O-52-C . . CODE ORDINANCES N~ 124 ORDINANCE NO. 52-C AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT: PROVIDING METHOD OF SERVICE AND CONTRACTS OF SERVICE: PROVIDING WATER AND SEWERAGE BASIC RATES:' PROHIBITING INFLUX OF PRIVATE l~ATER SUPPLY: PROHIBITING TAMPERING WITH CITY PROPERTY: PROHIBITING NON-SANITARY WASTE INDUCTION: PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF Sec. 1-1 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM ESTABLISHED AS PUBLIC UTILITY The water and sani tary se\'ler system now in existence and owned, operated and maintained by the city, together with any and all future exten- liórii thereof and replacements thereto, is e~tablished and declared to be a public utility for the use and benefit of the city in the maintenance of public health, welfare and sanitation throughout the said city. The \'later works and the sanitary sewer system owned by the city shall be administered as one utility system. Sec. 1-2 DEPARTMENT CREATED, SEPARATE RECORDS. (a) The water works and the sanitary sewer system shall be operated as the water and sewer department of the city, which department is hereby created. The department and all the public utilities comprising a part thereof as provided herein shall be under the control, operation, and management of the City Council. (b) Notwithstanding the combining of the water works and the sanitary sewer system into one \'later and sewer department as provided herein, complete data and records, financial and otherwise, may in the discretion of the city be kept separately of the operation and management of the \'later works and the sanitary sewer system. Sec. 1-3 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this chapter the following words, terms and phrases shall be construed and interpreted as having the following meanings unless some other meaning or interpretation is plainly intended: (a) Habitation. Any building, structure or premises used as a private residence and used for such purpose only, shall be deemed one habitation. (b) Habitations, separate. Two family and multiple family units and outbuildings off from the main building when rented or sub- rented for profit, shall be deemed separate habitations. (c) Owner, tenant, consumer. The terms "owner" tenant" and "consumer" as used herein, shall include the executors, administrators, successors and 'assigns of the party referred to, and the covenants and agreements contained in any contract between the water department and its consumers shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, heirs, executors, administrators or assigns of the respective parties thereto. The consumer is considered the owner, as distinguished from a tenant, when the property serviced is recorded or stands of record in his name. (d) Premises. The term "premises" will mean habitation, institutions, mobile homes or places of business. (e) Water Department. The term "Water Department" as used herein, shall mean the Water Department or the water works o\'lned and operated by the city. . . CODE ORDINANCES N~ 125 ORDINANCE NO. 52-C (f) Sanitary sewer system. The term "sanitary sewer system" shall mean sewers, disposal and purification plants, equipment used in connection therewith, and all facilities, real and personal, owned or used by the city in the disposal of human excreta. Sec. 1-4 WHEN CONNECTION WITH WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM REQUIRED (a) (b) (c) (d) Sec. 1-5 Any building now existing and used for residential, commercial, industrial or other use shall be required to connect to said sanitary sewer system within one year from the date that service is certified available by the ci ty engi neers. Any building now existing and used for residential, commercial, industrial or other use shall be required to pay the monthly fee, as established under Section 1-17, beginning ninety days after service is certified available regardless of whether or not it is connected to the system. Any new building hereafter erected and used for residential, commercial, or industrial use shall within thirty (30) days be connected to said system after service is certified available by the city engineers. Should there be no city owned system existing at the time construction is completed then the time limits will apply as in subsection (a) above.' In the event that such connection shall not be made within the prescribed period, the Water Department shall at the expiration of such period, proceed forthwith to require the owner of such lot, parcel or plot to connect to said system in such lawful manner as may be required. CONNECTIONS TO BE MADE BY THE CITY. All connections to the sewer and water mains of the City of Clermont as provided in Section 1-4, shall be made by the Water and Sewer Department, and the connections and use of facilities as set forth herein shall be mandatory. Sec. 