2013-08 Amendment #1 to Task Order No. 3 To Agreement Professional Engineering Services CITY OF CLERMONT WETLAND MONITORING PROGRAM (WMP) SUPPORT This Scope of Services is an Amendment #1 to Task Order No. 3 pursuant to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement dated October 13, 2009 between the City of Clermont, hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and AECOM Technical Services, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER". A. Introduction This Amendment#1 to Task Order#3 addresses the following background information: The CITY has implemented a Reclaimed Water System to provide reclaimed water from the Clermont East Wastewater Treatment Facility for irrigation of public access areas; in particular the Lake Felter Park, which is receiving reclaimed water. The CITY must comply with groundwater monitoring criteria detailed in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Domestic Wastewater Facility Permit (#FL010515-010) issued on December 28, 2012 to add monitoring wells in the vicinity of the park. The CITY requested the ENGINEER to assist the CITY to comply with groundwater monitoring criteria by specifying two groundwater monitoring wells at Lake Felter Park, as specifically required by the FDEP permit. The FDEP permit requires the groundwater monitoring wells be installed within 90-days from the date of permit issuance (March 28, 2013). The City is currently bidding a contract for monitoring well drilling for their SJRWMD CUP wetland monitoring program, and it is expected that the construction of these two monitoring wells will be added to the CUP monitoring well project scope by Change Order. FDEP rules for monitoring wells built under their regulations are not identical to those for the SJRWMD. The following discussion presents the specific tasks that will be performed as part of this Task Authorization Amendment. Certain assumptions have been made in preparing this Task Authorization and to the extent possible these assumptions are stated herein and are reflected in the budget for services. B. Background Refer to TO #3 for a discussion of the CITY's Wetland Monitoring Program (WMP) and proposed SJRWMD monitoring wells. Under that project the City is contracting with a well driller to install a number of monitoring wells at selected locations. New and revised Tasks comprise this Amendment are listed below. The City has a reclaimed water irrigation system at the Lake Felter Park. As such, the City's FDEP permit for the East WWTF requires the addition of two monitoring wells to that site. One t Amendment to Clermont Wetland Monitonng Program-CUP(30-Jan-13)docx AZCOM monitoring well must be constructed upgradient of the site and outside of the irrigated area to reflect the natural background water level and quality. The second monitoring well must be constructed downgradient of the site to reflect the impact of the reclaimed water upon the ground water table and the ground water quality. The CITY will be required to sample from these wells quarterly for 7 parameters. C. Scope of Services The ENGINEER will provide the management, observation, and contract services for the survey of two groundwater monitoring wells. The well survey will be performed by licensed professionals. Services will include: • Conduct field visit with CITY staff and well contractor to finalize the location of each well; • On-site observation of well construction: • Special purpose survey including the location, well casing elevation, and ground elevation at each monitoring well location. The ENGINEER will perform the following tasks: TASK 1: Project Management 1 3 Additional project management due to additional services — Subcontract survey, services. Monitor the project schedule as it relates to the scope contained herein and provide timely invoicing and reporting of project progress. TASK 2: Field Coordination of Wetland Survey (New subtask) 2.6 Additional field services for the SWFWMD wells — Originally, the scope was planned on the City's well contractor installing the new SJRWMD monitoring wells while AECOM was performing its field/soil survey. Due to delays in getting the well contractor underway, AECOM is required to make additional site visits during the construction of the SJRWMD monitoring wells. TASK 3: Wetland Baseline Monitoring Report No change. TASK 4: Contingency Add $2,200 to the existing contingency. -TASK 5: FDEP Monitoring Wells (NEW TASK) 5.1 Develop criteria for City's well drilling contractor for the FDEP monitoring wells. — The FDEP monitoring well criteria are somewhat different than the SJRWMD criteria. FDEP requires a drawing of the proposed well The direction of groundwater flow from 2 Amendment to Clermont Wetland Monitoring Program-CUP(30-Jan-13)docx AZ COM the site will need to be established to locate the two monitoring wells. As such it is estimated that five (5) temporary piezometric wells will be needed to establish the ground water contour. Based on the survey information from these wells a groundwater contour will be developed and reviewed with the FEP to establish the direction of ground water flow. The ENGINEER will conduct field visit with CITY staff and well contractor to finalize the location of each well. The FDEP requires the well drilling contractor to perform an initial soil boring at each site to determine the water table and soils. This information must be submitted to the FDEP and AECOM will work with FDEP to provide direction as to the final placement/design of the monitoring wells. 