O-45-68 / ./ / .' ORDINAIlCE # 68 - .. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING stCTIOI 6 AND 15 OF CHAPTER IV AND SECTIONS 2 and 3 OF CHAPTER V OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA. i BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: 'I . SECTION OBE. That SectIon 6 of Chapter IV of the Revised General Ordinances of the City ot Clermont, Lake County, Florida, as passed by the City Council ot laid City on June 6, 1928, be, and the same is, hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: Bection 6. Petitionl tor the nominations of all candi- /6 datel shall be filed with the City Clerk at least l~ daya before an,¡( elec tion. The name of no person shall be placed on the ballot who shall, not less than 10 days before the elect1on, notify the council in writ1ng that he will not accept the nomination speci- fied. I i Ó I I I 1 ¡ I ~ j , j ! , - ~ . BECTIOI TWO. That section 15 ot Chapter IV of the Rev1sed General Ord1nanoel of the City ot Clermont, Lake County, Florida, as passed by the City Counoil on June 6, 1928, be, and the same ii, hereby amended to read as followl: Section 15. Th1rty (30) days prior to the date ot any and all elections the Mayor of the C1ty shall 1ssue his procla- . mation calling said election, which call shall spec1fy what questions are to be submitted to the voters and Wh1ch off1cers are to be eleoted, the length of t1œe such offSoer is to serve, the date and plaoe where such election shall be held. This pro- clamat10n ~hall be aubatant1ally in the following form: MA!VR" PROCLAKATIOB THE GiJBRAL ELECTIO' (.1 SPECIAL ELECTIO') Dr THE CIn OF CLERIIOIT 5KALL BE HELD IN THE CITY HALL 01 THE SECOJD TUBSD.1Y OF DECEMBBR, 19 , THR SAllE BEIHG DECBe:¡m, 19 , BETWED '!1m HOURS OF 8:00 A... AID sWSET,"'"!ÁSTBRlf STANDARD TDŒ. õ . seotion 2. The C1 ty Clerk shall be ex-off1cio Registration OffIcer of the C1ty and shal~, thirty (30) daya before any general or speoial eleotion, open the registration books of the City in hi. offioe and shall keep said books open every day tor 20 da~s during the regular businels hours ot hi. offioe, and shall give notice thereof by pUblioatlon In a news- paper published in the City for the periOd of two (2) weeks prior to the date of the opening of eaid books.' Such Registration Officer shall register all persons applying to him who shall not have been previously reglatered in the City and who are otherwise qualified, provided, that each person apply1ng to him for reg11- tration shall take and subscribe to the following oath, to be administered by the Registrat10n Otfioer: 81, (name), do solemnly awear þr aff1rm) that 1 am a bona tide res1dent ot the City ot Clermont, in the County of Lake, and state of Florida; that 1 will support, proteot and defend the oonst1tution and government ot the united Btatel and of the State ot Florida; that I am over the age of Twenty- . ~ :.. SECTION THREE. That Seotion 2 of Chapter V ot the Revieed General Ordinanoes of the' City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, as passed by the City Counoil on June 6, 1928, be, and the same is, hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: and such proclamation shall be published in a local newspaper onoe a week for four (4) weeks (4 Insert10ns) in a newspaper published in the City ot Clermont, or, if there b8 no newspaper published in the City, luoh proclamation shall be posted tor the same length of time at four (4) prominent plaoes within the City. Mayor Publ1shed on: THE PURPOSE OF THIS ELECTION IS TO ELECT: (Herein set forth officer. to be eleoted and term of their respeotive office.) AT THIS ELECTION THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS WILL BE DECIDED BY THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THIS CITY: (Herein state the queations to be 10 deoided.) ... ~, .." '. .. one (2l) years and have been an aotual resl- dent of the state of Flor1da for the period or one (1) year and ot the C1ty of Clermont, in the County of Lake, for the period of su (6) months, So Help'me God.a SECTION FOUR. That Sect10n 3 of Chapter V of the Revised General Ordinanoes of the City of Clermont. Lake County. Florida, as passed by the City Council on June 6, 1928, be. and the same Ie. hereby amended to read as followa, to-wlt: Section 3. The nama or each person sO,registered shall be entered in alphabetical order in two (2) books pre- pared and kept for that purpose, known as the Registration Books of the City of Clermont, giving also his or her age, oolor and occupation under appropr1ate headings. With1n Two (2) days of the cloø1ng of the Registrat10n Books. the City Counoil shall oonvene and prepare from øuoh books a list in alphabetical order of all registered and qualified electors of the C1ty prior to