O-40-48 J -~ ~ -1.. -j PREAMBLE AND ENACTING CLAUSE WHEREAS, by the provisions of Ch,pter 19539 - (No. 544), Laws of Florida, General Acts of 1939, and by Chapter 8926, .Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1921, as amended and affected by Chapter 10432, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1925, authority is conferred upon the Ci t~T of Clermont, to es tablish dis tricts, or zones within its corporate limits for the purpose of regulating the use of land and buildings, the heights of buildings, the AN ORDINANCE TO FŒGULA'll"ß AND RES'l'HIC'l' THE HEIGH'l', NUMBER OF STORIES, ANt SIZE OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTUP~S; TO REGULATE THE SIZE, DEPTH AND WID~I OF YARDS, COURTS AND OTR}~ OPEN SPACES; TO REGtJI":"ATE THE PERCENTAGE OF LO':e THAT IvIAY BE OC CUPIED AND REGULATE THE DENSITY OF POPULATION; TO REGULATE AND RESTRICT THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUC'lVRES, LANL AND WATER FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY, RESIDENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES; AND FOR SUCH PUR- POSES TO DIVIDE THE CITY OF CLERMON'l' INTO DIS'llRICTS OF SUCH NUMBER, SHAPE AND AREA AS MAY BE BEST SUITED TO CARRY OUT lliESE REGULATIONS, AND WITHIN SUCH DISTRICTS TO REGULATE AND RESTRICT THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR OR USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, LAND AND WATER; TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF SAID REGULATIONS; TO PROVIDE A NŒTHOD FOR AMENDMENT, SUPPLEMENT, CHANGE, MODIFICATION AND REPEAL OF REGULATIONS, RESTRICTICNS AND BOUNDARIES; TO PROVIDE A BQJBD OF ADJUSTMENT AND PRESCRIBE ITS POWERS AND DUTIES AND TO PRESCRIBE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS AND ALSO PROVIDE FOR ITS ENFCRCEMENT. 000 ORDINANCE NO. :t£. . . .' . . . . . . Adjustments, ~urpose, Jurisdiction and Approval. Validity and Penalty. Conflict. Enacting Clause. Definitions Dis tric ts Use Hegulations, Use Regulations, Use Regulations, Use Regulations, Use Regulations, Use Regulations, Use Exceptions. Non-conforming Uses. Height and Area Regulations, Family Districts. Height and Area Regulations, Height and Area Regulations, Districts; "M-l" Industrial Dis tric ts . Height and Area Exceptions. Area Excentions. Boundaries of Districts. Administration. Certificate of Occupancy. Interpretation, Purpose and Changes and Amendments. Public notice of hearing. "R-lA" and "R-l" One (Single) nR_2ft Multiple Family Districts. "C-l" and "C-2" Conmercial Districts, and "UZ" Unaoned Distric ts. nR-lA" and "R-l" One (Single) Family "R-2" Multiple Family Distric ts. "C_l" Commercial Districts. "C-2" Commercial Districts. "M-1" Industrial Districts. "UZ" Unzoned Districts. .-' INDEX ZONING ORDINANCE tJ, ' ' j : ' ¡ . ", I :; , !.... 100... ...'" l . ; ~" ' I' Section 14. Section 15. Section 16. Section 17. Section 18. Section 19. Sec tion 20. Section 21. Section 22. Section 23. Section 12. Section 13. Title Preamble and Sec tion .' 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section ;5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Section 9. Sec tioD 10. Section 11. \ J I ~ } """*= -2- II BOARDING HOUSE: A structure other than a hotel, where lodging and meals for five (5) or more persons are served for compensation. BUILDING: A str"clc ture having a roof supported by columns, ~ :1 ¡i II ~¡ ! 11 ., i I; Ii t!li Ii ~ t~ BASEMENT: A story partly underground and having at least one-half (~) of its height above grade. A basement shall be counted as a story if the vertical distance from grade to the ceiling is over Five (5) feet or if used for business purposes or for dwell- ing purposes by other than a janitor or caretaker or their family. BARBECUE STANDS, BARBECUE PITS OR PIG STANDS: Refreshment places where space is pr~vided or allowance is made for auto- mobiles to congregate or park for the purpose of serving occupants with refreshments. AUTO COURT OR AUTO CAMP:' Any multiple dwelling or group of dwellings, other than bungalow courts, hotels or apartment houses, which is designed or intended for the temporary residence of motorists or traverlel's. The term "Auto Court" shall include "Cabin Camp", "Auto Camp", "Tourist Camp" and"Trailer Camp". 1 I APARTMENT HOTEL: An apartment building, under resident supervision, which maintains an inner lobby through which all tenants must pass to gain access to the apartments and which may furnish dining room service for tenants only. ALLEY: A roadway dedicated to public use which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting propertyo ACCESSORY USE OR BUILDING: An accessory use or building is a subordinate use or building customarily incident to and located on the same lot with the main use or building. ADVERTISING STRUCTURE: Any sign, billboard or other object or structure serving primarily for advertising purposes. Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular; the words "used for" include the meanin§ "designed for"; the word "structure" includes the word "b~ilding ; the word "shall" is mandatory, and not directory; the word "let" includes the words "plot" and "tract". Section 1.. For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain terms and words are herein defined as follows: NOW, THEHEFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA: size of open spaces surrounding buildings and density of population, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont deems it necessary in order to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to promote health and general welfare; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the over- crowsing of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements, to make and promulgate such regulations with.reasonable consideration, among otner things, to the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses, and with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land through out said city in accordance with a comprehensive plan; ./-..