1-6 SERVICE OUTSIDE CORPORATE LIMITS. The City of Clermont may furnish water and or sewer service outside the corporate limits upon the recommendation of the City Manager and within the discretion of the City Council Sec. 1-7 ONE SERVICE TO EACH PREMISES; APPLICATION; CONTRACTUAL RELATION. (a) There shall be one water service to a premises and each premises must have a separate service, but there may be one sewer service to a premises or separate habitation except those hereinafter exempted and which exist prior to the enactment of this chapter. (b) All applications for water connections and/or sewer service to any premises shall be made to the City of Clermont in writing on forms provided for that purpose and shall state fully all the purposes for which such water connection or sewer service is required and the location of the premises to be supplied, and shall be si gned by the owner, tenants, or his agent. Such application when accepted by the city or e . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 52-C N~ 126 upon its performance of the service applied for shall constitute a contract between the applicant and the city, which shall bind such applicant to pay to the city for the services rendered its prescribed rates therefor and to comply with all rules and regulations as prescribed and fixed hereby or as hereafter adopted, and the provisions of this chapter. (c) Any agents, trustees, receivers, administrators, executors, or anyone handling properties for owners or tenants signing an application for water on behalf of principals, will be held jointly and severally liable with their principals under the terms of the contract of application, which contract will remain in effect until written notice has been received by the Water Department for discontinuance of service. (d) Anyone signing an application for water and/or sewer service and requesting the bill to be sent to a different address for payment by another party does so at his own risk, as the Water Department does not act as a collection agency for owner or agent, and takes no responsibility for collection of the account and should the account become delinquent, it will be charged to the contracting party and handled as any ordinary account. Sec. 1-8 SERVICE CONTRACT: WATER AND/OR SEWER. The contract for water and/or sewage service shall be substantially in the following form: WATER AND/OR SEWAGE CONTRACT IINo. Clermont, Florida Da te The undersigned, owner or agent, resident or occupant of the residence or building located at: hereby applies for connection of water and/or sewer service to that premises for residential, commercial or industrial use; for said water and/or sewage servi ce, I, as owner, agent, resi dent or occupant, agree to pay at the scheduled rates, until and unless notice in writing is given to the City of Clermont that service is to be discontinued, for whatever period of time. The undersigned agrees to conform to all the rates, rules and regulations of the City of Clermont water and/or sewer service as are now or hereafter in force, and which are made part of this contract including the agreement to pay the prescribed charge of Three (~.OO) for any restoration of service. The undersigned also agrees to pay-the sewer connection fee of $ and water tapping fee of $ where applicable, and further agrees that all charges for water and/or sewage service, as they may become due from time to time, shall be and are hereby made a lien upon the above property so long as said charges remain unpaid, as between the parties to this contract. e . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO 52-C N~ 127 Date of Acceptance: CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA By Authorized City Official Applicant's Sig~ature· Sec. 1-9 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT FOR WATER SERVICE AND/OR SEWER SERVICE. An, applicant for water service and/or sewer service may terminate his contract for such service at any time by giving notice in writing to the Water Department and by paying all amounts due for services up to the date of receipt of such notice by the city; but in case notice is not given or the bills due for service not paid, then he shall continue liable for water consumed and/or service rendered thereafter and for the minimum monthly rate or charge in case no water is consumed and/or sewer service rendered, even though he may vacate the premises or they may be occupied by other parties who fail to make application for service and sign a contract. The Water Department will not accept any notice as binding unless made in writing. Persons giving notice either verbally or by telephone do so at their own risk. Sec. 1-10 WATER PRESSURE NOT GUARANTEED: RIGHT OF CITY TO TURN OFF WATER: FEE FOR RESTORATION OF WATER: AUTHORITY TO DISCONNECT. (a), The Water Department neither guarantees an