Ordinance Index NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . DATED 11-6-62 10-2-62 5-7-63 5-21-63 10-15-63 2-4-64 10-20-64 10-20-64 10-19-65 10-19-65 12-21-65 2-1-66 10-11-66 10-11-66 11-8-66 10-26-67 9-10-68 ------- 11-12-68 2-11-69 2-11-69 5-13-69 9-23-69 10-28-69 12-23-69 25-1-M 3-24-70 26 9-22-70 27 9-22-70 . MISCELLANEOUS CODE ORDINANCE INDEX DESCRIPTION Vacating Goble Street and fraction Almond and Scott Streets Budget of Expenses for 1962-63 Amending Zoning Map (Rezoning certain properties from R-l zoning to C-l zoning) Vacating Alley between Blocks III and 124 of Sunset Park (Resolution #16) Budget of Expenses for 1963-64 Vacating fractional Drew Avenue (Resolution #24) Budget of expenses for Bonded Debt Service (64-65) Budget of expenses for General Operations (64-65 ) Budget of expenses for Bonded Debt Service (65-66 ) Budget of Expenses for General Operations (65-66) Vacating DeSoto Street - west of 12th Street (Res. 1152) Provisions for borrowing funds from Equipment Replacement Fund to construct"Jenkins Auditorium ~ , Budget of expenses for Bonded Debt Service (66-67) Budget of expenses for General Operations (66-67) Vacating part of Minneola Lake Drive (Resolution #82) Budget of Expenses for General Operations (67-68) Vacating portion of DeSoto Street and Crystal Lake Drive (Resolution #131) VOID Budget of expenses for General Operations (68-69) Vacating Parkway Street between Blocks 126 and 126A in Sunset Park (Resolution #141) Quit-Claim Deed of property in Section 25-22-25 to J. F. Kennedy Authorizing Quit-Claim Deed to John Reynolds on Part of Lot 1 and all of Lots 2, 3, in Block 126 of Sunset Park Budget of expenses for General Operations (69-70) Closing portion of unnamed Street around Lake Winona Providing for acquisition and construction of sewer system, providing for the issuance of not exceeding $1,400.00 water and sewer revenue bonds Granting Non-Exclusive franchise to TM Communications for Cable TV Budget of expenses for General Operations (70-71) Granting 30 year franchise to Florida Power Corporation effective 10-22-70 . . NUMBER DATED 28 11-10-70 29 1-12-71 30 1-26-71 31 **** DESCRIPTION Closing unnamed alley in Forty Pines Subdivision Providing for acquisition and Construction of a new sewer system @ $1,700,000.00 Authorizing Land Swap with C. Welborn Daniel for Sewer Easement Closing unnamed street partially surrounding Lake Winona (John R. Jones) **** Tabled after 1st reading on 2-9-71 32 4-27-71 33 4-13-71 34 5-11-71 Closing unnamed Street partially surrounding Lake Winona but reserving easement Amendment to Bond Ordinance (29-M) Emergency Ordinance setting forth procedural requirements for connecting property owners sewer system to city's sewer system 35 ***** Pr~cedural requirements for connecting to sewer system *****Died for lack of 2nd Reading - Changes to be made 36 6-8-71 Ordinance setting forth procedural requirements for connecting property owners sewer system to city's sewer system. (This Ordinance identical to 34-M except 34-M was emergency one and this permanent) 37 8-10-71 Closing certain portions of Poinsetta Drive, Virginia Drive, Mt. Vernon Drive, Florence Drive, Hiawatha Place and Magnolia Street - all lying south of Seminole and West of 12th Street 38 8-24-71 Amending Ordinance 36-M by deleting Section 2 (A) and adding section 4 (2) governing hook-up of septic tanks 39 8-24-71 *** Closing portion of Juniata Street - East of Eastern r-o-w line of 12th and West of line extending south from SWcorner of Block 112. *** Tabled temporarily after 1st reading on 8-24-71 40 9-14-71 Closing all of Hampton Street lying between Northern r-o-w of Minnehaha Avenue and Southern r-o-w of Hwy 50 41 9-14-71 Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to execute quit-claim to C. Welborn Danial for 6' of land omitted in error from land swap deed as authorized in 30-M 42 10-26-71 Providing a Budget of expenses for the General Operation of the City for fiscal year 71-72 43 12-14-71 Closing a certain portion of an unnamed street lying between Linton Court and Sunset Lake 44 12-28-71 Amending 25-M to allow extension of time to TM Communications Company 45 3-14-72 Closing Main - Galena - Center - North Streets in Edgewood Subdivision 46 5-23-72 Closing a portion of Broome and Juniata Streets in Woodlawn Subdivision for Herman Potash 47 6-27-72 Closing a portion of Juniata lying W of western r-o-w of second Street to waters edge of Crystal Lake 48 8-22-72 Sale of Old City Hall Building to DAV . . NUMBER DATED 49 9-26-72 50 . 