O-37-27 ORDINANCE NO. 27. ,-. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE INSTALLATION OF WATER ]¡IETERS BY ALL PROPERTY O~,JJ:NERS HAVING SEPARATE DlVELLINGS OR BUSINESS BUILDING~ VffiICH AR~ SUPPLIED WITH ¡VATER FROM THE MUNICIPAL 'HATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT; OR IN LIEU TIiliREOF, REQUIRIDNG SUCH PROPERTY OWNERS TO PAY THE MINnTUM CHARGE FOR WATER SUPPLIED TO EACH SUCH SEPARATE D~~LLING OR BUSINESS BUIIJDING; AND PROVIDING PEN.t\LTIES FOR TH~ VIOLATION OF rr111ö OtWl,UANCß. ... BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: Section 1. That from and after the passage of this ordinance, each and every property owner within the City of C Clermont which is supplied wibh water from the municipal water department of the City ot Clermont is hereby required to install a separ~te water meter for each separate dwelling or business building which is supplied with water by the City. In lieu of the installation ot a separate meter for each dwelling or business building, the property owner may, at his option, pay to the City Clerk, the minimum tee which would be required it a meter had been installed, such minimum tee to be applied to the number ot separate dwellings or business buildings which such property owner may have supplied trom one meter, that is to say that it the property owner elects not to install a separate meter tor each dwelling or business b~ilding, that he shall pay the minimum rate that would be required had such meter been installed and that all of the excess shall be 4harged to the meter which is installed. SECTION 2. Where any property owner elects to pay the minimum charge referred to in the toregoing section rather than to install separate meters tor each dwelling or business building, such property owner shall be responsible tor the amount ot water that is consumed, regardless ot which building it may go to, and the City shall not collect trom the separate buildings but will hold the property owner responsible ana collect the entire amount trom him. -- SECTION :5. All new buildings cdmstr\1cted in the City must ,. " conform to this ordinance and as to buildings which are already erected and are supplied trom a common water meter, ~e owners ot such buildings are required to conform with this ordinance within thirty days trom the date ot its passage. ... ORDINANCE NOQ27 Page 20 SECTION $0 The City shall not supply water to Buch p~opðrty owner who shall fail to install a meter for each separate dwelling or business building or shall fail to pay the mln1mcrm charge on each in the event he shall elect not to install & meter, and the superintendant of the municipal water plant . shall disconnect the City's water line where such property owner tails to carry out the intent of thiB ordinanc60 SECTION 50 This o~~inance shall be cumulative and in addition to any other ordinance of the City of Clermont now in eff6c~ and shall not repeal any such ordinanee except insofar as they may be in conflict herewitho Passed by the City Council at Itns regular meeting held on Janua~ 5g 19370 ATTEST: Clerk ~~-~-~-~-------------------------------------~~---~-----~--- Received and approved by me this____ day of January9 19370 Mayor 0 .