R-2014-04 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT-FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014: GENERAL FUND 1. Increase Repair and Maintenance—Street Markings(10541-54625) $ 30,000 To amend the budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2013 funds budgeted for street markings. 2. Increase Capital Outlay- Software(10511-66404) $ 4,680 To amend the budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2013 funds budgeted for the purchase of agenda management software. 3. Increase Professional Services—General (10516-53100) $ 50,000 To amend the budget for the redesign of the website, as approved by the City Council on October 22, 2013. 4. Increase Professional Services—General (10519-53100-19101) $ 26,500 To amend the budget for the amendment to the Corbin Group contract, as approved by the City Council on October 22, 2013. 5. Increase Regular Salaries (10521-12100) $ 38,231 Increase Overtime Salaries (10521-12120) $ 2,556 Increase FICA (10521-12220) $ 2,980 Increase Pension—Defined Benefit(10521-12245) $ 11,855 To amend the budget for the reinstatement of a terminated police officer as required by an arbitrator on October 15, 2013. 6. Increase Contribution—Light up Clermont (10574-88208) $ 25,000 Decrease Contribution—General (10559-88201) $ 25,000 To amend the budget for the Lake Symphony Orchestra sponsorship and corresponding reduction in the Economic Development department budget, as approved by the City Council on November 12, 2013. 1 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 7. Increase Contnbution - Light up Clermont(10574-88208) $ 12,000 Decrease Contribution- Light up Clermont(10519-88208) $ 12,000 To amend the budget to transfer the line item for Light Up Clermont from Other General Government to the Recreation and Events Department. 8. Increase Salaries(10516-12100) $ 4,169 Increase FICA(10516-12220) $ 388 Increase Capital Outlay— Equipment(10516-66401) $ 2,300 To amend the budget for the Web Designer/User Support position, as approved by the City Council on November 12, 2013. 9. Increase Regular Salaries (10511-12100) $ 300 Increase FICA (10511-12220) $ 23 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(10511-12240) $ 30 Increase Regular Salaries (10512-12100) $ 276 Increase FICA (10512-12220) $ 21 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(10512-12240) $ 28 Increase Regular Salaries (10513-12100) $ 985 Increase FICA (10513-12220) $ 63 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(10513-12240) $ 72 Increase Regular Salaries (10515-12100) $ 660 Increase FICA (10515-12220) $ 50 Increase Defined Contribution Pension (10515-12240) $ 66 Increase Regular Salaries (10516-12100) $ 280 Increase FICA(10516-12220) $ 21 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(10516-12240) $ 28 Increase Regular Salaries (10560-12100) $ 375 Increase FICA(10560-12220) $ 28 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(10560-12240) $ 37 Increase Regular Salaries (10521-12100) $ 6,728 Increase FICA (10521-12220) $ 505 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(10521-12240) $ 60 Increase Defined Benefit Pension(10521-12245) $ 1,111 Increase Regular Salaries (10522-12100) $ 5,197 Increase FICA(10522-12220) $ 381 Increase Defined Contribution Pension (10522-12240) $ 20 Increase Defined Benefit Pension(10522-12245) $ 973 Increase Regular Salaries (10541-12100) $ 907 Increase FICA (10541-12220) $ 65 2 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(10541-12240) $ 85 Increase Regular Salaries (10542-12100) $ 1,986 Increase FICA (10542-12220) $ 148 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(10542-12240) $ 193 Increase Regular Salaries (10544-12100) $ 455 Increase FICA (10544-12220) $ 34 Increase Defined Contribution Pension (10544-12240) $ 44 Increase Regular Salaries (10545-12100) $ 40 Increase Regular Salaries (10549-12100) $ 453 Increase FICA (10549-12220) $ 33 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(10549-12240) $ 43 Increase Regular Salaries (10559-12100) $ 75 Increase Regular Salaries (10574-12100) $ 300 Increase FICA (10574-12220) $ 23 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(10574-12240) $ 20 To amend the budget for the employee holiday bonus program, as approved by the City Council on November 12, 2013. 