10-24-72 51 12-12-72 DESCRIPTION Re-adopting Occupational License Ordinanc e II 106 Budget for General Operations - Fiscal Year 72-73 Providing for refunding of outstanding Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds dated 11-17-70 and the issuance of $1,540,000 series 1972 52 2-27-73 53 3-13-73 54 6-26-73 55 7-24-73 56 8-28-73 57 9-11-73 58 9-25-73 59 10- 9- 73 60 10-23-73 Declaring emergency situation in regard to sewer and providing for condemnation of Peter H. Johnson property Closing of alley in Lincoln Park (Church of God by Faith) Closing portion of DeSoto Street between Highway 27 to Grand Highway Closing portion of Drew Street in Lettered Block B (Sanderlin request) Closing portion of Strickling Street from 50 south to Hill Street (Marker) Granting garbage collection franchise to Dump-All, Inc. Providing for General Operations fiscal year 73-74 Reducing width of Highland Avenue from 80 feet to :JI8líD feet from East Avenue - east to Grand Highway Closing Linden Street from the easterly r-o-w line of West Avenue to the westerly line of vacated r-o-w skirting northerly side of Lake Winona 61 8-13-74 62 8-13-74 63 10-8-74 64 10-8-74 65 11-12-74 66 11-12-74 67 11-12-74 68 11-12-74 69 11-12-74 70 12-10-74 71 1-28-75 72 2-11-75 73 4-15-75 Closing a portion of Crystal Lake Drive Closing a portion of 11th Street (between DeSoto and Montrose Streets) EMERGENCY Ordinance Adopting General Operations Budget for fiscal year 74-75 EMERGENCY Ordinance Adopting Water and Sewer Department Budget for fiscal year 74-75 REGULAR Ordinance Adopting General Operationg budget for 74-75 REGULAR Ordinance adopting Water and Sewer Department Budget for fiscal year 74-75 Closing portion of Juniata Street (Municipal Ball Park) EMERGENCY Ordinance for General Operations Budget 74-75 EMERGENCY Ordinance for Water and Sewer Budget 74-75 Providing Tax Levy for 74-75 EMERGENCY Ordinance for establishing Traffic Infractions Bureau REGULAR Ordinance for establishing Traffic Infractions Bureau EMERGENCY Ordinance for equalizing and levying Minnehaha Estates Assessments . . NUMBER DATED 74 5-13-75 75 5-13-75 76 7-22-75 77 9-23-75 78 9-23-75 79 9-23-75 80 10-14-75 81 11-18-75 82 12-16-75 83 1-13-76 84 2-10-76 85 2-10-76 86 6-29-76 87 8-10-76 88 8-17-76 89 ** 12-14-76 90 1-11-77 91 1-11-77 92 1-11-77 93 2-8-77 94 3- 8- 77 95 3- 8- 77 96 3-8-77 97 5-24-77 98 5-24-77 99 5- 24- 77 89 ** 6-14-77 100 6-21-77 101 8-9- 77 DESCRIPTION REGULAR Ordinance for Equalizing and Levying Minnehaha Estates Assessments CLOSING portion of Osceola Street (Clermont Building Supply Area) Utilities Budget 75-76 Amendment to 76-M Making appropriations for 75-76 General Operations Budget Adopting 75-76 General Operations Budget Amendment to 57-M (Allowing rate increase to Dump-All, Inc Closing portion of Carroll Street (By Builders Supply) Rate increase for cable TV Franchise transfer from T.M. Communications to Teleprompter Southeast, Inc. Closing a portion of Carrie Street (VanderMeer) Closing a portion of Hill Street (VanderMeer) EMERGENCY Ordinance regarding air boats within city limits Utilities Budget 76-77 General Operations Budget 76-77 Closing portion of West Avenue N of Highway 50 (West side of Center Lake) Changing name of Woodland Avenue to Shady Nook Drive Changing name of Cooper's Lane to School Street Changing name of Hest Lake Avenue to Eleventh Street Assessing $1.00 from Fines and Forf. for Law Enforcement Education Defining elected officials (CounciD for exemption from SS and WH taxes Closing portion of Drew Avenue for DOT widening of SR50 Closing portion of Broome Street fot DOT widening of SR50 Closing portion of Bowman Street between SR50 and Highland Avenue CANCELLED (Was not offered for 2nd and Final Reading) Closing of Drew Street EMERGENCY Ordinance Prohibiting Glass containers and Animals on City Beaches CORRECTED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Closing of West Avenue North of 50) Closing portion Magnolia Street (Cooley) EMERGENCY Ordinance adopting Utilities Budget for 77-78 .. I NUMBER DATED 102 9- 13- 77 103 9-27-77 104 9-27-77 105 11-22-77 106 10- 25- 77 107 10-25-77 108 1-24-78 109 2-28-78 110 3-14-78 111 5-23-78 112 6-27-78 113 8-15-78 114 9-13-78 115 9-13-78 116 9-13-78 117 12-12-78 118 4-24-79 DESCRIPTION Abandoning as easement over 'portion of Bowman Street ,just closed (97-M) General Operations Budget 1977-78 Utilities Department Budget 1977-78 Granting franchise to Teleprompter Southeast Renaming portion of Broome Street to Emerald Lakes Street Providing for rate increase by Dump-All, Inc. Naming an unnamed street in Winona Bay Subdivision to Minnehaha Circle Closing portion of 4th Street (between SRSO and Chestnut Street) EMERGENCY Ordinance to provide for adoption by reference certain codes relating to building construction EMERGENCY Ordinance to provide for adoption by reference certain codes relating to building construction Closing portion 10th Street (north from Montrose to Waters of West Lake) EMERGENCY Ordinance adopting Utilities Fund Budget for fiscal year 1978-79 Adoption Utilities Fund Budget for fiscal year 1978-79 Adoption General Operations Budget for fiscal year 78-79 Adoption Sanitation Service Budget for fiscal year 78-79 Closing portion Almond Street (Front of Old Harper property) Closing portion Lake Avenue (between Osceola & Railroad) (Sherrill Turner) -.