5.2 Assist the City with well contractor and the FDEP schedule coordination. — The well contractor must coordinate with the FDEP as noted under Task 5.1. 5.3 Document installation and development of the wells. — AECOM will observe the installation and development of the monitoring wells by the City's well driller. This is anticipated to take one day per well. 5.4 Coordinate survey subcontractor. — Locations and elevations of the piezometric wells will be required. There will be a need to stake the proposed locations of the two monitoring wells. The FDEP requires a special purpose survey for each monitoring well. Well location, well casing elevation. and ground elevation will be determined at each monitoring well location. AECOM's surveying subcontractor will complete this work once the monitoring well construction is complete. Three site visits are anticipated. The special purpose surveys will be provided to the City. 5.5 Prepare report/documentation to the FDEP. — Review of the well driller's report The FDEP requires the well drilling contractor to fill out forms LEG-R 005-00(06/10) & DEP Form # 62-520.900(3). ENGINEER will prepare and submit a Monitoring Well Construction Report to CITY with copies of well permits and well completion reports, copy of subcontractor licenses, survey, any applicable soil boring data, photos of installation as applicable and revised well schematic. The Well driller's report will be subject to the City's approval prior to forwarding it to the FDEP. D. Subconsultants The subconsultant's responsibilities necessary to comply with the FDEP monitoring well conditions are listed below a at' 4 ''}�- A�r 14 lrk`• w Vr ;t ti '�Y>. +i+€ -.f� r.7" s st` r +`Ts�s ,`�y i ,r +.�...t .w i 41 ! �� } v-'�� �'�..(d a �s{��� ��� r .:��FT' -t ,>s � ,:� ��J••r��:[� y r ��"4`�.,.�-S'ih +. ������ Subconsultant , x :�, 3 , ?, Responsibility r ;. , 4 ' `. f d •h' ,; ..Yr...Y..S-k;4r. .s:.. �-•F E,.t.SFi•�a ..ifi�2,."C.-e.ti.<<:ti.-.f„�'h� ..,frr.t._..if {J-s;'i. }. r?#_ �s r, �'.l'•..ta!`>/XY�•r..:w•s"�. N:E�fa,L.`.�.F:;� Rapid Survey, Inc. Controlled Survey of Wells 3 Amendment to Clermont Wetland Monitoring Program-CUP(30-Jan-13)docx A=COM E. City's Responsibilities The following are CITY responsibilities: > Access to monitoring well sites. > Contract well design, permitting, and construction services; including a change order to construct five (5) temporary piezometric wells and two (2) FDEP monitoring wells. > Supply and install automated water level data loggers as necessary > Review of deliverables within seven (7) days of draft submittals. > Obtain easements for wells if necessary. ➢ Provide a copy of the reclaimed water irrigation plan for the Lake Felter Park site in order to help determine where the up-gradient well will be located (outside of the irrigated area). Also provide any related information about existing or planned reclaimed water irrigation in the vicinity of the park. > The City will agree to meet onsite to assist on the specific monitoring well locations. > FDEP required water quality sampling/testing from the monitoring wells. > The OWNER, AECOM USA, Inc., their agents, employees and consultants shall also be named as additional insureds in any construction contractor's insurance policies. City's Monitoring Well Subcontractor responsibilities > The City's Monitoring Well Subcontractor shall be responsible for the following tasks: o Install a minimum of 5 piezometric wells to help determine upgradient and downgradient locations of the groundwater flow; o Once locations for the monitoring wells have been determined, contact utilities for locates and clearance, verify overhead clearance for drill rig, conduct soil borings and geotechnical analysis to determine screen lengths; o Submit Well Construction Permit forms and obtain FDEP/Lake County Health Department permit approval; o Provide Notice to FDEP, et al 72 hours in advance of well construction; o Drill the monitoring wells and manage spoils appropriately; o Complete Well Report LEG-R.005-00(06/10) for each well; o Complete Well Completion Report DEP Form # 62-520.900(3) for each well; o Prepare and Submit Monitoring Well completion reports, copy of subcontractor licenses, applicable soil boring data, and photos of installation. This data will be submitted to the City and the ENGINEER. F. Services Not Included Services described herein will be provided in accordance with the current generally accepted standards of the engineering profession. Certain assumptions have been made in preparing this scope of services. To the extent possible, services are stated herein and are reflected in the budget estimates included in this scope of services. Reasonable material changes 4 Amendment to Clermont Wetland Monitonng Program-CUP(30-Jan-13)docx AECOM between work tasks, or level of effort actually required and those budgeted, may serve as a basis for modifying this scope and budget, as mutually agreed to between CITY and ENGINEER Requests for additional information (RAls) from regulatory agencies will be addressed on a case by case basis. Engineer does not accept responsibility should the monitoring well groundwater