions of this chapter, shall, ,upon conviction, be fined not less than $IO.OOand not more than $200.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jail at hard labor not exceeding sixty days or both such fine and imprisonment. Chapter XIV. FIRE DEPARTI:IENT. Section I. There shall be organized and maintained . in the City of Clermont, a Fire Department to be known as "Clermont Fireman's Company" as is hereinafter provided. Section 2. The City Council shall elect some fit and sui table person to be knovm and designated as "Chief of the Clermont Fireman1s Company" who shall be in command of the Clermont l"ireman1s qompany and shall organize the same upon such lines as may seem expedient to him and shall ele,ct from the members of such company such subordinate ,officers as he .. may deem proper. Section 3. The Chief of the Clermont Fireman's Company shall elect for members of said Company n<1t more th,an ten (IO) men including the engineer in charge of the Fire engine. Section 4. The Chief of the Clermont Fireman's Company shall receive a salary per month to be fixed by the Council, and each member of said company snaIl each receive $2.00 for each call responded to including the first hour of service and, after the first hour, each member shall receive fifty cents for each half hour or fraction thereof. , , Section 5. The Chief of the Clermont Fireman's " tic' ~ . Company shall be custodian of all fire fighting apparatus belonging to the City and charged with proper care of same. Section 6. The territory embraced within the cor- porate limits of the City of Clermont, is hereby divided into wards as follows: The water tank at the int~r-section of Lake Avenue an~ Desota Stre8t shall be taken as a dividing potnt, and all territory North of Desota Street and West of Lake Avenue, shall be known as Ward #l; all territory East of Lake Avenue and North of Desota Street shall be knovm as Ward #2; all ~erritory South of Desota street and Wes t of Lake Avenue shall be Imown as Ward #3; all territory Eas t of Lake Avenue and ::>outh of Desota street which lies East o f Eas t avenue, shall be known as Ward #4; and all of that territory which is East of East Avenue and South of Desota Street shall be known as Ward #5. Section 7. The Chief of the fire-department shall, . ., from time ~o time, make such recommendations as to the purchase of additional fire equipment and establishment of fire stations as may, in his judgment, be necessary. City of Clermont, and the rules and regulations off the City Engineer and under the supervision of the City Engineer. ... Section .2. Each building, the nearest portion of which is not more than Two "Hundred feet, from the sewer main in which household liquid waste, human sewerage or manufactured or industrial liquid waste may be g~nerated, shall be s~parately connected with said sewer line, such connections :to be made of a permanent character, in conformance to the ord~nances of the front or on t he side of their re,spective property, within sixty days after date of notice from City Engineer of the City of vlermont, Florida. Section I. That it shall be the duty of the owners or agents æ all improved property abutting upon the streets or parts of the streets, where sanitary sewers shall be laid or have been laid to make connections with the sèwer main in PUBLIC SEWERS ment, at the descretion of the Mayor. dhapter XV. for not more than ten days, or by both such fine and imprison- appuratus llsed by the said Fire Department. Any person convicted of the violation of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10.00 or more than ~ÞIOO.OO or by imprisonment in ,the common ja~l of the City interfere with, tamper with, cut, damage or destroy any property of the Fire Department of the City of Clermont, in- cluding, fire engines, trucks, hose or other equipment or other person in charge of such fire hose. Section 9. It shall be unl&wful for any person to cart or any vehicle over any fire ho~e belonging to or being used by the City of Clermont, unless such person be directed so to do by the Marshal, the Chief of the Fire Department or .. to drive or cause to be driven any wagon, automobile, truck, Section 8. It shall be unlawful for any person ~!~t~! J";i ,,~"..": Section 3. The p-.umbing in no building shall be' connected with the sewer main unless, the same be approved first by 'the City Engineer. Section 4. All connections with t!"e sewor mains shall, ;-A ~ unless physically impossible, have a uniform fall of not less than one quarter of an inch to the foot. Outside of buildings where the soil is of sufficient solidity for propel' foundations, cylinder terra cotta pipes a'the first quality, free from flaws, splints or cracks, perfectly burned and well salt glazed over the inner and outer surface may b3 used, laid as required, but in no case shall terra cotta pipes be permitted within five feet of any 'foundation wall or the top of terra cotta pipes less than six inches under the ground, and no connection shall . be made with rain water conductors, surface or air inlet, except as hereinafter specified. Section 5. The City Engineer shall have charge under the direction of the City Council of all public sewerages and drains and appurtenances of the same. He shall regularly in- spect the same and supervise their cleaning out and repairing where and when necessary, and shal,l report to the City Council. In addition to this duty he shall be charged with the inspecting of all plumbing in all buildings and the ventilation from all cess pools, drains, waste, and ventilation pipes from all sanitary fixtures that may be placed in a building or outside thereof, which is connected wi th tho sewer system of the City. He shall make three separate inspections, or more if necessary of the plumbing work inside or outside of new buildings and of the alteration or repair of plumbing work inside or out- side of old buildings. The first inspection shall include all terra cotta pipes laid from the main sewer in the street to a point five feet outside of the foundation line. The second inspection shall include all soil, drain and vent pipes within the building to a point five feet beyond tJ:e fOlmda tion line, making the proper test of the same. The Third inspection shall include all fixtures and the manner of making connections and shall be the finãl inspection. ;~ ¡ j; ·~~ 4 Section 6. ~Vhen any plumbing work is completed and approved by the City Engineer, hé shall file with the City Clerk a notice of such approval, which notice shall show the character, o~vnership and the location of the property; the , number and character of the plumbing fixtures and whether city w~ter or water from private system is to be used in such plumb- ing, and the name of the plumber doing the work. Section 7. The City Engineer shall have the right b enter any building or premises in the City, to inspect the plumbing and plumbing fixtures and shall have authority to order the removal of any plumbing fixtures connected with the public sewer system or any soil drain or waste'pipe connected therewith which may be found in any unsanitary condition. Any person who shall interfere with him in the performance of such duties shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $25.00 or by imprisonment not to, exceed thirty days. Section 8. The City Engineer before granting any permit for the connection with the sewer main shall collect from the person, firm or corporation, applying for such permit a connection fee of Five Dollars for theme of the City and may require a deposit with him of a sum not to exceed Five Dollars as security for the payment on his inspection fee. The City Engineer may requtæ the installation of grease traps where ; f: 1. I~' . necessary. Òection 9. Any person who is the o~mer or agent of ~y property, which under the terms of this ordinance shculd connect with the sewer system, who refuses to connect with the same as provided by ordinances and under the direction and super- vision of the City Engineer, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 or by imprisonment in the city jail for more than ninety days. Section 10. Any person following the trade or occupation of plumbing within the City of Clermont, who shall delegate any apprentice or other person who is not qualified under the ordinances of the City to do plumbing work to perform 'j!r~~!!"P!f~YT'":' any plumbing at any place where he is not under the direction and personal supervision of a plumber who is so qualified shill be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 or by imprison- .. ment in the City jail not to exceed ninety days. Section II. The City Engineer shall cause to be connect- ed at convenient intervals from the sewer main to the curb k r r; line, connecting lines at the expense of the City but such connec- tion lines shall be. laid of the shortest practical length and the inspector shall receive from the City the sum of $1.OO for inspection fees of such work. Section 12. The City Engineer shall receive for his services fees ~o be paid him by the property owner or his agent for such inspection in addition to any inspection fees that are nŒI provided by ordinanc~s as follows: for granting permit, fifty cents; inspection of sewer line from within four f8et of the building to the place of connection with sewer main, fifty cents; for inspection of connection, One Dollar. Section 13. No plumbing work or sewer connection shall be covered until the same has been inspected and approved by the City Engineer and all connections with the sewer shall be made at such place and manner as shall be designated by the City Engineer and under his supervision. Section 14. No plumbing shall be connected with the sewer mains unless the same be supplied with water from the City water works or with water showing by actual analysis to have the same chemical content, and the water·from thè City water works shall not be turned on to any plumbing except by order of the City Clerk, after the City Engineer has filed with said City Clerk, a notice that the same has been finally inspected and approved. .. Chapter XVI. PRIVATE SEWERS. Section 1. No persons or person shall install or cause to be installed any private system or plant for disposing of house sewerage, that is, the liquid waste from household or .. domestic and industrial service, except S~le be made and construct- ed to comply with the plans and specifications prescribed in ~he provisions of this ordinance. Section 2. '~en any private sewerage plant or system already in operation at the time of the passage of this ordinance shall be complained of as a nuisance, as provided in the' revised General Ordinances of the City of Clermont, Florida, anft if after hearing had as· provided therein such plant or system shall be found to be. a nuisance, the Mayor shall enter judg- ment to the effect, and that the same shall, by the owner, proprietor or user, be made to comply with the regulations and specifications prescribed in this ordinance within à reasonable time to be named in such judgment, not to exceed thirty days, and should such person fail or refuse to make such plant or s~stem so comply, the City Marshal shall order it done at the expense of such owner, proprietor or user and such expense shall .cons ti tute a lien, prior to any lien thereafter accruing. Section 3. The private plant or system for disposing of house sewerage as described by this ordinance shall be that system commonly known as the s~ptic tank system. Section 4. The number of gallons of sewerage per capita per diem to be used in all calculations Shall be seventy for all hotels, boar~ing houses and commercial buildings; that is, store and office buildings, etc., and shall be fi~ty for al¡ residences, school, buildings and public buildings. Section 5. The 'septic tank shall, according to plans contained in these ordinances, have two tanks or chambers, the first, the fermenting chamber, shall be made large enough to hold, the deposit for two days before emptying into the second or filtering chamber, which shall be made large enough to hold the water from the first chamber for two ~ys before emptying into the main outlet. In cases where s~ptic tanks are used for hotels and places where the use is extensive, the second chamber shall be made large enough to hold w~ter thÐee days before emptying to outlet. Section 6. The tanks shall be reade air tight. The .. water line a{ the two tanks shall be not less than six inches from the top of such tanks. The inlet pipe shall enter from .. above the water line, and shall extend approximately one- third of the distance from tbe water line to bottom of the tank, and shall be of tile pipe, six inches in diameter; the siphon arm taking water from first to second chamber, shall extend downward into the first chamber approximately three- fourths of the distance from water line to bottom of tank; the other end of said siphon extending into the second chamber shall empty into a cypress trough that has been closed at both ends (th~s for the purpose of evenly distributing the water over the filter bed.) Section 7. The filter bed in the filter chamber shall be constructed as follows: Sections of PÐ~S tile are to be laid at the bottom of the chamber; these are to be covered with a layer of broken stone, such as would pass through one anù one-half inch ri~g, this layer to extend about one- third of the distance from bottom of chamber to water line. Upon this Œone a layer of sand two or three inches thick shall be placed; then a layer of small broken stone ~uch as would pass through a one-quarter inch ring shall to placed within three inches of the bottom of the trough. Section 8. The effluent water shall pass out of the chamber through a four inch tile pipe, which shall be connected with the porous tile at the bottom of the chamber, and shall pass out at a point level with the water line of the two charr.bers. \~ere a septic tank serves for hotels, boarding houses, schools, etc., the water shall be carried off through a pipe to an open running ditch. Where tanks serve for residences .. th:, water shall be led 011 t for several lengths of porous tile pipe, (the number of sections to be within the disc~etion of the engineer.) Section 9. The concrete to be used shall be of a 1:3:5 mixture; that is, one part of the best Portland cement, three parts of clean, dry take Weir sand (or any other sand of similår grade) and five parts of broken stone; no stone to be :-. [:-;.¡. >:-:·:~:i ~-!.. )~:; over two inches in diameter. Concrete shall be placed in 4 molds fairly wet, and shall be tamped until water appears on the top. The main monolith mass shall be six inches thipk for all sides and bottom, and shall be coated on the inside with a half inch layer of neat cement. The top shall be of reinforced concrete, and a mànhole shall be provided for in top of the first chamber for the purpose of cleaning. The first chamber shall be cleaned out at least once every year at a time when least in use. Section 10. The maximum number of p~rsons who shall occupy such hotel, boarding house, residence, etc., shall be used in the calculation. No tank shall be ,constructed with a ~+ ..., :;i. { capacity for less than four persons. Section 11. T~e City Engineer is delegated the author- ity to issue permits for the construction of any proposed septic tank, if after application and plans for same have been submitted to him, he approves the same. No septic tank shall be construct- ed or put in operation unless a permit is first obtained. The city Engineer shall inspect and approve all work on said tank before same is placed in operation, and for issuing said permit and making said inspection he shall receive from such applicant a fee of $1.00. Section 12. Until such time as septic tanks are required by order of the City Engineer, cess pools may be used; but no cess pool shall be constructed without a permit from the City Engineer, who shall have authority to make regulations governin~ their installation. Section 13. Any person, or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punish- ed by a fine of not le~ than $10.00 and not mo~e than ~lOO.OO . or imprisonment at hard labor for not more than sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. '. r, ~l·. , : ., : 0.":' . ~,(, Chapter 'XVII CITY ENGINEER ... Section 1. There shall be and hereby is created the office of City Engineer fo:r the City of Cle rmont, .t"lorida. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to perform all work of an engineering character for the City, to advise and furnish estimates and informa tion to the Council ;<~: n¡ and to City officials in the official capacity whenever called upon to do so and to perform any and all other duties that the Council may by ordinance confer upon such City Engineer. Section 3. The manner of filling said office shall be as follows: The City Council shall, at the first regular meeting after the annual election in each year, or as soon thereafter as practiçable elect a City Engineer to serve for the ensuing year, or until his successor is elected and qualified. ~, ~~ '.' Section 4. The City Engineer shall appoint competent persons as Plumbing Inspector, and Electrical Inspector; such appointments not to be effective until approved by the City Council, wad the City Council may remove such inspectors at their pleasure. The City Engineer shall provide the compensation of such ~uc~ inspectors, out of the fees collected. Ohapter XVIII. PLlnÆBING CONSTRUCTION. Section I. All plumbing done in the City of Clermont, shall be done under the control of the City Engineer, subject, however, to the Jirections of the Sanitary Committee. Section 2. . It shall be unlawful for any person to make any cut or trench in any highway, street reservation or 4 public space in the City of Clermont, or to disturb or to re- move any public works· or materials therein, or turn, lift or remove, any public works, raise or tamper with any cover of any man-hole, basin, inlet or other appurtenance of any pub- lic sewer without a permit from the City Engineer; this permit must be kept on the work to be exhibited to persons authorized to examine the same. :',. : 4 , , Section 3. No person shall do any act or thing which may impair or obstruct the flow of any pUblic sewer or clog up any appurtance thereof, or place therein any sub - stance, solid or liquid other than the waster products for which said sewers are provided. Section 4. The drainage and ilumbing of all buildings both public or private shall be done in accordance with plans previously approved by the City Engineer, Drawings and complete descriptions of proposed work shall be made on forms furnished at the office of the City Engineer, and shall be filed by the master, employing or journeyman plumber in the office of the City Engineer. Plans must be legibly drawn in ink or copy pencil. One vertical section and one plan being sufficient if they can be made to show all the work. If not, two or more forms shall be used. Section 5. Plans shall show the distance in feet from ij, 1:, the nearest man-hole or intersecting street property line to point at which house sewer is required and the number of lots or parts thereof and the number of the block or square. Section 6. Alterations to existing work must be shown in black lines for the old and red lines for the new work. Plans ~ will be approved or re jected within ten days from the time of filing, and the work' shall not be commenced or proceeded with until said plans have been so filed and approved, and a permit to do the work issued by the City Engineer. Section 7. A permit will be required to do any pl~~mbing of any character, repair any plumbing or change any plumbing, extend or disconnect plumbing or change the ,location of any fixtures except repairs of leaks, the opening up of stoppage and the repairing of broken fixtures. No permit shall be issued to connect any sanitary plumbing, such as toilets, bath tubS, cess pools and the like, to any person except a plumber licensed by the City of Clermont or the State of Florida. soil pipe, and be extended above the natural level or thE~ ground rrom which point the standard cast iron soil pipe may be used, and fittings mu~t in every case be of extra heavy cast iron Section 130 In enclosed buildings, which term includes any buildinG enclosed on two or more sides, or in Which the ground under it is lower than on the outside, the sewer pipes .. Section 12o Where buildings are built on piers and two feet above the ground, and open on three sides, terra cotta pipe may be used ror the house sewer, provided it can be covered with twelve inches of earth at the highest part of the natural level, and does not come within a radius of two feet or any wall, pier, chimney, or ten feet or any well or cisterno Otherwise cast iron soil pipe and fixtures shall be usedo Every building shall have at least one four inch cast iron soil stack extended above the main rooro fixtures 0 sinks, kitchen sinks, urinals, wash trays, wash basins or lavatories, pantry sinks, showers, drinking fountains, floor drains, cuspidòrs, laundry tubs and each section of sectional shall include water closets, bath tubs, catch basins, slop as to comply with the rules and re~llations governing plumbingo Section 10o All ::'lumbing in existence prior to the passage of this ordinance may b,.; connected to the sewer system, after being subjeèted to a testo This test shall be made by the City Engineero ' Section 110 The term fixture used in this ordinance Engineer, who shall order the same placed in such condition o Section 90 No plumbing work or fixtures round to be in unsanitary condition arter having been examined by the plumber shall be replaced but the same shall be reported to the City each sewerage connection and twenty-five cents for each or every fixture roughed in ror, or placed in new, reconstructed, old or additional plumbing 0 ~ Se~tion So Permit shall not be issued by the City Engineer until after the following inspection fees shall have bee~ paid to said City Engineer, to-wit: One Dollar for except as hereinafter provided. Section 14. No person shall connect or cause to be .. connected the drainage system of any building, lot or premises otherwise than with the portion of the public sewer intended for it as shown by t~e records of the Engineering Depart::nent. Section 15. All repairs, including obstructions, .ul to laterals in the streets will be effect~ by the sewer depart- ment and when caused by the negligence of the plumber the cost of the same shall be charged to him. Section 16. The cost of removing all subsequent ob- structions will be charged to the plumber ordering the work done. Section 17~ If a soil stack and fixtures are added to an existin~ plumbing system connected with a public sewer, otherwise than required by Sections 14 and IS, a separate sewer connection shall be provided for the premises in accordance with said section. Section IS. All iron sewers shall have approved clean- outs placed every twenty-five feet and brought above the floor level, or provided wi th doer s in the floor s:o as to give access to same. Such sewers shall be supported on bricks piers, laid in trenches, securely fastened to the walls, or suspended from the floor timbers, by strong iron hangers, as the City Engineer may direct. Section 19. All soil, waste and vent pipes shall be of tar coated cast iron, lead or brass pipes, and no wrought iron œ steel pipes shall be used in any case on the sewer side of t:q.e traps. . Section 20. No soil,· drain, waste, vent or supply .. pipe shall be built into masonry or concrete walls but the same shall have suitable chases, arranged fœ them. Such chases may be lathed and plastered so as to conform to the wall. Section 21. All soil and waste lines must be as direct as possible and shall have the proper fall towards the. sewer. Section 22. Soil, ITaste and vent pipes shall extend at lease one foot above the highest opening in the roof. Section 23. All soil stacks carried to the second floor must be extended full size through the roof. Section 24. Stacks shall be flashed, properly caulked into the stack, all stacks being left open at the tops. Section 25. A brass cleanout shall be placed at the foot of all soil stacks. Section 26. Fittings for soil, drain, waste or vent pipes shall correspond in weight and thickness with the pipe in which they are used, and openincs and changes in diroctions for fixtures shall be made with Y's 1-6 or 1-16, bends, Sanitary TiS crosses, double Yls of one-fourth bends, shall not be used in horizontal lin~s, but the same may be used in vertical lines, provided that at the foot of vertical lines a sweep bend be used. Section 27. All ferrules used in connection with the extra heavy pipe shall be not less than four inches in l~nBth and shall weigh not less than two inches 16 ounces, thvce inches twenty-eight ounces and four· inches forty o~nces, the brass ferrules used in connection with standard pipe sÞ~ll not be ~ess than four inches in length and shall weigh not less than two inches twelve ounces, three inches twenty ounces, four inches thirty ounces. The use of the tapering ferrules is prohibi"ted. Section 28. No connections shall be allowed with cast iron soil pipe except those made with brass ferrules, and lead pipe with wiped joints, and the weight of the lead pipe shall be, for use with extra heavy pipes "e" lead, and for standard pipes "D" lead. Section 29. All joints in cast iron shall be caulked ',lith oakum and lead, with not less than twelve 'ounces of lead per inch diameter to the joint being used. All concealed lead work within a building shall bemade rat proof by covering with galvanized wire cloth well fastened on Traps when allo\red. ... ~ .. Section 30. All lead traps and bonds shall corres- pond in weight per lineal foot with respective weight of "e" and liD" lead pipes. Section 31. Nickel plated brass shall not be any lighter in weight than No. Band S. wire gauge. Section 32. The use of any bell trap, pot or drum trap, bottle trap or any trap having a moving part, or which d~pends upon interior partition for a seal is prohibited. Section 33. All bath tubs shall be provided with drum traps placed not over three feet from the stack. Section 34. No trap shall have less than one and one- half inch water seal. Section 35. Every fixture shall have a separate approved trap placed near the fixture as possible, except wash tubs which may have one trap for a set of three compartments. Section 36. Traps and wash pipes shall not be lass than two inches for urinals, shmvers or, slop sinks, one and one- half inches for bath tubs, sinks, sets, tubs and wash tubg and one and one-fourth inches for wash basins, cuspidors or drinking fountains. Section 37. Means shall'be provided for thoroughly flushing all soil drains, waste pipes, wat~r closets, or urinals and a sufficient amount of water shall be used to maintain such pipes and fixtures a cleanly and s"anitary condition at all times. .. Section 38. Dental cuspidors may be put in by connecting the adjacent traps to a vented waste line and exten- sions made there from and to the connectors plates; provided, however, that said places are not more than twenty-five feet distant along said extension which extensions shall not be less than three-fourths inch in diameter. Section 39. All traps are to be protected from syphonage by a vent pipe of a size not less than the waste pipe except that water closets may be vented ~ith not less than two inch pipe. Three closets may be vented into one four inch pipe; six into four inch vent pipe}. 12 into a four inch vent pipe Four basins may be put in as abovs using a two inch 'waste pipe with a one-half "s" trap to eac!~ basin. Section 41. The waste pipes from any fixture other than water closets may be installed on a combined waste and vent system as follows: A waste stack shall be run from the sewer direct through the roof undiminished in size and as many as two inch branches allowed, the combined area of ~hich do not'exceed double the area of said stack, provided said bramhes are placed so as to use one-half "s" traps and that the waste pipes of said branches do not exceed five feet in length be- tween the ~tack and the seal of the trap, and that not more than one two-inch waste is placed in a tw'o inch stack. One half "s" trap shall be placed so that the lowest point of the branch'shall not be any longer or lower than the bottom of the said trap. Section 42. ~Vhenever practicable, the plumbinß shall be put in on the continuous or wet vent system as follo~s: the vent shall be taken out of the ~aste pipe between the stack and the fixture and as many waste branches, the combined area of which does not exceed the area of said vent, may be connected under the same conditions governing the combined waste and vents; provided that in sinks or urinal waste the revent shall not be less than three ,inches, but may be repuced to two inches after rising above the sink or urinal. Said revents shall then be connected ~ith the stack above all fixtures, or into a separa~e vent or stack, or be carried through the floor separately. .. center to cente~ reventing may be omitted by continuing the waste line full size of or in the form of a loop back to the stack above all fixtures or into a separate vent stack. Section 40. When a line of not more than six closets are in a row and ~ over thirty-six inches apart from IS into a 4 inch vent, pipe; 24 into a 6 inch vent pipe; said vent pipe shall be increased one size on every fifty feet vertica¡ and for every 25 feet horizontal. T.v basins, bath tubs or similar fixtures shall be considered as equal to one closet. .. .. Section 43. Each vent pipe shall be connected above the highest fixture into the adjacent soil pipe if distance therefrom be not more than five feet; provided, however, that this regUlation docs not apply to Section 41. Section 44. No vent shall be extended through the roof smaller than two 'inches. No vent line shall be constructed or Bl[<intained \"/hich opens below t:he top of and \.,i thin fifteen feet of a window, but the vent must be extended above the top of the window. Section 45. ìVhere it is impracticable to revent a fixture as in making additions to old works or where a fixture must be placed in a position away from any wall, non-syphoning ,traps may oe used of such make as the City Engineer may approve, said traps to be not over seven feet from main stack. Section 46. Where lead is used for supply pipes or branches, all joints shall be wiped, no bolted joints being allov/ed. Section 47. Application for city water connections '.:i th the city main shall be made on blanks furnished at the office of the City Engineer and shall ShOVI the required lo- cation of the trap stated in feet from the nearest intersect- .. ing street property line, the number of the lot or part thereof and the number of the block. This application sllall be filled by the plur.:ber at the office of the City Engineer. Sectiôn 48. The water service pipe for any build- ing, lot or premises, shall not be laid over or through any other building, lot or ~remises and no person shall connect or cause to be connected any building lot or premises with the water service pipe belongin,3 to or supplying any other huild- ing,. lot or premises, excepting that stables or other outhouses ir- the rear of the building used in connection with the same may be supplied from the same servic,e pipe. Section 49. It shall be unlwWful to connect a power pump direct to a service, pipe or street rru:::.i n f or supplying water to a steam boiler tank or receptilcle in a building, pre- china syphon jet or syphon action wash do¥m. Section 54. Rainwater conductors, when placed uithin the'walls or undor the floor of any enclosed building, shall be of cast iron with caulked joints, or copper pipes with soldered joints and every conductor shall be so arranged as to empty on the streets without any traps in the line in front of the nearest abutting wall of said building. Section 55. Each residence' or tene~ent, and eabh apartment, of every flat or apartment house, shall be supplied ,:ith one water closet, and each school, store, building, facto~J, office building, hotel, romming house, or any other pUblic building, shall be supplied with one water closet for every twenty occupants or fractional part ~hereof. Section 56. Water closets shall be of vitreous ... waste or vent pipes; nor shall any soil ~aste or vent pipes be used as a rainwater conductor. connected with or empty into house sewers, nor used ~s soil, Section 53. Rainwater conductors shall not be the sanitary cOMmittee, which pe~it may at any tiDC b~ revoked, and such connections discontinued and closed upon order of either t~e s~nitary cOL~ittee or the City ~ngineer or both. se~erage pipes of any building for the purpose of receivir.g surface water of a cellar or basement or area" unless a special permit is granted by the City Engineer and cr.air:can of Section 52. No opening shall be a"llowed in the except in case of emergency. water department to use the cock on the inlet side of meters laid a water service pipe parallel to or within 18 inches of any søwer pipe nor across any sewer pipe with any uater ser- vice þipe having a joint within 18 inches of such sewer. Section 51. Hereinafter all s~rvice pipes not now pro'vided with stop and \7~ste cocks shall be so provided and it shall be unlawful for any person, excepting employees of the ~ No person shall lay or cause to be Section 50. mises or establishment, or to maintain such connection. ~' Section 57. The use of enwme¡ed iron water closets with short hopper and trap is prohibited, excepting that they may be used as yard closets, if provided with enam~led roll rim bowl and lift-up seats