10. Increase Regular Salaries (10521-12100) $ 36,291 Increase FICA (10521-12220) $ 2,757 Increase Pension—Defined Benefit(10521-12245) $ 7,067 Increase Group Insurance(10521-12300) $ 4,531 Increase Life Insurance(10521-12305) $ 79 Increase Workers Compensation(10521-12400) $ 1,200 Increase Uniforms (10521-55203) $ 4,000 Increase Minor Equipment(10521-55204) $ 10,000 To amend the budget for an additional police officer position, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 11. Increase Regular Salaries (10513-12100) $ 10,557 Increase FICA (10513-12220) $ 798 Increase Group Insurance(10513-12300) $ 5,228 Increase Life Insurance (10513-12305) $ 75 Increase Workers Compensation (10513-12400) $ 23 To amend the budget for the reclassification of an accounting specialist position from part-time to full-time status, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 3 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 12. Increase Transfer to Debt Service Fund (10581-99113) $ 224,438 To amend the budget for the issuance costs and debt service associated with the loan to purchase the Celebration of Praise Church property, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 13. Increase Capital Outlay— Software(10515-66404) $ 41,881 To amend the budget for the additional cost of purchasing a permitting system software, as approved by the City Council on January 14, 2014. 14. Increase Medical Services (10521-53130) $ 10,390 To amend the budget for the contract with Life Scan to provide physical examinations, as approved by the City Council on January 14, 2014. 15. Increase Grants (10331-33120-21018) $ 9,719 Increase Capital Outlay—Software(10521-55204-21018) $ 9,719 To amend the budget for the acceptance of a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice and corresponding software purchase, as approved by the City Council on January 14, 2014. 16. Increase Regular Salaries (10515-12100) $ 10,743 Increase FICA (10515-12220) $ 1,026 Decrease Pension—Defined Contribution(10515-12240) $ 3,055 Increase Group Insurance(10515-12300) $ 3,520 Decrease Workers Compensation(10515-12400) $ 50 Increase Travel &Per Diem(10515-54001) $ 1,925 Increase Printing(10515-54700) $ 100 Increase Minor Equipment(10515-55204) $ 3,575 Increase Software Renewal/Support(10515-55219) $ 680 Increase Training& Education(10515-55401) $ 3,750 Increase Capital Outlay— IT Equipment(10515-66403) $ 4,400 To amend the budget for the additional costs associated with the reorganization of the Planning and Zoning Department, as approved by the City Council on January 28, 2014. 17. Decrease Regular Salaries (10522-12100) $ 7,113 Decrease FICA (10522-12220) $ 182 Decrease Pension—Defined Benefit (10522-12245) $ 5,658 Decrease Group Insurance (10522-12300) $ 4,385 Decrease Life Insurance (10522-12305) $ 63 Decrease Workers Compensation (10522-12400) $ 1,603 4 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 Increase Travel & Per Diem (10522-54001) $ 360 Increase Internet Service (10522-54102) $ 576 Increase Repair& Maintenance—Vehicles (10522-54601) $ 480 Increase Pnnting(10522-54700) $ 120 Increase Gas & Oil (10522-55201) $ 6,480 Increase Tires & Battenes (10522-55202) $ 120 Increase Uniforms (10522-55203) $ 360 Increase Minor Equipment(10522-55204) $ 3,330 Increase Subscriptions & Dues (10522-55400) $ 900 Increase Training& Education(10522-55401) $ 720 Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (10522-66400) $ 36,000 Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment(10522-66401) $ 2,640 Increase Capital Outlay—IT Equipment(10522-66403) $ 3,240 To amend the budget for the additional costs associated with the reorganization of the Fire Department, as approved by the City Council on January 28, 2014. 18. Increase Professional Services—General (10519-53100-19101) $ 61,500 To amend the budget for place branding consulting fees, as approved by the City Council on February 11, 2014. 19. Increase Self—Insurance Liability Claims(10521-54501) $ 25,000 To amend the budget for a liability insurance deductible payment related to a wrongful termination claim. 20. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (10581-99114-72118) $ 131,783 To amend the budget for the purchase of the Celebration of Praise Church property, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 21. Increase Regular Salaries (10575-12100) $ 74,193 Increase FICA (10575-12220) $ 5,559 Increase Group Insurance(10575-12300) $ 9,411 Increase Life Insurance(10575-12305) $ 133 Increase Workers Compensation(10575-12400) $ 162 Increase Regular Salaries (10575-12100) $ 33,502 Increase FICA (10575-12100) $ 2,422 Increase Workers Compensation (10575-12400) $ 73 To amend the budget for staffing of the Celebration Center, as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 5 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 22. Increase Software Renewal (10516-55219) $ 15,748 To amend the budget for the purchase of additional Microsoft Windows Upgrade Licenses, as approved by City Council on February 25th, 2014. 