~ / " I ":01 . . ìiIoii -3... i 1 I I GARAGE, STORAGE: Any premises except those described as a private garage, used for the storage only of motor vehicles, or where any such vehicles are kept for renumeÐation, hire or sale. j Ii ·Il .1 ,r Ii 1 ~ II: " : GARAGE, PUBLIC: An premises, except those described as a private or storage garage, used for the storage or care of motor vehicles, or where any such vehicles are equipped for operation, repaired or kept for renumeration, hire or saleo DWELLING, MULTIPLE FAMILY:: Any building where spperate accomodations for more than two families living independently of each other are provided. FAMILY: Any number of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit and doing their cooking on the premises. GARAGE, COMMUNITY: A group of private garages, either de- tached or under one roof, arranged in a row or around a common means of access and erected for the use of residents in the immediate vicinity. GARAGE, PRIVATE: A building or space used as an accessory to a main bujlding permitted in any residence district and providing for the storage of motor vehicles and in which no business, occupation or service for profit is in any way ..RRe8~eã conducted. ;! I ~ I ! " !1 :1 ,! I (i 1\ ¡ !I D\VELLING, TWO FAMILY: A detached building, divided horizontally or vertically and designed for or occupied by two single-family housekeeping units; contained entirely under one roof and having one difiding partition common to each unit or having the ceiling structure of the lower unit the floor structure of the unit above. DWELLING, ONE OR SINGLE FAMILY: A detached building designed for or occupied exclusively by one family. COURT: An open, unoccupied, unobstructed space, other than a yard, on the same lot as a buildingo Trees or shrubs may be used in a court. An outer court is any court facing for its full required width on a street, or on any other required open space not a court. An inner court is any other required court. ." or walls for the shelter, support or enclosure of persons, animals or chattels; and when seperated by division walls from the ground up without openings, each portion of such building shall be deemed a seperate building, except as pro~ided in Section 13. BUILDING, HEIGHT OF: The height of a building is the vertical distance from the curb elvel to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or to the deck line of mansard roof or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitch or hip roof. BUILDING, AREA: The maximum horizontal projected area of a building and its accessory buildings, excluding chimneys, open steps, balconies, buttresses, terraces and cornices and other minor ornamental fe~tures, projecting from the walls of the building and not otherwise supported by the bround. BUNGALOW COURTS (HOUSE COURTS): A group of two or more single family dwellings on one or more adjoining lots, having a seperate outside entrance on the ground floor level for each single-family dwelling. eAM~ CAR AND-OR TRAILER: Any unit used for living or sleep- !. ing purposes wnd which is equipped with wheels or similar devises ~"t~'" used for the purpose of transporting said uni t from place to place, \ whether by motive power or other meáns. v, ! .. -4- SET BACK: The minimum horizontal distance between the street wall of a building and the street line. STORY: That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it, or if there be no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the seiling next above it. PLACE: An open, unoccupied public space other than a street or alley, permanently reserved for the purposes of joint access to abutting property. LOT, THROUGH: An interior lot having a frontage on two streets. NON-CONFORMING USE: A building or land occupied by a use that does not conform with the regulatioBs of the use district in which it is situated. LOT, DEPTH: The depth of a lot, for the purposes of this ordinance, is the distance measured in the mean direction of the side lines of the lot from the midpoint of the street lot line or bulkhead line, to the opposite main rear line of the lot. LOT, INTERIOR: A lot other than a corner lot. LOT LINES: The lines bounding a lot defined herein. LOT, CORNER: A lot abutting on two or more streets at their intersection. LODGING (ROOMING) HOUSE: Every house, boat, vehicle, or other structure, or any place or location kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public to be a place where living quarters, sleeping or house-keeping accomodations are supplied for pay to transient or permanent guests or tenants, whether in one or adjoining bui¡dingso LOT: A parcel of ground which is or may be occupied by a building and accessory buildings, including the open spaces required under this ordinance. LOT OF RECORD: A lot which is a part of a subdivision, the map or plat of which haa been recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lake County, Florida. HOTEL: A building or other structure kept, used, maintained, advertised as or held out to the public to be a place Where sleep- ing accomodations are supplied for pay to transient or permanent guests or tenants, in which ten or more rooms are furnished for the accomodations of such guests,. and having one or more dining rooms or cafes where meals or lunches are served to such transient or permanent guests, such sleeping accomodations and dining rooms or cafes being conducted in the same building or buildings in connection therewith. GASOLINE AND OIL FILLING STATION: A structure or place where gasoline, oil and greases are supplied and dispensed to the motor vehicle trade, but no repair work performed. GRADE, ESTABLISHED: The "Established Grade" is the elevation of the street curb as fixed by the City of Clermont. GRADE, NATURAL: The "Natural Grade" is the elevation of the undisturbed natural surface of the ground adjoining the buildingo GUEST HOUSE (TOURIST HOME): Any dwelling in which rooms are rented for the temporary care or lodging of transients and travelers, for a consideration. · ~ -5- 4. No yard or other open space provided about any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of these regulations The aforesaid districts and the boundaries of such districts are shown upon the map in the office of the City Clerk in the Municipal Building and made a part of this ordinance~ as if fully and at lar@e set forth herein, being designated as the ZONE MAP", and identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk and the said map and all notations, references and other information shown thereon shall be as much a part of this Ordinance as if the matters and information set forth by said map were fully described herein. Ex~ept as hereinafter provided: 1. No building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered or repaired no shall any building or land be used for any pjrpose other than is permitted in the district in which such build- ing or land is located. 2. No building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered or repaired to exceed the height or bulk provisions herein established for the district in which such building is located. 