uninterrupted supply of water or water at any particular pressure for any purpose but reserves and shall have the right to shut off the water in its main at any time for the purpose of making repairs or extensions or for other purpose inctdenta1 to a public water supply, and will not be responsible for any damage resulting from a consumer leaving a faucet open or otherwise caused by low pressure. (b) The Water Department shall have the right to turn off water service at the main for the protection of the city or the consumer in cases where building has been burned or torn down or where the consumer has been found to be using water illegally, and to assess the regular schedule of fees or restoration of service. (c) The Water Department is authorized to disconnect water service from any premises where, on account of defective plumbing or the like, it shall be deemed to the best interest of the city s ot 0 do. (d) The city shall not be responsible for any loss of water from leaks or otherwise on the private property of a consumer, and shall be under no obligation to make adjustment for such leaks. Sec.1-11 METERS-DEPOSITS; CONTRACrO~AND BUILDERS; RENTERS. (a) Meters may be installed for the use of contractors and builders when construction is begun and all water used shall be charged at the applicable rate. If the water service remains on after construction is completed the account shall be transferred to the owner. . . CODE ORDINANCES N~ 128 ORDINANCE NO. 52-C (b) Schedule of Deposits: The following schedule of deposits for water and sewer service shall hereafter be known as "Utility Deposits" and shall be required for all renters of buildings used for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes: Uti 1i ty Deposi t Habi tati on Commercial Establishments (other than described in this subsection Hotels, Motels, Restaurants, Cafeterias, Laundries $15.00 $15.00 $25.00 (c) The Water Department shall have the right to increase any such deposit to an amount equal to double the highest monthly combined water and sewer bill during the preceding six months, when the same shall be deemed necessary to guarantee payment of future water and/or sewer bills of the customer. All deposits shall be held by the city until final settlement of consumer's account, and upon final settlement of consumer's account, any unused balance of the deposit will be refunded. All deposits shall be evi~enced by non-transferable and non-interest bearing receipts issued by the city in the name of the prospective consumer applying for service and refund shall be contingent upon adequate identification and surrender of the deposit receipt. Sec. 1-12 Wl\l:ER TAP-IN FEES. (a) The following charges shall be made for all meter connections which meter shall be furnished by the city and such meter shall remain the property of the city, to wit: Size of Meter Tap In Fee 3/4 inch 1 inch 1-1/4 inch 1-1/2 inch 2 inch $ 75.00 11 0.00 140.00 190.00 300.00 Larger than two inch will be quoted upon request (b) There will be a Three dollar ($3.00) charge to turn on the water supply of any user when the service has been discontinued from customer's premises for non payment of current water and/or sewer bill. (c) There will be a One dollar ($1.00) charge for opening or_ reopening any new water supply account. . . CODE ORDINANCES N~ 129 ORDINANCE NO. 52-C ( d) These rates may be changed from time to ti me by resolution of Counci 1. Sec. 1-13 WATER METERS, STOP AN D WASTE COCK OR CUT OFF VALVE REQUIRED, RIGHT OF ACCESS (a) Any new building hereinafter erected must have a separate water meter. (b) Any new building hereafter erected and used for residential, commercial or industrial must have a stop and waste cock or cutoff valve placed by the property line or at some convenient point on the premises. Such cock or valve shall be under the control of the tenant or owner and be used in case of break in the building or structure or other necessity, so that the pipes to be repaired can be cut off without the necessity of using the street cutoff maintained and installed by th e City. (c) The officers and employees of the Water Department shall have the right of access to the premises of a consumer at any reasonable hour for the purpose of conducting the normal business of the water and sewer department, such as making tests and inspections. Sec. 1-14 PERSONS USING HOT WATER HEATERS OR STEAM BOILERS RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE. Per~o~ using hot water heaters or steam boilers which take a supply of water directly from the service pipes of the Water Department \1i 11 do so at thei r O~/n r,isk, as the Water Department shall not be responsible for accidents or damages resulting in such cases, and should the hot water back up in the water pipes, damaging the meters or ~ other connections, the costs of all necessary repairs to