23 Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (10581-99114-72118) $ 7,027 To amend the budget for an HVAC energy analysis of the Celebration Center and planned additions, as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 24. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (10581-99114-72118) $ 38,560 To amend the budget for the expansion of the city-wide fiber optic network to the Celebration Center property, as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 25. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (10521-66400) $ 35,000 Increase Reimbursement(10366-36650) $ 14,072 To amend the budget for the purchase of a replacement police vehicle that was totaled in an accident and the insurance proceeds, as approved by the City Council on March 25, 2014. 26. Increase Federal Forfeitures Revenue—Justice Funds (10351-35102-21900) $ 52,000 Increase Professional Services(10521-53100-21900) $ 5,000 Increase Uniforms (10521-55203-21900) $ 12,500 Increase Minor Equipment—Justice Funds (10521-55204-21900) $ 16,500 Increase Community Relations—Justice(10521-55212-21900) $ 2,500 Increase Training&Education(10521-55401-21900) $ 12,000 Increase Capital Outlay—Justice Funds (10521-66401-21900) $ 1,400 Increase Capital Outlay—Software(10521-66404-21900) $ 2,100 To amend the budget for the receipt of Federal Forfeitures Revenue and associated expenditures. 27. Increase Election(10511-54915) $ 3,510 To amend the budget for the actual costs pertaining to the City Council Election in November 2013. 28. Increase Newsletter(10519-54914) $ 7,832 Decrease Newsletter(10511-54914) $ 7,832 To amend the budget to transfer the newsletter costs from the City Clerk Department to Other General Government. 6 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 29. Increase Background Investigations (10575-53128) $ 576 Increase Drug Screens (10575-53129) $ 280 Increase Contract Services—General (10575-53401) $ 8,333 Increase Contract Services—Cleaning(10575-53402) $ 15,000 Increase Contract Services—Pest Control (10575-53404) $ 1,000 Increase Travel &Per Diem(10575-54001) $ 110 Increase Telephone(10575-54101) $ 3,416 Increase Internet Service (10575-54102) $ 1,200 Increase Electric & Gas Service(10575-54300) $ 45,000 Increase Water& Sewer Service(10575-54301) $ 3,500 Increase Landfill Charges (1 0575-54304) $ 3,125 Increase Rentals—Equipment(10575-54400) $ 1,083 Increase Commercial Insurance(10575-54500) $ 20,000 Increase Repair&Maintenance—Buildings (10575-54600) $ 15,000 Increase Repair&Maintenance—Vehicles (10575-54601) $ 300 Increase Repair&Maintenance—Parks (10575-54606) $ 500 Increase Repair&Maintenance—Equipment(10575-54614) $ 6,000 Increase Repair&Maintenance—Pool (10575-54629) $ 2,000 Increase Repair&Maintenance—Copiers (10575-54640) $ 1,833 Increase Other Current Charges(10575-54900) $ 438 Increase Security Monitoring Service(10575-54912) $ 169 Increase Office Supplies (10575-55100) $ 417 Increase Operating Supplies (10575-55200) $ 9,167 Increase Gas & Oil (10575-55201) $ 1,508 Increase Tires & Batteries (10575-55202) $ 250 Increase Uniforms (10575-55203) $ 984 Increase Minor Equipment(10575-55204) $ 6,235 Increase Safety Equipment(10575-55205) $ 550 Increase Chlorine(10575-55207) $ 3,500 Increase Safety Shoes(10575-55209) $ 400 Increase Operating Software(10575-55219) $ 208 Increase Subscriptions & Dues (10575-55400) $ 625 Increase Training &Education (10575-55401) $ 2,425 Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (10575-66400) $ 18,720 Increase Capital Outlay—Capital Equipment(10575-66401) $ 20,000 Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment(10575-66403) $ 136,956 Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (10581-99114-72118) $ 31,336 To amend the budget for operating and capital expenditures associated with the Celebration Center as discussed at a City Council workshop on March 25, 2014. 7 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 30. Increase Fund Balance(10399-39900) $ 103,834 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 31. Decrease Fund Balance(10599-59900) $ 1,306,953 Total General Fund adjustments. BUILDING SERVICES FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay—Software(11524-66404) $ 125,644 To amend the budget for the additional cost of purchasing a permitting system software, as approved by the City Council on January 14, 2014. 