3. No lot area shall be so reduced or diminished that the yards or other open spaces shall be smaller than prescribed by this Ordinance, nor shall the density of population be increased in any manner except in conformity with the area regulations hereinafter defined. ,J YARD, FRONT: A yard across the full width of the lot, extending from the front line of the building to the front line of the lot excluding steps and unenclosed porches. SECTION 2. DISTRICTS. In order to regulate and restrict tte location of trades and industries and the location of buildings erected, altered or repaired fÐÐ specified uses to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected, altered or repaired, and to regulate and limit the density of population, the City of Clermont is here- by divided into seven (7) districts to be known as: R-1A and R-1 One (Single) Family Districts R-2 Multiple Family Districts C-l Commercial Districts C-2 Commercial Districts M-l Industrial Districts UZ Unzoned Districts YARD: An open space on the same lot with a building, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided herein. TOURIST HOME: SEE GUEST HOUSE. TRAILER CAMPS: SEE CAMP CAR. STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS: Any change, except for repair or replacement, in the supporting members of a building, such as bear- ing walls, columns, beams or"' girders. STORY,:" HALF: A story under a gabled, hipped or gambrel roof the wall plates of which on at least two (2) opposite exterior walls are not more than two (2) feet above the finished floor of such story. STREET LINE: The line between the street and abutting property. STRUCTURE: Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires, more or less, permanent location on the land, or attached to something having a permanent location on the land. Ij ì .Î! 'I II' " ' I: . Ii ~ii fi r -6- ""- SECTION 4. ESE REGULATIONS, R-2 MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICTS. In the H-2 Multiple Family District, no build:i.ng or ID.nð shall be used and no buildinp shall be hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed or structur(:4l1y altered or repej.rod, unless other- ~ wise provided for in this Ordinance, except for one or more of the following uses: 120 The taking of boarders or the renting of rooms by a resident family, provided the total number of boarders and roomers does not~two. ~ 13. Hospitals, clinics and sanitarimns " il .~; I' 11. Railway rights of way not including railway yardso One or single family dwellings. Schools, elementary, high and private, except correctional institutions. Libraries, community centers and buildings used exclusively by the Federal, State, County or City Government for public purposes. Farms, nurseries, truck gardens and citrus groves. Non-commercial greenhouses. Churches and other places of worship including Sunday school buildings. Parks, playgrounds and playfields. Non-commercial piers, boathouses and landing places, owned by adjoining property owners. An accessory building located in the rear of the principal building and with no immediate street frontage and used for r~sidence purposes only by persons employed on the premises and their immediate family. Private garages, detached or combined wit~ principal building or accessory building. Uses customarily incident to any of the above uses when situated in the same dwelling, including home occupations, such as the office of a physician, surgeon, dentist, musician, artist or any other similar use, provided, however, that no persons other than members of his own household' are employed in such occupation. Provided, als~ that no name plate exceeding one square foot in area which shall be attached to the house, nor bulletin board, hor sign exceeding eight square feet in area, appertaining to the lease, hire or sale of a building or premises, nor advertising structure of any other character shall be permitted and where a lot is vacant siid sign or bulletin board must be placed back of the building llneo A driveway or walk used for access to a commercial or industrial use shall in no case be permitted as an acúessory use. 10. 9. 6. 7. ~ 8. 5. 4. 3. :: 10 2. SECTION 3. DISTRICTS. In the R-IA and R-l One (Single) Family Districts no building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed or structurally altered or repaired, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance, except for one or more of the following uses: USE REGULATIONS, R-lA and R-l ONE (SINGLE) FM~ILY 5. Every building hereafter erected shall be located on a lot as herein defined and in no case shall there be more than one 'building on one lot except as hereinafter provided. shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building; provided further that no yard or open space on an adjoin- ing property shall be considered as providing a yard or open space on a lot whereon a building is to be erectedo tli j I 'Ii t' H -I ;-'1 I II ~ -7~i Bakeries, other than those whose products are made and sold at retail only on the premiseso Barbecue stands. Bottling works. Building material storage yard including lumber yard. Canning plants. Carpet, rug or bag cleaning establishment. Carousel, roller coasters, skating rinks, whirligigs, merry-go-rounds, ferris waeels, or similar amusement devises. Carting, express, hauling or storage yardo Contractor's plants and storage yard. pyeing or cleaning establishments (employing mare than five people on the premises and-or utilizing steam pressure or power. Fertilizer storage and sales warehouseso Fuel storage yards, coal, coke or wood yard_o Ice Cream factory (employing more than five persons on premises). Ice plants or ice storage of more than five tons capacityo Laundry (employing more than five people on premises). Mattress factory. Mechanical garages or repair shops. \8æ~~8Y~Rg maFS ~g8D 8i~t )?8sþ18)... Metal or wood working Milk depot other than premises Machine shop. Packing houseso Second hand automobile s torag'e and sales yards (Used Car Lots). stone yard or monument works. Storage warehouses. storage and sale of live poultry or poultry killing or dressing for sale at retail.on the premises. Wholesale warehouses and storage. Any kind of manufacture, processing or tx'eatrnent other than manufacture, processing or treatment of products cleurly incidental to the conduct of the retail bU8ines~; conducted on the premises. t cteJ?liJ.gcc of 19b1ll[ g8se1111ð 8.1.d ðll )?J?elÕÌ.uQt5!1 11ía qU~1ía1t:i~i gP~Q. tor tLé.u Ii! Ly (~ð) raIleRs i'~gB_ II i ¡¡ , .1 · r II [I .11 { I shop employing more than five people. a retail business conducted on the ~ .-... .. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lO. 110 120 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. I - 20. 21. I 22. 23. 24. 250 26. 27. j e&; In the C-l Commercial District any building or land except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, may be used for any use permitted in the R-2 Multiple Family District or for any other use except the following: . SECTION 5. USE REGULATIONS, C-l COI.'ÍMERCIAL DISTRICT. 1. Any use permitted in the R-lA and R-l One (Single) Famil Family District. 2. Multiple Family dwellings (including bungalow courts and garage apartments). ~o Hotels in which retail business may be conducted for the principal conveniences of the occupants of the buildingp provided, however, there shall be no entrance to such place of business except from the inside of the building. 4. Boarding and lodging houses. 50 Hospitals, clinics and sanitariumso 6. Private clubs and lodges, excepting those the chief activity of '\\'hich is a service customa.rily carried on as a business. 7. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above uses when located on the same lot and not involving the conduct of a business including private and storage garages. 8. Community garages for storage of automobiles. 9. Name plates not exceeding one square foot in area, signs not exceeding twelve square feet in area, appertaining to the lease, hire or sale of a building or premises, provided, however, that no advertising sign of any other character nor bulletin board shall be permitted. 10. Guest houses, tourist homeso . r------------------------ - - - ,- -~~._.- - -- 28. Any use excluded from "C-2" ConIDlercial District and "M_1ft Industrial District. In the C-l C:ornmel'cial Listrict a pub2.ic garage shall be per- mi tted v¡hich is purely incidental to an automobile salesl'oom where the major business is the display and sale of new automobiles by an authorized agency and provided that the area allowed fro repair and storage of cars shall not be nearS!' the street than thirty feet (30') to the front line of the buildingo No use permitted in Hesidential Districts H-IA, H.-l and H-2 shall be excluded from the C-l Commercial Dish'ict. ... Any business permitted in the C-l Commercial District pursuant to t.he provisions of this Ordinance may have not more t.han fOI'ty per cent. (40%) of the floor aree devoted to industry or storage purposes incidental to such primary use; provided, however, that not more than five (5) ~mployees shall be engaged at any time on the premises in any such incidental use. SECTION 6. USE REGULATIONS, C-2 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. In the C-2 Con~ercial District all buildings and land except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance may be used for B.ny use per'mi tted in the C-l Commercial District or for any other use except the following: 6. 7. 8. 9. __ 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1. 2. 3. 4. 50 Abattoir and meat packing plants. Acid manufactureo Asphalt manufacturing and refining. Automobile grave yard. Central mixing plant for cement, mortar, plaster or paving IIÌlte:toi1ali¡. Citrus fruit or vegetable canneries. Disinfectants manufacture. Distillation of bones, coal or woodo Fertilizer manufacture. Foundry or forge planto Gas manufacture and-or storage (heating or illuminating). Glue, sizing or gelatin manufactureo Incineration or reduction of dead animals, offal or garbage. Junk, iron or rags paper storage and baling. Planing mills and novelty works. Paper and pulp manufacture. Sausage and meat manufacture. Saw mills. Sewage disposal plantso_ Soap Manufacture. stock yars. storage of bulk gasoline and Oil productso Tanning, curing, storape of hides and skins and in general those uses which may be obnoxious or offensive by reason of emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas or noise. A~r use excluded from the M-l Industrial District. SECTION!. USE REGULATIONS, M-l INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. -¡; '. ~.,'~." .:·)t::..~~: :1:' 'J".,...-L..."". 'A~ '.... ........ _..'.t. ,.h... '~-l)..;lI}.dU:stz-!~l :.Di8t. . ~~ot:. tflZVl ~c!lipg; ~ ~Mm... . d,.JllB,.. y. be u~tIP:tJ~ cPWl'.ÌtOAe wha 1¡8.P.~ftr ~ r¥l~l~ct, IW)\tlb Ii.lr.Py;,·o,41n:an.ce (}".ft14h:.,C_1oJ:rlf~~J.lII1~ iPeß~at1nt! µu~oe~; p:t:..oi~Wed-, however, r. 1JNï.t;_ð'lP",b-u11d-ing or ·oooupan-cy,permj.t ~ha.ll beiss'\¡.~ ~or e:ny.of .tþ.,e. fo'~wing uses until and unless the looation of such use shall have been approved by the Board of Adjustment· 'and èity Council of City of ;::-:. Clermont., Florida:. 1. Acid Manufaoture. 2. Rend~r1ng plant. 3. Fertilizer Dµinufactur.e. 4. Garbage, offal or dea~ animal reduction or dumping. 5. stock yards or slaughter of animals. L '11 I ¡- -8- I, J " t , ~ ¡ I: 1 I, I II I' I ~ ~ Ii , I ii . 'i II ., - . ~ --.-....- iI - - o -.....- REAR YERD: There shall '1e a rial' yarÖ L,r.vir:" a l;6Dth of not less than twenty per cent. (20%) of the ~epth of the lot, provided, however, that such rear ysrd need not excee6 'htrty (30J feet. HEIGHT: No huilding hereafter erected{ structurally altered or repaired shall exceed two and one-half (2~) st0r~es or thirty- five feet (35'), except ar hereinafter provided in ~ection 14 here- efo SECTICN 11. HEIGHT AND AREA REGULATIONS, H-lA and H-l ONE (SINGLE) FAMILY DIS~CRICTS. J;....n tJ~e R-IA and R-l One (Single) Family Distric:ts the height ~ ' buildings, the minimum dimens ions of yards:I the "Ünimum percentage of' lot coverage and the minimum lot area per family shall be as fc-llows: \.\ " . I , , Nothing in this Ordinance shall be taken to prevent the restoration of a building destroyed to the extent of not nlore than fifty per cent. (50ß) of its reasonable value by fire, explosion or other casualty, or act of God, or the public enea~, nor the continued occupancy or use of such building after restoration. A non-conforming use may be changed to a use of the same or higher classification according to the provisions of this Ordinanceo 1¡Vh.erever a dis trict shall be hereafter changed, any then exis ting non-conforming u.se in such changed district may be continued,or changed to a use of a similar or higher classification, provided all other regula tions governing the new use are complied wi th. ~'Ihenever a non-conforming use of a building has been discontinuec or ,~hanged to a higher classification or to a conforming use, such use shall not thereafter be changed to a non-c onformin@' us e of a lower classification. ~The lawful use of a building existing at the time of the passage of this Ordinance or authorized by a building permit issued prior thereto, may be continued, although such ~e does not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance, and sucb use may be extended throughout the buildinr provided no structural alterations, except those required by law or ordinance, or ordered by an authorized officer to assure the safety of the building, a re made therpin. The lawful use of a building or land existing at the time of the passage of this Ordlnance or any amendment ther to may be con- tinued although such use does not conform to the provisions hereof; but if sucb non-conforming use is discontinued, any further use of said building or land shall be in conf~rmity with the provisions ßf this Ordinance. SECTION 10. NON-CONFORMING USES: The lawful use of premises existing at the time of the passare of this Ordinance for parks, exhibition purposes, recreational uses, amusements, athletic training or other athletic purposes, including incidental uses, may be continued or structurally altered or added to, but whenever such use is discontinued any future use shall conform with the regula ti ons of the Distric t in which the propert:/ is s i tua ted as indica ted on the "Zone Mç" 0 1,.. sEð;.IðW(w.8 us.