and are located not less than five (5) feet from any building or pr.operty line. Section 58. No water closet shall be supplied with water until all connections with sewerage disposal have been made. Section 59. No water closet shall be supplied with water except from an independent tawt or cistern for eaCh closet, and the flush pipe shall be not less than one and one- quarter inches in diameter from high tanks and two inches in diameter for low tanks. Section 50. No uater closet shall be supplied with ~ator direct from the City's supply. Section 61. Water closets of the flushameter type may be llsed only when supplied ,by a separate and independent tank, the water of which is used for no other purpose. Section 62. Every water closet shall be used except those of such makes as have the traps above the floor. Section 63. \Vhere earthenware closets are used a brass floor flange of approved make shall be soldered to the lead pipe where it comes through the floor, which brass plate must be scre~ed to the floor, and the said closet securely bolt- ed to the plate with rubber Baskets and putty between. Section 64. Water closets shall not be installed or used where there are no sewers, but connections for same may be put in and sealed up until such time as sewers are pro- vided. . Section 65. In every building, the water closet or urinal department shall have a window not less than four feet square in area arra~ged so as to open the outside air, or into a light shaft with an area of not less than four square feet for ~very water closet or urinal compartment opening into the same. five feet in length between the CQtch basin and the fixture, said waste pipe to be trappedo Section 71. Such waste pipe when connected ~ith the sewer shall be emptied into other fixtures when practical, but in all cases there must be an open air space between the said riTaste pipe and the connection with the sewer, 1;1~ ich connection shall be properly trapped and vented. Section 720 The waste pipe from bar sinks, soda fountains, ice boxes or drinking fountains may b~ emptied into a catch basin or slop sink placed in the floor close to the fixture, provided that the catch basin or slop sink used shall be c£ such make as can be caulked on to the trap and the trap caulked into the sewer, and that no waste pipe is put in over .. Section 700 Waste pipes from refriBor~tors or oth~r recepticals in which provisions or food are stored, shall not be directly conr-ected with the sewer. connected with the house sewers. th~ house 'sewers. Section 690 Sediments, blow-off, or steam exhaust ~ipes from boilers and tank overflow pipes s~all not be Section 680 The waste from safes under water closets, urinals, or other fixtures, shall in no case be connected with ventilated as hereinbefore provided. Section 670 No w&ter closet or urinal department shall be ventilated by any window opening through the wall of the blilding when said wall is built on property line. or urinal apartment is partitioned off from a roo~ for other purposes, the, parti tion shall extend up to the ceiling of the room to be ceiled over, and said partitions must be to all intent and purposes air tight. Said compartment shall be ~ Section 660 In all buildings where the water closet same area as shaft. Said light shaft may be built square, round or rec- tangular, no one dimension 0 f which shall be less than trlenty- four inches, but must have glass top with louvres on sides of / Section 73. ~Vherever it is practicable, the catch basin may be constructed of concrete, as the City Engineer may ;'; irect. ... Section 74. Hereafter the wastes from the floors of buildings used as automobile garages, stores or warehouses, occupied by a person or persons, firms or corporations, engag- ed in the sale or storage of inflammable oils, car barns, carriage houses for the stab: ing or housing of horses, mules or cows shall empty into catch basins, constructed so as to intercept gasoline, oil or sand before entering the house sewer; said catch basin to be of a form of const~lction approved by Sanitary Committee and the City Engineer and to be subject at all times to inspection or condemnation by the Sanitary Committee or tbe City Engineer or both. Section 75. Where it is impracticable to conncct any sewer, .the waste shall be conducted into a septic tank built on the lot according to specifications which will be furnished by the ~anitary Committee. Section 76. Hereafter, where drinking fountains are put in, or where they have already been put in for public use, they shall be arranged so as to be of an approved bubbling cup type. .. Section 77. It shall be the duty of allplumbers to construct and complete all work entruste~ to their care without unreasonable delay and \nth all possible speed. Section 78. Where work is ordered done by the City Engin3er and ~anitary Committee and the plumber fails to do the work within a reasonable time by his own neglect or by reason o~ the request of the party for whom he is to do the work, he shall forfeit h~ license for the period of one year, and the "said license shall be revoked by the Sanitary Committee. Section 79. Any journeyman plumber, viõlating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall forfeit his license for a period of one year, which license shall be revoked by the Sanitury Committee. by the engineer a smoke or peppermint test shall be applied to the work by the plumber. " have: excaped the no tice of the engineer a;nd when deÐmed necesRa:ry .. plumber of his responsibility for any defective work which may work a notice, the same as the foregoj,ng shall be given the engineer for a final inspection, and if he finds the work has been satisfactorily done he shall issue ~ certificate of a)prova¡ upon the request of the plumber or owner. Section 85,. This certifica te does not relieve the Section 83. Notices to inspect work must be given into the office, for morning inspections, before 5 o'clock, P. ~. the preceeding day; and for afternoon inspections, before I o'clock P. M. the same d~y. Section 84. After the entire completion of the :ingineer. ground to roof level. Section 82. In large and complicated jobs the work may be tested in sections on the approval of the C;ty system of plumbing with water from a point three feet outside the building to the roof level, except where terra-cotta sewer is allowed, the test shall be from a point twelve inches under City Engineer uill notify the plumber in charge of said ~ork, when he will inspect the same and the plumber shall test the work in the presence of the City Ene;ineer by filling the whole spuds are in place to receive the fixtures, notice in writing properly filled in upon blanks furnished at the office of the engineering department, stating the loc~tion of the uork, ~ the name of the ormer, the name of the master f'dF' employing plumber having the permit and the name of the plumber doing the work shall be given to the City Engineer' at the office of the City Engineer at the office of t~e engineering department. Section 81. As soon as practicable thereaft3r, the ~ advanced for testing and all necessary lead connections or Section 80. Where a:ny plumbing work is sufficiently Section 86. All work shall be cone in a workmanlike manner and to the entire satisfaction of the City Engineer. .. Section 87. After any work has been inspected by tho City ingineer and he finds tba tit has b'.:.:en done according to the prescribed rules, he shall place thereon wbi te sticker seals showing the work h~,s been "Inspected" and passed and no person shall cover up or conceal any plumbing work which does not bear said "inspected" seals. Section 88. If the work is not properly done the Inspector "lill place thereon red "Condemned" seals. Section 89. No OVIIl,:r or agent shall allow any new rnlilding in the sewer district to be occupied by any person, nor shall the water be turned on at the water department until after the plumbing in said bu.ilding shall have been approved by the 'City Engineer. Section 90. Any person violating any of the pro- visions contained in this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than ~?25.00 and not more than Ÿ300.00 or ÞJ impriso~ment in the City jail not exceeding nine ty day s . Chapter XIX. ELECTRIC ~"JIRIN{J ".h.o~ .:.,. t~'",-r~ ..... section I. All electric construction and all material and appliances used in connection with the work and operation of electrical apparatus in the City of Clermont, ~lorida, shall be in cOl~ormity wit~ the rules and regulations set dO~1Il in wha t is knoVlm as the "National Board of Fire Under-writers for the installation of Electl'ic Wiring am Apparatus," as the same are now established, or may hereafter be established, from time to time, and the said rules and regulations are he~eby adopted and approved. .. Section 2. No person shall engage in or carryon the business of electrical construction or wiring within the City of Clermont, j;1'lar ida, until such person shall have obtained from · the Tax C~llector of the City of Glermont, a license to carry on such business, and before obtaining such license the party applying therefor shall pay a fee of twenty-five dollars to- gether with the Tax Collector's fee of twenty-five cents, for issuing such a license and shall take and subscribe to the following oatJ;l, "I, do solenmly swear that I \rlll faithfully discharge my duties in connection with the electrical construction and wiring in'the City of Clermont, Florida, that I will not perform any work within the City of vlermont for which permit has not been obtained; that all work done and performed by me or under my direction will be done in the manner prescribed by the ordinance of the City of Clermont, .J:t'lorida, and submitted to inspection by the City Engineer as provided by the ordinance of said City." The Tax Uollector shall cause such oath, after being subscribed and sworn to to be filed 'in the office of the City Clerk, and any such license so issued may be revoked by the City Council for violation by the holder thereof of any of the provisions of the Ordinance of the City of Clermont, ~lorida, and shall be issued for the term of twelve months from the date of issuance unless revoked at an earlier da te by action of th e City Council; licenses to tax payers may be had for One Dollar plus the Clerk's fee of Twenty-five cents. Section 3. Before any electrical wiring or a,p~ratus shall be installed a permit shall be obtained from the City ~ngineer who shall ba satisfied that the plans and specifications for such electrical \7iring or apparatus correspond to the rules and reßulations specified in th~s ordinance and no permit shall be granted to any person for any electrical wiring or the installation of any electrical apparatus who has not obtained a license to do such work under the provisions of this ordinance. The City Engineer shull ch~rge and collect a fee of .J:t'ifty Cents for each of the permits. Section 4. No electrical work or wiring shall be enclosed lmtil the same shall have been approved after inspection by the City ~ngineer or an assist~nt of the City Enßineer. .. Section 1. The municipal water works pla.'11.t of the City of Clermont shall be under the supervision of the City ;:later Connnittee of the City Council. The City Council shall employ some suitable person as supe~intendent of the water 1.'lorks at such salary as nlaJT be deter::nined by tne City Council. .... 6Ft:: ;> ~. Chapter XX WAT:¿R ~,VORIŒ Charges according to above schedule and $2.50 for d:;rnamo. Section 7. Any person violating any of the ~ro- visions of the ordinance Shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not less than $10.00 and not more than ~100.00 /' or by impriso~~ent not to exceed sixty days. Starter boxes each -------------- 1.00 Motors each --------------------- 1.50 I to 3 lights -------------------$ 0.50 4 to 10 lights ------------------ .75 II to 20 lights ----------------- 1.00 21 lights and over -------------- 1.75 Fixtures 10¡ outlets and over - --,-- ---- --- 10.00 51 to lOa outlets --~------------ 6.00 collect for his services the following fees: I to 3 outlets ------------------80.50 4 to 10 outlets ----------------- 1.00 10 to 15 outlets ---------------- 1.50 16 to 24 outlets ---------------- 2.CO 25 to 50 outlets ---------------- 4.(D . electric plant shall be made to any electric wirinß or appar- atus until the same shall be inspected and approved by the City Engincer or his assistant. Section 6. T!1e City bnginoer shall charge and Section 5. No connection wit~ the municipal · Section 20 The following rates shall be charged consumers of water until furt~er orde~s of the City, Council; Minimum char3e ait~out meter, per month, $2000. ~inimum char3e for 4500 gallons or less, per month $1050; Over 4500 gallons and not"over 10,000 Gallons, 25 cen ts for each addi tional thousand r;allons; Over 10,OOO ~allonsand not over 25,000 g&llons, 20 cents 'for eac}: additional thousand gallons; Over 25,000 gallons, 15 cents for each additional thousand gallons. Section 30 The City s~all require a deposit of $lOoCO on each standard ·water meter installed, and on meters larger than those in ordinary use a larger deposit will be required, the superintendent of water works to fix the amount of deposit. All meters shall remain the property of the City, and the rr.eter deposits shall be kept separate from oth~r City funds and shall be credited to the persons depositinß same, and held as a credit to eact depositor. Upon the discontinuance of the use of any meter, the City will, if all ~ater bills are paid, refund to the party making such :m.eter deposit the ~ount of such deposit, without interest. But the current wator bills shall not be allowed to accumulate against such deposits and the water shall be turned off promptly if the bills are not paid as hereinafter provided. Upon the discontinuance of water service to a consumar, the City shall deduct from the deposit any amounts due the City on unpaid water bills, and the w~ter shall not be turned on until the deposit has been made up to the amount required. Section 4. All bills for uatcr service must be paid by the tenth da.y of the month following the supplying of the uat~r, and the City shall have the right to discontinue water services for failure .to pay the bills therefor on or before the tenth day of the month, and where water is discontinued for the non-pay:m.ent of the bills, a fae of One Dollar in addition to ... Section 7. The City will make connection from any s.treet water m...dn to any lot upon application provided the distance fror.1 the ~I_ain to such lot does not exceed 100 feet. If the applicant for such service owns property situated4more than lOa feet from any water main, to obtain City wat0r service, the applicant must pay for ßuch connection in excess of said distance, but in no case shall the City be comp011ed to install water service in excess of lOa feet from its main, the matter being left to the discretion of the ~ater COLmdttee of the City Council. In such cases the City may refund to such applicant the cost of the necessary pipe in excess of said distance by supplying water free of charge until the amount of water consumed, if charged on the basis hereinbefore fixed, shall equal such cost. Section 8. All ormers of real estate situated within t~e corporate limits of the City of Ulermont shall be held res= ponsible for payment to the City of Clermont for all ~atG~ supplied by said City and 11sed on any real estate situated in the said Uity, VIhether such water supplied is used by such pro- perty owner or their tenent; and the City of Clermont s~all have a lien upon any such property for unpaid water bil'~_s re- maining unpaid for a period of 90 days. Such lien to be sup- erior in dignity to all other liens except for taxes and assess- ments, and such liens may be foreclosed in tho IT.anner provided ... all arrearaßos in bills must be paid bsfore the uater s~!all be turned on again. Section 50 The City sr-all keep on hUld a supply of water meters of st~ndürd constrl1ction and will inst~ll a meter at any point requested where the City's water ~ains are laid on the adjacent street upon tñe payment of an installation fee of ~5.00 and the deposit of wlOoOO above mentioned. Section 60 The City may, at any time, discontinue the furnishing uf water to any person who refuses to have a meter installed, aftor the superintendent of water works has notified such person to install SllCh meter. Such notice shall allow the property OYlner thirty days in which to install a ~etero ~ .. by law for the foreclosure of liens for labor and material. Section 9. It shall be unlawful for any person to turn on the water from any of the City's pipes or mains, to any premises, lots or other property without the written per- mission of the superintendent of water works; it shall be un- lawful for any person, after the water has been cut off from his or her premises for non-payment of water bill to turn suCh ~at9r back on; and any person convicted of the violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10.00 and not more than ~50.00 or, by imprisonment for not more than 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Mayor. Section lOt If shall be unlawful for any person to cu~, mutilate, destroy or tamper with any of t~e water pipes, mains, meters or other property of the Water' Uepartment of the City of ~lermont; it shall be unlawful for any person to take any water from any water faucet or other opening in a water pipe or main except it be uith the consent of the owner of the property; it shall be unlawful for any person to waste or allow to run constantly water from any water pipe or Tr',ain fJ of the City. Any person convicted of the violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10.00 ~d not more than $50.00 or by imprison- ment for not more ,than 30 days or by both such fine and imprison- ment at the discretion of the Mayor. Chapter XXI. STORAG~ OF GASOLI1~ Section 1..