O-45-69 ORDINANCE NO. (09 .'.""'¡& d1f'''' r;,· . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 48 uF THE CITY OF CLERMUNT RELATING TU THE ZONING OF THE CITï OF CLERMUNT; CHANGING THE ZONES OF CER~AIN PROPERTï WITH- IN THE CITï OF CLERMUNT; ADDING TO SECTION66 OF SAID ORDINANCE AN ADDI~IUNAL EXCEPTIONS TO THE U~ REGULATIONS OF BUILDINGS AND LAND~ IN THE C-2 ~OMMERCIAL DISTRICT; AND, OTHER MATTERS HELATING î'HERETO. WHEREAS, the ciity Còuncil of the City of Clermont have in . accordance with ~ection 20 of Ordinance No. 48, the Zoning Urdinance, caused a notice to be published in the Clermont yress, a newspaper published in the city of Clermont, l"lorida, in the issues of May 17 and 24, 1945, which read as follows: NOTICE OF YROPu~ED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE 01" 'l'm; Cll'ï OF CLERMO:Nl', FLORIDA. '-.. You are hereby notified tha t on the 29th day of May, 1945, at 8:00 o'clock in the city Hall in the vity of Clermont, the City council of the ~ity of Clermont will consider and act upon proposed amendments to the Zoning Urdinance, the same being urdinance No. 48 of the ~ity of ~lermont, changing zones of the following property in the city of ~lermont to-wit: From R-2 Multiple l:"amily District to C-2 Commercial lJistrict: S~ of Blocks 112 and 12 3; all of ~locks Ill, 124; all of Blocks 109, 110, 125, 125J\., 126 and 126A, 6unset yark. From c-2 commercial District to R-IJ\. (single) l:"amily District: SEt of NEt of ~ec. 30, Township 22 ~outh, Range 26 East. l"rom ~-2 commercial lJistrict to R-l One (single) l"amlly District: " All that part of the ~outh 235 feet of the ~t of SEt of ~ect10n 19, Township 22 uouth, Range 26 East, lying West of ~.tate Road 8-A (l:"ederal Route 19). All that part of the NEt of NEt of ~eètion 30, Township 22 uouth, Range 26 East, lying East of State Road 8-A (Federal houte No. 19). S~ of NEt of NEt of ~ection 30, Township 22 ~outh, Range 26 Eas t, lying East of ~tate Road 8-A (Federal Route No. 19). From R-2 Multiple Family District to R-l une (single) l"amily District: All that part of the ~outh 235 feet of the ~Et of .:lEt of ~ectja)n 19, '.l:ownship 22 ~outh; Range 26 East, lying East of State Roa.d 8-" (l"ederal Route No. 19). L.........·. ¡ ~I; :t'; All that part of NEt of NEt 0 f ~ection 30, '.l:ownship 22 "'outh, Range 26 East, lying East of ~ ta te Road 8-" (l"ederal Rou te No. 19). I , Jia ~., .tuU ARE l"UR'l'BER NOTIFIED that the city uouncl1 of the uity of Clermont at the same meeting will consider and act upon a proposed amendment which will add to .:Iection 6 of said ~oning urdinance (Ordinance No. 48), said section sets forth the exceptions to the Use Regulations of buildings and land in the C-2 "ommercial District, the following paragraph: 25. Yrivate clubs, lodges or other places of business selling at wholesale or retail beer, wine and/or intoxicating liquors. All persons interested will be heard at that time. (signed) w. H. McQuistion, City Clerk. Published: May 17 and 24, 1945. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont did, in accordance with the foregoing notice, meet in the c~ty Hall of the vity of "lermont at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on the 29th day of , May, 1945, and there not being a quorum present the meeting was adjourned to the same time and place on 1~esday, June 12th, 1945. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont have met at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, June 12, 1945, in an adjourned meeting, and have dUly considered the proposed amendments , additions and .changes to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Clermont, the same being Ordinance No. 48, and have heard all those present: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clermont are of - - the unanimous opinion that such amendments, additions to said Zoning urdinance should be made, therefore, .. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE C ITX and changes ---.. ~Jtobq OF CLERMONT: Section 1. That the following described property situate lying and being in the ~ity of Clermont, Florida, and shown on the Zoning map· of the City of Clermont to be located in an R-2 "f{, Multiple l"amlly District be re-zoned, re-districted and placed in the C-2 Commercial District, to-wit: .\~" É~." fo:J!":' , ,:.. '" si of Blocks 112 and 123; all of Blocks 111, and 124; all of Blocks 109, 110, 125, 125A, 126 and l26A, Sunset Park, according to the official map of the City of Clermont duly recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 18 to 23 inclusive, public records of Lake County, Florida, being otherwise described as the ~i of Blocks 112 and 123; all of Block 111 and 124; all of Blocks 109, 110, 125 and 126, according ~o the map of the Townsite of Clermont duly recorded in Plat Book 3, page 5, public records of Lake County, Florida. ~ Section 2. That the following described property situate, lying and being in the City of Clermont, and shoVln on the Zoning Map of the City of Clermont to be located in Q C-2 Commercial District be re-zoned and re-districted and placed in an R-IA (single) Family District, to-wit: si of NEt of Section 30, Township 22 ~outh, Range 26 East, according to the Official Map of the City of Clermont duly recorded'in plat Book 8, pages 17 to 23, pUblic records of Lake county, l"lorida, Section 3. That the following described property situate, lying ~<'~~d and being in the Gity of Clermont, and shown on the Zoning Map· of the vity of Clermont to be located in a C-2 Commercial District be re-zoned and re-districted and placed in an R-l One (single) Family District, to-wit: All that part of the South 235 feet of the SEt of ~~ of Section 19, ~ownship 22 ~outh, Range 26 East, lying West of State Road 8-A (Federal Route 19); and All that part of the NEi of NEi of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, lying East of State Road 8-A (Federal Route No. 19); and S~ of NEi of NEi of Section 30, 1'ownship 22 South, ----- Range 26 East, lying East of State Road 8-A(Federal Route NO. 19), All according to the Official Map of the City of Clermont duly recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 17 to 23, inclusive, public records of Lake County, Florida. .. Section 4. That the following described property situate, lying and being in the City of Clermont and shown on the Zoning Map of the Vity of Clermont to·be located in a R-2 mulitple Family District be re-zoned and re-districted and placed in an R-l One (single) Family District, to-wit: ~:.'.,idi. .,- ~'" " ..- All that ~art of the S 235 feet of the SEt of SEt of Section Township 22 South, Range 26 East, lying East of State Road 8-A (Federal Route No. 19); and, All that part of NEi of NEt of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 26'East, lying East of State Road 8-A (Federal Route No. 19), All åccording to the Official Map of the City of Clermont duly recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 17 to 23, inclusive, public records of Lake County, l"lorida. ~ECTION 5: That ~ection 6 of Ordinance No. 48, the Zoning Ordi- nance, duly passed by the City Council of the City pf Clermont and approved by the Mayor of the City of Clermont on the 24th day of June, A. D., 1940, be amended to read by adding to said ~ection 6 the following numbered paragraph, to-wit: 25. Private Clubs, lodges or other places of busi- ness selling at wholesale or retail beer, wine and/or intoxicating liquors. öECTION 6: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith or incosistent with the provisions of this urdinance are hereby repealed. .:IECTION 7: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PASSED By THE CITY COUNCIL AT A DULY ADJOURNED SPECIAL MEETING ON THE 12th DAY OF JUNE, A. D., 1945. If p::{t~~y Attest:'1{J6JUl ~~ City Clerk Council - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ ,1945. Received and approved by me this 12th day of June, A. D., ~~ îdayor -- '^"" ... ,~' - "-.,- :""""- . ~, ~ - ~- 'ª ~ ." .l r~ ".\:,'" - ~~~.., ..r ~.., . : ~~' - .,c:¿., _ .,. r /',1' ~'p - ,