2. Increase Building Permits Revenue(11322-32200) $ 280,000 Increase Inspection Fees Revenue—City(11329-32905) $ 35,000 Decrease Professional Services—Building Services(11524-53191) $ 171,500 To amend the budget for the termination of the Nova building services contract and increased building permits activity. 3. Increase Regular Salaries (11524-12100) $ 107,071 Increase FICA(11524-12220) $ 7,025 Increase Pension—Defined Contribution(11524-12240) $ 3,717 Decrease Pension—Defined Benefit(11524-12245) $ 1,561 Increase Group Insurance(11524-12300) $ 35,664 Increase Life Insurance(11524-12305) $ 219 Increase Workers Compensation (11524-12400) $ 131 Increase Travel &Per Diem(11524-54001) $ 1,675 Increase Internet(11524-54102) $ 1,800 Increase Repair&Maintenance—Vehicles (11524-54601) $ 1,200 Increase Repair&Maintenance—Copiers (11524-54640) $ 2,300 Increase Printing(11524-54700) $ 300 Increase Gas & Oil (11524-55201) $ 8,100 Increase Tires & Batteries (11524-55202) $ 300 Increase Uniforms (11524-55203) $ 2,700 Increase Minor Equipment(11524-55204) $ 8,155 Increase Software Renewal/Support(11524-55219) $ 19,148 Increase Subscriptions & Dues (11524-55400) $ 1,900 Increase Training& Education(115254-55401) $ 3,250 Increase Capital Outlay—IT Equipment(10515-66403) $ 29,300 Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment (11524-66401) $ 3,800 Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (11524-66400) $ 88,500 8 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 To amend the budget for the additional costs associated with the reorganization of the Planning and Zoning Department, as approved by the City Council on January 28, 2014. 4. Increase Regular Salaries (11529-12100) $ 65,363 Increase FICA(11529-12220) $ 3,821 Increase Pension—Defined Benefit(11529-12245) $ 6,986 Increase Group Insurance(11529-12300) $ 20,199 Increase Life Insurance(11529-12305) $ 154 Increase Workers Compensation(11529-12400) $ 763 Increase Travel &Per Diem (11529-54001) $ 540 Increase Internet Service(11529-54102) $ 864 Increase Repair&Maintenance—Vehicles (11529-54601) $ 720 Increase Printing(11529-54700) $ 180 Increase Gas & Oil (11529-55201) $ 9,720 Increase Tires &Batteries (11529-55202) $ 180 Increase Uniforms (11529-55203) $ 540 Increase Minor Equipment(11529-55204) $ 4,995 Increase Subscriptions & Dues(11529-55400) $ 2,100 Increase Training&Education(11529-55401) $ 1,080 Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (11529-66400) $ 54,000 Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment (11529-66401) $ 3,960 Increase Capital Outlay—IT Equipment(11529-66403) $ 4,860 To amend the budget for the additional costs associated with the reorganization of the Fire Department, as approved by the City Council on January 28, 2014. 5. Decrease Fund Balance(11399-39900) $ 10,529 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 6. Decrease Fund Balance(11599-59900) $ 155,392 Total Building Services Fund adjustments. INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 1. Increase Repair and Maintenance- Streets (12541-54603) $ 199,361 Increase Capital Outlay—Sidewalks (12541-66303) $ 18,374 To amend the budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2013 funds budgeted for streets repair and maintenance and sidewalk construction. 9 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 2. Increase Professional Services - General—(12542-53100-42100) $ 2,615 Increase Cemetery Expansion(12542-66309-42100) $ 40,140 To amend the budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2013 funds budgeted for the cemetery expansion. 3. Increase Professional Services—Fiber Optic Network (12516-53100-16000) $ 32,719 To amend the budget for the consulting fees to manage the construction of the city-wide fiber optic network, as approved by the City Council on June 11, 2013. 4. Increase Capital Outlay—Other Improvements(12516-66300-16000) $ 508,351 To amend the budget for the construction of the city-wide fiber network as approved by the City Council on September 10, 2013. 5. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (12522-66400) $ 10,000 To amend the budget for the additional cost of purchasing a pumper fire truck, as approved by the City Council on November 12, 2013. 6. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (12522-66400) $ 4,345 To amend the budget for the additional cost of purchasing a Fire Department sport utility vehicle. 7. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (12521-66400) $ 40,000 To amend the budget for the purchase of a vehicle for a new police officer position, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 8. Increase Cemetery Expansion(12542-66309-42100) $ 84,819 To amend the budget for the additional cost of constructing drive access improvements in the Oak Hill Cemetery, as approved by the City Council on February 11, 2014. 9. Decrease Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (12581-99114-21101) $ 150,000 To amend the budget to reallocate funds budgeted for the Police Department construction project. 10. Increase Fund Balance(12399-39900) $ 825,201 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 11 Increase Fund Balance(12599-59900) $ 34,477 Total Infrastructure Fund adjustments. 10 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 RECREATION IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (14581-99114) $ 160,000 To amend the budget for the contract approval with Tetra Tech for services related to Phase 1B of the Lake Hiawatha Preserve Project, as approved by the City Council on January 28, 2014. 2. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (14581-99114-72118) $ 145,135 To amend the budget for the purchase the Celebration of Praise Church property, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 3. Increase Transfer to Debt Service Fund(14581-99113-72118) $ 247,177 To amend the budget for the issuance costs and debt service associated with the loan to purchase the Celebration of Praise Church property, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 4. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund(14581-99114) $ 73,351 To amend the budget for the Lake Hiawatha Preserve Phase 1A construction contract, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 5. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund(14581-99114-72109) $ 250,000 Decrease Recreation—Splash Park(14574-66301-72109) $ 250,000 To amend the budget to move the Splash Park project to the Capital Projects Fund. 6. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (14581-99114-72118) $ 7,739 To amend the budget for an HVAC energy analysis of the Celebration Center and planned additions, as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 7. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (14581-99114-72118) $ 42,466 To amend the budget for the expansion of the city-wide fiber optic network to the Celebration Center property, as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 8. Increase Residential Impact Fees—Recreations (14324-32461) $ 500,000 To amend the budget to reflect increased Recreation Impact Fees activity. 11 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 9. Increase Minor Equipment (14542-55204-72118) $ 2,722 Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (14542-66400-72118) $ 17,280 Increase Capital Outlay—Equipment(14542-66403-72118) $ 2,490 Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund(14581-99114-72118) $ 51,460 To amend the budget for capital expenditures associated with the Celebration Center as discussed at a City Council workshop on March 25, 2014. 10. Increase Fund Balance(14399-39900) $ 460,860 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 11. Increase Fund Balance(14599-59900) $ 211,040 Total Recreation Impact Fees Fund adjustments. POLICE IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (15581-99114-72118) $ 23,134 To amend the budget for the purchase the Celebration of Praise Church property, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 2. Increase Transfer to Debt Service Fund (15581-99113-72118) $ 39,399 To amend the budget for the issuance costs and debt service associated with the loan to purchase the Celebration of Praise Church property, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 3. Increase Transfer to Capital Project Fund(15581-99114-21101) $ 22,800 To amend the budget for additional Police Department Construction management fees, as approved by the City Council on February 1, 2013. 4. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund(15581-99114-21101) $ 12,600 To amend the budget for additional Police Department design fees, as approved as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 5. Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (15581-99114-72118) $ 1,234 To amend the budget for an HVAC energy analysis of the Celebration Center and planned additions, as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 12 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 6 Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (15581-99114-72118) $ 6,769 To amend the budget for the expansion of the city-wide fiber optic network to the Celebration Center property, as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 7. Increase Residential Impact Fees—Police(15324-32411) $ 125,000 To amend the budget to reflect increased Police Impact Fees activity. 