O-39-42 ·~ ¡:;,..' .""~. r .. ., ORDINANCE NO. I-z, AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING THE REDUCTION OF THE WIDTH OF HIGHLAND AVENUE FROM EIGHTY FEET TO SIXTY FEET AS PROVIDED BY AN ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERlWNT ON DECillJBER 17, 1924; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADDITION OF THE LAND WHICH WAS FORMERLY A PART OF HIGHLAND AVENUE TO TH~ PROPERTIES IN THE BLOCKS IMMEDIATELY SOUTH OF HIGHLAND AVENUE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE DISFOSITION OF SUCH LANDS BETWEEN THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES IN SAID BLOCK. WHEREAS, under date of December 17,1924, the City Council of the City of Clermont duly passed and adopted a certain ordinance reducing the width of highland Avenue from eighty feet to sixty feet and providing that the twenty feet which was formerly a part of Highland Avenue be added to the properties in Blocks 8, 17, 28, 44, 61, 72, 85, 89, 100, 109, 126, and 136, which said blocks lie immediately south of Highland Avenue; and vTIIEREAS, the said ordinance did not contemplate that the additional twenty feet should be given to the property owners owning lots facing on Highland Avenue to the exclusion of the propertyowners owning lots facing on Chestnut Street, but it was the intent and purpose of the said ordinance that the blocks mentioned should be enlarged to the extent of the twenty feet so taken off of Highland Avenue, but as between the properties themselves it was the intent and purpose that the properties should all benefit as near equ lly as possible; and WHEREAS, the intent and purpose of the Council in . passing this ordinance was afterwards carried out by the approval and filing for record wi th the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lake County, Florida, of an official map or plat of the City of Clermont, upon which all of the lots in the blocks mentioned herein were diváded as nearly equally as possible; and \VHEREAS, there has been some confusion between PAGE 2 property ovmers as to the lines between lots in said blocks which front on Highland Avenue and lots which front on Chestnut Street, therefor.e BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: Section 1. That the action of the City Council in passing the ordinance reducing the width of Highland Avenue from eighty feet to sixty feet on December 17, 1924, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 2. The reduction in width of said Highland Avenue shall be accompiished by moving the south line of said Highland Avenue northwardly a distance of twenty feet and the said twenty foot strip shall enure to the benefit of the property ovmers of the property in blocks 8, 17, 28, 44, 61, 72, 85, 89, 100, 109, 126 and 136; and that as between the owners of property owning lots fronting on Highland Avenue and lots fronting on Chestnut Street, the additional twenty feet shall be divided as nearly equally between them as may be possible. Section 3. The plat of said blocks as shown on the official map or plat of the