~...wJ.d4'i..8~~:.)TJz!JINZmœDDISTRIC'l... , ( , , , In]th61œt!tTnz01l_tDil.b 1c-t Sr11_l.pr.'''sêand 'bu!'1dlñgs., marQ'}Þ& ~.", used tor &øy use pe~ltted in the ØR-lA- and "R-l- One (Sing e) :ramily Districts and the ttR_21t MUltiple Family Districts and tor any and all other lawful ~$eswhicbmay'be appro~ed by the Boa~d of Adjustment and the City Council of the City ot Clermont, Florida, except those uees per,œ,itted in the M-l Industrial Districts. SECTION 9. USE EXCEPTIONS: "'-, ,l- i, '\ ..", ", } 'J" r'~ ~. l' .\ ~ "~~, ~ ~:·4 ~* - ,.",.;1 J SIDE YARD:' On interior lot!" there shall be a s ide yard on eech side of a building, havinp a width of not less than fifteen per cent. (15%r of the width of the let, provi~ed, however, that such side yards need net exceed seven feet (7') in widtb. Cn a lot havinp a width of less than fifty feet (50'), 8S shown by the leat conveyance of record at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, each s i(~ a 7;ar'c' shall have 8. width equal to 9 t leas tone... tbird (l...~~) of the height of the adjoinint" wall of the building measured to the eaves' lineo On corner lots the side yard regulation 3hall be the same as fo:p interior lots except in the case of reversed fronta€,e where the cornel~ lot faces an intersecting street. In this case, there shall be a side yard on the str¿'et side of the corner lot of not less t~an fifty ~er cent. (50%) of the front yard requiro~ent on the lot in the rep,r of such corner lot 8,nd no accessoI7 building on said corner let shall project beyond the front yard line on the lots in the rear; provided, however, that this regulation shall not be interpreted to reduce the builèable width., after providing the required i~teriür size yard, of a corner lot facing an inter- seetinp- street, 8.nd of rGcord at the t:tme of the passage of this Ordinance to les s th[:n twent:T-fi ve feet (25 I ), nor to prohibit tbe erf::ction of an 8ccessory buildin[" where this regulation cannot be reas ona bly cO'Tl":>l ieè v'li tho /r -*},'. . ~ J;.. ~' : .~ FRCHT ';,cARD: There shall be 8 front yard having a depth of nðt' less than t'lJenty-five feet (25') to tbe front line of the building and not less than fifteen feet (lSi) to the front line of a porch or p8ved terrace. Prov:lded, however, that where lots comprising forty !"Jer cent. (40~O or nlOre of the fl'ontage wi thin the block are, developed with buíldlnfrs having an averafG front yard with a v8.l':tatlon in de:oth of not more than six feet (6'), no building hereafter erecteØ-. structurally altered or repaired shall project beyond the average . front 7/8crd line so established, provided, further, that this - regula tion shall not be interpreted as to require 2, front yard of more than fifty fe t (50'). LeS' i.REA l:~F' FAHILY: In the H-IA One (§ingle) Family Dis triot ever:' buildj.ng hereafter erected, structurally altered or repaired,., shall provide a lot area of not less than ten thousand (lO,OOO) . square feet per family, and in the R-l One (Single) Family District'~ the required lot area shall not be less than six thousand (61000) . square fee t per farÜly. ~iihere a lot ha s les s area than herein re- quired and was c f rec ord at the time of the ;)as sage of this Ordinance 3[Üd Jot ~:!D.y be occupied by only one family provided, however p that the ;Ünimum side and front yard requirements herein b~fcre stipulated ure conformed with. "'¥>, , p}<,n CEN'l'. cr LC T :;OVERAGE: No building shall c over more than ttirty per ce~t. (~O~) o~ the lot area if an interior lot, nor more than fort¡r per c8rt. (40j,,) of the lot area if a c orner lot. In c om~ putinr the percertafo of the area of the lot for the purnoses of this section, a!~ part of the area of any cornor lot in excess of tèn thousand (10,000) square feet in an 3-1A and six thousand ,f6';(00) square feet in an 'G.-l I·istrict shall be considered an in- t.~icr lot:. Anð Þl)rt~)er, a one-story accessor¡r build-ir~[ not more .,~".',.'ha""""" n, fifteen ,fE,.e, t ,("l:-,.J',) i,!l height Covt"~r'ing,,~,, up to five,' pel'cento '%) in an =~-lL I·is tric t and ten per c en t. (10;';) of the area. of '" ,lot in nn l:-1 :4:-; tr:lc t shall be excluded, in cCIT'puting such ,. ntape of t,1:,c ~:t',,"8 ()f tbe lot bui 1. t urion for the purpcs e of ~-- , ' sec tien. In t\-'lL ~, ~, ",ri:', , C'n'" «'·l"n["le\ Va' ml·l"· T'~"i·l·'l·ct'" 'jllnl"'1.'r·l . J. v _ - ~~ .. ... .......~ ., _ ,_j ,1. l - ...... '", .....; n,', _ I ]_ 1 .Y .L.- _. '.: ,.I ',.,:J ~. 1.L... .t. . requir~ment3 fCI' firs t floor areas per dwelling or livinG unit ,shall c,ontOI'1T to the fo llcwj"ng schedule: " , .., I . :; ):....: ........-.~ .........--~~ ., . : (:,I;'I.:?J:>~I; ,: ;~t:~...,,;: .j ,~¡,"~:"P. ~ .....~ J'. ........-....... ~ f . ~ '. " I l -, , .~ , , , .I 1 . : ¡ ~.. W . ~;.. , '; { . .' '.)1 , '~¡I l~~ .1 i' -, ,; ~,!; ;..,,:",. ;i \ '~ i I ". . , ~ . ~, ~: ~ t ~ ';. -10- ,~,- ~ '" .,... ,.. ........" ..... "',' ",.., ".,.."", '._,..;...:.......;.....,. ,,/" r ,CDTTMUM 2"TJkU=: PJ;- T CP FII·i:~,'L' PJ COE c'YEA HEQ,UIRED P:;~E PA~ILY OR LIVTNn UNIT: ~-l;~ H-l 'Two story and onA-~lD.lf ). "'vI'" One story and one-hslf One story (Bunf"[Jlow) 800 900 1250 600 750 900 . ~3Ec'rICN 12. HI;IGHT AND AREA ;\LGULb.TIC~TS, R-2 PULTIPLE ' FAMILY DIS'L'¡UCT: In the B-2 lv:ul tiple Family Dis tric t the height of buildings, the minimum dimensions of yards, the minimum percentage of lot coverage, and the minimum lot area pG~ family shall be as follows: HEIGHT: No building hereafter erected, stnucturally altered or repaired shall exceed thÐee (3) stories or forty-five feet (45') except as hereinafter provided. REAR YARD: ';ohere shall be a rear yard having a depth of not 1'388 t11.en tNenty ::-"{èl' cent.. (20%) of the depth cf~llS lot, provided, however, thst 2UC~ rear yard need not exceed twenty-five feet (25') for interior lots nor fifteen feet (15') for corner lots, unless v otherwise provided ~or. SIDE YARDS: For buildings not exceeding cwo and one-half (2~J stories in height the side yard requirements shall be the' same as required in the R-lA and R-l On~ (Single) Family Districts. For buildings more than two and one-half (2!) stories in " height each side yard shall have a width of at least one-third (1-3) of the height of the building wall adjoining such side yard, the height of the building wall to be measured to the eaves. """ " , ~ FRONT YARD: '!here shall be a front yard of not less than twenty feet (20') to the front line of the building and not less than twelve feet (12') to the front line of a porch or paved terrace. provided, however, that: f 1. Where lots comprising forty per cent. (40%) or more of the frontage are developed with buildings having an average front yard with a variation of not more than six feet (61) no building hereafter erected, structurally altered or repaired shall extend beyond the average front yard line so established# provided, fur- ther. that this regulations.hall riot be so interpreted as to require a front yard more than fifty feet (501). 