O-46-74 ¡"'fI¡'; I~··"""""'·' ORDINANCE NO ~ . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 OF CHAPTER XVll OF THE REVISEDD GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, I,AXE COUNTY, FLORIDA; CREATING THE OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR; PROVIDING FOR APPOINT1{ENT OF A BUILDING INSPECTOR; PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: SECTION ONE. That Seotion 4 of Chapter XVII of the Revised General Ordinanoes of the City of Clermont, Lake County, F1ërida, as passed by the City Counoil of said City on June 6, 1928, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit : " SECTION 4. The Mayor of the City of Clermont with the approval of the City Counoil shall appoint oompetent persons as Building Inspeotor, Eleotrioal Inspeotor and Plumbing Inspeotor. If deemed advisiable one person may be appointed ~s the Building, Eleotrioal and Plumbing Inspeotor and when so appointed he shall be known only as the Building Inspeotor. The City Counoil may remove said inspeotors at their pleasure. , The oompensation or fees of suoh inspeotors shall be set forth in the Building, Plumbing and/or Eleotrioal Codes of the City of Clermont or may be established or modified by an Ordinanoe. All fees ~hargeable by said in- spectors shall be collected by the City Clerk at the time bf issuance of permits allowing work to be done which falls under the jurisdiction of said inspectors and such fees shall ",...." ¥ ,be. paid to the inspectors on the first of the month follow- ing their oolleotion. Nothing herein oontained shall be interpreted to mean that 1;}¡,e City Counoil shall not havett{e±-1ght to supplement with a salary the fees reoeived by said inspeotors, but when said inspeotors are employed on a stTictly salary basis all fees collected by the City Clerk shall be placed in the General Revenue Fund of the City of Clermont. ,'·"1"1' ~.",. ~- '~&'.'.""'. ~ ~EC~lON TWo. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and its being signed by the -resident of the vity vouncll and upon its approval by the Mayor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PA~~~D BY THB Cl~Y COUNCIL f~ I~~ ~GULA~ Mß~~INU HELD ~'lŒ ~,J.,DAY 01" t\VR.\~ , A. D., 19~ ~A, President, C~,!;~.,Góunö.1.~ <:::0..-" '0 ~- J..-. ......." ",,' ~ ",9j~ Qo~ ----- RECJ.<;lVl!;D A. D., 194~ .-, ~ .... - ~. ~ ¿ " . c "'\ ~ ~ ri!S··...-... -....." ;~ -':-- ~...,. ~ I t ,~,~, ;, ~¡,,~, .- ,~":- ~ ".. ."~~ - - - - - - - - - - - -~~"~,- - - - - "- - ~...r/.'~"""~."..._.......'" '" ~~ð¿-., ~.~ Al~D Al'l'ROVED B:r. !{U<; 'lHl~ ~">D. DÃx 01<' ~t>e. \\_ , llif Ìf(~ ~ ~