O-54-C . . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 54-C N~ 138 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3-4 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA BY PROVIDING ADDITIONAL HOURS OF SALE OF ALCOHOLIC AND INTOXICATING BEVERAGES WITHIN CERTAIN ESTABLISHMENTS. THE CITY OF CLERMONT HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: Sectian 1: That Sectian 3-4 af the Cade af Ordinances af the City af Clermant, Flarida be and hereby is amended to. read as fallaws: No. alcahalic ar intaxicating beverages may be sald, cansumed ar served ar permitted to. be sald, cansumed ar served in any establish- ment halding a license under the State Beverage Department af Flarida between the haurs af midnight and 7 a'clack a.m. the fallawing day ar between the haurs af midnight Saturday and 7 a'clack Monday marning; pravided; hawever, that restaurants halding licenses under the State Beverage Department af Flarida, cansisting af 4,000 square feet ar mare, serving meals and praviding far the seating af 200 ar mare peaple, may selJ, serve and permit to. be cansumed alcahalic and intaxicating beverages between the haurs af 12 naan and 12'a'clack midnight an Sunday; pravided, further, that restaurants qualifying with the abave pravisians may se 11, serve and perm i t to. be cansumed alcahalic and intaxicating beverages be tween the haurs af 12 a'clack midnight an Fri d ay and 2 a'clack a . m. an Saturday and between the haurs af 12 a'clack midnight an Saturday and 2 a'clack a. m. an Sunday; pravided, further, that such sale, service and cansumptian af alcahalic and intaxicating beverages shall be permitted anly during such time as meals are available the premises; pravided, further, that ta the sale af intaxicating conSumptian aff the premises, aratherwise age stare during such Sunday hau.rs. , j . . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 54-C N~ 139 Far the purpases af this sectian the pravisians relating to. square faatage, meals and 200 ar mare seating capaci ty, are defi ned as the same appeared and were defined in Chapter 561.20 (2 ) af the Laws af Flarida priar to. 1961. Sectian 2: If any article, sectian, clause ar pravisian af this Ordinance be deemed ar held invalid by any caurt af campetent jurisdictian far any reasan ar cause, the same shall nat affect ar invalidate the whale af this Ordinance, nar any part thereaf, ather than that particular pravisian deemed ar held invalid. Sectian 3: This Ordinance shall be pasted by law and it shall became law and shall take effect immediately upan its being pasted as pravided by law. FIRST reading this 26th day af January, 1971 PASSED ~ND ORDAINED LAKE COUNTY, FLqRIDA, THIS 1971 . BY T~; ÇITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 7 if,,:. DAY OF $plA..v,~ CLERMONT, CITY~ERMONT BY' C/J· . p. eÇft ~ d¿~ ATTEST: Qfl¿A~~) Id ~Jl Cl ty Clerk APPROVED by me this 9-1b day af Jp~q , 1971 g; rAud Mayar