such equipment shall be paid by the consumer responsible therefor. Sec. 1-15 PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, HOSE RACKS OfJNERS TO PAY COST OF PIPES, ANNUAL FEE AND10R SERVICE CHARGE, ETC. (a) Fire hydrants, fire sprinkler systems or hose racks may be established on private property by the owner thereof at his own costs for equipment, pipes, valves, fittings and connections to water mains, etc. provided the same shall be done under the supervision and subject to the inspection of and in accordance with the requirements of the Water Department, and the maintenance of such mains, valves and hydrants shall be at the costs and expense of the owner of the property. The regular established rate for such connection for such fire hydrants, fire sprinkler system and hose racks shall be paid, and if not, the same shall be disconnected from the water system by the Water Department. (b) Any party establishing fire hydrants, fire sprinkler systems or hose racks shall have the right to have the same connected with city's water system and have installed and maintained at his own costs by the Water Department a water meter, and to pay therefor the regular established charge for water service as listed in the published rates, whether water has been used for fire or any other purpose. No fixture whatsoever, other than fire hydrants, sprinkler connections and hose racks, used for fire only, shall be connected on e . CODE ORDINANCES N~ 130 such fire line. (c) The city guarantees no certain water pressure and shall in no case be in any way liable or responsible to any persons whatsoever in case of fire, for any damage that may result from any alleged insufficiency of such fire protection, either from want of pressure or volume, accessibility, or for any other cause. (d) The service charge for fire sprinkler systems within or without the city, not metered, is hereby prescribed and fixed as follows: Twenty dollars ($20.00) per year for each four inch (4") sprinkler system connection within the city; Forty dollars ($40.00) per year for each four inch (4") sprinkler system connection outside the city limits; Thirty dollars ($30.00) per year for each six inch (6") sprinkler system connection within the city; Sixty dollars ($60.00) per year for each six inch )6") sprinker system connection outside the city limits; Fifty dollars ($50.00) per year for each eight (8") sprinkler system connection within the city; One hundred dollars ($100.00) per year for each eight inch (8") sprinkler system connection outside the city limits; which charges shall be payable annually in advance on November first to the Water Department of the city. No water is to be used from sprinkler systems at any point on the line except in case of fire,~nor are any fixtures whatsoever to be connected with such fire line. (e) The service charge for fire hydrants on private property within or without the city, not metered, and utilized for private fire protection is hereby prescribed and fixed as follows: Within the city, Thirty dollars ($30.00) per year per hydrant; on private property or streets outside the city not metered, Sixty dollars ($60.00) per year per hydrant, payable annually in advance on November first without discount to the Water Department of the city. No water is to be used from fire hydrants, or from the service line on which they are situated, unless metered, except in case of fire; nor are any other fixtures whatsoever to be connected with such fire lines. (f) Hose racks on private property within or without the city, connected with city mains not metered, shall pay a service charge of fifteen dollars (ST5.00) per year per hose rack, located within the city and Thirty dollars ($30.00) per year per hose rack for those located outside the city, payable annually in advance on November first. No water shall be used from such hose rack or from the line upon which they are situated unless metered, except in case of fire, nor are any other fixtures whatsoever to be connected with such fire line. . " ! CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 52-C Sec. 1-16 BASIC RATE SCHEDULE FOR WATER SERVICE PER MONTH. (a) Inside the city corporate limits: . N~ 131 Minimum: $2.25 for 1,000 gallons .25 per 1,000 for next 9,000 gallons .20 per 1,000 for all over 10,000 gallons (b) When more than one living unit is serviced by the same meter there shall be an additional charge of $1.00 per uni t. (c) House trailer and/or mobile home parks shall pay an additional charge of $1.00 for each mobile home space or trailer ineo<cess of one. (d) Outside the city One hundred and twenty five per cent (125%) of the above rates with a minimum of $2.80. Sec. 1-17 BASIC RATE SCHEDULE FOR SEWER SERVICE PER MONTH The basic monthly rate for sewer service shall be as follows: (a) Inside City Limits Des cri pti on (1) Residential ( a) (b) (c) Monthly Rates Single family: $ 4.00 Multiple Family: $4.00 for the first family and 2.00 for each additional family living unit Mobile Home and/or House Trailer Courts: $4.00 for the first unit and $2.00 for each additional space. (2) Commercial: (b) (c) (d) (e) ( f) ( g) (h) (1) ( i ) (j) (k) (1) (m) (a) Food establishments - seating 20 or less persons Extra for each person over 20 Theatres, Including drive ins For each toilet or urinal over four Laundries and dry cleaning establishments Laundrettes - 4 machines or less extra for each machine over four' General business requiring public rest rooms Barber and Be1\Jty Shops, one operator For each additional operator Drug stores - Grocery Stores, Department Stores ' General business not requiring public rest rooms for each toilet or urinal, over four Schools, Kindergartens - day nurseries - per pupil Rest homes - 10 rooms or less each room over ten Hospitals - 10 rooms or less each room over U. S. Postoffice Terminals - bus - railroad each toilet or uri nal over four 7.50 .25 7.50 .75 7.50 7.50 1. 50 7.50 5.00 1. 50 5.00 5.00 .75 .10 30.00 1. 00 40.00 1.00 7.50 7.50 .75 . . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO 52-C N~ 132 (-n) (0) $ Other public building each toilet or urinal over four Hotels - Motels. 10 rooms or less each room over ten extra for dining room or bar seating 20 or less Shop - per operator extra for kitchen facilities in apartments - per kitchen Churches each urinal over 4 Clinics - offices - clubs - lodges fraternal each urinal over four Industrial Rates for industrial users will be established upon receipt of application for sewage treatment service. Rate will be based on volume, treatability. composition and strength of industrial waste. 7.50 .75 7.50 2.00 .25 1. 50 (p) (q) ( r) .75 5.00 .75 5.00 .75 (s) The City Council has the right to negotiate. or authorize the City Manager to negotiate rates for institutions. public agencies. non profit organizations. industrial users and/or others not covered above. In all such cases consideration shall be given to the number of persons using the facility. size or purpose of the building, number of rooms and an estimate of the amount of sewage to be discharged into the sanitary sewer system of the city. The aforementioned rates shall be established by contract between the City of Clermont and the user without amendment ~o this chapter. Sec. 1-18 SEWER AND WATER SERVICE CHARGES TO BE PAID BY THE CITY (a) There shall be no free service rendered by the water and sewer department, and if the city or any department, agency or instrumentality thereof shall avail itself of the service and facilities of the water and sewer system it shall pay for the use of such service at the established rates. (b) Revenues received from the services and facilities furnished by the water and sewer system to the city shall be accounted for in the same manner as other revenues derived from the operation of the water and sewer system. (c) (d) Sec. 1-19 (a) The city shall pay $25.00 per year per hydrant to the credit of the water utility for public fire protection service. The City Manager may estimate the amount of water used where meters have not been installed. COLLECTION OF CHARGES; SEWER AND WATER SERVICE In all cases where water is furnished by the waterworks system of the City of Clermont. the sewer service charge shall be included in the bills for water rendered by the city; provided, however, that each such bill shall show separately the amount of the sewer service charges and the amount of the bill for water. (1) Water bills shall be sent to consumers regularly each month. and the fact that a consumer does not receive a bill . (b) ( c) (d) . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 52-C 133 N~ shall not constitute grounds for discount or adjustment. (2) A water bill shall not be considered paid until remittance for same has been received at the Water Department, and the department shall not be responsible for delays or losses intr.a'nsportation in the mails, or otherwise If the amount of such water and sewer charges shall not be paid within thirty (30) days from the rendition of such bill, the Water Department shall discontinue furnishing water to such premises and shall discontinue the same from the water system of the city and shall proceed forwith to recover the amount of such water and sewersserv1ce charges in such lawful manner as may be required. The Water Department shall have the right to refuse service to any premises in cases where the contracting party of such premises has an unpaid water bill under his contract, until such time as the bill is paid. The Water Department, shall also have the right to refuse service to premises in cases where the owner of such premises has an unpaid bill for services, or for material or labor rendered or expended by the Water