8 Increase Fund Balance (15399-39900) $ 64,638 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 9. Increase Fund Balance(15599-59900) $ 83,702 Total Police Impact Fees Fund adjustments. FIRE IMPACT FEES FUND 1. Increase Residential Impact Fees—Fire(16324-32411) $ 50,000 To amend the budget to reflect increased Fire Impact Fee activity. 2. Increase Fund Balance(16399-39900) $ 29,405 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 3. Increase Fund Balance(16599-59900) $ 79,405 Total Fire Impact Fees Fund Adjustments. DEBT SERVICE FUND 1. Increase Debt Proceeds (22384-38402) $ 6,000,000 Increase Transfer to'Capital Projects� s Fund(22581-99114) $ 6,000,000 To amend the budget for the loan related to the purchase of the Celebration of-Praise Church property, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 13 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 2. Increase Transfer from General Fund (22381-38100) $ 224,438 Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact Fees Fund (22381-38105) $ 247,177 Increase Transfer from Police Impact Fees Fund(22381-38118) $ 39,399 Increase Debt Service— Issuance Costs (22517-77305) $ 68,659 Increase Debt Service—2013 Loan Principal (22517-77116) $ 254,810 Increase Debt Service—2013 Loan Interest(22517-77216) $ 187,545 To amend the budget for the debt service associated with the loan for the purchase of the Celebration of Praise Church property, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1. Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact Fees Fund (32381-38105) $ 160,000 Increase Lake Hiawatha Preserve Project(32542-66301-72106) $ 160,000 To amend the budget for the contract approval with Tetra Tech for services related to Phase 1B of the Lake Hiawatha Preserve Project, as approved by the City Council on January 28, 2014. 2. Increase Transfer from General Fund (32381-38100-72118) $ 131,783 Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact Fees Fund (32381-38105-72118) $ 145,135 Increase Transfer from Police Impact Fees fund (32381-38118-72118) $ 23,134 Increase Transfer from Debt Service Fund (32381-38115-72118) $ 6,000,000 Increase Capital Outlay—Buildings(32574-66201-72118) $ 6,300,052 To amend the budget for the purchase of the Celebration of Praise Church property, as approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 3. Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact Fees Fund(32381-38105) $ 73,351 Increase Lake Hiawatha Preserve Project(32542-66301-72106) $ 73,351 To amend the budget for the Lake Hiawatha Preserve Phase 1 A construction contract approved by the City Council on December 10, 2013. 4. Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact Fees Fund (32381-38105-72109) $ 250,000 Increase Recreation—Splash Park(32542-66301-72109) $ 250,000 To amend the budget to account for the Splash Park project in the Capital Projects Fund. 14 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 5. Decrease Transfer from Infrastructure Fund (32381-38104-21101) $ 150,000 Decrease Capital Outlay—Buildings (32521-66201-21101) $ 150,000 To amend the budget to reallocate funds budgeted for the Police Department construction project. 6. Increase Capital Outlay—Buildings (32521-66201-21101) $ 22,800 Increase Transfer from Police Impact Fees Fund (32381-38118-21101) $ 22,800 To amend the budget for additional Police Department Construction Management Fees, as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 7. Increase Professional Services—Police Station(32521-53100-21101) $ 12,600 Increase Transfer from Police Impact Fees Fund (32381-38118-21101) $ 12,600 To amend the budget for additional Police Department Design Fees, as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 8. Increase Capital Outlay Buildings—COP (32574-62201-72118) $ 16,000 Increase Transfer from General Fund (32381-38100-72118) $ 7027 Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact Fees Fund (32381-38105-72118) $ 7,739 Increase Transfer from Police Impact Fees Fund(32381-38118-72118) $ 1,234 To amend the budget for an HVAC Energy Analysis of the Celebration Center and planned additions, approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 9. Increase Capital Outlay—Other Improvement(32574-66300-72118) $ 87,795 Increase Transfer from General Fund(32381-38100-72118) $ 38,560 Increase Transfer from Recreation Fees Fund (32381-38105-72118) $ 42,466 Increase Transfer from Police Impact Fees (32381-38118-72118) $ 6,769 To amend the budget for the expansion of the city-wide fiber optic network to the Celebration Center property, as approved by the City Council on February 25, 2014. 