2015-22 . , t FIRES f.171,:2`t CYti:L.e't7 FC:•S'tiLL1AM.. :411-t1i• FIRES Easy Street Draw Software License Memorandum of Understanding In a public/private partnership with Appriss, Inc. (Appriss),the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles(DHSMV)has implemented FIRES (Florida's Integrated Report Exchange System)to serve as Florida's central repository for traffic records information. FIRES includes a number of services that will reduce current costs and streamline many of the processes required for crash reports and associated data to be collected, distributed, and analyzed effectively. This Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) is made and entered as of this, e-clay of , 20 is', by and between Appriss(Licensor)and et r Y s u ry f 'o L,-01 iDo p ;,ie..dt (Licensee). Both parties agree to all commitments and services as detailed in this MOU. The initial term of this MOU shall be for twelve(12)months. The terms of this MOU shall be automatically renewed for subsequent twelve (12)month terms, unless Licensee provides written notice to Licensor terminating this MOU at least thirty(30) days prior to the last day of such term. This MOU will provide the Licensee with the following at no cost: • Licensee will be provided, at no cost, a license to Easy Street Draw 5 Accident Diagramming Software. • A web portal www.firesportal.com where Licensee can search for and view historical crash report images, analyze,map, and perform complex queries on the crashes Licensee investigate. Licensor provides training and support for Licensee staff at no cost. • A secure website www.buvcrash.com where citizens, insurance companies, and other involved or interested parties have the convenience option to purchase official crash report copies. This does not restrict the Licensee from fulfilling walk-in/mail/fax requests made by private citizens. • The Licensee will receive a reimbursement of$5.00 per report for each crash report sold via Buycrash.com that meets the minimum timeliness criteria(10 days)established in Florida Statue 316.066(1)(a) and are accepted by DHSMV.Payments will be made on a quarterly basis either by check or direct deposit(ACH agreement required). 1 • Licensee will be provided, at no cost, Buycrash.com tear sheets to be given by the officer at the crash scene to involved parties that provide simple information on the convenience option of obtaining a crash report online. Licensee Requirements: • Licensee agrees to submit crash reports electronically to DHSMV in a timely manner. Timely is defined as within 24 hours of the report being made available at your agency for access/purchase by the public and/or within 10 days of the crash investigation being completed. • Licensee agrees to provide parties at the crash scene with Buycrash.com tear sheets or another document such as an information exchange form conveying to crash parties the Buycrash.com convenience option. • Licensee agrees to include on its official website(if provided)the Buycrash.com logo and hyperlink provided by Licensor. The logo and link will at a minimum be available in all locations describing the options for obtaining a copy of the agencies crash reports. • Licensee agrees to offer its crash reports for sale online only through Buycrash.com. (This does not restrict your agency from fulfilling walk-in/mail/fax requests made by private citizens). Specifically, Licensee will not offer crash reports online through any other eCommerce vendor or mechanism. • Licensee maintains that multi-report requests made at the report window consumes departmental resources and, as such,those requests will be deferred to Buycrash.com whenever possible. Licensor Requirements: • As the contracted crash records fulfillment vendor for the Florida DHSMV and pursuant to that agreement, Appriss complies with all current Florida statutes in regard to the disclosure of crash reports and information. 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this MOU as of the day and year written. Licensee: /Muni 3 / Zo/S� ature Date C-4eL s ge4A L ; (.y!rel di I. 9/t E Name Title Agency Name /�o/►/fi-a,JQ St Address /1'7; 3y7if 3s2- 3 cr88 City, State Zip Phone Crash Software: FIRES Client or / 3`d Party (TraCS,CTS,etc.) Number of Officers Licensor: Signature Date Name Title 15 Industrial Drive Address Martinsville, IN 46151 765-813-4740 City, State Zip Phone Please call 866-495-4206 or e-mail fires@appriss.com for assistance. 3