Department in connection with rendering water service to the premises. The Water Department shall have the right to transfer a delinquent water bill at one address to the acount of the same consumer at another address, provided the consumer is receiving service at the latter address, and shall have the right to discontinue service at the latter address for nonpayment of the transferred bill, regardless of the fact that the current bt~ls are being paid. Sec. 1-20 CROSS CONNECTION WITH PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY PROHIBITED It shall be unlawful for any person to connect or cause to be connected to the city water pipes, by any means whatsoever, other pipes containing water from any water supply other than the water supply of the city, and the owner of the property where any such cross connection is made shall be held responsible for the violation of this section. Sec. 1-21 DUAL SYSTEM OF PIPES REQUIRED ON PROPERTY WHERE WATER FURNISHED BY THE CITY AND BY PRIVATE SUPPLY If any person as the owners of the property, shall have upon such property a supply of water other than the supply of water furnished by the Water Department of the city, and also have upon such property a water supply furnished by the Water Department Department of the city, such owner shall have and is hereby required to have a dual system of pipes upon the property, one system of pipes, being for water supplied by the Water Department and the other system of pipes being for the supply of water from the private supply, and it shall be unlawful for the two systems to be connected together in any manner whatsoever. . . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 52-C N~ 134 Sec. 1-22 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF TANKS INTO WHICH CITY WATER IS DISCHARGED. It is hereby required that tanks into which water furnished by the Water Department of the city is discharged sh~l be at such distance ~' below the discharge pipes so that at no time can the water in such tanks raise to the level as to come in contact with the discharge pipe, and that the installation shall be so constructed so that the outlet of the discharge pipes shall be at least six inches (6") above the maximum possible height of the water in the tanks and that the pipes shall be so constructed in conjunction with discharge of water into the tanks which shall create an atmospheric gap to prevent any possible siphonage or siphoning effect, and it shall be unlawful to construct or erect the pipes or tanks otherwise than prescribed herein. Sec. 1-23 WATER - TEMPORARY SERVICE (a) Temporary service, such as service for circuses, fairs, carnivals, construction work and the like may be rendered upon written application accompanied by a deposit sufficient to cover the city's estimate of the water to be consumed, materials, labor and any other expense incurred by the city in rendering such service. Upon termination of this service, any balance of this deposit shall be refunded to the consumer. (b) Bulk sales of water can be arranged with the Water Department located it ci ty hall. The rate for such sales will be at fifty cents ($.50) per thousand gallons. Sec. 1-24 TAMPERING WITH PROPERTY OF CITY WATER OR SEWER SYSTEMS. (a) No person, unless authorized by the city, has the right to turn off or turn on water at the curb stop, corporation stop, or valve, or to in any way disconnect or remove any water meter or otherwise molest any water connection, meter or water main belonging to the city. (b) If any person shall destroy, deface, impai r, injure or wantonly force open any gate or door therein or in any way whatsoever destroy, injure, deface or wantonly destroy any part of the buildings, or the appurtenances, fences or fixtures thereunto appertaining, or any water pipes, gates, reservoirs, hydrants, fountains, or any fixtures or other property belonging to the water or sewer system of the city, or if any person shall without authority from the city remove, open, hitch to, dig out or curb over any fire plug or hydrant, stopcock, valve, valve box or other fixtures belonging to the water or sewer system of the city, he shall be punished in accordance with provisions of Section 1-32 as hereafter provided. (c) No consumer shall furnish water to any other person either by use of pipes or fixtures on his own premises or by ex- tending pipes to the premises of other persons. - . "~ . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 52-C N~ 135 Sec. 1-25 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF WATER DEPARTMENT:AGREEMENTS IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER. No officer or employee of the Water Department shall have the right to bind it by any promises or agreement in violation of this chapter. Sec. 1-26 PRIVATELY OWNED WELLS; DIGGING WELLS-PERMIT REQUIRED: INFORMATION TO BE SHOWN (a) Privately owned wells may be drilled and used within the corporate limits of the City of Clermont, only for the purpose of lawn-sprinkling, irrigation, operation of air conditioning units, filling of swimming pools or other similar uses, but not for human consumption. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to bore, dig or v/Orill w~lls, permitted under Section 1-26 (a) within the limits of the city unless an application is made and a permit obtained, from the city building official, and which application and permit shall show all data concerning the proposed size and anticipated depth of the well and its exact location. Sec. 1;27:INSTALLATION AND USE OF SEPTIC TANKS UPON APPROVAL. Septic tanks may be installed and used within the city limits in areas where the city does not furnish sewer facilities, upon the approval of the Water and Sewer Department until such time as such service becomes available. The rules and regulations of the State Board of Health shall apply as to type and manner of installation of all septic tanks. Sec. 1-28 USER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP SEWER CLEAN, PROVIDE CLEANOUT PLUGS. The owner, tenant, or occupant of property connected to the sewer system shall be continuously responsible for maintaining and keeping the sewer pipe leading to and between his plumbing fixtures and the city's connection tb.the sewer main clean and free from obstruction, and shall not cause, suffer or permit any article or thing to be introduced into the pipe which causes a stoppage thereof. Failure to keep the sewer pipe leading from the plumbing system to the sewer main clean and maintained in proper condition will give the city the right to cut off the water connection, which shall not be reconnected until the sewer pipe is cleaned and maintained properly. It shall be the responsibility of the owner, tenant or occupant of the property connected to the sewer system, to provide an adequate cleanout plug for the purpose of cleaning out said line, at the owner's property line, or as close thereto as may be reasonably appropriate. The city's responsibility for maintaining and keeping the sewer line clean shall cease at the owner's property line. Sec. 1-29 PRE-TREATMENT REQUIREMENT FOR EXTREME WASTE The city shall have the right to require any producer of extreme waste to install necessary pre-treatment requirements at producer's own expense, prior to connecting to the city sewage facilities. No substance will be discharged into the sanitary sewers which could be injurious thereto or potentially dangerous to the public. · e CODE ORDINANCES N~ 136 ORDINANCE NO. ~2-C Sec. 1-30 CONNECTION OF ANY NONSANITARY vIASTE, PROHIBITED. There will be no connections for surface drainage, storm water or any nonsanitary waste to the sanitary sewer line facilities within or without the limits of the City of Clermont. Sec. 1-31 WASTE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS; DISPOSAL THROUGH GREASE TRAP. (a) Any person disposing of waste petroleum products through the ci ty se~ler lines shall: (1) Provide for a grease trap through which the waste petroleum products shall pass before entering into the city sewer lines. (2) Obtain approval of such grease trap by the Sanitary Sewer Department of the city. (3) Provide for connection of such grease trap with the city sewer line. , , (4) Maintain such grease trap clean and in effective operation at all times. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to dispose of waste petroleum products in the city by disposing of the same in the storm sewers of the city or in any other manner in the city except as provided in subsection (a) above. Sec. 1-32 PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF CHAPTER PROVISIONS AND RIGHT TO DISCONTINUE SERVICE (a) Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the terms or provisions of this chapter shall. upon conviction thereof be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned for a term not exceeding sixty (œ) days. or be pun~.hèd by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that such violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense. (b) In addition to subsection (a) above, the city shall have the right to discontinue service in cases where an illegal connection is found, and assess an average water bill back for a period of twelve (12) months when it has been established that the consumer has been receiving water service for such period of time without payment for same. This Ordinance shall be posted by law and it shall become law and shall take effect immediately upon its being posted as provided by law. First reading this 28th day of April, 1970 PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, this 12th day of May, 1970. A TTE S T : QJ.w...J ~), r MA.J) Ci ty Clerk APPROVED by me this )?-t:L :~:~NTr~ Mayor day of ~ ~ 1970 Ma~A~,-~