2015-61 CPWG • IL, Clap PHIIffipX UIGROUP PROJECT SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION: The City of Clermont intends to develop a Traffic Circulation Plan for the Arts and Recreation Center. The project would be completed in two phases, with Phase 2 optional dependent upon the results of Phase 1. The specific scope and fee schedule for Phase 2 would be determined and negotiated later. Scope of Work Phase I: Tasks' A. Develop Overall Traffic Circulation Concept Plans. CPWG staff will develop up to four conceptual circulation plans for the center. The plans will focus on ingress and egress, especially related to special events. Alternatives may include temporary measures, such as movable barricades and law enforcement traffic management, as well as permanent measures which could include modification and/or reconfiguration of the existing on-site roadway and parking accesses Special attention in these concept plans will be paid to reducing pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, especially with the facility entrances and adjacent parking and roadway areas Concepts will include methods to provide safe pedestrian access to parking areas. B. Present Concepts to and review with City Staff: Once the concepts are developed, CPWG will present them to City staff, along with a brief Tech Memo which explains the process for each one. CPWG anticipates the City deciding on a final recommended plan to be considered for development into construction plans. Scope of Work Phase 2 Tasks: A Develop final plans for selected alternative. CPWG will develop final design and construction plans for the selected alternative from Phase I depending upon the nature of the plan, this task could consist of signing, operations, or physical improvements construction plans. The final scope and fee for Phase 2 will be developed at the conclusion of Phase 1. C , CPWG • �/ CRIBB mains.WW.0 crow SCHEDULE OF SERVICES CPWG anticipates completion of the concept plans within 4 weeks after Notice to Proceed. The review meeting would be held approximately 5-6 weeks from NTP, with the final recommended alternative to be selected at that time BASIS OF COMPENSATION Engineering Services: Professional fees are payable to the consultant on an hourly complete basis NOT TO EXCEED Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($5,500.00)for Phase One based. Any additional funding for this work order would require the written consent of the city. ENGINEERING-SERVICES C$7.5,500.00) 3y3 /