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11-18-2014 Special Meeting City of Clermont MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING November 18, 2014 The Clermont City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 in the Council Chambers at City Hall Mayor Turville called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm with the following Council Members present: Council Members Goodgame, Mullins, Bates and VanWagner. Other City officials present were. City Manager Gray and City Clerk Ackroyd. INVOCATION Kendal-t lersop,The Crossing Church, gave the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. NEW BUSINESS Item No. 1 -Election Results City Clerk Ackroyd presented the General Election results for Seats 3 and 5. Gail Ash received 5,536 votes or 55.61 percent and Rick Van Wagner received 4,419 votes or 44.39 percent for Seat 3. Tim Murry received 4,622 votes or 47.71 percent and Diane Travis received 5,066 votes or 52.29 percent for Seat 5. Council Member Goodgame moved for approval of the election results; seconded by Council Member Mullins.The motion passed with all members present voting ave Item No.2-Oath of Office City Clerk Ackroyd administered the Oath of Office to Timothy Bates for Council Member Seat 1; Gail Ash for Mayor Seat 3 and Diane Travis for Council Member Seat 5. Mayor Turville congratulated the new elected officials Outgoing Mayor Turville and Council Member VanWagner were replaced by Mayor Ash and Council Member Travis at the dais Item No.3-Council Comments Council Member Bates commended staff on the park opening and congratulated Mayor Ash as the first female Mayor of Clermont Council Member Travis expressed appreciation to friends, family and volunteers and looks forward to serving the community. Council Member Goodgame thanked Development Services Director Hollerand and the Public Works staff for the Lake Hiawatha Park. He reported the Lake County Commission voted to move forward with the sector plan. He congratulated Mayor Ash and Council Members Bates and Travis. Council Member Mullins welcomed the new elected officials and expressed excitement about the changes in the city Mayor Ash stated she previously served on the Council and is honored the citizens of Clermont elected her to represent the city as Mayor. She promised to preserve and protect the city in keeping with the mandates of the residents. Furthermore, she encouraged citizens to attend the Council meetings in order to have a better idea of what is happening in the city 1 City of Clermont MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING November 18, 2014 Item No.4- Selection of Mayor Pro-Tern The Mayor Pro-Tem acts in place of the Mayor when she is not available Mayor Ash passed the gavel to Mayor Pro Tem Goodgame Mayor Ash moved to nominate Keith Mullins as Mayor Pro Tern, seconded by Council Member Mullins. The motion failed 2 to 3 with Council Members Bates, Goodgame and Travis opposing Council Member Bates moved to nominate Ray Goodgame as Mayor Pro Tem; seconded by Council Member Travis. The motion passed 3 to 2 with Council Member Mullins and Mayor Ash opposing ADJOURN: With no further comments,this meeting was adjourned at 6 16pm. APPROVED: ` / ' i Gail L Ash, Mayor li ATTEST: il � Tracy„{ kroyd,City oferk ,4f,',,," �'I y�:: h , J� 14'�� It' s: p('?, br a r .( �i r� � ,i, ` ' t�J 11 �)1 ` k„, y ' II 1 4 '160„,4 e erre A'Tt,,.r,e •t. 2