2. On corner lots the side yard regulations shall apply to the street side of the lot except in the case of reversed frontage where the corner lot faces an intersecting street. In this case, there shall be a side yard on the street side of the corner lot of not less than fifty per cent. (50~) of the front yard required on lots in the rear of such corner lot, and no accessory building on said corner lot shall extend beyond the front yard line on the lots in the rear; provided, further that this regulation shall not be so interpreted as to reduce the buildable width of a corner lot facing an intersecting street and as of record at the time of the passage of this Ordinance to less than twenty-eight feet (28'), nor to prohibit the erection of an accessory building where this regulation can not reasonably be complied with. LOT AREA PER FAMILY: Every building hereafter erected, structurally altered or repaired shall provide a lot area per fami17 of not less than the following: v' 2 families · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:3 ,000 square feet 4 families ..0......................1,500 square feet ..--"-_....~~.-,'..._-. 6 families · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,_ square feet 8 families · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . '750 square feet 10 families · . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 650 square feet -11- ! . I , provided, however, that this regulation shall not apply to apart>.nent hotels where no cooking is done in any indir¡idual room, SIt! te or apartment. SEC'l'ION 13. ELIG-HT ANI; AREA :EGULATIOnS, C-l and C-2 COM',.2;RCIAL DISTRICT~-; Y-l INDUSTRIAl, DISTRICTS, and UZ UNZONED DISTRICTS. In the C-l and C-2 Commercial Districts; M-l Industrial Districts and UZ Unzoncd Districts, the height of buildinps, the minimum dimensions of yards and the minimum lot area per family shall be as follows, provided, however, that buildings erected for dwelllnp purposes exclusively and located in the C-l and C-2 Go~~erciQI District shall comply with the front and side yard and area regulations as defined for the R-2 Multiple Family District. Provided, however, that in the M-l Industrial District and the UZ Unzoned District the lot are per family shall be as hereinafter defined: HEIns'r: No building hereafter erec ted, s truc turally altered or repaired shall exceed six (6) stories or eighty-five feet (85') in height unless otherwise provided for hereinafter. REAR YARD: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than twenty feet (20') from the center of alley'or division lin of Block. SIDE YARD: Where a reversed corner lot rears upon a lot classified or districted for åwelling purposes, the side yard on the street side of the reversed corner lot shall be the same as required in the contiguous dwelling district. In all other cases, a side yard for a business building shall not bp required, but if provided, it shall not be less than four (4J) téé~. FRONT YARD: No front yard shall be required in the C-l, C-2 Commercial Districts or the M-l Ind~8~~ial District except as hereinafter proviëed. .~' "i LOT Þ.BE P :-'1\J;IILY: :B;very building 'hereafter erec ted, structurally altered or renaired in the C-l and C-2 Commercial District for dwelling purposes shall provide a lot area as required for dwellings 1~, the R-2 Multiple Family Districto EVerY.r~lding herj>«'fter erec te~."I'''~·truc turall'y,··'í tered <?;p, repaired -t'..cr dwelling"Pdrposes in tþØ M-1 Indust~j,!ä1 Distriq.t/and the UZ U~zoned Distr~t shall pro~de a lot ar~ê of not l~ss than twelve/hundred anq....tifty (1250tl~'quare feet.,i'! an inter;i.Or lot,or fif;rin hundred ~500) square "fee t if a c orner lot per family. Every puilding hereafter erected, structurally altered or repair" ed "~. 0 ',dwellin,g purposes "in the lI!-l, Indus tria.l.' D"iS tric t 'and the U~ Unzned District shall provide an a¡rea of not, less than 'lweJ..vê3 Hu, ëireQ Fifty (l250) square fee t of the lot per family':"1! aI¥"~interiÞ1;,'lot or One Thousand (1,000) square feet of the lot per fami11 if a corner lot. SECTION 14. HEIGHT AND AREA EXCEPTIONS. The provisions of the preceding Sections shall not apply to or restrict the height of a cnurch spire or dome, memorial or monQ~ent, belfry, wireless tower, chimney flue, water tank or tower, elevator bulkhead, scenery loft, air-conditioning or me- chanical equipment, standpipes, false mansards or parapet walls. On petition, the Board of Adjustment may, after public notice and hearing, and subject to conditions and safeguards that will protest the appropriate use of neighboring property, permit the erection of a building or portion of a building covering not more than twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the area of the lot, to a height in excess of the limits prescribed in the preceding section. Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent the erection above the hei~ht limit of a parapet wall or cornice solely for ornament and -12- wi thout windows, extendinï a/Jove such height 1 imi t not more than five and one-half feet (52'). The provisions of the preceding section shall not apply to Drevent the extension of any building existing in a C-l or C-2 Commercial District or M-l Industrial District at the time of the adoption of tbis Ordinance, to the height which the walls, foundation and framework of such existing building originally were intended, designed or constructed to carry; nor to prevent the construction and extension in height of any building to tJ:-oe height specified in and required by the terms of any lease executed in good faith, and filed for record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lake County, Florida, at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance; provided, however, that the actual construction of the extension in height permitted by this paragraph shall have been duly commenced within ten (10) years from the date of the ado~tion of this Ordinance. In a R-2 Mu1tiple Family District, where an apartment building is constructed with a basement story, such story, if not occupied for living purposes by other than the janitor or caretaker and his family, shall not be included in computing the height requirements, unless herein otherwise provided. SECTION 15. AREA EXCEPTIONS. (a) For the purpose of side yard regulations a duplex (two family) dwelling or a double duplex (four family) dwelling shall be considered as one building occupying one lot. (b) In the case of group houses or court apartments, buildings may rear upon the required side yard provided: (l~ For group bouses the required side yard shall be in- creased by one foot (1') for each building abutting thereono (2) For apartment houses the required side yard shall be in- creased by one foot (1') for each stairway opening onto or served by such ~'de yar. (3) The