- No person, firm or co rporat ion or any employee, representative, agant or officer of any person, firm or ,corporation, shall hereafter store any gasoline within the City limits of the City of Clermont, except as hereinafter pro- vided. 41' .. Section 2. No gasoline shall be stored in the fire limits except as follows:--Not over one ga lIon may be kept in- side of any buildinB in a m€tal can or container; not over five gallons may be kept outside of any building in a metal (For location of Gasoline pumps see ~ection 9 of Chapter Twenty-four.) ", ordinance. Section 7. It shall be the duty of the Marshal and lnspector to inspect all premises within the city limits once each thirty days and vmerever he finds gasoline not stored in accordance with the prov~sions of this section, to notify the ovmer or occupants as to the manner in which gasoline ~ust be stored and require strict cmmpliance ~ith the terms of this .. ab~tement of other nuisances. for the purpose of ~toring gasoline shall be deemed a nuisance and shall be abated in the manner and form provided for the ~ection 6. Any tank or container which is not constructed according to the requirements of this ordinance at the discretion of the Mayor. of gasoline shall be installed, constructed or erected within the City limits until the plans and specifications therefor shall have been submitted to and approved by the Fire and Building Committee and a permit therefor issued in the ~anner and form required for other blildings. Section 5. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not less than $5.00 and not more than ~25.00 or not more than ten days in the City jail at hard labor, or both such fine and imprisonment Section 4. No taru{ or container for the storage Section 3. No gasoline of greater agsregate quantity than fifty ßallons Shall be stored in any part of the City Limits except in specially constructed and permanent tanks or containers, which said tanks or containers shall be approvsd ~ by the Fire and Building Conwittee and shal1\be located in less distance'than thirty feet of any dwelling. eastern Underwriters Association. ... container; all amounts in oxcess of five gallons shall be stored in underground tanks or containers, which said tanks or containers shall be approved by the Fire and Building Co:,:mi ttee and shall be in accordance with the requirements of the South- .. Chapter XXII. ' HOU SE NUliBERS Section I. All houses within the corporate limits of the City of Clermont are he~eby required to be numbered, and to have legible numerals, not less than two inches high, so placed on or over the front doors of such houses as to be readily seen. Section 2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to assign to each hous a designated number, and it shall be unlawful for any property owner or occupant to place or cause to be placed on any house any number other than that designated by the City Engineer. Section 3. The City Engineer shall begin with streets running East and West at the "JVestern boundary of the City, or as near thereto as is practical, and shall assign the even numbers to the North mde of such streets, and the odd numbers to the ~outh side, and each block shall have assigned thereto fifty numbers on each side, so that houses on the South side of the first street numbered shall have numbers from 1 to 99 (odd num~ers only) and the North side numbers 2 to 100 (even numbers only); and in the next block the numbers shall run from 101 to 200, and so on indefinitely, jumping to the next hundred for each block; and upop completion of the numbering of the streets running East and West, the City Engineer shall bcgin at the Northern boundary of the City and in like manner number the streets running North and South, using the same method; and shall thereafter number any other streets than those running as herein mentioned. The City Engineer shall first make out and submit a plan of numbering to the Street Committee of the City Council, and receive the approval of such committee before assignming any nwnbers. .. Section I. All persons ovming dogs are required to obtain from the City Tax Collector a dog license, which shall be issued for a fee of One Dollar, and Clerk's fee of twenty-five cents. A ffietal disc, with a number corrosponding to a number on license shall be given out with each license, . and such disc shall at all times be kept attached to the dog's collar. The license shall be as other licenses, rurl¡~inB from .... notice given by the City Engineer; provided, r'owever, t hat the City of lJlermont will furnish such num1:ers as nay be necessary at a price of twenty-five cents for each house, to ~e paid by the property owner OJ' occupant; property o\'mers are not required to use the numbers furnished by the City, but may furnish t,;eir ovm numbers provided they are of size provided by this ordinance. Section 5. Any person who shall fail to provide and place the numbers as designated by the City Engineer \rlthin thirty days after receipt of such notice, shall upon conviction in the Mayor's Court be punished by a fine of nŒ less than Five Dollars nor more than Twenty-five Dollars. Section 6. Any person who shall place or erect or cause to be placed or erected on any house in the City of Clermont any number Or numbers other than those assigned thereto by the City Engineer, shall upo,n conviction in the Mayor's Court be punished by a fine of not more than Fifty Dollars, and the improper numbers: shall be removed by the City lilarshal. Chapter XXIII DOGS Section 4. The City Engineer shall notify the pro- perty owner or occupant of a:ny house to which a number is ~ssigned of the number assigned to the particular house, and it shall be the duty of such o\vner of occupant to provide ,metallic numerals, not less than two inches high, and place such numbers in a conspicuous place on or over the door of such house which is nearest to the street upon which the number is assiGned; and such property owner or occupant shall provide and place such nwnbers wi thin thirty days from:!b.e .... ... October lst to September 30th following. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Marshal or any other police officer of the City to catch and impOlmd any dog or other animal of the canine species found running at large in the City vdthout a liccnse tag. Such dpg or other animLd shall be impounded for the period of 24 hour s . If the owner of such dog shall call for such dog during such time and produce proof of such ownership and pay to the Marshal the sum of $1.00 as impounding fee, and purchase a dog license, such dog shall be delivered to fu.e ovmer. Otherwise, such dog or animal shall be killed by the Marshal or 0 ther police officer. . There shall be provided a net or mesh for the catc-,'- ing of such dog or animal. Section 3. Any person who shall interfere with any police officer o~ Marshal in the exercise of his duties under the provisions of this ordinance shall be f¡ned not more than $50.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail nOD more than 60 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Chapter XXIV STREETS AND S IDE',VALK:$ Section I. Any person who shall throw or deposit any decayed fruit, 'waste paper, shavipgs, offal, dirt, or trash of any xind on any street or sidewalk of the City shall be punished by a fine not less than ~5.00 and not more than ~~25.00, or by imprisonment not exce~ding ten days or both, at the discretion of the Mayor. Section 2. No Pßrson, or persons shall cause to bc placed, or' place or allow to remain in front of his or their premises any merchandise, gocds or show cases, barrels, wagons, carts, signs, adv~rtisements, or·articles of any description, on any sidewalk or street uithin the limits of the City, except by permission of the Uayor. Section 3. No pa~son or persons shall place or deposit or cause to be placed, or depositäd, any building mater- ials on any' sidewalk, or in any st-reot of the City, unless such construction, and requiring such owner to make the repairs or cons truction ordered by the Councilo Such notice shall be sidewalks, and the Council shall act upon such reco~~endation and order the construction or repairs or both, as ma~ bc ro- cor..mended; and the City Clerk shall notify the OrTnez> or agent of the O\VDer of the property affected, ~ving ten days'notice , in the case of repairs and thirty days' notice in the case of ... it necessary t"at a sidewalk be constructed in front of un:~r property, or adjacent to any property; or .~,enever the ~treet Committee shall deem it necessary tha t any sidewalk be repaired, the Street Committee shall make recommendations to the City Council for the Bonst~uction or repair of suCh sidewalk or is lcss than seven feet clear of the sidewalk; awning or veranda posts shall j~ placed on ª lin~ ~ith the outer 0ège of the sidewalk, the rridth of such sidewalk being as provided by ordinance. Any person or persons vi olating any of the pro·· visions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not exceeding $20000 or imprisoned not exceeding twenty dayso Section 50 Whenever the Street Committee shall deem o s~all be, upon conviction, fined not less than ~5.00 and not more than $25.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding twenty days. Section 4. No person sh&ll hang or allo~ to ~em~in. across any sidewalk or street in this Town~ any sign or banner that projects beyond the outer edge of tbs sidewalk, or ~hich violating the provisions of this or the preceding section, between the hOlæs of sunset and sunrise. Any person or persons persons in charße of such erection, or repair work shall be re- quired to keep a li"c;hted lantern at each end of any obstruction materials are fœ use in buildin2s in course of erection or repair, located uithin the Ëmediate vicinity. For the deposit of such materials not more than one-half of the uidth of the , street in front of such buildings shall bc·occupied. After the completion of the roof and the exterior of such building, all building materials then remaining shall be removed from the street and sidewalk as far as practicable. Any person, o~ ... .. served by the Marshal, if the owner reside in or be found in the' Ci ty of Clermont, and if the o\'mer cannot be fOl.l!ld, or does not reside in the City, the notice shall be sent by registered mail to the last known place of address of such owner. In the event the o',"mer does not have tbe repairs or construction per- formed within the time provided, the City shall perform tho repairs or construction, and the cost of same shall be a lien ag&inst the property superior to all liens accruing there- after, and may be enfórced in the same manner as are liens for labor and. IDa tcrials furnished; if the Council shall so direct, the cost of such labor and construction shall be paid in three annual installments, \rlth interest at t~e rate of eight per cent per annum. Any person who shall refuse, after having notice served, to repair or construct any sidewall{, shall upon oonviction be punished by & fine of not less than $IO.OO and not more than One Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment for not mor e than thirty days or by "00 tho Authority is hereby delegated to the street Corr~ittee to make rules and regulations for the construction of sidewalks, and tþß same shall be constructed under the supervision of the City Engineer, who shall recêtve an inspec- tion fee of One Dollar for each 100 feet or fraction of sidewalk constructed, tl1e samè to be added to the cost of cons- truction and paid by property owner. seètion 6. No huckster, peddler, stòrekeeper, mer- chant or other person shall useor occupy any portion of any public square, park, street or side~~ll{ for the purpœe of selling or offering for sale any goods, wares or merchandise. Any person violating any of the provisions of this sec~ion shall, upon conviction, be f!ncd not exceedinß ~20.00 or impri- soned not excecdine; twenty days for each offense. Section 7. All s~..'eets, pavoments &nd sidewalks shall bf.:; kept c lean, free from rubbish and 1!7eeds, and in goo d repa.ir by the several land o\!ners and the occupants of premises arnltting thereon. Should any such streets, pavement or side- .. shall also be unlawful to erect or cause to be erected any building, shed or structure which projects over or across the built,' any gasoline pump, tank or other similar device, in such manner as to cause any part of same to encroach upon, ove:? or under any street avenue or alley in the City of Clermont; it ... Section 9. It shall be unlawful for any person, firD or corporation to erect or rnlild, or cause to be erected or than twelve inches below the surface of the ground. Any water mains and pipes now laid in said streets at a depth less than required as aforesaid, shall be relaid by the person, or persons, ovming or controlling the same, when notified to do so by the City ""ouncil. Any person, firm or corporation vj.o- lating this section shall be fined not more than $15.00 and any main or pipe placed, or allowed to remain in violation hereof, may be removed 'or so relaid as to co¡]f'orm hereto, in the discretion of the I.i~yor, at the expense of the ov;ner thereof. streots of the City of Clermont, shall be pl~ced not less than eighteen inches below the surface of the ground, and other ~ater pipes placed in tho said streets shall be laid not less removed at the expcnse of the abutting owner. Section S. All water mains hereafter laid in the Mayor, and such r~pairs shall be made, or such obstructions said timc, he shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not lett than $10000 and not exceedinß ~25.00 or by imprisonment not exceoding thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the refuse to make such rcpairs, or remove such obstructions within obstructed by trash or weeds, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to give notice thereof to said o~ner, or occupant, or the recognized agent of either, requirinG such o~ner or occupant, as the case may be, to repair the same, and to remove any and all obstructions thereon, within ter. days of receipt of such notice; and should any such owner or occupant ~ health, or reasonable ~vonvenience of citizens, or beco~e walk become in any manner dangerous or detrimcntal to the .. sidewalk into the street; it shall also be unlawful to erect or cause to be erected any device for the discrarging of gasoline into vehicles ,~ile such vehicles are stationed upon any street, avenue or alley in the City of Clermont. All persons hereafter erecting or causing to be erect- ed gasoline ~xmps, filling stations and similar devices shall be and are hereby required to locate such dcvices cntirely ~ithin the property lines, and, no part of same shall project upon, over, under or across any sidewalk' or street. Nothing in this ordinance shall affect any gasoline filling station or device which at the time of tho passage of this ordinance is already in operation. Any person ~onvicted in the Mayor's Court of the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fins of not less than Ons Hundred Dollars, nor more than Five Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonrnent in the common jail of the vity for not less than ten days nor IT.ore than sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the dis- cretion of the Mayor. . Chapter XXV. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, to carry or haul, over, or upon the streets of the City of Clermont' any unreasonable weights, or to propel, or haul any vehicle with an unusllal number of horses or other animals. Any vehicle so loaded as to break through, ,cut or damage the clayed or paved streets of said City, shall be deemed to be of unreasonable weißht¡ any person Convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be fined, not less than ~?25.00 and not ,more than ~2:0.00 or imprisoned not more than sixty days. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to propel, operate or move, or cmlse to be propelled,' operated Or moved over the streets of the City of Clermont, Florida, which are surfaced ~ith cement, crushed stone, slag, lines have becn painted on the street ßurface, shall rest with both right hahd wheels (front and rear) parallel to and within but when pas~ng ano~her vehicle from the rear shall pass to the left of such vehicle; any vehicle resting, stopping or remaining still in any street, except where diagonal parking . Section 6. All persons riding upon or driving any vehicle upon any of the streets or avenues of the City of Clermont, ~·lorida, shall travel on the right hand side of the street; all vehicles meeting on any of the streets of the Ci~J of Clermont, ~'lorida, shall pass by each turning to its right, .. " visions of either of the foregoing sections shall, upon con- viction, be punished by a fine of not less than ~25000 and not more than ~p200eOO or by imprisonment in the City jail for a period of not more than ninety dayso '" Section 5. Any person violating any of the pro- such streets. such load, object, or collection of objects is such as to injure the surface of said streets, or any object, regardless of weight, ,~ich will cut or otherwise injure the surface of hardsurfacing I~aterial, any object, collection of objects or load of more than two tons in weight or the nature of which Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to move, haul ~r propel over the streets of Clermont which are surfaced with cement, crushed stone, slag or any equipped. matcrial, an'~r aut.omoble, motorcycl..e, bicycle or other wheel ~~~:~for use of rubber tires when ID1Ch wheels are not so Soction 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to oper~te over and upon the streets of Clermont which are surfaced with coment, crushed stone, slag or any hardsurfacing faces. .. or any hardsurfacing material, any machine, rig, vehicle, implement, engine or other device or devices which ~ill ex- pose to the surface æ said streets any roughened, corrugated, flanged ribbed or other ~neven surface; provided that this shall not apply to rubber tires with uneven or roµghened sur- .. six inches of the curb, and no motor driven vehicle shall at any time or place be run backward on any street except when and where necessary to place the same in proper position for parking. No truck shall park on either of the following streets, to-wit: Montrose ~treet from ~eventh to Eighth streets; ~ighth street from i'.1ontrose ötreet to Minneola Avenue, for any other purpose than the iIT~ediate loading or unloading of such truck. Section 7. From and after the passage of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle, car or other object within ten feet on either side of Bnyfire plug on any of the streets of the City of Clermont, Florida. Section 8. Any person violating any of the pro- visions of Sections 7 and 6, shall, upon conviction be pun- ished by a fine of not less than $5.00 and not more than $IOO.OO or by imprisonme~t in the City Jail for not more than Sixty days. Section 9. Every automobile or other motor driven vehicle operated or driven upon any of the streets, alleys, roads or other public driveways or roads vdthin the corporate li~its of the 0ity of vlermont, Florida, shall be equipped rrith adequate brakes in good working order and sufficient to control such vehicle at all times When the same is in llse, and an adequate horn or other device for signaling, sufficient under all conditions to give timely warning of the approach of the motor vehicle, and shall, during the period of one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise display two lighted lamps on the front and one on the rear of such vehicle. The light of the front lights shall be visible at least two hundred feet in the-direction in which tho motor vehicle is proceeding and shall be provided ITith dimmers, efficient in protecting the drive~of a vehicle traveling in an opposite direction and such dimmers shall be used at all times in passing an'bther vehicle when lights are required or necessary on such motor vehicles. Every person operating or driving .. warning device on such vehicle in such manner as to give warnin~ or notice of the approach and shall lower the speed u of such vehicle to such an extend as will place the vehicle under positive ani qµick control. Section 10.. Every motor driven vehicle shall be equ1~ped with an exhaust muffler and no cut-out or other ex- haust release shall be used when the vehicle is on any of the streets, alleys, roads or other public driveways within the corporate limits of said City. Section II. No motor vehicle shall be operated at a higher rate of speed than twenty-five miles per hour at any place in the City; and no motor vehicle shall be operato- ed within that part of the City known as the "business district" at a greater rate of speed than fifteen miles per hour. Section 12. Any person violating any of the pro- visions of Section 9, Section 10 or Section II shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than 1:5.00 and not more than ~no.o.oo or by imprisonment in the City Jail at hard labor for a period ç£ not more than Sixty days. Section 13. The Ma~shal shall have full control over the movement of traffic in congested areas, and, all drivers shall obey without question t~e orders of the Marshal cr any special policeman; the marshal shall paint diagonal parking lines on.. the pavement on those streets where diagonal parking is expedient; he shall have authority to divert traffic, to close temporarily a street or avenue, to designate parking places, and to require the removal of any vehicle which in his judgment is obstructing traffic. Any person who shall in~ terfere with the marshal in his duties as traffic officer or shall refuse to obey the orders of the Marhhal or ~p0cial Policer;.an, shall be deemed guilty of obstrncting an officer in the discharge of his duties, and upon conviction shall ~le punished by a fine of not less than ~5.00 ~d not more than .... ~ any motor vehicle in the said City of Vlermont, shall, upon approaching any curve or turn in any street where the view is obstructed by any object, sound the horn or other $IOOoOO or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Mayor. .. Section 14o No person shall obstruct or interfere ~ith the vehicles of the fire department travelling towards a fire; aP.d when the alarm for the fire vehicles is sounded it shall be the duty of all drivers of vehicles to draw up to the curb and remain until the fire trucks have passed; and no vehicle sl~ll follow closer than 500 feet to any fire trucko No vehicle shall approach closer than 5LC feet to the scene of a fire, until the fire t~lcks have .left. Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars nor more than Fifty Dollars, or by imprisonment for no t mor e than Ten days 0 Section 15o The Ci~ Marshal shall cause to be erected "stop" signs at important street intersections, ani it shall bc unlawful to drive into any street intørsection where a "Stop" sign is located without Ì:aving stopped within 50 feet of such intersection; any person convicted of over- running a "stop" sign shall be fined no t less than $loOO and not more than ~pIOoOO or imprisoned not more than three days, or both, at'the discretion of the mayoro Section 160 The following acts by drivers of motor vehicles are prohibited: A. Turning around on streets at any ;¡lace other that ~treet intersection. Bo Turning to opposite direction at a ~treet inter- section where the same is prohibited by sign painted on street surface, or other visible sign. Co Parking on travelled part of street not lighted by white way lights, ~ithout leaving li8hts burning on caro D. Operating motor vehicle ~ith cut out open. E. Operating motor vehicle with less than required number of lightso F. Operating motor vehicle without license or ti tIe certificate requi red by the la'ws of the Stc..te of Floridao . Chapt er XXVI CRII.ŒS AND Pl',~JALTIES. Section I. Any person who,s:"',all be guilty of discharginß firearms within the corporate li~its of the City except for the protection of person or property, unless author- ized or permitted so to do by the Mayor, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 and not more than $25.00 for each offcnse or by imprisonment at hard labor for not more than twenty days or both such fine and imprisonment. Section 2. ìVhoever sets fire t'J or throws, or causes to be set fire to or throw any rocket, squib, roman car;,dle, serpent, or any other explosive, or. fireworks liable to set fire to buildings within the corporate limits of the City, except at such ~laces as may be designated by the iiayor, shall be pl.1.r..i..shed upon conviction by a fine of not less than :)5.00 anè. not more than ~?20.00 or by imprisonL1ent at hard labor not exceeding ten days or by both such fine and impriso~ent. ... I. Driving motor vehicle on lavnîs, PQrl~iays or shri:tbbery of another. J. Driving motor vehicle out of side street on to main travelled street at greator rate of speed tb,an 10 miles:per hour. K. Any reckless or careless driving of a motor vehicle IThich endangers the lives or property of another. Any person convicted of violation of any of tt-e provisions of this section s hall be fined not less than $5.00 and not more than $ICO.OÖ, or iñ:rprisoned not I:;.ore than thirty dc..ys or both, a t the discretion of the l¡ayor. ~ driveway. G. Operating motor vehicle of anoth·· r wi thout the owner's consent. H. Parkinß motor vehicle in private driveway of another without consent of owner or person in charge of such .. Section 30 No pe~son shall sell or keep, or expose for sale within the City limits of the City of Clermont, any toy pistol or toy designed and intended for the purpose of exploding any ex~losive, detonating or ~llmir-atinß ~aterial, \7het:her such toy shall be of the shape or kind corr..nlonly known as toy pistols or ot~£rITise. S~ction 40 No person shall discharge or explode within the Vity limits of the City of Clermont any such toys mentioned in the preceeding Section, and shall be punished upon conviction, by a fine of not less than ~5000 and not not exceeding ~50~00 or by imprisonment at hard labor not exce-,ding thirty days, or both such fine and imprisonment 0 ~oction 50 ~Vhoever overdrivos, overloads, drives when overloaded, overworks, tortures, torments, deprives of necessary sustcnance, or cr':!olly or unmercifully beats, whips or abuses any animal, or procures same to be done; and ~Doever having custody or charge of any animcl either as owner or otherwise, inflicts unnecessary cr~elty upon it, or rides, dri ves or works it \men sick or unfi t for Vlork or fails to provide with proper food, drink, shelter or protection from the weather, sh~ll be ~lnished by a fine of not less than f,¡i5000 and not exceeding, $50oC C or by imprisonment at hard labor ,not oxceeding thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonmsnto Section 60 It shall be the duty of tho Marshal to see that Section 5 is enforced in all cases of violation coming under hi s pe rs onal notice, and in such cases he shall arrest ~he offenders either '.t'lith or wi thou t a warren to . Se~tion 70 It shall be unlawful for any person to kill, injure or attempt to kill or injure, or to chase or molest in any manner, ony squirrel or vlild bird, or any pet animal or bird in the City of Clermont 0 Any person violating any of the provisions of ~is section sr~ll upon conviction, be pun- ished òy a fine of not less than one dollar, and not more thnn one day, and not more t~an twenty-five days or both such fine and imprisonment; provided, however, that the privileges of Section 10. It shall ,be the duty of every hotel, tavern or innk~eper, and the keeper of any billiard or pool table, and every other person or person~, ~::eeping a putlic house, to prevent the persons who may resort to their houses, from disturbing their neighbors, ei ther in ,tho day or in the night time, b:," leud cr,ies, carousals, songs or other neises, calculatèd or having the effect to interrupt the tranquility, peace and quieti tude of the' neighborhood, and any such pe~son who shall allow or permit such disorder to be committed on his, her or their premises, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 and not more than ~50.00 or by imprisonment at hard labor, for not more than sixty days or both such fine and L'prisonment. ... shall be ~lnished by a fine of not loss than $1.00 and not more than $IO.OO or by imprisonment at hard labor, for not more than ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonnlent. or waste, trash or refuse. Any person violating this section to place, throw or deposit in. or upon any lake, canal or basin, . or upon the banks thereof, or any a¿proach thereto, E.i.I1J obstruction, or any sticks, s tones, paper, cans, bottle, filth, this section shall not apply to pigeons goinß at large, nor to ~nglish sparro\m, nor to night prowling dogs or cats. Section 8. It shall be lUll awful for any person under the age of eighteen to enter, or remain in, or engage in ÐI1Y games in any billiard or pool room n6t l:cpt for privata use in tho City of Clermont, or for the owner, wanager or keeper of such billiard or pool room, not kept for private use as aforesaid to ~ormit any minor under tho age of eishteen ye~s to en4cr, remain in or engage in any g~e therein. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall up'-:n conviction be punished b~T a fine of not less than :';:1.00 or more than ~10.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than ten days. Section 9. It shall be unlawful for any person ~ .- Section II. Any person who shall neglect or refuse to aid in arresting any person, after eing requested to do so by the Mayor, MarShal or any police officer of the City, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ~5.00 and not more than ~p25.00 or imprisonment at hard labor for not more than thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Soction 12. Whoever shall use profane, abusive or indecent lan~lage in a public place within the city limits, shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 and not exceeding ~~25.00 or by imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding twenty days, or l:y both such fino and im- prisonment. Section 13. Any person found guilty of throwing stones, or other missiles, endangering persons or property, within the City limits, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ~1.00 and not exceeding ~25.00 or imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding twenty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 14. ~Vhoever shall be guilty of a breach of the peace, disorderly conduct, drunl:enness or indecent exposure of the person, shall be punished by a fino of not less than ~5.00 and not exceeding ~25.00 or by imprisonme~t , at hard labor not exceeding thirty days or by both. Section 15. No person shall be allowed to hold any public meeting of any character within any rÆ the city parks, or streets without permission of the Mayor first having been obtained. Any person convicted of violating this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 and not over W50.00 or by imprisomilent at hurd labor not ex~eed- ing thirty days. Section 16. ~Vhoever shall, between the hours of ten P. H. and five A. M. rinB bells, yell,halloo, s:bout or make any other malicious and other unnecessary noise that shall disturb the peace and quietude of the night, or break the rest of, or a:.noy the residcnts of the cor;JIllunity, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 ~~d not exceeding .. Section ISo No person or pe~sons shall be allo~ed to l·':~ep, maintain or st'ore powder in quanti ties exceeding twenty- five pounds nor shall any person or persons keep, maintain or store nitroglyc::rine or any compound thereof wi thin the cor- porate limits of the City ,of Clermont. Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5000 and not exceeding wIOOôOO or imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding sixty dayso Bection 190 Any person who shall rob 01"' destroy any bird nests vdthin the corporate limits of the City of Clermont shall, upon convj_ction be punished by a fine of not less than $1000 and not more than $5000 or tuo days imprison- ment at hard labor or both; provided, that robbing or destruction of the nests of English sparrows shall not come within the pro- visions of this sectiono Section 200 Any person, or persons who sÞ~11 carry or handle a ßun, riflc or pistol within the corporate limits of the City 0t: Clermont, whether loaded or not, in a l.oose or careless TI~nner, or otherwise than with the muzzle pointed toward the ground shall be punished by a !ine nd exceeding Ten Dollars, or imprison~ent at hard labor not exceeding ten dayso ~ $25000 or by imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding ten days or both; provided, that this shall not be held to preclude the giving of any alarm, signal or warning of fire or riot at any hour of the nighto Section 17o No person shGlI injure or destroy any fence, gate, buildinß, sißn, seat, tree, shrub or flower within the c~ty parks, or on any public street, or any public property '7ithin the corporate limits, or .....i tch [IDY horse, DUle or other animal to any tree on the public street, or post any signs on the trees or fences along the public streeto Any person vio- lating any of the provisions of this section~ shall be pun- ished by a fine not less than ~5000 and not exceedinß ~25000 or imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding thirty days or botho .... I, / . Section 21. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry what is commonly knovm as a pea-shooter, sling shot, nigger-killer rubber sling or similar contrivance, or with such article or contrivance to shoot or thÐOW any nail, pin, rivet, shot, pea, bean, china-be~ry or any other missile. Any person violating this section shall, upon conviction,' be punished by a fine of not less tha~ ~1.00 and not ~ore than ~25.00 or by imprisonme~t at hard l&bor for not more than thirty days, or both" for each offense. Section 22. T4ut whoever shall carry concealed arms of any kind on or abollt his person or whoever shall have concealed an or about his person, any dirk, pistol, metalic knuckles, sling shot, billie or other weapon, .except a cornrùon pocket knife, shall, upon conviction be punished by imprisonment in the City jail at hard labor for a period of not less than thirty days nor excezding sixty days, or by a fine not less than Twenty-five Dollars nor exceeding Two hundred Dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Provided, tha~ nothing' in this act shall be considered as applying to sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, city marshals or police- men of the City of Clermont, constables or United ~tates Uarshals or their deputies, if within the bounds of their territorial jurisdiction. The carrying of cQncealed weapons is hereby declared a breach of the peace a~d any officer of the City authorized ~o make arrests under the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Clermont and the Laws of the state of Florida is hereby author- ized to make arrest, ~ithout warrant, of persons violating the provisions of this OrdinßDce. Section 23~ It shall be unlawful for any person rrithin the City limits of ClGrmont to board, enter or leave any rail~ay car or locomotive while the same is in motion or cling to or remain 'on any bar, railing, platform or anyout- side fixture of or attachment to', any railway car or loco- motive while the train is in motion, provided, however, that this section shall not apply to persons whose employment require them to be on such car or locomotive. Any person . ..- violating this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than $5000 and not more than $50000 or by imprisonment at hard labor not more than thirty days or botho Section 240 Any cngineer, fireman,or conrnlctor, or~her person who shall have charge or control of any, loco- motive, or train of cars, who shall run the same at a greater ra te of speed than 25 miles per hour wi thin the corpora te limits of the City, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than ~50.00 nor less than ~10000 for each and every offense, or shall be imprisoned at'hard labor not more than thirty days and not less than ten days. Section 250 No locomotive or cars shall be allowed to obstruct any street crossing in the city for a longer time than five minutes; and "any person or persons, having charge of any such locomotive or cars, permitting the same to remain for a greater length of time than above shall be punished by a fine of not less than ~10000 nor more than $90000 for each and every offense or be impr~soned at hard labor for not more than thirty days nor less than ten days 0 Section 260 Every railroad company shall cause the pell on the engine to be rung before crossing any strect in the City of Clermonto No train of any railroad company shall go through any of the traveled streets within the corporate limits of the Gity of Ulermont at a rate of speed greater than fifteen miles per houro Any railroad company, or its agents or employers, who shall neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than ~~5000 nor more than $25000 or by imprisonment not exceedinB thirty days, or botho Section 270 Any pe'('son riding ,or drivi!J,g any horse or other animal on any of the streets of the City in a fast or reckless reanner shall be punished by a fine of not more than $50000 or by impriso~~ent at hard labor not exceeding sixty days for each offense 0 , .. Section 320 Whoever shall in the city set up or keop any gambling dvvice or apparatus of chance at which any game of chance shall b~ played for money or property, or anythinB representing money or property, or who Shall keep a place for or allow gambling of any kind to òe carried on, on or about his premises, shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than $25000 or more than $100000 or by imprisonment for not more than sixty days at hard labor, or by both such fine and imprisonmento ... a gambling table or room or house, booth, tent shelter, or in any place which he may directly or indirectly have charge, control or management of, either exclusively or with others, procures, suffers or ~er.mits any pe~son to ~ for money or anything of v31ue at any game whatever, shall be punished by a fine of not less' than ~25000 and not exceeding ~l00900 or by imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding sixty days or by both such fine anL im~risonmënto aßent, or in any other manner has, keeps, exercises or maintains not more than ten dayso t~ Section 300 Whoever keeps a house of il~or any house or ~Duses in which noisy or riot~us conduct is permitted, shall be p'.mished h.,- a fine of no t less than $10000 and not exceeding ~IOOoOO or by imprisonment at hard labor not exceed- ing sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonmento Section 3lo V{hoever by himself or sergant, clerk or Section 290 Any person who shall leave standing, unhitched in any of the streets of the City of Clermont, any J ' horse, or horses, mule or mules, Shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10000 or by ~prisonment at hard labor for Section 280 No horse, mule or other animal shall be driven, led or ridden or allowed to stand on any of the sidewalks of the Cityo Any person violating the provisions of t~~s section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10000 or impriso~~ent at hard labor for not more than ten days for each offenseo ...' I Section 33.. Any person who shall engage in any keno, pool, billiards, wheel of fortune, cor~on gambling, raffle, lottery, crackloo, craps, c~rd or other game of chance for money .. or other thing or things of value, shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine 'of not less than $25..00 or more than $100000 or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not less than ten or more than thirty days.. Section 34.. All rogues and vagabonds, idle or dissolute persons '.rho go about begging, common gamblers, persons \lho use juggling or unlawful games, cor..:nnon pipers and fiddl ers, co~on drunkards, common night walkers, thieves, pilferers, traders in stolen property, lewd, wanton and lasivious persons, coremon, railers and brawlers, persons who neglect their calling or employment, or are without reasonably continuous employment or regular income and who have ~ot sufficient property to sustain them and misspend rrbat they ~arn without providing for themselves or the support of their families; persons wander- " ing or strolling around fromptace to p'lace without any laØful purpose Or object, habitual loafers, idle and disorderly persons, persons habitually frequenting houses of ill-fame or gambling houses, persons able to work but habitually living upon the income of their \"lives or minor children, and all able bodied male persons over tbe age of eiGhteen years uho are without means of support and live in idleness, shall be deemed vagrants and upon conviction shall be punished as hereinafter provided.. . Upon proper information made upon oath before the Uayor, or other offtçer authorized to act in his stead, he shall issue his warrant for ar~e:t of the person named therein, charged with being a vagrant lmder tho provisions of this section, and such warrant shall b", duly executed by the lIIc.:r:'shal or any officer duly authorizedo Provided, the marshal or duly author- ized officer n.ay arrest any vagrant described in this section wi thout a ','¡arrant in case delay in procuring the warrant \"JOuld proà~bly enable the alleged vagrant to escape arrest, and any persons 'arrested, eithür with or \ì'Íthout a ~"larrant, shall be utterances, pictures or communications whatsoever aßai~st the Government of, the United t>ta tes of ,America wi thin the City of Clermont shall, upon conviction before the Mayor, be punished by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Doll&rs or by im- prisonment in th9 city jail fœ a period of not ~ore than sixty days or by both such fine and imprisonment in tho discrc~ion .. o ~iven speedy trial, ar..d upon conviction shall bv fincdjl not less than ;.¿5 0 00 E1nd not exceeding ~p50 000 or ir.1px>isomr:cnt at hard labor not exceedinß thirty days. Section 350 It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to travel on a 'bicycle on t..'l-J.e streets of Clermont ~ithout havinß t..~e~eon a oell, 'ßPnß or whistle, ITit~IThich tbcy shall warn pedc:trians and drivers of vehicles at otre0t crossings \men passing; provided always t~at pedestrians have the right of uayj or for any person to ride a bicycle on the stre~.ts of said city after dark without having a lighted head lamp, or some other sufficient light on said bicycle; or for any person or persons to ride a bicycle in a fast, careloss or reçkles t:J rr.:anner; or to hang 011 to another vehicle 0 Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10000 and not less than One dollar, or by imprisoIlnient at hard labor of not more than ten days, or botho Section 36. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons whomsoever to ride any bicycle on any of the side- walks or foot pavements along the several stre~ts and avenues within the corporate limits of the City of Clermont, ~ake CountYjI Florida, and the same is hereby prohibited. Any person vio- lating the provisions of this section shall, upon convictionjl be fined not le,ss,.than :;;1000 and not more than ~25000 or by imprisonment in the City jail not exceeding thirty days or both such fine and imprisonmento Section 370 :Yhoevcr speaks, uses, utters, ~Tites, p~ints, marks, cuts, paints, carves or otherwise makes knovm to any person or persons whomsoever by words pictures, marks, signs, tokens or other means whatsoever any seditious lan3UagcjI ~ .. of the l'IIayoro Section 380 That it shall hereafter be unlewful in the City of Clermont for any corporation, company, firm or person to sell, barter, furnish or give away, directly or indirectly, to any minor any cigarette, cigarette wrap~r or any substitute for either; or to procure for, or to persuade advis·e, counselor compel any child under said age to smoke any cigaretteo Section 390 Any such corpord ion, company, firm or person violating an:'" of the provisions of Section 38 shall, for the first, offense, 1.1pOn conviction thoreof be fined in any sum not more than $50000, nor ~ess than $IOoOO; and for a second and any subsequent offense, such corporation, company, firm or person shall upon conviction the'eof, be fincd in any sum not more than $IOOoOO nor less than $10000, and to which may be added imprisonment in the City jail for æñy period not exceeding sixty dayso It i.s hereby made tho duties of the City Marshal or any police officer to enforce the provisions of Section 38, and he m&y summon any minor who may have or havs ha¥ in his possession any cigarette or cigarette material, and make him testify before the Mayor as to where and of whom he obtained such cigarettes Q[' cigàrette material 0 Chapter XXVII. INTOXICATING LIQUORS Section 10 That when the r.1arshal or any other police officer of the City of Clermont, F'lorida, shall have reason :to believe and does believe the. t any T'II.: rson wi thin . the territorial jurisdiction of suchæficer is engaged in the m~nufacture, unlawfully transporting, selling or having in his possession any intoxicating liquor, or has reason to believe and does believe that any person within tho territorial jurisdiction of such officer is engaged in the traffic of whiskey or intoxicating liquors, such marshal or other police officer shall make affidavit before the Mayor æ the City of Clercont, Florida, åhat he has reason to believe and does be- sufficient to show probable cause, to issue his warrant to the ,marshal or any other police officer of such City, authorizing said marshal or other police officer to apprehend and search 'any vehicle in whic~, the pe~son named in the affidavit may be found, and to enter and search' the building or place named in the affidavit, and to seize any and all intoxicating liquors and apparatus for manufacturing such liquors so found and to bring the defendant, together wi th any such intoxic:.,ting li- quors or appar~tus so found, before the Court to be further dealt with according to lawo Section 0. VVhen any such warrant is issued it shall be held by the Marshal or other police officer procuring the same until hi.- shall have executed the S8.Il1e by performing the search thsein cor.manded and thereupon, regardless of ~hat the ø result of such search may be, shall return the \"larrant to the officer who issued the same, with a full statemont thereon sho~- ing tbe result of the search. Such search 'warran ts l~ay be ex~cut- ed by the proper officers at any time. Provided that no feos sbaJ.I be paid to any Marshal or other police officer for execut- ing such warrant, unless such search should reveal the fact that the person named therein is guilty of the offense charged 0 . Mayor of the City of Clermont, ~120rida, it shall thereupon . , become his duty, if he deems the 'facts stated in the affidavit licve that such person, to b~amed .in the affidavit is man- ufacturing, trar'sporting, selling or has in his possession, unlawfully, intoxicating liquors/or that he has reason to believe and does believe that such person to be named in the affidavit is engaged in the lmlawful traffic of whiskey, or other intoxicating lignors, particulurly descrj.bing the place or places Ylhcre the moans by which such traffic is carried on. Each affidavit made under the provisions of this section shall briefly state facts upon which thealleged belief of tho affiant is based. Section 2. ¡/hen such affidavit is made before the ... ... Section 40 No warrant shall be issued in blank under the provisions of Section I of Chapter XXVII, but each affidavit shall particularly describe the vehicle, place or house to be searched, and give the name by ~lhich the person sought to bc searched is gBnerally known, and such person shall be so designated in the warranto Section 50 ~7hoever shall be or become drunk or intoxicated within the City limits of the City of Clermont, Florida, shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than $10000 and not more than $500000 or by impri- sonment in the City jail for not more than sixty days or by both such fine and imprisonmcnto Section 60 Vfuocver permits any ,lot, tcnt, house or structure owned or occupied by him or her to be used as a storing place for intoxicating liquors, not lawfully ovmed by such person, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than $10000 and not more than $500000 or by impri- sonment in the City jail for not more than Sixty days or by both such fine and imprisonmento Section 70 ~noever uses or allows to b0 used any automobile or other motor device, vehicle or any cart, wagon or vehicle in his or her possession, custody, or control for the purpose of transporting or conveying any intoxicating li- quors within the City of Clcrmont, Florida, shall, upon con- viction, be punished by a fine of not less than $10000 and not more than ~500000 or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than Sixty days or by both such fine and imprisonment 0 Section 80 Whoever has in his or her possesåon ~ithin the City of Clermont, Florida, any still or other apparatus for the manufacture of· intoxicating liquors shall, . upon conviction, bü punished by a fine of not less than ~IOoOO and not more than ~500000,or by imprisonment iIi the city jail for not mo:::'c than Sixty days 'or by both such fine and imprison- mento Section lo Complaints before the Mayor for viola- tion of ordinances of the City shall be made by affidavit in writing, if so required by the Mayoro Section 2. Vlhen complaint shall be made before the M,yor that any person has violated any of the ordinances of the City he shall issue a warrant directed to the Marshal or other lawful officer of the City, commanding that such person be forti-'with arrested and brouGht before the L!ayor to be dealt with according to lawo The warrant shall state the offense, or the cause of the action, and shall be executed by tho officer to whom directed, if the person named be found within the City limits. Section 30 It shall be the duty of the Marshal or any police efficer to arrest instanter and confine in the common jailor calaboose, all persons WllO shall disturb the peace$ .. Chapter XXVIII PROCE:B."'DINGS FOR VIOLATION OF ORDINANCES not be necessary to prove the chemical analysis of any such liquor, but a conviction may be had based upon taste$ smell or other evidenceo :,... u.