City of Clermont on record iD the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lake County, Florida, is hereby re-approved and the City Engineer in making surveys of lots in the blocks herein mentioned shall be governed by the said official map or plat. Section 4. The provisions of the ordinance passed on December 17,1924, and of any other ordinance of the City of Clermont which are in conflict with this - ordinance are hereby amended tG conform to the pro- visions hereof. . . 4 ·¡"ia···· . . PAGE 3 The foregoing ordinance passed and adopted by the City Council at its regular meeting held on July 7 ATTEST: , 1939. ()k!(~~ . President City Council ~ City Clerk Received and approved by me this ~ay of July, 1939. ( IIayor . ~. ." ~~~.'~ð'. ,:",<' B~~~;'I ~1~f~ ;,~~:~ . ',. \\ "." 1, .~4-' ..¡;.'~ t.,. . ~t:~., ... "¡ . \ \" Il.:.~\.:~l \ ~( ii'" ~'l, ~ >"j ""' . d " ",,~ . ~ ~p::~;" ; ;:; r . ~ '-. t ~ . '1 ~~ ~ '.1 ~tÙi.' ~. ~ll ~"1" Li!~·.~~ ~11~~ ~:~~,J:~"'j C··I: ,:'¡ r,.'. i.~"'J:.~. ~~.L~;~· ,-i·Jf ";, ':?- .i tt;} ¡~; second 1;~me. ~'¡':;\ '1 ~.~{i ':'J t·",~·;, :i:; .<., ";;,,; bJ"';; .', ! ~~" . :;\:{~ co..' ,.,.j \¡,j¡ .' ,\,'~ ~o.n .y,~ 1 .'-~ ;;¡: !j :":, ~;¥JIt ~~:~,,: ~~ ~.t,~ . ;r~~ """1· ~ ~J .~ ,,~.~;~ ,','; , ~; .Jj. 1 ;''':'~ . -ry-:. .~,; ..,,, Ti ¿.)J¿:... ~'~; ~ ¿ ~~ ~~- 4" .,' ~i~"· ¡ ~.. ", f.~ '~p,:..,~ Hïi.f.:. : ~ "." ;¡;' ., '. ~'$;¡':;":~'_'! , .-~~" . ~~~ -"'í'"41 '''''(i:- ~.)_.~z.~~"::¡,;. ' . ;"'1.,4" , '~~'. ;:.~t;~,¡ .~,¥j ~tf,'r:'.:;~ ~~}~~.. : ¡J)(;~;;¡_, :"'-A.;' ":j'~ ~l{í ~..~~¡~ ¡M;¡~:'~ ~~..: i~ , i¡I' "(:,¡ · ". ~~.: ~ ;5.",·""t· ~1 ( Or. ~ ~ /'1{ ;~~;:; ,\"¡,,,,~ .' ..1 < ~,:'~~ .,;: ;~.; · ~ ; ¡lJ Í'>,:~,,;, · _..~~. .. ...·r '¡':'Ú :). r .::J, ~'':'.', J r~'~~~~41 r ;;!~:','I ~? ~(.):~ ~, ' ,~ ,,;¡ ~ -~ .. "',: r,:'''~fJ \"'" , , . . , . . :' Mr. Isam Blaokburn then introduoed an ordinance ðnt~led "OrdiDanoe BQ. . An Ordinancé Authorizing the Reductic,n the W14th of Highland Avanue from Eighty feet to Sixty Feet'. of Which WBB read in full for the first time. , øp~ motion of.JIr. backþU1'B. ~seoonded by IU!. Brown. it was unan1mously deoided to suspend the rules and pass the said or- ~ , d1nance to its seoond reading. thereupon. the said ordinance waS read in full for the ijpon motion duly made and seconded. the said ordinanoe. of which the folUw1ng is a oopY. was duly passed and adopted as read, by . the unan1moue vote of the OounoiJ: ORDINANCE NO. -- An Ordinance Authorizin'\ the reduction of the ':/id th of Hi~hland Avenue from E1ehty Feet to Sixty Feet. Whereas, Highland 'Avenue, as designated on the map of the .. .,. townsite of Clermont, recorded in the public records of Lake county Florida, in Plat Book 3, ~a&e 5, is shovm on said pl~t as h~ving a width of eighty 'eet. and has actually been laid out el~hty feet wide, but is a street 'hich is used for residential pur~oses only, and is oot subject to heavy· traffic: and ".: Jhereas, Blocks 7,18,27,45,~.,78,84,9',llO,125 and 137, which lie immedia tely nobth of said Hi,(hland. Avellue are sho\1n i :1 ( , ¡ fl ì.