O-33-14 ;- 1. .~-. . .~. ~... '.'- . . ~. .'~ .. ~. , '¿:' :_....;'~::.~..:. r'¡;.~ . r}~j;¡~; '~~:. .-~:~~-~~:!~~: i:~ '.."~ :. - ß ORDINANCE NOo j { . ~ . . . . ~ ; AN ORDINANCE REQ,UIRINd PERSONS, FIRMS, OR CORPORATIONS DISTRIBUTING MILK OR MILK PROD- UCTS IN TEE CITY OF CLERI\iIONT TO OBTAIN A LICENSE, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLA- TIoN OF THIS ORDINANCEo BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF CLERMONT: D~ -, SECTION ~o That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, it shall be unla~ul for any person, firm, D~ corporation, to distribute from trucks, wagons, or other vehicles, any milk or milk products within the City Limits of the City of CleDnont, where such milk or milk products are distributed to consumers, unless such person, firm or corporation shall have first ob"tained from the City Clerk a license for such purposeso .- SECTION 20 If the dairy herd f:J=~m which such milk or milk products are produced is located wi thin Lake County p Florida, the license for distributing such milk or milk products shall be :j¡)loOO; if the dairy herd from which such milk or milk pro due:ts are pro duaed is no t loc a ted wtthin e??.P, oil Lake County, ~'lorida, such license shall be :';:OOuO~ in either case, the Clerk~s fee of twenty-five cents shall be paid by the applicanto The license year shall be from the first day of October of one calendar year to and including the thirtieth day of SeptembE;lr in the fol~owing calendar year, as is the case with other licenses issued by the City of Cler.monto In the event application is made for a license after the first day of April of any year, such license may be issued to expire ~n Søptember thirtieth following, for ona half the annual rate 0 D SECTION 30 Any :o-erson, firm, or corporation, uho shall distribute any milk or milk products to consumers within the limits of the City of Clermont, without first having obtained the license pro vi ded for by this ordinance, -- -...- . .- ~ . --... ~. .. shall be deemed guilty of doing business Wi. thout having ob~ tained a proper license, and upom conviction thereof in the Mayor~ s Court, shall be finea an amoun;lf not leàs than the amount of" the license, nor more than double the amount of such license, to which fine shall be added the costs in the caseo smCTION 4<> This ord1nance shall take effect immediate- ~y, and all ordinances in confiict herem th are hereby rec=o pealed so far as such conflict ex1stso' c=-_ _ ____.____.......__._ _ ~_...__.___c=.-...__._ ----------.----.--- ---- ---- - - - ------ Passed by the City Counc1l at at the C1 ty Hall, Clemont, Florida, on ATTEST: ~~ Æ-- A/.1~ . C1~\ ~~~-----~~--------------~~-------------------~------------~- .' . Recei ved and approved by me th1s ~-, . ~... day of ~,._~o ~ ~ /Iðð /Æ;~~~ of" -.çhé City of Clermont 0