the date of the election at whioh the same shall be uaed. The names of all per.ons who. tor any reason. are not qualified to vote in a City Election shan be omitted from such list. The City Council shall cause a notioe to be mailed by Registered Mail to eaoh person omitted trom such list. except to those persons known by a majority of the Council to be deoeased no notioe shall be mailed. This notice shall be substantially in the following form: . - ¡ , . IOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the City Counoil has omitted your name from the list of reg1s- tered and qualified eleotors in the City of Clermont,whioh l1st shall be used by the eleo- tion in.pectora and clerk heretotore apPointed by the C1ty Council for the general eleotion (epec1al election) to b. held in the City of Clermont. at the é1ty Hall on . 19 . for the following reason, -- (her. atate reason) ~ou have 4 days trom date hereof to apþea~ be- for the Registration Officer (C1ty Clerk) of the City to show oause why your name should not be Itrioken from such list. Dated, CITY OF CLERMONT Registrat10n Off1cer The following named persons are duly regis- tered in the Reglstration Books of the Clty of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, as quali- fied electors and their names have been trans- ferred into the nep reglstration books of the City of Clermont: (Hereinafter'set forth alphabetlcally the names of all quallfied eleotors.) Any person whose name does not appear herein- above and belleves hlmself or herself to be :J ~ NOTICE Officer of the City shall cause the names of all persons so transferred to be published for two (2) consecutlve weeks (2 lnsertions) in a newspaper'publlshed ln the City of Clermont, or shall post such llst ln four (4) prominent places ln the City. This list shall be substantlally in the followlng form: ,;: ^ - At the time that such transfer is made, the Registration electors thereon at the time of such transfer to said neu books. pear upon sold old books to be properly and legally registered Officer of the City shall transfer and transcribe into tuo new registration books from whatever registration books may be ln possession of such officer, the names of all electors Who ap- and revised by the Reglstratlon Off leer, as set forth in the lmmedlately preceeding paragraph, shall be certified to by the Clty Clerk and by him presented to the managers of the election at whlch tho same ls to be used, and shall constitute the list of qualifled electors entitled to vote at such election. Upon the order of the City Council, the Reglstration originally prepared. The registration list as prepared by the C~ty Council qualified electors to be used in the election for which Bcme was elector and hla or her naDle should not have been so omltted, shall be immediately re-registered by the Registration Offlcer and his or her name shall be written in ink on the list of registered and =0 Any person whose name has been omitted from suoh llst and who shal~ within four (4) days of the date of the above notlce, satisfy the Registration Officer that he or she is a qualifled , " ~ .. Q qualified voter has one (1) month from (dato of loot publication of Dotico) to apa pear before the Registration Offioer (City Clerh) of the Oity of Clermont and prosent hie or her qualifioations 00 a qualified oleo~or and be rogistered. CITY OF CLERlIOI!'l' - Publishod on3 Rog10tra~ion O~f!oor Tho nameo of all quolifed elootoro not appearing,on such list and ~ho ehall, uithin one month from the date of tho f~rot publioation of aaid liat, aatiafy the Registration Officer that ho or ohe 10 a qualified olector shall be i~ediately r-ogiotored by aaid officor, and tho opening of aaid books for ~he registration of such paroon or percono chell not be in violation of any of the ordinanoes of the City of Clermont per- taining to any eleotions. Six (6) montha after the aecond publication of aaid liot. the old rogiotration booko may be destroyed by tho Regico tration Offioer before tho m~mbers of the City Counoil at a Rogußär lIoating and sama shall be set forth in tho Uinutes of caid meeting. SECTION FIVE. This ordinanoe shall tako effeot immodi- atoly upon ita pasoago and ita belng signed by the P~aoident of tho City Goune!l and upon npprovnl by tho Mayore ë 0 _ _ g _ _ ~ _ ~ G _ _ ø _ _ _ ~ _ G ~ 0 Q - - Q ~ - ~ - - PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT ITS RIDULAR r.nmTIIJa HELD THB -'- DAY of ~a-y , Ii", D., 1945. :, ~ ~ -. ...-:0 ",_ _. .'_'_. v <. ' /' ~A ~-~_ ~_.z PFeSlc.!On\, City Couno~1:. '~!i: ~ : :: . ", -~- /' - /J1'¡ )1t~~~ /Ú1l.;'c1 el'k . ~'- , , -. $:'7~:; .~ ~ ,- ~. ...,. _ _ _ _ _ G _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - . nnCEIVED ArID APPROVED BY rm THIS ..L DAY O¡" ìn / A. D., 1945e ,