10. Increase Transfer from General Fund (32381-38100-72118) $ 31,336 Increase Transfer from Recreation Impact Fee Fund (32381-38105-72118) $ 51,460 Increase Capital Outlay—Buildings (32574-66201-72118) $ 82,796 To amend the budget for the capital expenditures associated with the Celebration Center as discussed at a City Council workshop on March 25, 2014. 15 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 WATER FUND 1. Increase Regular Salaries (41533-12100) $ 2,955 Increase FICA (41533-12220) $ 225 Increase Defined Contnbution Pension (41533-12240) $ 283 Increase Workers Compensation (41533-12400) $ 70 To amend the budget for the employee holiday bonus program, as approved by the City Council on November 12, 2013. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(41399-39900) $ 763,434 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 3. Decrease Fund Balance(41599-59900) $ 766,967 Total Water Fund adjustments. SEWER FUND 1. Increase Regular Salaries (42535-12100) $ 2,391 Increase FICA (42535-12220) $ 183 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(42535-12240) $ 234 Increase Workers Compensation (42535-12400) $ 54 To amend the budget for the employee holiday bonus program, as approved by the City Council on November 12, 2013. 2. Increase Fund Balance(42399-39900) $ 1,111,501 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 3. Increase Fund Balance(42599-59900) $ 1,108,639 Total Sewer Fund adjustments. WATER IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Professional Services—General (43533-53100) $ 50,000 To amend the budget for the South Lake Regional Water Initiative Group Interlocal Agreement as approved by the City Council on March 25, 2014. 2 Decrease Fund Balance(43599-59900) $ 50,000 Total Water Impact Fees Fund adjustments. 16 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 STORMWATER FUND 1. Increase Regular Salanes (45538-12100) $ 700 Increase FICA(45538-12220) $ 53 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(45538-12240) $ 67 Increase Workers Compensation (45538-12400) $ 41 To amend the budget for the employee holiday bonus program, as approved by the City Council on November 12, 2013. 2. Increase Professional Services—General (45538-53100) $ 38,580 To amend the budget for the Lake Winona Stormwater Project, as approved by the City Council on March 25, 2014. 3. Decrease Fund Balance(45399-39900) $ 68,246 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 4. Decrease Fund Balance(45599-59900) $ 107,687 Total Stormwater Fund adjustments SANITATION FUND 1. Increase Regular Salaries (49534-12100) $ 1,733 Increase FICA(49534-12220) $ 132 Increase Defined Contribution Pension(49534-12240) $ 171 Increase Workers Compensation (49534-12400) $ 121 To amend the budget for the employee holiday bonus program, as approved by the City Council on November 12, 2013. 2. Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (49534-66400) $ 287,916 To amend the budget for the purchase of a side loader garbage truck, as approved by the City Council on January 28, 2014. 3. Decrease Fund Balance(49399-39900) $ 365,317 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 4. Decrease Fund Balance(49599-59900) $ 655,390 Total Sanitation Fund adjustments. 17 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 1. Increase Streetscape Improvements (60552-66300-95100) $ 196,837 To amend the budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2013 funds budgeted for streetscape improvements. 2. Decrease Fund Balance(60399-39900) $ 30,028 To amend the budget to reflect actual reserves at October 1, 2013. 3 Decrease Fund Balance(60599-59900) $ 226,865 Total Community Redevelopment Agency Fund adjustments. 18 03/31/14 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-04 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014 are hereby adopted. �i DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, 4-12;„ F1'onda r, this 8th day of April, 2014. i.','-`4`;me°01'Cki• '' .`'' 1:! CITY OF CLERMONT .R+ -,'1 r,s,,.? ,,. , :''fi r;"�„• ' ,4,--;t),,,, - :v.i.,:,`,, --,4 ii •14,0':;,.; dillgPllIll'■O-ligillPP::'"--4" dOS.:'"'', ,..t,- -..// c-4∎•tt-V,'r - '� i,P,,,=-1., 'ad S. Turville, Jr., Mayor !leC i ; `'ti, bpi�zs_ i' '�:J _6��&71'A:, ,EST: �; I/ Tracy Ac oyd, City Cl 1,k Approved • • ,nn and - • it �1 rleffilr y .f .1 , - , . orney 19 03/31/14