~t~,l ,..~, 1 ..1 CUll\JJ~ '-f'I no uD\j'_l Q8 R 't'J¡P"ITAT"Rt:ÞlI and it shall ... '", '- v......~-_ Section IOo Intoxicating liquor, as mentioned in these ordinances, shall be any liquor, containing alcohol to the extent of one-half of one per cent or more by volume; section. Section 90 1Vhoever has in his or her possession any intoxicating liquor, shall upon conviction before the Mayor be punished by a fino of not loss than ~aooo and not more than $500000 or by imprisonment of nor mor ': than sixty days in the City Jail, or by both imprisonment and fineo Provided, that proof ~roduced by any person charged under the provisions of this section$ satisfactor,r to the Mayor, that he came into possession ~ such intoxicating liquor by lawful means, shall be a complete defense to the provisions of this ... good order and dignity of t~e City of Clermont, O? violation of any of t~e ordinances the~eof, uhether such cases come under his obse:t'vation or are reported to him by otherš¡ "ro- -e vidcd, tl~at if pra.cticable, he shall first ap;:ly to, the Uayor, for his ~arrant therefor, in \lhich warrant the offcnse alleged shall be specifically charged¡ but, if not practicable, then he shall make the said arrest without ü uarrant, and thereupon said ~arr&nt shall be issued i~TIediately after the aprest and cDnfinement of the offender. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Marshal to confine all persons ar¡"'es ted by him in the cOt;l:lon jail; provided, that he shall permit any person arrested by him to [3;i ve such bond as shall secure the to~'m. and shall meet ~ith his approval. Section 5. ~he ru~rshal shall safely keep all )risoners under arrest or under sentEmcc, and shall be al1.owed fifty cents a dc.ò.y for reeding and custody of the same. Section 6. ~~èn any person who shall have given bond for appearance in the Mayor's court, should fail to appear a t tIle r..our set, such bond shall be declared forfeited and the same pa.id into the City Treasury, but no such forfeiture of bond shall prevcnt the person so charged from being brought 'biSfore the l\Iayor and tried upon the s :.une charße; prov~ th~t when any bond is forfeited the cos~of the MayO, and Marshal shall be paid therefrom. Section 7. Any person charged with ûny offense against the ordinances of the City shall bc entitled to a speedy trial; shall have compulsory process for obtaining ~ tnesses in hiB behalf, and t~e privilege of defending himself in person, or by Attorney. Section 8. 'Jl1.enever any person shall ba convicte. . of any of,'ense the Layor shall i:r.:J.pose such sentence as Lay be por:citted :'JY larV', a.nd sl1.::..11 seem just, and sha.ll issue a cœidIlitt- n:ent in ';7ri ting connni tting sucl1 person to the custod:'l of the Earsh!;:.l ',Yi th orders to see that the sentende is executed. If in t~e City jail for violation of any of t~e ordinances of the City, shall be required to perform, under the direction of the Marshal, reason,able labor upon the public streets, si..:.ewalks or other property belonging to the City; and it shall be t~e duty of the Marshal to keep all. such prisoncrs so employed, and, while employed, to guard or provide a suitable guard theÐefor,. at his ovm expense; provided, that in case so ~risoners shall be employed at any given time as to render it impossible for the Marshal to safely guard them, the Mayor may upon appli- cation order the employment of additional guards and render bill therefor to the City Council with his endorsement. Section 12. The City Clerk shall keep a record of all proceedings búfore the Mayor, in a docket or book kept for that purpose. S-g.ch record shall show the style of the cause, the offense charged, the day of issuing complaint and warrant, the judgment or sentence imposed, and shall contain a memorandum . All able bodied prisoners confined Section II. may be lncurred in its collection. Section lOt The Mayor may remit in'!lhole, or in part any fine imposed by him, or may order the discharge of uny person in prison, when in his j~dgment such remission or discharge ',vould be jus t and proper. sufficient to sec~re the payment of ~he fine' and all costs that may be released from custody by giving bond, approved by the Mayor and his successors in office, and conditioned to pay such fine within ninety days. Such bond shall be in a sum ir~~diately, to commit the prisoner to the City jail until~ such fine is paid, but such imprisonment shall not exceed ninety days. If a sentence of both fine and imprisonment shall be imposed, and such fine be not paid, the priso~er shall be first held for the term which imprisonmßnt was specifically adjudged, and upon the expiration thereof, shall continue in custody until such fine shall be paid, but the comòined term of imprisonment shall not exceed ninety days. Section 9~ Any person sentenced to pay a fjne, .... such person shall beØsentenced to pay a fine, the Marshal shall be ordered to collect such fine, and if the same is not ps.id in the case and of the costs. Section 13. '¡ii tnesses shall, ,when sumr.,oned, receive ~1.OO per day for attendance upon trial before the lIayor. ~ection 14. In all cases in which the payment of any sum of money shall be adjudged by the Mayor as a fine, he shall include therein the costs of proceeding. The I:Iarshal shall collect all fines levied and imposed by the Mayor, and aftEr paying the costs shall pay the balance to the City Clerk, taking his receipt therefor. If any costs, or fines . shall be lost in the City or uncollected throur,h the default, negligence or carelessness of the 1i1arshal, all snch fines and costs shall be charged to his account and deducted from his salary. Chapter XXIX HEALTH AND SANITA'rION Section I. It shall be unlawful for any person or personspfirrn or corporation, within the corporate limits of the City of Clermont, to expose for sale any fruits, meats, vegetables or any other articles intended for fo~ on, abutting or within, his or their premises or place o~ business, unless the receptable containing the same is covered with a fly scr~en ~over, or fly proof show case, and elevated at least eighteen inches above the Bround or floor. The word "Receptable" as used in this ordinance shall be understood to include meat blocks and counters, as well as box or wire baskets, and the words "fruitsn, "i1:eats", "vegetables", shall include all raw or cooked articles of food not enclosed in sealed cans or orig- inû.l packages. Any :;crson violating the provisions 0 f thi s øf0'. I:: . " article shall, upon conviction, bo punished by a fine of not less than \Þ5.00 and not exceeding ~~25.00 or by imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding twenty days. Section 2. lVhoever permits the premises owned, occupied or controlled b:'T him to becomc or rerr.:::.in in a filthy condi tion, or permits the use or occupation of same in such a rr.anner as to create noxious or offensive smells and odors ,.. in connection therewith, or the accumulation of unwholesome matter on, or the creation of an unwholesome and offensive matter on the premises, to the menace of the public health and the annoyance of the people residing ITithin the vicinity, shall be deemed guilty of maint~ininß a nuisance ~d upon conviction shall oe punished by a fine of not less than ~5000 and not morû than Fifty Dollars, 0!1 by imprisow:ent not exceeding fifty days ~d such nuisance shall be abated as provided in these ordinances for the aboatement of nuisanceso Section 3. \Vhoever permits the assembling or con- gregating of noisy, drunk or dissolute parsons upon the premises owned, occupied or controlled by him or :'ermits disreputable women to resort thereto; or whoever conducts any business or trade in such manner as to n.ake or cause to be made disturbing p unusual, offensive or annoying noises 'n connection there\1i th, or so as to make such place of business or the vicinity thereof, a resort of disreputable ITomen, or idle, dissolate, drunken or disorderly persons or so as to cause crowds or idle, ðissolRte, drunken or disorderly persons to assemble in, or in the vicinity of, such place of trade or rnlsiness, shall be deemed guilty of maintaininß a n1lIisance, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by [.. fine of not less than~IOoOO and no t more than $100000 or ~J imprisonL:ent at hard labor of not more than thirty days and such nuisance shall be abated as provided hereafter in ~ection 4 for the abatement of nuisanceso Section 40 Vfuen complaint in vœiting, ani signed, shall be presented to the Mayor, or ,when the IiIarshal, Sanitary Inspector or other health officer shall, in writing, report to him that any building or structure is in such condition as to constitute a nuisance as defined in Section 2 of t~is Chapter, or shall report to him that any person, firm or corporation, is llsing or permitting his or its premis;:;s to be used or to get or remain in such condition as to constitute a nuisance as defined in ~ections 2 and 3 of this chapter, the MaJTor shall cause a copy of such complaint or report to be forthwith served upon the o~ner, occupant or person having control or charge of such --e ~ str~cture or premises together with a writ requiring him, her or it to abate such nuisance by a time named therein; such .. ti~e to be not less than tcn days from the service of such writ, or on said day to appear before the ßayor and show cause, if any he has, why such nuisance should not be abated. If. such o',;ner, occupant or person is not knO\m or cannot be found in said city, then a copy of said writ and of said complaint or report shall be posted on the building or strl1cture or upon the premises complained of and a COp~'7 mailed to such o\mer, occupant or person having charge thereof, at his, her or its last known Post Office address. The Mayor shall issue sub- poenas for all witnesses that may be asked for on behalf of either the conplainant or the respondent, and upon. the retunn day named in the writ, if such nuisance shall not have been abated, shall proceed to hear and determine the complaint. If, upon a hearing, the building/structure or premises complained of shall be f01.1.nd to be a nuisance, the 'lUayor shall enter a judgment to that effect, and that the saIT.e shall be abated by the o\mer, occupant or person having charge thereof within a reasonable time to be named, such time to be no t less than ten days, and that sho'lld such person, firm or corporation fail, neglect or refuse to so abate the same, that it shall be abated ;:Jy the City Marshal at the expense of such person or persons, firæ or copporation. Section 5. Any decayed or dilapidated house or structure calculated or liable to produce disease of any kind or which is dangerous to persons using the streets in the vicinity t- creof or occupying adjacent premises, or is unfit for use or ha:>itation, shall be deemed and held to be a nuisance, and .. if not ab,_ted by tr...e oV/ner, occupant or pcrson havinB charge thereof within a reasonable time to be fixed by the Mayor, after notice to such effect, the same shall be abated by the Marshal ~s provided in Section 4 of t::is ord i..nance. Section 60 The City vouncil of the City of Clermont shall have fUll power to cause the owners of lots and cellars within the corporate limits of the City of Clermont to drain or Section 7. Any owner or occupant of any lot or premises, vmo shall suffer to remain on such lot or premises any decaying flesh or vegetable matter or any other thing which may prove to be annoying to his or her neighbors, or tend to affect the health of the neighborhood, shall be notified by the City Marshal to remove the same within six hours, and, upon failure to do so, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ~5000 and not exceeding ~IOoOO or imprisonment at hard laõor not exceeding ten days. Section 8. No person shall keop ~n any house or place of business a deposit of green or dry hides, or filthy hides, or any other matter ~ thing of offensive character except by permission of the Mayor, and upon the violation of this section, it shall bs the duty of the City Narshal to r.oti~ such person to remove said deposit within six hours; upon ~,.:" :'. ...~. .,,. fill tf'e same to a lev~;t of the streets and alleys upon ,"¡hich the said lots or cellars may be located and to cause'the o\7ners, occupants or persons having charge of any lot or premises upon which there r.ay be any hole filled with dirty water or filth, or any cess pool, or open, unused well, uhi~ may be a breed- ing place for mosquitoes and is dangerous to the he&lth and safety of the public, to fill the same to a level of the lot or premises upon which s~e may be foundo The Mayor shall have served upon such owner, occupant or person having cr~rge of such premisos, written notice ordering said orlner, , . occupant or person to comply with the requirements by draining such lots or cellars or fillinß up the same, or filling such cess-pools, holes or wells as the case may be. If, after such notice, such owner, occupant or person having charge of said premises shall fail or refuse to comply with said require- ments, it shall be la'¡lful for t"'e said Council to have the work performed, and tÌle amount so expended sholl be a lien against the s~id lots, cellars or premises, to be enforced in like manner as provided by law for enforoement of liens for construction of sidewalks. --6?\ ~ .. neglect or refusal to do so, he shall, u.pon cQnviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding ~10000 or by imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding ten dayso Section 90 No person shall slaughter any beef, hog or other animal within the corporate limits of the City of Clermonto Any person violating this section shall, upon con- viction, be punished by a fine of not less than ~1000 and not exceeding ~IOoOO or imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding ten days 0 -e Section 100 No swine srall be kept rdthin the City limits, without the permission in 'rœiting of the r\~ayoro Any person violating t:i s section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding ~lOoOO or imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding ten d~yso Section llo No cow or horse shall be kept, penned, hoased or stalled ~Yi thin less than One hundred feet of any drlelling house in the City lini ts of Clermont, !I'lor iduo Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not ¡ess tran ~loOO and not exceeding ~IOoOO or by imprisonment in the City jail not exceeding forty dayso Section 12o It shall be unlauful for any person to sell, or offer for sale within the carporate limits of the City of UI~rmont, any animal or part of animal that may have b~en sick, diseased of un,¡holesome, or which may have died from dise~se or accident, or any fish, vegetables, fruits or other articles of food not fresh, sound and wholesomeo It shall be the du.ty of' the Marshal to report to the Mayor a:n.y violation of this section, and any person convicted of violat- ing the ~J,10visiollS of this section shall oe punished by a fine of :r:ot less than ~P10000 and not exce..:;ding ~~lOOoOO or 1J¡J impri- so~~.ent at hard labor not exceeding sixty days or botho Section 130 ','!}:en:2}ver any dead carcass shall be found ~.,i thin the corpc:ra te lillli ts of tLe City of Clermont, calcula. ted to annoy ~ny citizcn of said city, or endanger the l'Culth of any citizen therein, it shall be the duty of the own3r thereof vacl1 rIcck by or before seven o'clock A. no, at r::o.ic1: ~-:our s11ch accumulations st..all be re:r.oved by the scavenger cart 0 Any out in the street outside of the sidewalk, or place such trash in barrels provided for that purpose, on Saturday reorning of .... box or barrel, or othel" sui tahle rccc:>tacle &r":' ~11ú.ce the SaTIlC dut~r to put G.l1 or any accumulations as above s!