O-39-39 .. . ORDINANCE NO. 3f AN ORDINANCE CLOSING AND VACATING LINDEN STREET BETWEEN EIGHTH STREET AND SEVENTH STREET AND ALSO CLOSING AND VACATING THE ALLEY BETWEEN LOT? AND LOTS 1, 3, and 5 OF BLOCK 861ft fHE CITY OF CLERMONT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: SECTIO:t1 1. That Linden Street as shown upon certain In:lPS and plats of the City of Clermont as extending from Eighth Street to Seventh Street be and the same is hereby closed and vacated and the Ci ty of Clermon t relinquisbe s any cla im to any portion of said street between the points mentioned. ,/ SECTION 2. That that certain alley shown upon the official map of the City of Cle rmont as extending between Lot? and Lots 1, 3, and 5 of Block 86 of the City of C~rmont, be and the same is hereby closed, vacated and abandoned and the City of Clermont relim- quishes any claim 'Which it may have c'a the said alley. '" -'-. h. SECTION -~ This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and approval by the Mayor and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby rep¡ea led. .. ............ PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT ITS REGULAR MEETING trI~¡Af? HELD ON J1JNE 6, 1939. President City Council 6;~ vv-~--';·~~~ , >'- ~~~"4œ1,EST: -~ --- Ä;' t l ~ ~ ~. : -__.\''::~? City Clerk !-1", ' \~ .." _;. -,::'.c' I-,,"!- ~, ,~; ;\~'w .~.'-' -- - -" - 8 - ~'_<:'~ :.~_. ; ..., "- 0-' ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~\ R¿~ived and approved by Iœ this~th day of June, :;~~ '\, ~~,~ ~ "P'- ß;" ~.~,.......1o-V~~-:""-,~ "-.....,;~ ~-i} 'f - ;,¿'\ ~J ~ , . ) 1931. r-- ';