O-105-C . CODE ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 105-C AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZDNING MAP OF THE CITY OF CLERMDNT, FLORIDA, REFERRED TO IN SECTION 26-1 OF APPENDIX A OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; REZONING LOTS 3,4,5, AND 6, BLOCK 44, FROM C-1 ZONING CLASSIFICATION TO R-3 ZONING CLASSIFICATION; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, HEREBY ORDAINS THAT: SECTION 1. The Dfficial Zoning Map of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, is hereby amended by rezoning the following described property from a C-l Zoning Classification to a R-3 Zoning Classification: Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 44, According to the Official Map of the City of Clermont, recorded in Plat Book B, Page lZ-23, inclusive, Public Recrods of Lake County, Flori da. SECTION 2. All Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are ;; hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Should qny section or part of a section of this Ordinance be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall not apply or affect any other provision of this Drdinance, except to the extent that the entire section or part of the section may be inseparable in meaning and effect from the section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be published as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect 30 days from the date of its Secpnd Reading and Final Passage. First Reading this 9d- day of i?r~ ,A. D. 1974. Second Reading this ;Z..J~ day of t:?1fh"h , A. D; 1974. PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIr OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA this ~-3~ day of A. D. 1974. 11~ CITY OF CLERMONT By: Mayor . N~ 321 . CODE ORDINANCES ATTEST: \OkJ í/.~ City Clerk APPROVED by me this.JJ~day of fì!!Á/~ ,A. D. 1974. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing --¡;/b'1l Ordinance No. 105-C was published on the ~- day of i?µLj/~ A. D. 1974 in a newspaper of general circulation located within the City of Clermont, as required by Florida Statute 166.041 (3) (a), said date of publication being 14 days prior to the Second Reading and Final Adoption of this Ordinance. lQQwA) t (;,-JfJ , Cfty Cl erk - . N~ 322 ~ 1 N I 8ap (''51 Ch'N <: it ~ "- <0 ! ... <;;; 110 f.Q \-... \;\ ~ ~ ~ f:o --¡ : - - , , , 3 ~ S 0 ... c. to..¡t:;... ""? t- o p - -- ~®- u --_:._---~ '2 0 -J \ I.. , ~ '2 " ~ ~ ~ , ''( ~ f re: e.tt (lA. "'-I.. \S , I I - -...1..-- -- ..-.....- NO ROliD ST/11E k t) ~ ~ ¡- \ .¡, 1)¡"'V'>:I'1"'''' 1"\'" u.. '" ") C 1-1 £ 5 T /v ~) T 57; - 'Tilt> M).,S, À µ,ll.:-<L Clara M. Freeman Sincerely, I will appreciate any help you can give me. The name and address of abutting property owners is as follows: Aaron Jones, 852 School st., Clermont and Jacob Chapel Baptist ahn~ch (See Doc Jones). My name, address and telephone number is: Clara M. Freeman, 1620 Knapp Street, 394-4108. The lot is a 1/2 acre lot with black top yard and an unkept sandy yard. Töe present zoning is C-l, and the requested action is R-3. some 3,4,5,& 6. ~ul 1/'1 Gentlemen: I would like to request your consideration in rezoning property I own from C-l to R-3. The lots are numbered They are at 431 Highway 50 and 438 Chestnut Street. Planning and Zoning Commission Clermont City Council Clermont, Fla. 1620 Knapp st. Clermont, FIe.. Jan. 31, 1974 . ~" ,--- -,~- ,---.- FAMILY VACATION CAPITAL OF THE NATI9N R. M. Hopkins, City Manager City of Clermont, Florida February 7, 1974 February 14, 1974 To consider request of Clara M. Freeman for the re-zoning of Lots 3-4-5 & 6 in City Block 44 from the present C-l zoning to an R-3 zone. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to express their views on the abbve mentioned matter. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that the Clermont Planning and Zoning Commission shall hole a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers located on the corner of West Avenue and DeSoto Streets on Tuesday, March 5, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. for the following purpose: LEGAL NOTICE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PUBLIC ItEARING CII) MaJ18ger ROBER r M, HOPI<!NS CIty Council DON E. SMITH, Mayor CHARLES B. BEALS. Mayor ProT~m GEORGE 1. SCHROEDEL. CounCilman CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR., Councilman CARLISLE A. BYRD, JR" Councilman City Clerk DOLORES W. CARPOll # 1 West Gate Plaza - Clermont, Florida 32711 . Phone: (904) 394-4081 J '0 Cdy of C(errl/OI1 f . .' r February 1, 1974 Mr. Thomas Davidson, Jr. 1205 4th Street Clermont, Florida 32711 In re: Lots 3-4-5-6 City Block 44 Dear Mr. Davidson: As an abutting property owner to the above referenced property, you will please be notified of the following request. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that the Clermont Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers located on the corner of West Avenue and DeSoto Streets on Tuesday, March 5, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. for the following purpose: T~ consider request of Clara M. Freeman for the re-zoning of Lots 3-4-5 & 6 in City Block 44 from the present C-l zoning to an R-3 zone. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to express their views on the above mentioned matter. Following public hearing and consid~ration by the Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendations shall be made to City Council who in turn shall hold a Puhlic Hearing and consider same at their meeting to be held on March 26, 1974 at &:30 P.M. Very truly yours, Dolores W. Carroll (Mrs.) City Clerk !)lofC;d1g attû~;'II1elì t r February 1, 1974 Mr. Oliver Ward 439 Hwy. 150 Clermont, Florida 32711 In re: Lots 3-4-5-6 City Block 44 Dear Mr. Ward: As an abutting property owner to the above referenced property, you will please be notffied of the following request. Notfce is hereby gfven to all concerned that the Clermont Plannfng and Zonfng Commfssfon shall hold a Publfc Hearing fn the Councfl Chambers located on the corner of West Avenue and DeSoto Streets on Tuesday, March 5, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. for the following purpose: To consfder request of Clara M. Freeman for the re-zoning of Lots 3-4-5 & 6 in City Block 44 from the present C-l zoning to an R-3 zone. All fnterested persons will be gfven an opportunfty to express their views on the above mentioned matter. Following public hearing and consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendations sball be made to City Council who in turn shall hold a Public Hearing and consider same at their meeting to be held on March 26, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Very truly yours, Dolores W. Carro",(Mrs.) City Clerk DWC.dag attachment r February 1, 1974 Mr. Aaron Jones, Jr. 852 School Street Clermont ,Florida 32711 In re: Lots 3-4-5-6 City Block 44 Dear Mr. Jones: As an abutting property owner to the above referenced property, you will please be notified of the following request. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that the Clermont Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers located on the corner of West Avenue and DeSoto Streets on Tuesday, March S, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. for the following purpose: To consider request of Clara M. Freeman for the re-zoning of Lots 3-4-S & 6 in City Block 44 from the present C-l zoning to an R-3 zone. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to express their views on the above mentioned matter. Following public hearing and consideration þy the Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendations shall be made to City Council who in turn shall hold a Public Hearing and consider same at their meeting to be held on March 26, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Very truly yours, Dolores W. Carroll (Mrs.) City Clerk DWC;dag attachment r February 1, 1974 Officials of Jacobs Chapel Baptist Church clo John R. Jones 839 Chestnut Street Clermont, Florida 32711 In re: Lots 3-4-5-6 City Block 44 Dear Sirs: As an abutting property owner to the above referenced property, you will please be notified of the following request. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that the Clermont Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers located on the corner of West Avenue and DeSoto Streets on Tuesday. March 5. 1974 at 7:30 P.M. for the following purpose: To consider request of Clara M. Freeman for the re-zoning of Lots 3-4-5 & 6 in City Block 44 from the present C-l zoning to an R-3 zone. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to express their views on the above mentioned matter. Following public hearing and consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission. recommendations shall be made to City Council who in turn shall hold a Public Hearing and consider same at their meeting to be held on March 26. 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Very truly yours. Dolores W. Carroll (Mrs.) City :lerk DWC;dag attachment r February 1, 1974 Mr. Charlie Bennett clo Nora Mae Dunn 7 Tupelo Street Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119 In re: Lots 3-4-5-6 City Block 44 Dear Mr. Bennett: As an abutting property owner to the above referenced property, you will please be notified of the following request. Notice is hereby given to a11 concerned that the Clermont Planntng and Zoning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers located on the corner of West Avenue and DeSoto Streets on Tuesday, March 5, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. for the following purposes: To consider request of Clara M. Freeman for the re-zoning of Lots 3-4-5 & 6 in City Block 44 from the present C-l zoning to an R-3 zone. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to express their views on the above mentioned matter. Following public hearing and consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendations shall be made to City Council who in turn shall hold a Public Hearing and consider same at their meeting to be held on March 26, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Very tru'y yours, Dolores W. Carroll (Mrs.) City Clerk DWC;dag attachment ~ February 1. 1974 Mr. Thomas A. Miller 1210 4th Street Clermont, Florida 32711 In re: Lots 3-4-5-6 City Block 44 Dear Mr. Miller: As an abutting property owner to the above referenced property, you will please be notified of the following request. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that the Clermont Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers located on the corner of West Avenue and DeSoto Streets on Tuesday. March 5, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. for the following purpose: To consider request of Clara M. Freeman for the re-zoning of Lots 3-4-5- & 6 in City Block 44 from the present C-l zoning to an R-3 zone. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to express their views on the above mentioned matter. Following public hearing and consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendations shall be made to City Council who in turn shall hold a Public Hearing and consider same at their meeting to be held on March 26, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Very truly yours. Dolores W. Carroll (Mrs.) City Clerk DWC¡dag