prove to be contaminated by nutrients or hazardous waste. This situation may require additional project requirements by FDEP, which would require a task order amendment. G. Deliverables There are no changes in the original SJRWMD CUP Monitoring Well deliverables Under this Amendment, the ENGINEER will submit the following deliverables to the CITY as DRAFT resorts for review and comment and then submit a final to FDEP. i 17 yamr� ;471$t�•3' -: sf-_7 � ; Deliverable Regulatory,, ue Date w � i?, :-!., f $ Well Construction Report one copy 3/28/2013 (See Section I) H. Compensation Compensation for the Amendment No. 1 Scope of Services described herein shall be paid on an aggregate lump-sum basis for Task 5. There will be no change to the method of compensation for the previous tasks. Details of the proposed compensation for Amendment #1 are presented in Attachment A. Progress payments shall be due and payable monthly based on invoices submitted by the ENGINEER Task 1 Project Management Additional $ 2,200 Task 2 Wetland Monitoring Services -Additional Task $ 3,168 Task 3 Wetland Baseline Monitoring Report $ N/A Task 4 Contingencies (Time and Material - additional) $ 2,700 Task 5 FDEP Monitoring wells $ 11,456 Amendment Total $ 19,523 Entire Task Order Revised Total (previously $52,000) $.71,523 I. Schedule Services pursuant to this Scope of Services will commence upon ENGINEER's receipt of Notice To Proceed (NTP) from the CITY. The monitoring wells are to be located within the Park so it is presently assumed no easements must be obtained. A monitoring well permit 5 Amendment to Clermont Wetland Monitoring Program-CUP(30-Jan-13)docx AECOM must be obtained from the FDEP,for each well, which may result in delays. The monitoring well completion report must be submitted to the FDEP on or before 3/28/2013. The ENGINEER will observe the time limitations; however, should there be delays in receiving information from others and in obtaining subsequent authorization, approvals, and review comments from the CITY, and other governmental agencies, the schedule will be updated and adjusted as mutually agreed upon by the ENGINEER and the CITY. The ENGINEER shall not be responsible for delays that occur as the result of action or inaction of CITY or others. ENGINEER will prepare letter to FDEP to request time extension if needed. The ENGINEER understands the FDEP permit requires the groundwater monitoring wells be installed within 90-days/from the date of permit issuance, which is March 28, 2013. The ENGINEER will endeavor to meet this timeframe within the constraints of the parameters within its control. Unless noted otherwise, all time durations listed below are in calendar days from receipt of an executed agreement from the CITY "authorization." The schedule provided herein is based on the timely receipt of the information to be provided by the CITY. Should the CITY's activities or regulatory agency response require more time than anticipated, the schedule described below will be modified accordingly. J. Additional Provisions ENGINEER is entitled to rely upon the accuracy of historical and existing data and information provided by CITY and others without independent review and verification. ENGINEER is not responsible for the means, methods, sequences, techniques or procedures of CITY and Contractor operations or for safety precautions and programs. Documents, drawings, specifications, and electronic information/data, including computer aided drafting and design (CADD), prepared by ENGINEER pursuant to this agreement are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by CITY or others on extensions of the Project or on any other project. Any use of completed documents for other projects and any use of incomplete documents without specific written authorization from ENGINEER will be at CITY's sole risk and without liability to ENGINEER. CITY assumes full responsibility for such changes unless CITY has given ENGINEER prior notice and has received from ENGINEER written consent for such changes. Electronic data delivered to CITY is for CITY's convenience and shall not include the professional stamp or signature of an engineer or architect. CITY agrees that ENGINEER shall not be liable for claims, liabilities or losses arising out of, or connected with the decline of accuracy or readability of electronic data to inappropriate storage conditions or duration. 6 Amendment to Clermont Wetland Monitoring Program-CUP(30-Jan-13)docx A=COM K. Authorization This Task Order serves as an Exhibit to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement dated October 13, 2009 between the CITY and ENGINEER, and is hereby incorporated into this Task Order by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ENGINEER and CITY have executed this Amendment#1 to Task Order#3 this 12.4 day of �ebr ua.r , 2013. Agreed to by AECO -chnical Services, Inc. CITY OF CLERMONT 41 A 411P g., „MI -- s Lenna'r J. Lindahl District Vice Pres'• -nt Date: January 31, 2013 Date: \ i rucrtt 121 OI c,7 7 Amendment to Clermont Wetland Monitonng Program-CUP(30-Jan-13)docx A_KOM , M1 W O O co CO O O NN O N b N < b M N a N P OO N ' N V ti, . . . ' r a ' N N m M N cn^N M N G •S Q 11 pp MO j, . C / 13 PT4 L / 69 69 fA 69 69 69 69 69 fA 69 69 69 W fA 69 69 VI 69 vi Vi d:1 •... 1. 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