O-32-13 ... I I --.."~ " ORDINANCE NO. 13 AN ORDmANCE REQUIRING PERSONS, FIRMS, OR CORPORATIONS OPERATING BAKERY WAGONS OR TRUCKS IN THE CITY OF CLERMONT '.ro OBTAIN A LICENSE, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VI- OLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: Section 1. That from and after the passage of this or- dinance, it shall be unlawful far any person, firm, or cor- poration to operate over the streets and highways in the City ot Clermont, any wagon, truck, or other vehicle engaged in the business of distributing bakery products, either wholesale or retail, unless ~uch person, firm or corporation shall have first obtained from the City Clerk a license for such purposes. . Section 2. The license for the operation o~ each wagon, truck or other vehicle, . shall be $10.00 for the license year beginning on the first day of October of one calendar year, I and ending on the thirtieth day of September in the follow- ing year. In the event application is made for a license after the first day öf April of any year, such license may be issued "tD expire on September thirtieth followi ng, for one half the annual rate. In every case, the Clerk's fee of twenty-five cents shall be paid by the applicant for each license. Section 3. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall þ. distribute any bread or other bakery products from any wagon, / truck or other vehicle operated upon the streets and high- ways of the City of Clermont, without first having obtained the license provided by this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of doing business without having obtained a proper licen~e, and upon conviction thereof in the Municipal Court, shall be fined an amount not less than the amount of the 11- cense, nor more than double the. amount of such license, to ... I I -e which fine shall be added the costs in the case. Section 4. The driver cr operator of the wagon, truck or other vehicle, shall, for the purposes of this ordinance, be deemed the person responsible for the oper- ation of such vehicle, and such driver or operator may be convicted under this ordinance, and punished accordingly. Section 5. T.þis ordinance shall take effect immedi- ately, and all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed so far as such conflict exists. -----------------------------------~--------~---- Passed by the City Council at its regular meeting, held in the City Hall, Clermont, Flori da, on Tue sde:y , November 1st, 1932. President city Council. ,.. "-, ....' ;^,~t'l'ÉST"'-c--f?..~ 4f -'I.. / ·"i... C1ty ~ ., . ": ~~ '" ---------_._--------------------------------------- ~ ~ "" Received and approved by me this. Vday of November,. 1932. Q7 CJI!1A~-f Mayor or the City or Clemnont.