O-47-80 ORDINANCE NO. )70 . AN ORÐINANCE TO CREATE THE OFFICE OF JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, TO DEFINE THE QUALIFICATIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES OF SAID JUDGE, AND TO FIX THE COMPENSATION OF SUCH OFFICE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: , Seotion 1: That the offioe of the Judge of the Munioipal Court of the City of Clermont is hereby oreated under and pur- suant to the provisions of Chapter 24435, Speoial ~ots of ,the Legislature, filed in the offioe of the Seoretary of State on June 16th, 1947. Seotion 2: That the Judge of the Munioipal Court of the City of Clermont shall be a male qualified eleotor of the City of Clermo?t, of good oharaoter, and~ upon eleotion, shall take the oath presoribed to be taken by ?ther munioipal offioers. Seotion 3: The Munioipal Judge of the City of Clermont shall have jurisdiction to try persons for all violations of the ordinances of the.C_~ty of Cle~ont,to render judgments in all cases brought before him for trial and to fix the punishment to be imposed upon those who shall be adjudged to be guilty, with full power to issue' warrants for the arrest of persons charged with the violation of ordinanoes upon the sworn affidavit of ,..,- ,.,,",::1- " any person making suoh oharge, to issue subpoenas requiring the presence of witnesses before the Court, and to do all things in and about the trial of persons aooused of the violation of the City Ordinances now or heretofore authorized to be done by the Mayor of said munioipality. Section 4: The Jud~e of the Municipal Court shall be . eleoted by the City Council f~r a term of one year, or until his suooessor is elected and qualified. Such election shall be subject to the approval of the Mayor. , I . '.' . Section 5: In case the Mayor shall disapprove of the election of any person elected by the City Council, the City Council may, by unanimous vote, elect such officer, the dis- approval of the Mayor notwithstanding. Section 6: The Municipal Judge of the City of Clermont shall be elected at the first ,regular meeting of the City Council in January of each year to serve,for the ne~t succeeding year, provided, however, that the Council may elect some person to fill said office immediatel~ upon the approval of this Ordinance and that the term of such person so elected shall be from the date of said election until the first regular meeting of the Council in January, 1948. Section 7: In case the Municipal Judge of the City of Clermont shall, by absence, illness or other disability, be unable to perform ,the duties of his office, it shall become the duty of the Mayor of the City of Clermont to act as Municipal Judge during the absence or disability of the Judge of the Munic- ipal Court. Section 8: The salary of the Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of Clermont is hereby fixed at ~25.00 per month, payable monthly, on the first day of each month for the next preceding month. ~ONE AND ORDAINED by the City Council in regular session this 19th day of ~ugust, A. D. 1947. ~~ ~,~, ~ 4 ~~"".~-",,-,~, ~ ~~~~te8t:~~, _Þ~ .' _'t\.";~~~'d~~ ." ~ -= ~'i;' ¿ ~ :;;,; Gity ClerK. .,~' ¿ ~ 0 '-~ := .. . '~ ~ ~ I he~by approve the /? J'~,. ~ "~.Jf; ~'" ~, ~ð~~ '"':~ .. ..... '\ U YOTI' ~lty vf Olermont. ,~~d.l}~ c:: ! :-. foregoing Ordinance. l1%)Jt-'o:!~_~ ~ 't;or of City of Clermont.