O-38-35 ~.,ð7 ~.' ORDINANCE N1lJ1IBER ~() A~ OFDINANCE PROHIBITING ~HE RETENTION OF FEES PAID TO ANY OF~ICER OR ENPLOYEE OF THE CITY OF CLERr.l:'Ol\TT, FLORIDA BE ~T ORDAI~ŒD BY THE CITY COUPCIL OF T~E CITY OF CLRRMO~~: ~ --- SECTIO!'! 1. From and after the passa~e o-f this Ordinance it; shall be' unlawful for an~T offlcer or employee of the City of Clerm.~nt, Florida, to retain any fees which may be paid } tO,him under the provi~ions of any ordinance of the City which provides for the collection of fees. All such fees ~ are collected by any officer or employee of the City of Clermont shall be forthwith paid by such officer or ~mployee to the City Clerk of the City of Clermont, who will issue a re~eipt therefor¡-' and such funds shall be turned over by the C1 t~,. Clerk to the City Treasurer to the credit of the :!ìar- ticular fund which is entitled to such fees. SECTION 2. Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be deemed to abol.ish any fees which are provided for by any Ordinance of the City, the intention of the Ordinance being that the fees be paid into the City Treasury and not retained by the officers or employee so collectine them. SECTION 3. Any person convicted fn the Mayor's Court for the violation of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars nor more than F~fty Dollars and in addition shall be subject to removal from office b~T the 1~ayor, which removal shall be permanent when confirmed by the City Council. SECTION 4. All ordinances and parts'of ordinances in con~lict herewith are hereby repealed so £ar as such con£lict exists. . . . . . . . . . ·0 . . · . . Passed by the City Council at its reV1lar meetint ':1eld ~ " . . on APriY, po.)/ Attest~ ~~~ City Clerk Ptltf!(~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Received and approved by :ff~r~l' .., Mayor 1938.