-,ecifiod in a off:ic es, shops or booths, a.ny p&per, ~air, chips, bones, !='eels, slops, s tra',v or was:, in;ß of any kind; but it shall r.J:3 their or on any pubLic square any sweepinGs of any stores, d~ellinG~ streets or sidewalks ';v'ithin the business portion of U.:e c~_t~,r, Section 16. No person shall deposit an any of the not more than ~;50.00 or De imprisoned not exceeding t!'.irtJ, da'J-::;o shall upon conviction pU~T a fine of not less than ~5o 80 ili1.ð, ond~nger their huulth; and any person violating this section or other offensive matter calculated to annoy the citizens or another, any foul ~ater, or other fluid substance or thro~ there- on any decayinß flesh or vegetablos, junk, tinc~s, trash Section 15.. No person st...all disc:-arge upon any street or a.llOY or upon is own lot, or upon the lot of charact-:r which r.10-y occur in .said hotel, house, booth or stallo .' And if any proprietor or occupant as afo~esaid shall f&il to report as aforesaid, he shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 and not exceeding $40.00 or by imprisonment at hard labor in the City jail not exceedinG thirty da~s or both. the Uayor or Council of any contagious disease of a dangerous bniJth, tent or stall in thìs city to Cive irnr.lediate :"otic6 to koeper, boarding ~ouse keeper, occupant of a residence, room, Section l~. It shall be ~1e duty of every hotel he or she shall, upon convic ion, pay a fine not exccJdinG $10.00 end the cost of removal of said carcass, \:ir.ich cost sha.ll be as follo-."ls, to--::it: for rerr.oval of horse 0:" CO',1, t\[O dollars; for eacl'} 001 t or cal~, one dollar; for a dog, cat or other ~niml.ll, f:ì.fty cents. .... refu~al of such o':mer to remove said carcass, after due notice, to remove the same ITit~in six hours; and upon the f_ilurc or person viòlatlng this 3E::ction sÏ.lall, bu :¡'.unished '.Jy a fine of not less than :j5" 00 and not oxceeding *00000 or by imprisonment not exceeding twenty days. .. Section 170 All OT:m.ers or occupants of ¡',remises ~:akinB us e of R- vies or open closets wi thin the City 0 f Clermont sh~ll be required to IJay the sum of Seventy-five cents per month to the City Marshal for scaven.?;cr dues; provided such dues shall e paid quarte~ly in adv~ceo' The OVffier or occ~pant of premises on which a privy or closet is located shall provide the same wi th one or more privy buckets or such other, 'receptacle as the City Council shall from time to time throueh the t>cavenger COllZ.1i ttee dir ec t; 0 Such buckets shall he used only for the pur- pose for which they are intended, and shall he lr.ept free from c~~s, bottles, dish w~te~ and otlwr like substances. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall, ulJOn conviction, :'\e fined not less than ~?10000 nor mor e than :J25 " 00 0 Section 180 Apertures in the seats of privies or ·."fa ter clos oJ.:s shall at all titles r¡hen r..ot in use be kept covered and the back of the ?rivy or closet shall be provided ~ith a removable or hinged shutter or cover, to permit access of the scavenger to the buckets, and at all other times to be kept shut to prevent the escape of offonsive odors and to prevent bhickcr,s or other animals from interferrinB wi th buekets or f,A.cal mattero All privies and closets shall be provided \7ith lime, phenol or other approved disinfectant to be sprinkled on the excremental matter and around the prÐmiseso Any person vblating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fir.LG of not les:.> than one dollar or more than ;,1;25000 or by im- p:-i SOnl'L.ent at lard labor, for :~ot more than ten days. Section 19. The City t>c<.....venßer stall clean all .. 9rivi~s ~r.d pr~lisos receivinc Uity ~caven0or so~vice, once each \"leol::, or oftcjneJ' ::hen requ.ired by the 0CaVe::1ç;er COlTIIi1i ttee, and sh all at each cleaninß rern.ove all excrement, \![:.3 te trash or pap er fro", the bl\cke ts, and from under ani a boo t s ucfr ivies, and, when provided with lime, phenol or'other approved disinfec- Section 21o. The removal of all excrement~ garbaße~ or other refuse matter shall be made by the City Scavenger und€~ the control of the Scavenger Committee~ subject to tlÐ approval of the City Council; " but no excrement~ garb£ge or other refuse matter shall be burned within the corporate limits of the Cityo Any person violating theprovisions of this section shall be ,unished by a fine of not more than ~IOoOO or by im- prisonment at hard labor of not more than ten dayso Section 220 The Inspector s~all have a ßeneral oversight over the sanitary condition of the City; he shall see thát all excrement from privies is removed as often as is required by the City ordinances; he shall see that e'ach pri~J In t!~o City is provided by the o';mer or occupant with a 1;ucket of the kind ordered by the Scavenger Committee, the number of such b'1J.ckets in anyone privy to be regulated by the City 1:Iarshal~ s!.lbject, in case of dispute, to reference to the Scavenger CorJr.1ittee, -e move such privy s~ball continue, if upon the hearing before the Mayor it shall be found that such removal ~as reasonably requiredo days to remove such privy when required by the Inspector or City Council~ s~~ll be fined not less than ~2050 nor more than ~Þ5000 for each day that such failure or refusal to re- tant, shall scatter same in and around the privy buckets and ovsr t' e soil under ths privyo And he shall cG.refully replace all buckets in proper place under the seatso Upon violation of any of the ~ovisions of this section,-by any person in his employ, or upon such privy hoinß found in bad order~ the said Scavenger shall O,J fined for each offense not less than ~2050 nor more than ~5000o Section 200 \1hen any :Jrivy is so located as to be offensive to t1w occupants of adjacent property~ ~1d complaint thereof shall ~Je made to the l:>anitaIJT Inspector, or the City Council, tho said Inspector or said City Council~ shall ir.vesti- gate such compla.int, and require such privy to be re;:;~oved to such place on the premises as will avoid such offense if the same can reasona.bly be doneo Any person, whet~er o~~er of or occupant of the premises, r:ho shall fail or refuse for five .. ... Section 230 The City Marshal shall see that all laws and ordinances regarding the sanitary condition of the City are strictly complied with, Dnd shall Dromptly report to the Mayor any viola tion of the srone 0 He shall make monthly reports to the Council at its regular meeting, of. the sr..nitary condition of the city; -the number of privy buckets in use, and s:1all suggest in such report, the 'Work necessary to be done, relating to the sQnitary conditions of the Cityo Section 240 That any person, firm, or corpora- tion keep ing or maintaining surface closets and privies used for the deposit of human excreta within the ci t;! limits of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, wh ich are no t fly proof in construction and are not in conformity wi th the plans specified in Section 25, shall be guilty of a m.isdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not less than $5000 and not exceeding $IO.OO or by imprisonment of not more than twenty days in the City jailo Section 250 All surface closets kept or maintained within the City limits of the City of Clermont, Florida, for the deposit of hlnnan excreta shall be constructed according to the following plans) to-wit: (I) The roof shall be water tight. (2) The house shall be without cracks through , which flies may enter'o (3) The door shall fit closely and shall be self closingo (4) The seat shall be self closing, hinged coverinGs over each opening. (5) The vault shall be closed by a tightly fitting -4Þ '. inged door 0 (6) A water tight pail or tub shall be placed under each opening of the seats. The tops of the pail shall not be more than one inch belo\J the seat. (7) All openincs for ventilation, etco, shall be screened with wire aettingo / I / to be served on the owner of such Land by which such require- monts shall be complied with; such notice shall' further advise that unless such requirements are complied with the work will be done by the City and the cost ~ the same assessed against -e Section 30. Wr-e~ any residence or place of busi- ness for which dues shall have been paid for scavenger service shall be vacant for all of any calendar month, the ~roper portion of dues thus paid shall be credited on the,ensl~ing quarter upon written noti,ce from the o~mer or agent tc t~e Marshal of such vacancy. Section 31. Whenever the ~anitary Committee of the City of Clermont shall decm it necessary for the proper sanitation of the City thaÿ any lot, piece or parcel of land should be filled in, drained, cleared, raked, or cleaned up, they shall cause such written notice of such requirements law. sanitary condition to the Mayor v/ho shall forthwith issue his mandate requiring tho owners of such premises or their agènts to be brought before him to be dealt with according to Section 29. The ì::>anitary. Committee are hereby authorized to require the City Marshal and Inspector to collect for Scavenger service and make monthly re90rts. The City Marshal and Inspector shall also make inspection of all surface toilets or privies within the City at leasb once each month and report such as are delapidated or in an un- advance. whose Œ2ties and compensation shall be as hereinafter set out. Section 28. The ì::>ani tary Committee shall furni-sh Scavenger service to each residence or place of business for a consider~tion of $3.00 per ~~arter year for each.surface privy to be paid by the o\vner of such duelling, but no such service shall be furnished for any residence or place of business unless said consideration shall have been uaid in .. ... Section 27. The Sanitary Committee shall contract l¡d th some fit and sui ta, lIe person to act as City Scavenger SANITARY C QIof.UI11 TE,l!; ... the property. Section 32. Upon failure of the owner or his agent ¡¡t- to comply with the requirements of the Sanitary Committee~sh~ll be the duty of the City Marshal to CWlse such work to be done keeping an accurate account of the cost of the same and report the same to the Ci tJT Council who shall pay the same O')t of the City Treasury and assess and collect such cost against the pro- perty involved in ~anner and farm as is provided .for the assess- ment and collection of sidewalk liens. Section 330 No loose hay fodder, shucks, shavings, refuse or other light combustable material shall be piled loose outside of a blilding \rlthin one hundred feet of any dwelling, ~__t, garage or ouher building ~rlthin the Civ.r limits of the City of Clermonto Section 34. Any pe,:'son violating ~he provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction, be fined not more than Ten Dollars ($10000) or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not more than ten days or less than one dayo Section 350 The Sanitary Committee shall recommend to the City Council some Competent person to be designated City Health Officer; such officer shall recmive such salary as the Council may determineo Section 360 The City Health officer is hereby dele- gated po~er and authority to exercise such measures towards the prevention and controll of contagious diseases a3 may be reasonably required; and in enforcing the same he may, with the approval of a majority of the Sanitary CO!lJ~.ittee, exclude persons, suffer- lng from contagious diseases, from attendance at schools, theaters, churches or other public gatherings in the City; and he may order the quarantine, either withi!: their residence, or at some other suitable place, of persons suffering with contaßious diseases. it Section 370 In all cases of exclusion or quarantine, the City Health officer shall issue an order in wri tinß, which shall be approved by a majority of the Sanitary Committee, direct- ing such excl\.l.sion or quarantineo t>uch order shall be in duplicate and shall be BÐrved by the marshal, or by a ,reputable physician, 4' . ..i..t,~.. : . ' " __/' by delive~J of one copy to the person or persons against whom s~ch order is issued, or ~n the case of children to the parent or guardian of same; and the person serving such ord0~ shall note on the other copy of same, the time, ,lace and person upon whom the order was served, and shall sign and return it to the City Clerko Section 380 Any person convicted of violating or Qisregarding the order of exclusion or quarantine shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than $10000 nor more than $IOO.OO or by imprisonment for not more than 60 days or botho Section 390 The order of exclusion or quarantine as the case may be, where children under fou:,teen years of age are involved, shall be served on the parent or guardian of such cflildren; and such parent or guardian shall be held responsible for violation of the ordero Chapter XXX IMPOUNDING ANI1~LS Section lo It shall be lawful for the City M~rshal, and he is hereby authorized, tâ> take up and -i,mpound any cow, or- cattle, horse, mule, sheep or J-'og found running at large unattend- ed by a keeper or driver, and to keep the same confined in the pound for a period of six days; provided that the Marshal inm1ediately upon taking up or impolxnding such cow, c~ttle, hœse, mule, goat, sheep or hog, shall give nntice to the ovmer if he is known, or'if he be not Imown, he shall post at least three notices, one of wlrlch shall be at the Clerk's office one at the City pound, and one at some other conspicuous place .' or public resort within the city, giving description of such above specified animal, requiring the owner or keeper thereof to a9pear within the next six days and redeem the same; provided, that if the said,oìvner or keeper of said cow, cattle, ~orse, mule, Boat, sheep or hog, shall desire to contest the judgment of such impoùnding, or the amount of the fees charged for the same, he may at any time ""Ii thin the next ten days, allowed for the claiming of the said cow, ca t tIe, J~orse, mul e , goat or sheep or hog appear before the Mayor who shall hear anddetermine /' / / ." . / .II than ten dollars and the cost of Court or be imprisoned in the City jail for a period of not more than tuenty dayso before the Mayor,' be fined not less than one , dollar or more Section 20 Any owner or owners of chickens or chicken who shall allow the same to run at large contrary to the provisions of ~ th~S ordinance shall upon conviction ',- :/ .,/órdinance it shall be unla~.ful for the owner or owners of any chick~n or chickens to allow the same to run at large in the City Df Clermont, Florida beyond the limits or confines of ' his or thèir own premises and such limits,' or confines of pre- " ~ mises shall be taken, considered and construed to beyadjacent street line or the property line of the adjoining propertyo "" Section 10 From and after the passage of this CHICKENS 0 Chapter XXXI ~ ~ ~,.-, ,....,.,- ,. i such matter or complaint, with the right of appeal from his decision to the Circuit Court as provided by lawo Section 2. Any person giving satisfactory evidence . pf tho o..-mership of any cow, cattle, horse, mule, goat, sheep , , or hog impounded under this ordinance, may release ~aid animal by the payment to the pound master, 'who s hall be the ~arshal, of the following fees, to-~lit: for each horse or mule impoÛDded, two dollars, and a further sum of twenty cents for each feed given to the said animal while in the pound; for each other ani~al impounded, two dollars, and a further sum of ten cents . for each feed given said animal while in the pound; and a fl1rther sum of twenty-five cents for writing and posting notice. Section 3. In case the owner of any animal so impounded shall not appear and claim said animal or animals within the period of six days as herein provided, the City Marshal shall sell the same at public auction for cash, after having advertised the same in a newspaper published in Clermont, not less than three days previous to .sale. Provided, the orTner, or keeper of said animal may re~eem the same at any time before the sale thereof upon payment of cost of advertis- ing, and the other fees and charges above mentioned in Section 2. Section 4. After the sale of any such animal the Marshal shall pay into the Treasury the proceeds of such sale after the deduction of his fees, and the cost of feeding and advertising, and a further fee of fifty cents for each animal sold. Provided, that any person giving satisfactory proof of the ownership of said animal or animals so sold by the City of Clermont, shall have the right wi thin twelve monthS, from the sale of such animal to have the net rroceeds of such sale paid over to him after deducting the fees, ßosts and expenses herein provided for. And aftoj," the expiration of twelve months from the date of sale the ovmer c~ any person claiming through or under him shall be debarred from any claim in respect of the proceeds of such sale. '" ,.f" -'