width of the place or court shall not be less than three (3) times the width of the side yard as required in this provision, provided that open unenclosed porches may project into a required place or court not more than twenty per cent. (20%) of the width of such place or court. (4) ~here a roadway is provided in the place or court the width allowed for such roadway shall be in addition to that required above. (5) All other requirements including front, side and rear yards shall be complied with in accordance with the district in which such group houses or court apartments are located. (c) The side yard requirements for dwellings shall be waived wJ:v re dwellings are erec ted above stores or shops. (d) In computing the depth of a rear yard, for any building where such yard opens onto an alley, one-half of such alley may be assumed to be a portion of the rear yard. (e) Every part of a required yard or court shall be open from its lowest point to the s:·:y unobstructed, except for the ordinary projection of sills, belt courses, cornices, buttresses, ornamental features and eaves; provided, however, that none of the above ~rojections shall project into a minimum court more than six inches (6") nor into a minimum side yard more than twenty-four inches (24"). (f) No cornices shall project over t~e street line more than five per cent. (5%) of the width of such street, and shall in no case project more than four (4) feet. (g) Open or enclosed fire escapes, fireproof outside stairways and balconies proje·ting into a minimum ~ard or court not more than -13- three and one-half (3~) feet and the ordinary projections of chimneys and flues may be permitted by the Building Inspector where same are so ~lated as not to obstruct the lipht and ventilation. (h) This Ordinance shall not be construed to prevent the construction of a building on any lot of record at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, notwithstandin~ the fact that such lot may have a lesser area than is required in the particular area district in which it is situated. SECTION 16. BCU'fDi,RIES OF DISTRICTS. 1~fuere uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of the variouEi districts as shown on the map known as the "ZONE MAp!!, the following rules shall apply: (a) 'Ihe District boundaries are either strcè t or alleys unless otherwise shown, and where the district designated on the map known as the "ZONE MAP", and made a part of this Ordinance as if same were fully set forth herein, are bounded approximately by street or ¡lley lines, said street or alley shall be construed to be the boundary of such district. (b) Where the district boundaries are not otherwise indicated and where the property has been or may herafter be divided into blocks and lots, the district boundaries shall be construed to be the lot lines, and where the districts designated on the "ZONE ~.TApn are bounded approximately by lot lines, said lot lines shall be construced to be the boundary of such districts unless said boundaries are otherwise indicated on the map. (c) In unsubdivided property, the district boundary lines on the flZone Map" shall be determined by use of the scale contained on such map. SECTION l7. Aa~INISTRATION. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to enforce th is Ordinance. PLATS. Each application for a building permit shall be accompanied by a plat in duplicate ctwawn to scale showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the size of the building to be erected, the set back of existing buildings in the block, and all other information that may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of this Ordinance. A record of such applications and plans shall be kept in the office of the Building Inspector. ~fuere application is made to enlarge an existinr non- conforming use, the application shall be accompanied by an affidavit giving the description of the premIses owned at the date of the passape of this Ordinance. SEC'l'IOH 18. CEHTIFICA'llE OF OCCUPANCY. No vacant land shall be occupied or used except for agriculture uses, and no building hereafter erected or structurally altered or repaired, shall be occupied or used until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by the Building Inspector. CER,IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR A BUILDING. Certificate of Occupancy for a new building or the alteration of an existing building shall be applied for coincident with the application for a building permit and said certificate shall be issued within three (3) da7s after the requests for same shall have been made in writing to the Building Inspector after the erection or alteration of such building or part thereof shall have been completed in con- formity with the provisions of these regulations. Pending the issuance of a regular certifi~ate a temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued by the Building Inspector for a period not exceeding six -14- (6) months, during the completion of alterations or during the partial occupancy of a building pending its completion. Such temporary certificate shall not be construed as in any way altering the respective rights, duties or obligations of the owners or of the city relsting to the use or occupancy of the premises or any other matter covered by this Ordinance, and such temporary certificate shall not be issued except under such restrictions and provisions as will adequately insure the safety of the occupants. CEWl.'IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR LAND. Certificate of Occupancy for the use of vacant land or the change in the character of the use of land as herein provided, shall be applied for before any such land shall be occupied or used and a Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued within three (3) days after the application has been made, provided such use is in conformity with the provisions of these regulations. Certificate of Cccupancy shall state that the building or proposed use of a building or land complies with all the building and health laws and ordinances and with the provisions of these regulations. A record of all certificates shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector and copies shall be furnished on request, to any persons having a proprietary or tenancy interest, in the building affected (no fee shall be charged for a Certificate of Occupancy~. No permit for excavation for any building shall be issued before application has been made for Certificate of Occupancy. SECTION 19. INTERPRETATION, PURPCSE A1IT CONFLICT. In interpreting and applying the provisions of this Ordinance the;r shall be held to be the minimum requirmsnts for the promotion of the health, safety, morals or genera1 welfare of the community. It is not in tended by this Ordinance to interfere with, abroga te or annul any easements, covenants or other agreements between parties, provided, however, that