\ f' map ',i I \ 1 " ·!I ~ I \1 , (,¡ .' ,\ , ., on 'said map to have a depth of three Hundred feet, and actually' have a depth of three H1;ndred feet, as laid out: and ~~P'RAS, Blocks 8,17,28,44,61,72,85.89,100 ,109,126 and 136.1yin'5 immediately south of said Highland Ave., are ShO\ffi on said as having a depth of two hundred fifth feet therefrom, but act~alli, , as laid out· on the ~round, measure considerably less thlln that number of feet: and . - . :- " ~~ereas, a sixty feet street is deemed sufficiently wide to c!lre for the volume of traffio which ~he said Hi~hland Avenue ~Jay reasonably be expected ever to bear: .~ ~. Now. THEREF'ORE¡' BE I+' ENACTED BY T!IE CITY COUNCIL Or' THE .¡ t,'" ..,.... \. '. f'\' . ~ -'.' ',; I ..,,\ . ""''1'- ., '-'~ t . '. CITY OF CLERMONT I ,'," .' o . .0 SECTIOlr &. o ·6· .. '1'!u1t the w1dth 01' the sa1d I!1:'hlund Avenue be reduo.:d 11'0J:1 e1p:ht7 feet to slxty feet, by movln~ tl~c s.mth linu there.:>f :lortha "1'417 a d1stanoe Of t'!lOnty teet, and tl1(·t tho sdd t';,enty feet strlp shall enure to the benefUI of tht: prosento~mers of. the propert., along the southem edlle Of said i!1~hlaod Avenuø. ',- sectl",n :tI. , That A.P. G1bson, 01tl EI'131neor, be r.nd he 1s hereby . . dlrected to locate abli establlsh the fI luthorn Une 'J1" ::l.·hlan·1 Avenue in acoordanoe wlth the ,rovlsions of thls "'rdlm.U1oe. Seotion III That Highland Avenue ahall forthfllth be o.,ened from the western edge of Blocks 13. and 137 on the west, to thå cOI"¡.orllte limlts of the 0 t., of Clermont on the ea:.t, as shown on sald map, exoept as otherwlse herein urovlded tor. Pas~ed and adoµted this 17th dBU of Deoember, A.D. 1024. ! pres. olty ~'unol! . Attestc I, .' -C1t., Olerk Rec1~ved and approved·thls 17th dßY Jf Deoeabel', A.D.1Ø24 .) II .0: ,1 t '.: ~, . " Mayor, U1ty of Clemont. ( i~ ,. , '( " - . , ~ ~ . ·1 "r l' . . .~ . ..í: "~ .. " ~~ \..... ~, s . ,.:;1 .j I '//1 1. .~ I ~~ I '.1 ,r.~ I " 'a , . . , "f . , .. ..1.:,- . '.. II" ' - of .' " J; r I , . . ~ '.:- . .:..... '.t.. . '. ~ .. - - ,- ".' ~....-~''! ~"",~ , ," -.';t·, J:i-1~ ~ ~G )qp -!:_ . to 21~'<L~~30 - ~(:.- ...ro '" ~ ,O¢~ S~O ," '-:;. ßtI5' ,~~~ --f ¡",.."\ CJJ §ð.~ Q , 244 ~. :to 0 245 w w ~ 2~S 60 f9 _ ~ ' , 2~ ~:--~~ I ¡-.;, ~ ,~~ ~ ! (J)~' 284 ! " ~ Z . "I.... 0.. .' ~ ~. ~ 2<e>{'1. (g 0.. ~ ow> ~', ~. - j!? i;M'~ , 0: , . I - 'lIce 2" 212 - I I 6~ , 1:-' ~ , -.!15L F :t14 ~J 22~ 23 232 , 233 - o 234 2~ l,j,r~-t' . ,- 236 !fi , 201 j~' d~~O '. , I . 2a~ , ~ 1 282 2~~ uI"",y.: 2'~1 ' " ! - - ~ : ~~ 23 . '. f .. -~ ~, .. - 322 "'." .....~ . '.'~ ,.., '.::0...- I " ê\20 ~. ~~o ... ..7 :) , . Çj , o - ~' 0, --- I ~, ~ ~> 0, 0, I (/) I 1° . , _60~. " 3 I 9 7 5 7 3 5 ,~ ~ .J. .J. ':f. 4 12 4 6 6 6 8 o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~--J ~(]) - ~ ,~ 275' .~ §::::".~~~~~~~~~~~~"'<I~ GH LAN D ~~~~~ , , - o o r u Cf) - w > <!. H LI NCOLN HEIGHTS ~ SCHOOL (23 I '( / -------- , ~ 19, J I. . I I: I I I ;r '/ ~ J U¡ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~W g ~ BROo'ME STREET - I ¡. AVENUE I I ¡ I i I II 3 " .t:" '7 - - .-