O-43-63 ·- . ORDINANCE NO. 63 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS FRC~ REMAINING OR BEING FOUND UPON THE PAID\S, STREETS, ALLEYS OR PUBLIC WAYS OF THE CI'rY OF CLERr:ON'r, FLORIDA AFTÆ 10:30 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT, EASTERN iYAR Tn'E, UNLE.':',S ACCOMPANIED BY HIS OR HER PARENT, GUARDIAN OR M~ABER OF HIS OR HER FAMILY OVER THE AGE OF TWENTY-ONE (21) YEARS; AND, PROVIDING FOR PENALTY FOR VIOLATION O~ THIS ORDINANCE. ~1ŒREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, nas found it to be necessary, because of the exigencies of the present war and to protect the general peace, morals and health within the said City, that persons under the age of eighteen (18) years be not found upon the parks, streets, alleys or public ways of the said City, at night, later than 10:30 o!clock P. M., Eastern War Time, unless accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or member of his or her family over the age of twenty-one (21) years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI17 OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: Any person under the age of eighteen (18) years, who shall be found upon any of the parks, streets, alleys, or rublic ways of the City of Clermont, Florida, at night, later than 10:30 o'clock P. M., Eastern War Time, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in the sum of $5.00 or be imprisoned in the City jail for five (5) days, in the discretion of the Judge of the :vlayor I s Crurt, of the C1 ty of Clermont, Florida, except as provided in Section 2 hereof. SECTION 2: The foregoing section shall not apply to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years who shall, at the time of so being found upon any of the parks, streets, alleys or public ways of the said City, be accompanied by his or her parent, or guardian or any member of his or her family who is over the aFe of twenty-one (21) years. SECTION 3: upon its passa¡re City Council and This Ordinance shall take effect immediately and its being signed by the President of the upon apnroval by the Mayor. -------------- ------------ ------- PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT ITS REGULAR :ADJOURNED MEET- ING HELD 'TIlE 13TH DAY OF APRIL, A. D., 1943. cø~ City Clerk ~, pre~~ of t ity Council ------------ -------- - - -- Received and approved by me this [7 ~ A. D., 1943. day of April, ~ ( / Mayor -------------------------------