where this Ordinance imposes a hifher standard upon the use of buildings or premises, or requires larger open spaces th&D are imposed or required b¡r other ordinances, rules regula tions or' by easements, c ovenan ts, or agreements, the provisions of this Ordinance shall con~rol. If because of error or ommssion in the ZONE MAP any property in the City of Clermont is not sbown as being in a Zon:Lng District, the classification of such property shall be R-l Residence unless changed by amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. SEC'l'ICN 20. CHAHGE~", AND AMENDMEN'l'S. The Ci t;,r Counc il may from time to time, and after he aring and public notice of such hearing as required in Section 21 hereof, by ordinance amend, supplement, change or repeal the regulations and districts he ein or subsequent1y established. Whenever the owners of fffty p r cent. (50~) or more of thè area of all the property within a radius of five hundred feet (500') of fiLCY area proposed to be changed, provided, however, tha t in no case shall the lots facing on the opposite side of the next parallel streEt be included in the area, shall prèsent to the City Council a petition, giving lot, block and addition, duly si8ned and ack:nowledged b;T the, reques tin&, any such amendment, suprle;r,ent or change, the City Council shall act upon such petition, either p-rantinp or denying it wjthin thirty (30) days after the filing thereof, if the full mel"'_bel'ship of the City Council shall be present. In case, rowEver, of a protest afainst s'>ch chanfe, signed by the ovmers of twentJr per cent. (20%) or more ei ther of the area of the lots included in such change, or of those immediately abutting either side of the terri tor~f included in such proposed change, or seperated therefrom only by an alley or street, such amendment shall -15- not become effectlv~ except by the favorable vote of thr -fourths (3-4ths) of all the members of the City Council. SCTICN 2l. lUSIIC NOTICE OF HEARING. publie notice of an;' hearing shall be deel'1:ec1 to have been give'[~ when & notice setting forth the general purpose of any sucb hearinp and the time and place thereof shall have been publishec at least fifteen (If») ca¡TS before the date set for such hearing, in a paper' of generhl circulation in the City of Clermont. Public notice of one or 'l,ore tlearings may be included wi tbin the same notice. In addition to the published notice above, a proper notice shall be required to be posted conspicuously on the premises for the saPie perlbod of time. SEC TICN 22. ADJUS'i'I,ENTS, PURPOSE, JUEISLIC 'J'ICN AND API HOV AL. ~. Board of Adjustment is hereb¡" established. The word "Board" when used in this Ordinance shall be construed to mean the Board of Adjustment. The Board shall consiEit of five (5) members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council,each for a term of three (3) years. Where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary harships in the way of carr:~inF- cut the strict lett.er of this OI'd.inance, the Board of AdWustment shall have the power to vary or modify any regulations or provisions of such ordinances relating to the use, construction or alteration of buildings or structures, or the use of land, so that the spirit of the Ordinance shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done. Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the Chairman and at such other times as the Board may determine. Such Chair~an or in his absence the Acting Chairman, may administer oaths and comDel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. The Board shall adopt its own rules or proceedure and keep minutes of its proceedings showing its action on each questlon considered. All records of the Board and its official actions shall be filed in the office of the Board and shall be public record. An appeal from the decision of the Administrative Officer may be taken to the Board by any person aggrieved, or by any officer, department or board of the City affected by such decision. 'l'he Board shall aJso hear and decide all matters referred "0 it, or upon which it is required to pass. The Board shall prescribe by general rule, a reasonable time within which a notice of appeal shall be filed with the Board specifying the grounds thereof, and. the of ficer from whom the appeal is taken shaLL forthwith transmit to the Board all the papers constitutinr the records upon which the action appealed from was taken. An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unles s the officer fror.1 whom the apT)eal is taken certifies to the Board, after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him, that by reason of !acts stated in the certificate, a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril of life or property, in case proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order, which may be granted by the Board or by a court of record on application, on notice to the officer from whor.1 the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. The Board shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal taken within the time specified b7T its rules, ~lve public notice thereof as well as due notice to the parties in interest, and decide same within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing, any person may appear in person or by agent or by attorney. -16- ~3EC~CIC'N 22,. VALIDI'I'Y AND FENAJ,TY. Should any secticn, clause or provision of this Ordinance be declared by the court to be invalid, the same shall not effect the validi t:v of the ore inar.ce as a whole or any other part the reof , other tban the part so declared to be invalid. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate or fail to comply witb any of the provisicns of t~is Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five Dollars (~5.00), nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00), or be imprisoned in th8 City Jail for not more than thirty (30) days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Each clay that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separ&te offense. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in c onflic t herewi tt. ar inccns1.stent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. BE IT FUR'l'ILR CHDAINEI; that this Ordinar:ce shall take effect ten (10) days after date of its final passage. PASSED ANlJ AICF'I'ED :J.1I-iIS ;2 ¥- [,AY CF , A. D., 1940. b.T':CEST: ~z~<-_~ () - 1-~ ~r- U@~ C Y er k ( SEAL ) (SEAL) ~'ROVED BY ME THIS DAY OF , A. D., 19400 ,\ , ÞÆ;'yor (SIGNED) -17- l fi; n .' ' Every building hereafter erected, structurally altered or repaired for swelling purposes in the M-l Industrial District and the UZ Unzoned District shall provide an area of not less than Twenty- fie Hund~ed (2500) square feet of the lot per family if an interior lot or Two Thousand (2,000) square feet of the lot per family if a corner lot. ~