R-2016-01 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO. 2016-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Flonda, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016 GENERAL FUND 1 Increase Minor Equipment(10516-55204) $ 6,000 Increase Capital Outlay- IT Equipment (10516-66403) $ 28,000 To amend the Information Technology Department budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2015 funds budgeted for equipment purchases 2 Increase Capital Outlay—Vehicles (10522-66400-22800) $ 1,092,127 To amend the Fire Department budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2015 funds budgeted for the purchase of a ladder truck 3 Increase Regular Salanes (10565-12100) $ 40,171 Decrease Regular Salanes (10521-12100) $ 55,245 Increase FICA (10565-12220) $ 3,046 Increase Workers Comp (10565-12400) $ 1,470 Increase Group Insurance(10565-12300) $ 8,751 Increase Life Insurance(10565-12305) $ 95 Increase Employee Assistance Plan (10565-12315) $ 12 Increase Minor Equipment(10565-55204) $ 1,700 To amend the Purchasing Department budget for a new Purchasing Agent position 4 Increase Repair and Maintenance—Buildings (10575-54600) $ 120,000 To amend the Parks and Recreation Department budget to transfer funds budgeted for the painting of the Arts and Recreation Center extenor from the Infrastructure Sales Tax fund to the General Fund 5 Decrease Fund Balance(10599-59900) $ 1,246,127 Total General Fund Adjustments 1 INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX FUND 1 Increase Capital Outlay—Other Improvement (12516-66300-16000) $ 13,516 To amend the Information Technology Department budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2015 funds budgeted for fiber expansion 2 Increase Repair and Maintenance- Streets(12541-54603) $ 311,894 Increase Repair and Maintenance - Sidewalks (12541-54604) $ 26,659 Increase Capital Outlay— Sidewalks (12541-66303) $ 95,222 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2015 funds budgeted for streets and sidewalks 3 Decrease Repair and Maintenance—Buildings (12575-54600) $ 120,000 To amend the Parks and Recreation Department budget to transfer funds budgeted for the painting of the Arts and Recreation Center extenor from the Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to the General Fund 4 Decrease Fund Balance(12599-59900) $ 327,291 Total Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund Adjustments RECREATION IMPACT FEES FUND 1 Increase Capital Outlay—Other Improvement(14542-66300-72117) $ 13,000 To amend the Public Works Department budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2015 funds budgeted for the Rowing Facility racing marker buoys 2 Decrease Fund Balance(14599-59900) $ 13,000 Total Recreation Impact Fees Fund Adjustments FIRE IMPACT FEES FUND 1 Increase Capital Equipment(16522-66401) $ 24,732 To amend the Fire Department budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2015 funds budgeted for equipment purchases 2 Increase Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (16581-99114-22801) $ 313,354 To amend the Fire Department budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2015 funds budgeted for the transfer to the Capital Projects Fund for the construction of Fire Station No 4 3 Decrease Fund Balance(16599-59900) $ 338,086 Total Fire Impact Fees Fund Adjustments 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1 Increase Professional Services—Fire Station No 4 (32522-53100-22801) $ 13,354 Increase Capital Outlay—Fire Station No 4 (32522-66201-22801) $ 300,000 Increase Transfer from Fire Impact Fees Fund (32381-38116-22801) $ 313,354 To amend the Fire Department for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2015 funds budgeted for the construction of Fire Station No 4 and associated transfer from the Fire Impact Fee Fund 2 Decrease Fund Balance (32599-59900) $ 0 Total Capital Projects Fund adjustments WATER FUND 1 Increase Water Systems—Capital Water Systems (41533-66307-33106) $ 2,482,030 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for the carry forward of FY 2015 unexpended funds budgeted for the West Water Main Loop 2 Increase SJRWMD Grant (41337-33738-33112) $ 1,980,000 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for the grant from the St Johns River Water Management Distnct for the Lower Flondian aquifer wells as approved by the City Council on December 8, 2015 3 Decrease Water Fund Balance(41599-59900) $ 502,030 Total Water Fund adjustments SEWER IMPACT FEES FUND 1 Increase Sewer—Reclaimed Water System Expansion (44535-66323-36101) $ 536,865 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2015 funds budgeted for reclaimed water systems expansion 2 Decrease Fund Balance (44599-59900) $ 536,865 Total Sewer Impact Fees Fund Adjustments 3 STORMWATER FUND - 1 Increase Stormwater Capital Outlay—Stormwater System (45538-66306) $ 563,276 To amend the Environmental Services Department budget for the carry forward of unexpended FY 2015 funds budgeted for stormwater improvements 2 Decrease Fund Balance (45599-59900) $ 563,276 Total Stormwater Fund Adjustments , NET DECREASE TO FUND BALANCE—ALL FUNDS $ 3,526,675 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 are hereby adopted DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida this 12th day of January, 2016 CITY OF CLERMONT f_�, '•, Gail L Ash, Ma or ATTEST 1/4.44ditge-e Tracy Ackroyd Howe, City Clerk s to for4n and legality Dance Mantzaris, City Attorney 5